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Guest TysonTomko420

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So, I was watching the October 14, 2006 Nitro as part of WWE 24/7's Monday Night Wars program (this episode is funny because, as I looked up on the net, Nitro won this battle 3.3 to 1.9 - Nitro's main event was Hogan doing a bunch of yelling at Liz and Raw's main event was Austin vs HBK) and I noticed the chyron for Eddy Guerrero said "Eddie", the way WWE spelled his name (WCW did Eddy). Does WWE really find it necessary to edit old chyron graphics to spell names they way they do, or did WCW also use the "Eddie" spelling at times?



They ran a Nitro last Saturday? Those were called "WCW Saturday Night" and Hogan would NEVER main event those.

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So, I was watching the October 14, 2006 Nitro as part of WWE 24/7's Monday Night Wars program (this episode is funny because, as I looked up on the net, Nitro won this battle 3.3 to 1.9 - Nitro's main event was Hogan doing a bunch of yelling at Liz and Raw's main event was Austin vs HBK) and I noticed the chyron for Eddy Guerrero said "Eddie", the way WWE spelled his name (WCW did Eddy). Does WWE really find it necessary to edit old chyron graphics to spell names they way they do, or did WCW also use the "Eddie" spelling at times?



They ran a Nitro last Saturday? Those were called "WCW Saturday Night" and Hogan would NEVER main event those.


Damnit... I meant 1996.

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While bored, I decided to read the kayfabe breaking Corporate section of WWE.com:


"WWE's two flagship programs, RAW and SmackDown are action/adventure soap operas. The action in these programs is generally performed in a “slapstick” manner, and is scripted and carefully choreographed. Our stunts are carried out in a safe environment and are executed by highly trained professionals. The activities performed on our programs are not meant to be emulated by our viewers, and do not represent socially responsible methods for resolving conflicts."


Here is an explanation of what the rating means in the context of WWE television programming:


L -- coarse language



Characters may use slang and make sophomoric rude gestures typical of language and actions used by high school and young adults (some older adults, too).




V -- violence



Typical actions that do occur within WWE programming are as follows:


* Characters may "hit" opponents with objects, such as metal chairs, sledgehammers, shiny new trashcans, baking sheets, metal stop signs or kendo sticks.

* Characters may "slam" opponents through folding tables, announcer booths, ring barricades and turnbuckles.

* Male characters may body-slam female opponents in the ring, and vice-versa.


D -- suggestive dialogue


Television announcers and characters may comment on female characters that wear revealing clothing, or use sexual innuendo or double entendre.


S -- sexual situations


Characters may use sexually suggestive language and gestures alluding to sexual situations.


"Undertaking aggressive "backyard wrestling" activities that could result in serious injury is the way to the hospital and permanent disability, not to WWE Superstardom."

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It must be hard for Torrie always on the road and having an actual job while Kidman does whatever it is that he does now...pretty common divorce story.


Heh, Kidman was the biggest name on a D-Level Indy Show I was at here in Connecticut about 2 months back, so that's where he's at now career wise these days.

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Angle should just call the Angle Slam "The Right Angle."


And as far as "The Wrestling Machine," he can easily be called a new nickname. No harm done, and WWE is just protecting their legally owned trademarks.

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Well, I have decided to let you in on a secret that I have been holding in for much too long. I am very heartbroken to say that I am in the stages of a divorce. It makes me incredibly sad to say this and I hope that you will respect me and my privacy at this really difficult time.


Then you shouldn't be talking about it online you dumb bitch.


This is just something that has been eating at me for some time now, and I feel it's best to hear it straight from me rather than read it somewhere else.


Attention whore.


I think I have made things harder on myself by pretending that everything is fine and dandy to the outside world.


The outside world doesn't want to hear your phony moaning and crying.


I just pray that by opening up about this now, it might be easier to move forward in my life journey.


To be traded off between Edge and Batista?


I just want to tell all of you that you have helped me so much more than you will ever know with your kind words without even knowing it. When I am feeling really down, reading the nice things you have to say has brought a smile to my face.


Quit begging for sympathy because no one is buying it. Even when you type you're a terrible actor.


That truly means the world to me and I will never forget it.


Until you can't make money off your looks any longer.... Which isn't far off.


I really do love and appreciate all of you


Bullshit, bad acting or both?


sunny skies ahead!


Not for me you bleach blond whore. Winter is coming.






I'm home on my lunch break and I'm not in the best of moods.

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by Buck Woodward @ 12:46:00 PM on 10/18/2006


Thanks to Matt Rosenthal for the following, if anyone wants to send along a more detailed recap, feel free!


I'm at work listening to Howard Stern on Sirius Satellite Radio, and Chris Kanyon (their newest Whack Pack member) is in the studio to settle a bet he made with Artie Lange about the New York Yankees in the playoffs. Apparently, Artie bet the Yankees would win the World Series or something, and since he lost, Kanyon is making him kiss an 80-year-old porn star or something to that effect.


That's not really important, but as soon as Kanyon entered the studio, Howard informed him that Ric Flair was on the phone to discuss Kanyon's accusation concerning his release from the company. I'm at work so I don't have full details, but basically Ric said he was "paid" by Vince to call in and argue that there was NO WAY Kanyon was released due to being homosexual.

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Japan house show results from gerweck.net


att: 8,270 paid.


