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OAO ECW TV Week 9 Thread - August/8th/2006

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Very nice Splash. Good air and nice to move in the air.




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Was it RVD's fault for missing, or Angle's fault. I looked away at the exact moment.


Maybe it'll be on youtube.com.

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Was it RVD's fault for missing, or Angle's fault. I looked away at the exact moment.


Maybe it'll be on youtube.com.

Looked like RVD's, as he just sort of missed. Looked like he just kicked without thinking, assume that Angle would move into it or something.

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RVD's fault for botching it, Angle's fault for selling it.


I don't know what I hate more, the wrestler selling a botched move that doesnt' even hit, or the announcer selling it. King and JR do that all the time. :(

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Is it me or does it seem this crowd was muted for precautionary reasons? I mean, whenever they would pan to the crowd, it seemed they were chanting "ECW" or at least SOMETHING, but whenever they went to the wide ringside shot, you couldn't hear the crowd worth a damn.


Tonight's show was just kind of awful, there was no reason to take the Knox/Test/Dreamer/Sandman/Heyman into two segments.


The lack of CM Punk sucked, because after his hot debut, they should keep the ball rolling, especially since he was mentioned in the show's preview on ECW.com


The Sabu/Angle match was decent, but why the hell was it not Extreme Rules?


So guys where do they go from here? It almost seems like the Main Event ended like it did so that RVD will win the strap next week at Summerslam back from the Big Show. Maybe next week on the ECW TV Show they can have a 3-way Dance between Angle/Sabu/RVD but goddammit it better be Extreme Rules.

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