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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

OAO Raw Thread - September/25th/2006.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
A trio of questions.

There are three burning questions in the minds of the Raw fans as Raw heads to Oklahoma City tonight.


Who will Coachman choose?

In Oklahoma City, DX will face three teams of "Executive Assistant" Jonathan Coachman's choice in a Gauntlet Match. DX must face all three teams in a row, and with all the superstars at the Executive Assistant's disposal, who will Coachman choose to battle Triple H and Shawn Michaels?


Who will succeed Trish?

Trish Stratus won the Women's Championship at Unforgiven, but her retirement forced the championship to be vacated. Every diva wants to become champion, eight of them will have their chance, as Raw will see the beginning of an 8-diva tournament to determine a new Women's Champion. Who will be the one to succeed Trish?


Can Nitro withstand "The Big Red Monster"?

Also in Oklahoma City, Johnny Nitro will defend the Intercontinental Championship against Kane. Weeks ago, Kane's first chance at Nitro's gold was interrupted by Umaga, who came to the ring to attack "The Big Red Monster". An opportunistic Nitro was able to retain his gold in a Six-Pack Challenge last week, can he do it two weeks in a row, or will Oklahoma City see a Big Red Champion crowned?


To find out the answers to these questions and more, tune into Raw tonight at 9pm/8pm CT on the USA Network.


Tag Team Gauntlet Match

DX .VS. 1st Team: The Highlanders, 2nd Team: Charlie Haas & Viscera, 3rd Team: Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Johnny Nitro (with Melina) .VS. Kane.


WWE Women's Title Tournament: Quarter-Finals, Special Guest Referee: Edge

Lita .VS. Candice Michelle.

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Guest Princess Leena

I really hate the term "diva". It's the women's championship. They are women's wrestlers.


Diva, by definition, is a prima donna.

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WWE doesn't even fucking have 8 women capable of working a match. They have MAYBE 3 tops. Victoria is probably the best of the lot and Mickey James is at least competent. Lita has never been a good worker. I suppose you could make a case for Melina being able to work, but that's a stretch. What a fucking joke.

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Raw promos airing on USA seem to be hinting at a new authority. Something akin to with Vince and Shane out of power, somebody's going to fill the void. Even going as far to specifically state, "You don't want to miss the first 10 minutes of Raw."


Probably another bait and switch like they did with Coach back in May, but we'll see.

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WWE doesn't even fucking have 8 women capable of working a match. They have MAYBE 3 tops. Victoria is probably the best of the lot and Mickey James is at least competent. Lita has never been a good worker. I suppose you could make a case for Melina being able to work, but that's a stretch. What a fucking joke.
Are you serious? Before she messed up her neck, Lita was one of the reasons to watch RAW..Now it's hard to watch Lita now because I remember how she was back in 2000- 2001.She was one of the most over people in the company...Your statement is inaccuarate and I'm not the only who thinks that.Trust me..

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Lita in 2000-2001 was the "RVD" of the Women's Division.


Cool look, popular with the young crowd, unique moves, edgy marketability, but in the end just a lot of spots.

Also, Lita has main evented Raw three times...No other women,Hell alot of the Men on the roster can say that...

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Raw promos airing on USA seem to be hinting at a new authority. Something akin to with Vince and Shane out of power, somebody's going to fill the void. Even going as far to specifically state, "You don't want to miss the first 10 minutes of Raw."


Probably another bait and switch like they did with Coach back in May, but we'll see.


Hopefully they will bring back Bischoff.

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WWE doesn't even fucking have 8 women capable of working a match. They have MAYBE 3 tops. Victoria is probably the best of the lot and Mickey James is at least competent. Lita has never been a good worker. I suppose you could make a case for Melina being able to work, but that's a stretch. What a fucking joke.


Yes, Victoria is the best of the bunch now, but to say the Womens Division has nothing is dumb. Mickey James is more than competent, if you need proof watch her and Trish at Wrestlemania again to see the best match of that night.


Lita was a solid worker (not a good worker, mind you) back in the day. Even today, she still can hold a good match.


From what i've seen of Melina, she can go. While she may have a lot to learn, she's nowhere near as bad as Maria or Candice. You are taking things a bit out of proportion.


On top of that, name 8 women in one promotion that can go like these girls can, then I might back off.

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to her credit, Candice has slightly improved...she's better than Torrie Wilson or Stavey Keibler (prior to leaving wrestling), two women that have been involved in wrestling for 5+ years.



that being said, she still sucks in the ring.


Are any Smackdown chicks getting in on this? Who's on Raw? Candice, Torrie, Mickey, Victoria, Lita......? I guess Beth Phoenix is set to come back, right?

