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Guest TysonTomko420

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--WWE has announced that on 3/10 in Lowell, MA where they are doing both an afternoon and evening show, since it's only a 2,300 seat arena and the evening show sold out, that they are doing the exact same show both afternoon and evening with Batista vs. Kennedy for the World title, Kane & Undertaker vs. Fit Finlay & King Booker and Bobby Lashley vs. Gene Snitsky vs. Bob Holly in a three-way for the ECW title (thanks to Scott Wallask)

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That's not a bad idea to do two shows in one day (which was once fairly typical) in the same venue but doing the same show? I get that the idea is that fans who didn't get tickets for the night show can get the same show in the afternoon and possibly draw a younger crowd as well but at least switch the card around.

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from Gerweck.net:


Rey Mysterio Jr. has been advised by doctors not to return the ring due to the excessive knee damage he

has sustained. In terms of story line, WWE's web site put up a tidbit that he was re-injured by Umaga's vicious attack on Friday night, setting back his intended return.


I never heard that Rey was recommended to not return to the ring until now. Was his knee really that messed up? He rarely ever walked with a limp on TV before he got surgery.


Yea he's been told this before..........when you've had multiple ACL surgeries like he has a doctor may recomend it but I highly doubt he retires.

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Take this for what it's worth, the ECW cable preview says Lashley Vs Holly Cage match for Tuesday. Nothing on WWE.com, though.

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Although not confirmed, according to several sources in contact with the Wrestling-Observer Newsletter, CM Punk earned himself more backstage heat.


After learning that he was booked to lose on a house show card, the report says, Punk reportedly asked the road agent if the reports of him being in WWE's doghouse were true. The agent denied the idea that there was heat on Punk, but then told colleagues about the conversation, which exacerbated their ill-feelings of the wrestler.


Of course, because wrestlers like Carlito, Rob Van Dam and Shelton Benjamin have received heat for "no-selling" being booked in jobs, one has to wonder if Punk had a viable option in this situation, notes the Observer


Lords of pain



So, now you get heat for asking if you have heat? Jeez..

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Although not confirmed, according to several sources in contact with the Wrestling-Observer Newsletter, CM Punk earned himself more backstage heat.


After learning that he was booked to lose on a house show card, the report says, Punk reportedly asked the road agent if the reports of him being in WWE's doghouse were true. The agent denied the idea that there was heat on Punk, but then told colleagues about the conversation, which exacerbated their ill-feelings of the wrestler.


Of course, because wrestlers like Carlito, Rob Van Dam and Shelton Benjamin have received heat for "no-selling" being booked in jobs, one has to wonder if Punk had a viable option in this situation, notes the Observer


Lords of pain



So, now you get heat for asking if you have heat? Jeez..


If you don't say anything you are lazy and don't care............if you do say something you are a pain in the ass.


The WWE just uses double standards for wrestlers that aren't their favorites. This is guy that isn't liked by Stephanie, HHH or HBK pretty much anything he does is going to be swung into a negative light.

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Or maybe they were pissed off that it sounded like CM Punk thought he should be going over and that the only reason he'd job is because he had heat.


And if that's the case, that's like saying "I'm too good to be losing to the other wrestlers if not out of punishment".

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Or maybe they were pissed off that it sounded like CM Punk thought he should be going over and that the only reason he'd job is because he had heat.


And if that's the case, that's like saying "I'm too good to be losing to the other wrestlers if not out of punishment".


Just like when Punk had a match on Heat and HHH and HBK went out of their way to stand by the curtain and tell all the agents.........."this guy sucks, whats so special about him"


There's a reason all of these established wrestlers seem to be going out of their way to bag on the guy and tear him down...when frankly the guy hasn't done anything to deserve that treatment. Talk about fear of a guy replacing you because my god he can get over.

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I'm not disputing that. I'm just saying to the WWE, it wasn't probably about the fact Punk asked if he had heat that caused more heat. It was probably what I said above. Yeah, the guy can't do anything right in WWE's eyes, but I can see where they could get pissed for this.