1. Tommy Dreamer defeated Kevin Thorn


2. Test defeated Balls Mahoney


3. World Tag Titles match: The Highlanders defeated The Spirit Squad (Johnny & Mikey)


4. CM Punk defeated Mike Knox (w/ Kelly Kelly)


5. Umaga defeated Carlito


6. Intercontinental Title Match: Jeff Hardy defeated Johnny Nitro


7. Rob Van Dam defeated Hardcore Holly


8. ECW Title Match: The Big Show defeated Sabu


9. DX defeated Edge & Randy Orton

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Summary of the Flair-Kanyon showdown on Howard Stern from marksfriggin.com:


Howard had Rick Flair on the phone to talk to Chris about the last appearance he made on the show. Rick was upset with some of the stuff that Chris said about Vince McMahon firing him for being gay. Rick said that he thinks that Chris had some shortcomings in the ring and that's why he got fired, not because he was gay. Howard said that John Cena also said that Chris was a good guy but he didn't have the skills to do the job. Robin said he actually said he didn't have much of an act, that's what his problem was.


Howard asked Chris what he thinks about all of this. Chris said he thinks that the writers knew that he was gay and they put that stuff into the story line every week. Rick didn't think that had anything to do with why he was fired. Chris also said that he was in the WWE for 9 years and he wouldn't have lasted that long if he didn't have something. Rick said that he still doesn't think that he was fired because he came out of the closet.


Chris seems to think that Rick is going to say whatever it is that Vince wants to hear. Gary asked Rick what he thinks the real reason was then. Rick wasn't sure why they fired Chris so he doesn't know that it was because he was gay. Rick said he knows that there are gay people in the wrestling world and they haven't been fired. Those people aren't out like Chris was though.


Rick said that he thinks that it was just the fact that Chris didn't have anything to add to the WWE. Chris said he was fine for 9 years until he started talking about the fact that he's gay. Rick said that he's just not good enough to be on the show. Chris asked him why he was on the phone and why Vince wasn't. Gary said that he was told that Vince and the other guys are in Japan so that's why Rick is on the phone today. Rick kept saying that Chris just didn't have the right stuff for the show at this point.


Chris and Rick went back and forth on all of that for a short time before Howard interrupted and said that they had their words. Robin asked if it was true that Rick was put on the show because Vince couldn't call in. Gary said that was the story and Rick was picked because some of the other guys were busy in Japan. Chris seems to think that Vince picked Rick to speak on his behalf and he probably told him what to say.


Rick said that he's a huge fan of the show and he wondered why he would have Hulk Hogan on the show and not him. Howard said he doesn't know that much about wrestling but he knows Hulk's name so he has him on the show. He said he would have Rick on if he wanted but he doesn't know who he is. Chris told Rick he really respects him and thinks that he's the greatest wrestler of all time. Artie said that they're having the most civilized wrestling discussion of all time.


Rick told Chris he shouldn't use the Howard Stern Show to vent about that stuff. Chris said ''Unlike you, they called me.'' Howard let Rick go after that and moved on to the big kiss.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
Woah woah WOAH...


THe Highlanders beat Spirit Squad in a Tag Title Match?


...was it by DQ or countout...or did they actually win the titles?

It was a Non-Title match.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
Apparently some websites (I don't know which ones, just know the story has gone around) have reported Harry Smith failing a drug test and to give it credibility, claim it came from here. There has been no such report here nor is that true. Much of what you read on websites credited here and I've seen this in both pro wrestling and MMA, are made up stories using my name to give them credibility. A lot of others are from people who have no reading comprehension and screw up what is reported badly. Smith has worked hard from his early childhood to learn wrestling and has earned national contracts with New Japan and now WWE as a teenager. He doesn't deserve bullshit like this being spread.

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Woah woah WOAH...


THe Highlanders beat Spirit Squad in a Tag Title Match?


...was it by DQ or countout...or did they actually win the titles?

It was a Non-Title match.

Ah, OK.


So the previous thing was a typo.

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Interesting discussion there between Ric and Kanyon. I don't really know what happened, but Kanyon was good in the ring and on the mic. I would say he has a good case, except for the fact that they've done less with more talented people in the past.


Funny that Howard didn't know who Ric Flair was though.

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They should resign Kanyon and push him based on his real life feelings. He'd be great as a top heel that keeps getting what he wants because he holds the threat of a discrimination lawsuit over everybody.

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Wait...Kanyon was in the WWE for 9 years? Did I miss something for 9 years?

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Source: Figure4 Newsletter


-- Vince McMahon was said to be "freaked out" after last week's "Ortiz vs. Shamrock 3" UFC special on SpikeTV drew a 3.1 overall rating and a 4.3 for the final quarter hour featuring the actual Ortiz vs. Shamrock fight. Vince went as far as to tell his writers to start coming up for ideas for Shamrock if they brought him in to WWE.


-- Supoosedly Paul Heyman had to explain to Vince that the UFC special's huge rating wasn't drawn just by Ken Shamrock, but that it was the whole Ortiz vs. Shamrock rivalry dating back years.


-- As of now, there's no word on whether the two sides are talking yet but WWE, namely Vince McMahon, is interested in the 42 year old "World's Most Dangerous Man". Shamrock is a former WWE Intercontinental champion who worked with the company during the Attitude era.

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Vince probably thinks that Shamrock's drawing power in UFC is because of his past WWE experience.

The really sad thing is that you're probably totally right.

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