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Guest TysonTomko420

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Guest ResidentEvil
watching kurt angle vs shawn michaels for the first time since i seen it live. things that stood out..

1.the nip up was disgraceful. shawn takes an angle slam to the post, 2 belly to belly, a normal angle slam and then basically no seels it. i guess the adrenaline makes up fr it, huh?

2.shawn stayed in the ankle lock longer than austin stayed in the sharpshooter at wm 13.


People always complain about the knip up, but really the actual move is not that bad. It takes less energy than a lot of other moves do to preform.



I do agree with you about Michaels staying too long in the anklelock even if it is Shawn Michaels who in kayfabe world is one of the toughest wrestlers inside the ring. Michaels should last longer than just about anyone else but it was overdone at Wrestlemania. Terrific, dramatic match by the way.


Since it was mentioned, I'd like to point out that Austin stayed the perfect amount of time in the sharpshooter at Wrestlemania.

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I love Angle / Michaels. Its one of my all-time favorite matches and pretty much one of the best Mania matches ever (up there with Savage / Steamboat, Hart / Hart, etc. IMO), but yeah I hate how it took Shawn FOREVER to tape out. That's pretty much my only complaint since I'm used to use Shawn's habit of no-selling major work done to his back / legs during matches. I know the hold-out was done for suspense, but geez talk about stretching it.

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Indeed wrestling got an interview with a WWE production worker who got fired a couple of weeks ago






he talks about: long hours, how being a wrestling fan works against you, Randy Orton's suspension was a work (to reinforce his bad bay image and move him back to raw) how every episode of TNA is taped and logged and what it was like in production the day Eddie died.




GREAT interview. All except for the fact that the mothafuckin host guy kept breathing into the mic. It was ANNOYING!

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
The local Cyber Sunday ads are pushing a triple threat match between TBS/Cena/Booker.

Which will end in a DQ, leading to the Raw/Smackdown/ECW Triple Threat at Survivor Series. Or Cena will win again.

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The overwhelming grammar/typo errors in the WON irk me too much to lay down another $90 for it.

Wait it costs $90 to get the WON? Damn

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The overwhelming grammar/typo errors in the WON irk me too much to lay down another $90 for it.

Wait it costs $90 to get the WON? Damn

For $90 you get 40 issues, plus two free back issues covering any two major stories you want from 1991 onwards.

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Because after his return from the back injury he's got very skinny chikenlegs, I mean old man chickenlegs so the chaps hide that.

Are they as bad as Nash's?

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Lance Storm is going to be giving his thoughts on each wrestling show every week on his website. Here's his thoughts on this week, if anyone is interested. http://www.stormwrestling.com/tvthoughts.html


From Lance Storm

Is it safe to assume MVP doesn't stand for Most Valuable PROMO?


Oh Snap!

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Lance Storm is going to be giving his thoughts on each wrestling show every week on his website. Here's his thoughts on this week, if anyone is interested. http://www.stormwrestling.com/tvthoughts.html


From Lance Storm

Is it safe to assume MVP doesn't stand for Most Valuable PROMO?


Oh Snap!

I personally liked:

- Greatest line of the Night: JBL calling Cole a Wrestling Historian after Cole corrected JBL on a finish from LAST WEEK! Seriosuly though I love JBL's commentary especially the fact that he isn't the cut and dry heel that loves all heels and hates all faces. How can you dislike a man who hates the Miz.

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I'm with Lance on this one. I thought she looked a little like Kelly the moment she showed up with the company. It's not much but it's definately there from certain angles.

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Cena's publicity tour for The Marine continued today. He was on Opie and Anthony during the last few minutes of the FM Side, and an hour on the XM side. Nothing really crazy, just a lot of hype for The Marine. They tried to get some wrestling spoilers out of him but he just plugged Cyber Sunday. During the walkover from FM to XM, the group talked to some fans (the ones that were there to see Cena) they talked to two people (man, and woman) the man let the girl kick him in the balls, and she did, three times. The video should be on Youtube tomorrow if not before.

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From PWInsider.com


80s star "Gorgeous" Jimmy Garvin has been added, at least for now, to the WWE Creative team. He has been with the company since Sunday's No Mercy PPV. He has taken the place of Michael Hayes, who is now the lead writer of Smackdown, as Mike Johnson reported last week. Garvin is said to have the "Mike Rotonda" look in that he has packed on some pounds since we saw him last. He also is missing most of the trademark long hair that helped distinguish him back in the day.


According to sources, thus far Garvin, who worked in recent years as a pilot, hasn't stood out or looked out of place in his new role.



Well, some more of the Freebirds (WCW version) in WWE.