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I'm not disputing that. I'm just saying to the WWE, it wasn't probably about the fact Punk asked if he had heat that caused more heat. It was probably what I said above. Yeah, the guy can't do anything right in WWE's eyes, but I can see where they could get pissed for this.


I'm going to throw a theory out here......I'd like some opinions.


CM Punk has a huge net fan base. In alot of ways he's been followed all the way through his career by the net smark fan base. Alot of us have DVD's of him literally wrestling in front of 5-10 people. In alot of ways we feel like we've been there with him for his whole run on his way to the big time.


Then along comes Triple H.....the guy who is widely ripped on by the net. So what I'm asying is......does anyone else think it's possible that Triple H and Stephanie along with good friend HBK are going out of their way to fuck over Punk because he is "the net guy" and it's a way to show those "stupid net smarks that hate us". When you go out of your way to bury a guy before he's even debuted on TV there's a hidden agenda there.......


Of course it probably perpetuated itself faster when Punk got over on DX at SS, imagine HHH and HBK throw a fit in the back over that one. And of course Punk took some shots at Triple H while he was in ROH.......


So does anyone else think this could be a possiblity as to why Punk is getting fucked over and seems to be able to do nothing right there?

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Yes, but he should defend himself and tell it like it is, to there faces. I don't understand why pro-wrestlers put up with so much backstage shit.


He should say "Look, I'm over, the crowds love me, and I can make this company money. If you don't like me, fire me now, because I'm not going to play the backstage politics crap. If you wanna can me so I can go to TNA and win the NWA World Title, fine."

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Yes, but he should defend himself and tell it like it is, to there faces. I don't understand why pro-wrestlers put up with so much backstage shit.


He should say "Look, I'm over, the crowds love me, and I can make this company money. If you don't like me, fire me now, because I'm not going to play the backstage politics crap. If you wanna can me so I can go to TNA and win the NWA World Title, fine."


They'd rather keep him than job him than let him go to TNA.

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Yes, but he should defend himself and tell it like it is, to there faces. I don't understand why pro-wrestlers put up with so much backstage shit.


He should say "Look, I'm over, the crowds love me, and I can make this company money. If you don't like me, fire me now, because I'm not going to play the backstage politics crap. If you wanna can me so I can go to TNA and win the NWA World Title, fine."


They'd rather keep him than job him than let him go to TNA.


I know. He should say that. He should say "If I'm not over, than job me. But I am over, so it's time to face facts and build me up towards the main event. You aren't going to let me go to TNA."

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Yes, but he should defend himself and tell it like it is, to there faces. I don't understand why pro-wrestlers put up with so much backstage shit.


He should say "Look, I'm over, the crowds love me, and I can make this company money. If you don't like me, fire me now, because I'm not going to play the backstage politics crap. If you wanna can me so I can go to TNA and win the NWA World Title, fine."


They'd rather keep him than job him than let him go to TNA.


I know. He should say that. He should say "If I'm not over, than job me. But I am over, so it's time to face facts and build me up towards the main event. You aren't going to let me go to TNA."


What do you expect Vince to do after that? Slot him in for a Mania title shot for this year? Punk standing up for himself would do more harm for his WWE career than whatever "wrong" he's done in the past.

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It really doesn't matter how much heat Punk has from the agents as long as Vince still likes him. The second it was reported that Vince was back in control of ECW, he went from jobbing to making the MITB. Coincidence? I think not. Vince LIKES Punk.


Nothing in that report says VINCE is mad at Punk, and as long as he stays on Vince's good side then he's fine.

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If Punk bitched about jobbing, then he deserves to be jobbed out. Internet smart favoritism only goes so far. You don't bitch about jobbing. If anything you try to get it slyly changed ala Undertaker. Punk's in no position to do that either.


It was probably more of a situation where Punk just asked the guy if he was in trouble. WWE's like a high school, shit just gets turned around.


The reason Punk is so disliked, is because Steph dislikes him. Hunter has seemed fairly neutral on him (Comments made before his debut aside), while Vince really likes him. As long as Vince has control of his career, he's fine.


