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Craig Th


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The car accident scene with Nathan and his wife was not the first time he flew. Claire's real mother mentioned seeing the roof of the burning house and thinking there was no way Claire would survive the fire that we can all assume she started. So Nathan probably flew her out of the house to save her hence seeing the roof.

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I don't see it that way. The way she talked to Nathan, saying, "I don't know if you remember me" makes me think it was a short term thing or one night stand rather than a long term relationship, and that Nathan was not present during the fire. Also, with the power to create fire, I'd imagine Claire's mom is immune to its effects.

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I'm still spouting that bullshit because the dude is a fucking weasel and saved himself. I didn't really notice anything in that scene that showed me that his powers accidentally activated themself. What did you see that I didn't?


Why the hell would he reach out for her and yell her name if he was only interested in saving himself? You could see in his face that he was distressed and had no idea what had just happened.

Hey, when I got into an accident a few years back I was distressed and had no idea what the hell had just happened too. It's called shock. Now I don't know if his powers activated right then or not, but I think the thing is this - Nathan is a guy who would definitely look out for himself first, and everyone else second.


Anyways, we learned a few other things:

- Peter's powers are more like Mimic than Synch.

- Claire has a crush on her uncle.

- Ando gets no love.

- Niki/Jessica is still fucking annoying.

- I didn't miss Parkman or Mohinder at all.


And one question

- Where the fuck did Claire and Zach allegedly go see the manatee?

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I'm surprised with the Linderman twist in the Nessica storyline, I figured we'd get to see DL use his wall-walking combined with Micah's electronic-frying capabilities to break her out of the looney bin.


I like how the show manages to put a lot of the characters in the same place at the same time (Odessa, NYC, L.A) and still make them feel really far apart. We know that next week Hiro and Ando head back to Vegas but eventually everybody makes their way to NYC.


Vegas- DL, Micah, Nikki, Linderman, soon to be Hiro and Ando

Texas- Sylar, HRG, Claire, Claire's Moms, Haitian

L.A- Parkman all by his lonesome

NYC- Peter, Nathan, Issac, Claude, Simone


Where's Nuke Dude at right now?

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He's in the Nevada desert.


Claude is awesome. It's amazing how, of all the characters they've introduced, only two (Niki and Parkman) are the really weak ones. They've given all the others interesting stories or the actors are making them work.


It looks like Jessiki and possibly Hiro are going to be the main weapons in whatever plans Linderman has.

Edited by KingPK

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Now I'm starting to think that Slyar and Peter have the same powers where all they have to do is be close to somebody to absorb the powers. I'm starting to think the whole deal about the flip-top heads and missing brains is done for fun...cause Slyar is EVIL~ Which goes back to my theory on how Slyar took Eden's power, killed her with her own gun, faked his death, and is out walking around looking for trouble.

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Now I'm starting to think that Slyar and Peter have the same powers where all they have to do is be close to somebody to absorb the powers. I'm starting to think the whole deal about the flip-top heads and missing brains is done for fun...cause Slyar is EVIL~ Which goes back to my theory on how Slyar took Eden's power, killed her with her own gun, faked his death, and is out walking around looking for trouble.


I don't think this is the case. I think that Slyar needs to understand the brain to get the powers. Eden killed herself to prevent this from happening.



My question is, what happens if Peter and the Haitian are in a room together? Does the Haitian stop Peter's power, or does Peter absorb his power too?

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If the Invisible Limey teaches Peter to control his powers the way Dr. Taxi Driver did with Slyar I would think Peter would simply take the brain washing power and make the Haitian into a vegetable.

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If the Invisible Limey teaches Peter to control his powers the way Dr. Taxi Driver did with Slyar I would think Peter would simply take the brain washing power and make the Haitian into a vegetable.

Doctor Invisible Limey is great.


With respect to the Haitian, his power blocking would affect Peter up until the point where Peter realizes that he's got power blocking abilities. And that could be forever, since it's a subtle ability.

