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Craig Th


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Also, since I time travel is most likely not possible at all, as long as a show remains consistent I don't worry about things like a person meeting themselves in the future and what it might cause. There's no way to know this since it is not possible, so however Sci-Fi people want to write it is fine for me.

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I guess it makes sense that even Future Hiro wouldn't know WHY Claire survived this time.


But ugh clearly time travel can be a cool if confusing element. We should leave it alone. Hiro took nothing back from the future, nothing except the determination to kill Sylar.


Fine, lets let it continue!

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what throws me about time travel is when they go into the future...now, if they leave the present, aren't they essentially taking themselves out of existance, disappearing, if you will? They're out of the space/time continium, therefore, they should NEVER see themselves in the future.



I get what you are saying, but I see it as this:


Until Hiro never returns to his present time, he is still on the path to return to his present time, thus still existing in the future (provided nothing happens to him in those 5 years). Had he died in the future, then future Hiro would have died as well. Remember how Marty's hand started disappearing in Back to the Future? Same premise with different circumstances.

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I am going to suggest there there is a divine hand, if you will, guiding some of these events. Peter's vision of the future has yet to be explained, and it could be that someone gave him that vision to correct the change that future Hiro made by having Claire saved. Hiro randomly traveling through time may not be so random, that someone could be guiding him along as well.

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just as long as they don't pull a Kyle Reese has always been John Conner's father crap on us, things will be okay.

Or "Hank Hall is Monarch". If you don't get that, be glad.

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what throws me about time travel is when they go into the future...now, if they leave the present, aren't they essentially taking themselves out of existance, disappearing, if you will? They're out of the space/time continium, therefore, they should NEVER see themselves in the future.



I get what you are saying, but I see it as this:


Until Hiro never returns to his present time, he is still on the path to return to his present time, thus still existing in the future (provided nothing happens to him in those 5 years). Had he died in the future, then future Hiro would have died as well. Remember how Marty's hand started disappearing in Back to the Future? Same premise with different circumstances.



I was saying something similar to my girlfriend as we were watching this. Future Hiro seemed really surprised to see Present Hiro. But, wouldn't Future Hiro already have gone into the future 5 years ago (whe he himself was Present Hiro), and wouldn't he already kinda be expecting himself from the past to show up? Totally a mind fuck to think about, heh.

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No. Wait. That's wrong. Because Future Hiro would have had all the same memories that Present Hiro had to-that-point had that been the case.


I could see it being like the alternate 1985 in Back to the Future 2...Hiro changes the past and then when he goes to the future it's the future changed by what he did but he would still be the same Hiro from his timeline....of course that would mean there would be a second Future Hiro from the new timeline.....yeah, thinking about this stuff to much causes brain pain...

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Future Hiro A goes into Present Hiro B's time. He cannot go back to Future Hiro A's past ("Present Hiro A"), because that would mean that Present Hiro A would have met Future Hiro A in Timeline A, therefore Future Hiro A would have knowledge of meeting Future Hiro A in the past when he was Present Hiro A. But he didn't. So, when Future Hiro A went into the past, he created a new time line (Timeline B). Since it seems Future Hiro A has no memory of the cheerleader being saved, whereas Present Hiro B (and therefore Future Hiro B) did, then that means Future Hiro A is in Timeline B, which is essentially a temporary future where he waits until Present Hiro B lives through it and becomes Future Hiro B and Timeline A has been destroyed by him changing the timeline. When something big changes in the timeline to effect Future Hiro B (namely, the bomb exploding in New York and killing Ando) he will be destroyed and in his place will be Present Hiro B.

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No, wait. When Present Hiro B returns, he will then create Timeline C. (as new time lines are created in every jump), and Future Hiro A will still be in Future B until it gets destroyed by the creation of Timeline C. Future Hiro C is then also created.

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No, wait. When Present Hiro B returns, he will then create Timeline C. (as new time lines are created in every jump), and Future Hiro A will still be in Future B until it gets destroyed by the creation of Timeline C. Future Hiro C is then also created.

So you're saying that Hiro is essentially Kang - the Marvel villain, not the Simpsons alien or the MMA guy. He keeps jumping around trying to change the future, but ends up creating alternate realities.

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Jeez. Next Monday cannot come fast enough so that we can get a different taste in our mouths.

Agreed. I'm getting a headache trying to absorb all this time travel stuff...

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Somebody earlier in the thread brought up Molly Walker being the little girl that Parkman saved early in the season. If that's true then we can assume that she'll be popping up sometime this season or maybe early in the next. I remember saying a while back that her parents hid her from Sylar which makes me very curious as to what her power is.


According to the new previews NBC showed tonight during The Office Curry is Correct.


Not sure what it could be though. But it does have to be big otherwise it'll be a massive letdown.

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Heroes Season 1 on DVD and HD-DVD August 28th.

Can't come soon enough!


I need an HD-DVD player I guess :)

I'd probably pay the $100 for an upconverting DVD player instead, but that's just me - waiting to see who wins the HD disc wars.

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Watched "5 Years Past" for the third or fourth time today and it never stops being awesome. I am really hating that my job prevents me from watching it live tonight, even though I only need to wait an hour to watch my PVR'd version. The idea of what Molly Walkers power could be is driving me nuts.

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Heroes Season 1 on DVD and HD-DVD August 28th.

Can't come soon enough!


I need an HD-DVD player I guess :)

I'd probably pay the $100 for an upconverting DVD player instead, but that's just me - waiting to see who wins the HD disc wars.

Have one already :)


I'm pretty much holding off on the 360 Elite/Ps3 decision until things are more defined in the stupid HD disc wars...getting difficult to hold back.


Anyways back on topic...I was having a discussion with a friend at work who brought up a good possibility on the whole Nikki/Jessica thing. What if Jessica(Nikki's dead sister) had some sort of mind control power that allowed her to partially take over Nikki's mind before she died? Therefore keeping her semi-alive in mind form only in Nikki's body. Nikki definitely has the Super Strength thing going for her and it's not only when jessica is in control so I dunno..could be interesting to see if that's the case.

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It does? I watched it and I came away not feeling like I knew a ton.


Really like how they've given us three possible bombs. I always figured they'd have two possibilities (Peter and Ted), but having Sylar into the mix makes it a real wtf as to what might happen.

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That's not really a spoiler. We expect this to happen. Every week, we assume the previews gave away too much only for the previews to be meaningless in the end. Solid episode tonight, obviously felt less dramatic given last week but it's getting the final weeks in place.

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