Which brings up another point. Vince wanting to move Punk to RAW may be so he can control the people he likes (Lashley and Punk for example) while letting others handle ECW. Vince may be thinking long term on how to protect Punk. Who knows, he's done weirder shit.

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You don't bitch about jobbing. If anything you try to get it slyly changed ala Undertaker. Punk's in no position to do that either.



So what really gives Taker the right to change shit? Sure, I know he's been around for fuckin ever, but if you're not supposed to bitch about jobbing, why do we glorify Taker being able to say: "I'm not really feeling it..." but get pissed over Punk standing up for himself about jobbing out when he's got fans cheering for him and buying his shirts?

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You don't bitch about jobbing. If anything you try to get it slyly changed ala Undertaker. Punk's in no position to do that either.



So what really gives Taker the right to change shit? Sure, I know he's been around for fuckin ever, but if you're not supposed to bitch about jobbing, why do we glorify Taker being able to say: "I'm not really feeling it..." but get pissed over Punk standing up for himself about jobbing out when he's got fans cheering for him and buying his shirts?


I'm sorry to say this but you'd be an idiot if you don't understand the difference in Undertaker and CM Punk's positions in WWE.

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I understand their positions. I know that Taker has been a cornerstone of the company and that he's brought so much money to the company that damn near anything he does is brushed aside and that the man is infallible.


I also understand that CM Punk is (atleast to the WWE / WWE Fans) an up and coming star that has the potential to be a spark that brings another boom to the WWE and if pushed correctly he can become a huge star.


The problem I have with it is that we all laugh and joke when Taker wants to change matches and use his "stroke" to better himself, yet we want to throw ourselves into a fucking hissy-fit with how Punk went about doing basically what Taker has done.


So what if Punk thinks he's better than most people in WWE? He's got the talent to prove it and obviously, his talent is enough to make other cornerstones of the company fear for their spot because of it.


So call me fuckin stupid if you want, but I call bullshit on the fact that a billion-dollar company is being run like a fuckin high school clique.

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It really doesn't matter how much heat Punk has from the agents as long as Vince still likes him. The second it was reported that Vince was back in control of ECW, he went from jobbing to making the MITB. Coincidence? I think not. Vince LIKES Punk.


Nothing in that report says VINCE is mad at Punk, and as long as he stays on Vince's good side then he's fine.


I frankly think all these reports are just the various newsletters and "insiders" talking out of their ass. Two weeks ago his push was supposedly dead and he was gonna be buried, then he won two straight weeks and is in MITB, then a few days ago the latest report says he's in line for a big push and moving to RAW, now he's got heat again?


Sounds like a lot of bullshit. Probably by people who like to sit back and read everyone freak out over it like you all are.

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It really doesn't matter how much heat Punk has from the agents as long as Vince still likes him. The second it was reported that Vince was back in control of ECW, he went from jobbing to making the MITB. Coincidence? I think not. Vince LIKES Punk.


Nothing in that report says VINCE is mad at Punk, and as long as he stays on Vince's good side then he's fine.


I frankly think all these reports are just the various newsletters and "insiders" talking out of their ass. Two weeks ago his push was supposedly dead and he was gonna be buried, then he won two straight weeks and is in MITB, then a few days ago the latest report says he's in line for a big push and moving to RAW, now he's got heat again?


Sounds like a lot of bullshit. Probably by people who like to sit back and read everyone freak out over it like you all are.

Thankfully, we've got people like you who can set us straight.


Punk went from winning clean with his hold to having to beat Matt Stryker via a distraction when he wasn't losing or winning with his only offensive move of the match after selling for the entire match. Is that more 'made up bullshit'? Punk had heat, simply from being a Heyman project, because Heyman is not liked at all by Vince and company. With Heyman gone, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the people left behind, who hate Heyman, are going to put his projects, like Punk, in their place. That's how people like that work.


As for Punk going from having heat and no push to a renewed push, is it really that hard for you accept that moods change in WWE, and Vince feels like giving Punk a bit of a push?