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I don't see it that way. The way she talked to Nathan, saying, "I don't know if you remember me" makes me think it was a short term thing or one night stand rather than a long term relationship, and that Nathan was not present during the fire. Also, with the power to create fire, I'd imagine Claire's mom is immune to its effects.



Anyone else have thoughts on this? I'm curious as to whether or not anyone else sees it the way I do.

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I don't see it that way. The way she talked to Nathan, saying, "I don't know if you remember me" makes me think it was a short term thing or one night stand rather than a long term relationship, and that Nathan was not present during the fire. Also, with the power to create fire, I'd imagine Claire's mom is immune to its effects.



Anyone else have thoughts on this? I'm curious as to whether or not anyone else sees it the way I do.

I'm thinking it was another one of those Las Vegas one night stands just like the Nathan/Nikki blackmail deal.


The next pop culture guest star on Heroes is linked to here.

With great power comes great resposibility

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Did anyone else catch the fact that George Takei/Mr. Nakamura's license plate read, "NCC 1701"?


what does that mean?

It means you're not as big a nerd as the rest of us.

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So Nikki/Jessica evil side is Longshot? Sylar did the right thing by killing the guy with the pop emo punk mohawk.....gee I wonder which Hero is going to die next week and will Sylar absorb more powers?

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So Nikki/Jessica evil side is Longshot? Sylar did the right thing by killing the guy with the pop emo punk mohawk.....gee I wonder which Hero is going to die next week and will Sylar absorb more powers?

Well, let's see. Claire and Peter could die, but obviously they wouldn't stay dead. Parkman had his "near death" experience, so he's out. Hiro dying would cause some sort of disruption in the timestream or something... and would anyone care if DL, Micah, Simone or Inferno woman died?


So breaking it down...


Niki/Jessica - definite possibility here. Of course, this is just as things get interesting with her character


Nathan - I just see this as likely. In the future Hiro jumps to, Nathan wins the election. If Nathan dies, then that future is gone, and Hiro will have no idea what to do next. Although, I have heard about people losing elections to dead people, so... yeah.


Isaac - Well, he does get his head opened up at some point. This would pretty much be the opposite effect of killing Nathan


H.R.G. - I just don't see it.


The Haitian - Just not enough time spent on the character to make us care if he dies.


Sylar - That would be like saying "yeah, we don't know where we're headed"


Claude - not shocking or anything, but it would probably fuck Peter up somewhat.


Ando - Similar to Claude, except it would fuck up Hiro, and we have more of an emotional attachment to him.


Anyways, with this week's show, were Hiro and Ando back in the Montecito?

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Actually, I could see Ando dying...at some point, Hiro mans up and really becomes a truely badass superhero...perhaps this is the catalyst?


I could go with your Nathan arguement as well.


I wouldn't say Isaac because remember, when he's found dead, the city blows up within a matter of hours after that...obviously we're not at THAT point in the story YET.

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I wouldn't say Isaac because remember, when he's found dead, the city blows up within a matter of hours after that...obviously we're not at THAT point in the story YET.

True, but the fact is - he's already dead. So it's plausible, even if it's unlikely.

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I like the idea of Parkman going corrupt and using his powers for personal gain. His storyline is perfect because we know he's a nice guy and a sympathetic character who's been screwed over so people might actually support this new direction he takes.


Methinks that Claire will call on the Haitian again but this time her dad will catch them and some more details will come to light.

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Sure, kill off Nessica right when she's become a badass and interesting.


It could be Issac, but I don't think his body would look that way after two weeks of decomposition. I think I'll go along with the Ando dying, thus making Hiro into a badass theory.

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Definitely. I kinda thought Simone was going to be offed when she started acting all bitchy to Nathan.


Next week is going to rock.

Edited by KingPK

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i dunno. it was a decent episode. But the husky voiced "SOMONE WILL FLY! SOMEONE WILL DIE!" maede me think it would be an ev4ent or something.


Oh she died? OK. That's it?


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