Get Armstrong to dress up as Badstreet, bring up Ray Gordy, find Rocky King and they can beat the SS for the tag belts.

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Kelly doesn't have a male athletes jaw line.


Yes. Kelly is much prettier.


If you think Kelly Clarkson is so pretty, take a look at her without makeup... :throwup: Don't get me wrong, Ashley is no Trish Stratus, but she is still like supermodel hot compared to that dog Kelly Clarkson.




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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
What an ass




“I have a bad back from carrying this company for 23 years.”


The SmackDown and ECW locker rooms were abuzz on Tuesday afternoon after a bizarre incident occurred in the training room of the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena.


Longtime SmackDown announcer Tony Chimel was spotted around 5 p.m. on a training table receiving stem unit treatment on his buttocks for what he claimed was a “bad back”. Within minutes, WWE.com was on the scene to get comment from the aching announcer.


“I’m getting my muscles relaxed,” said a comfortable Chimel. “I have a bad back from carrying this company for the last 23 years. Most people know me as the star TV ring announcer of SmackDown, but they don’t know my real job in this company. For the last 23 years, my real job has been setting up the ring and doing crew work, and after doing it for so long, the injuries have piled up. I may have a herniated disk. I’m going to need to get it checked out.”


Minutes later, ECW’s Hardcore Holly arrived on the scene. As fans know, Holly received a serious injury two weeks ago on ECW on Sci Fi when he was crashed through a table during his match with Rob Van Dam. Holly received a laceration on his back which required 24 stitches to close. Upon seeing Chimel, Holly was incensed and chased the ailing announcer from the room.



WWE.com immediately approached Holly for comment.


“I saw this big old fat tub of s*** laying their like a beached whale,” said the irritated Extremist. “He’s supposedly getting treatment on his back, which is completely unwarranted because he doesn’t do anything. He says he’s been setting up the ring for the last 20 years, but that’s not true. He has puppets who set up the ring for him. He has no business being in the training room because he’s never been in the ring in his life. There are other people who are more deserving of treatment.”


Holly paused for a few moments to catch his breath, but seconds later, he resumed his tirade.


“All he is, is a fat ring announcer,” proclaimed Holly. “That’s all he does. He doesn’t break a sweat. He’s just a fat tub of s***. He has no business being in the training room or the locker room. He belongs in the women’s locker room because he’s nothing but a bitch. Period.”

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The bottom pic of her looks hot.


Survivor Series supposed main event is being advertised as Raw (Cena, D-X) vs. Smackdown (Booker T, Batista, Rey) vs. ECW (Big Show, RVD, and Sabu)


Obviously it isn't official, bt interesting partners.

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Credit: PWInsider.com


Former 80s star "Gorgeous" Jimmy Garvin has been added to the WWE creative team. Garvin is filling the slot vacated by Michael Hayes on Smackdown since Hayes was promoted to the head writer for Smackdown last week.


-----Interesting that two members of the Freebirds are now writing Smackdown.

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Credit: PWInsider.com


Former 80s star "Gorgeous" Jimmy Garvin has been added to the WWE creative team. Garvin is filling the slot vacated by Michael Hayes on Smackdown since Hayes was promoted to the head writer for Smackdown last week.


-----Interesting that two members of the Freebirds are now writing Smackdown.

And you got Ray Gordy in DSW and Badstreet (Brad Armstrong) on the roster.


All they need now is to track down Rocky King.

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Ok, so I also read another wrestling message board and I found this comment made by one of their resident posters.


Am I the only Umaga fan in the world? Seriously, he's not a bad wrestler. He surely can wrestle circle around John Cena, Shawn Michaels, and Triple H any day. The only reason people hate him is because he's not a generic "I'll kick your ass" wrestler. Let's face it, Jamal wasn't the mouthpiece fo 3MW, that was Eric Bischoff. That's why he has Armando to work the microphone for him.


Am I the only one who thinks he's retarted for stating that or do some of you guys think he's right?

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News from latest Observer (10/09)


-Marty Jannetty already is fired again, ninth time for no showing ECW shows weekend before last.


-Dave mentions that Cyber Sunday is supposed to have some big returns as the "draw" to the ppv - names he listed were Benoit, Hall, Nash(? - this is before Nash resigned with TNA, mind you), Austin, Hart, Savage, Hogan, and Piper as possibilities, but then said you can eliminate several of those names as legit possibilities, with the obvious ones as a fat chance being thrown out. My personal thought would be Hogan and Austin doing returns here on some level.


-Next Foley autobiography is almost finished and will cover alot of the background on the feud that just happened with Flair.

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