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WWE doesn't even fucking have 8 women capable of working a match. They have MAYBE 3 tops. Victoria is probably the best of the lot and Mickey James is at least competent. Lita has never been a good worker. I suppose you could make a case for Melina being able to work, but that's a stretch. What a fucking joke.

Are you serious? Before she messed up her neck, Lita was one of the reasons to watch RAW..Now it's hard to watch Lita now because I remember how she was back in 2000- 2001.She was one of the most over people in the company...Your statement is inaccuarate and I'm not the only who thinks that.Trust me..

Lita used to fuck up bad before her neck injury too.


One of my most vivid memories of Lita messing up something horribly was during a tag team match on Raw in February 2002. It was The Hardy Boys vs. Billy & Chuck. Lita got up on the ring apron to hit Rico with the hurricanrana. Both Lita's legs ended up on Rico's right shoulder, completely missing Rico's head. Rico just gave her a sympathy somersault. It was one of the saddest "moves" I've ever seen.

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WWE doesn't even fucking have 8 women capable of working a match. They have MAYBE 3 tops. Victoria is probably the best of the lot and Mickey James is at least competent. Lita has never been a good worker. I suppose you could make a case for Melina being able to work, but that's a stretch. What a fucking joke.



On top of that, name 8 women in one promotion that can go like these girls can, then I might back off.


SHIMMER. No one in WWE, aside from Victoria and Mickie could hang with Lacey, MsChif, Allison Danger, Rebecca Knox, Lufisto, Daizee Haze, Rain, Lorelei Lee, Tiana Ringer, Cheerleader Melissa and Mercedes Martinez. (there's 11)

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Are any Smackdown chicks getting in on this? Who's on Raw? Candice, Torrie, Mickey, Victoria, Lita......? I guess Beth Phoenix is set to come back, right?


I forgot Melina and Maria...oh how silly of me...

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Vince is gonna come out as himself, not in character, and talk about why the WWE and Angle parted ways...I dont think he'll blame TNA...He feel let down by Kurt ( If Vince does actually does this and do it sincerly , he'll score big with me) Im about 80-20 that this aint happenin though...Stephanie is gonna come and say "Did you guys miss me"

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Stephanie is gonna come and say "Did you guys miss me"


Bring on the flurry of Steph's baby daddy innuendoes and a reunification of Hunter and Steph as an onscreen couple.


It's like fall of 99 all over again.

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I saw this USA promo today. I don't think this is "new GM" situation. The tone was more "who is going to step up while the McMahons are ailing?".


It definitely did NOT strike me as a case of "Who's going to control Raw now that the McMahons are out of the picture?"


In other words, expect more of the same old-same old.

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to her credit, Candice has slightly improved...she's better than Torrie Wilson or Stavey Keibler (prior to leaving wrestling), two women that have been involved in wrestling for 5+ years.



that being said, she still sucks in the ring.


Are any Smackdown chicks getting in on this? Who's on Raw? Candice, Torrie, Mickey, Victoria, Lita......? I guess Beth Phoenix is set to come back, right?


Candice is the one who seems to have the most potential... she actually gives a damn, and will try to do something new in each one of her matches lately.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
Bischoff spotted at Raw.


Former Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff has been seen wandering around Ford Arena, the site of tonight's Raw.


What is so surprising about Bischoff's presence is that he hasn't been involved with WWE since he was fired last December by Mr. McMahon. So why is Bischoff showing up now? Perhaps, it's because the WWE Chairman and Shane McMahon are out of commission from the beating they suffered at Unforgiven with no GM on Raw to take control while The McMahons recover, there's an opening for someone to take over. Is Bischoff trying to move back into WWE while The McMahons are recovering? If so, how does Jonathan Coachman feel about this?


Hopefully this question will be answered on Raw tonight at 9pm/8pm CT on the USA Network.

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I wish that they would put him in charge on RAW again. I've always liked him better than any of the McMahons, and more than just about any other authority figure in wrestling.

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I didn't even think Eric was still under contract, but I thought his neutral "I'm still a heel but I won't put up with heel bullying" GM character was going nicely until Vince decided it was time to bury him. I would be quite happy to see him back as GM again, despite the little sense that makes on paper.

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From Meltz:


As has been teased by WWE, Eric Bischoff is in Oklahoma City and will be appearing on tonight's Raw.


As of a few minutes ago, his only spot is to plug his new autobiography. There are no creative plans for him going forward and nobody was even really aware he'd be coming. Of course I was given the caveat, "things always change on the fly but that's the idea as of now."

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I see a spot with Coachman going nuts because nothing is going as planned and Eric waltzes in with his signature smile and quickly plugs the book and makes a "too bad I'm not here, I could fix this mess" type comment that goes nowhere.

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