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I understand their positions. I know that Taker has been a cornerstone of the company and that he's brought so much money to the company that damn near anything he does is brushed aside and that the man is infallible.


I also understand that CM Punk is (atleast to the WWE / WWE Fans) an up and coming star that has the potential to be a spark that brings another boom to the WWE and if pushed correctly he can become a huge star.


The problem I have with it is that we all laugh and joke when Taker wants to change matches and use his "stroke" to better himself, yet we want to throw ourselves into a fucking hissy-fit with how Punk went about doing basically what Taker has done.


So what if Punk thinks he's better than most people in WWE? He's got the talent to prove it and obviously, his talent is enough to make other cornerstones of the company fear for their spot because of it.


So call me fuckin stupid if you want, but I call bullshit on the fact that a billion-dollar company is being run like a fuckin high school clique.


What? Who's laughing about Taker using his stroke and crying about Punk conducting his business as he has? I don't definitely agree with the mentality, but it exists, and no debate would change that. All you can do is accept it and try to understand that high school mentality.

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It really doesn't matter how much heat Punk has from the agents as long as Vince still likes him. The second it was reported that Vince was back in control of ECW, he went from jobbing to making the MITB. Coincidence? I think not. Vince LIKES Punk.


Nothing in that report says VINCE is mad at Punk, and as long as he stays on Vince's good side then he's fine.


I frankly think all these reports are just the various newsletters and "insiders" talking out of their ass. Two weeks ago his push was supposedly dead and he was gonna be buried, then he won two straight weeks and is in MITB, then a few days ago the latest report says he's in line for a big push and moving to RAW, now he's got heat again?


Sounds like a lot of bullshit. Probably by people who like to sit back and read everyone freak out over it like you all are.

Thankfully, we've got people like you who can set us straight.


Punk went from winning clean with his hold to having to beat Matt Stryker via a distraction when he wasn't losing or winning with his only offensive move of the match after selling for the entire match. Is that more 'made up bullshit'? Punk had heat, simply from being a Heyman project, because Heyman is not liked at all by Vince and company. With Heyman gone, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the people left behind, who hate Heyman, are going to put his projects, like Punk, in their place. That's how people like that work.


As for Punk going from having heat and no push to a renewed push, is it really that hard for you accept that moods change in WWE, and Vince feels like giving Punk a bit of a push?


Yes, thankfully you do.


Maybe not every report on Punk has been bullshit, but let's face it, Punk is an "internet darling" and it's well known anything relating to him gets people on boards like this riled up.


Moods in the company change, but as it stands Punk is a mid-carder on the complete joke of a brand known as ECW. I don't think the thoughts of the writing staff on a weekly basis revolve around whether to push or de-push Punk like these reports make it seem.There's a shitload of wrestlers in the company, many more popular than him and you rarely see these reports about anyone else, but it seems like every other day we get an update on Punk's standing backstage, because it gets people worked up.

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Usually, the news of anybody getting buried for stupid reasons gets people bent out of shape or at least shaking their heads.


We get a lot of reports on Punk's standing because it seems to be either changing every week or because he's getting knocked by one group of people with power, the agents etc, while getting a bit of a push from other people in power. He's the current hot topic. Eventually, we'll get ongoing reports of some other wrestler getting heat because he blinked out of sequence when giving JBL the secret handshake.

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UT never refuses to job. Understand the significance there.


He has enough say with Vince that he talks Vince into different plans. That's what I mean by Slyly. He doesn't go "Hey, Vince, I don't wanna job", instead he goes "Hey, Vince, I have this idea for this match..." and gets it changed.


BIIIIG difference.


Punk does not have the say to pull that off. Randy Orton doesn't have the say to pull that off. You grin, and you take the plans. That's your job. When you've gained enough confidence from the bookers then you can apply some pressure. Until then, you do as your told.

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UT flat out refused to job to Brock Lesnar at Unforgiven 2002. That's where the infamous "I'm not feeling it" quote was born.

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