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Wyld Cannon

The Smarks Board circa 2001(?)

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I vaguely remember the creation of this board around the time of The Smarks board. I think i recognize some of the names here as people who were around back then.


I was just feeling nolstagic to a simpler time where HansGerman and I were the board Tag Champs, The Threadkiller,Pornfaq, making fun of Scott Keith for being ugly, and ridiculous post count wars, and was wondering if anyone is left.

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I've been around since whatever incarnation this board was in in 2000. Either Rantsylvania or even before then.


I rarely rarely posted between early 2002 and 2004, returning to full time posting around May of 2004.

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I seem to remember a site called "Wrestleline"...does that sound familiar to anyone else?

Yep, I used to hop on Wrestleline all the time back then. Didn't join here until February of '02 though.

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I'm 100% sure. He did the PPV recaps and other assorted rants for them.


Wrestleline was the site that evolved from Wrestlemaniacs.com, which was the site produced by Rick Scaia (Online Onslaught) and Mike Samuda (MiCasa).

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I've been around since the Rantsylvania days, but I almost never posted. Didn't really start posting much until the last year or so.


Wrestleline was the first site that I used to frequent when I got the Internet, and it introduced me to Scott Keith. Can't believe that was like seven or eight years ago.

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Guest Felonies!
Is it just me, or does it seem like we're having these threads every three months or so?

It's the quarterly cockroach inspection.


September '01 for me.

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Guest CWMwasmurdered

Since July 01 or so. Didn't post much until the very end.


I still watch wrestling but not so much WWE stuff.

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I joined the board right before the switch. I first became a fan over twenty years ago, and I don't still watch. Partly because I'm now married and on the wrong side of thirty, partly because there's nothing but dreck on TV and I can't be bothered to spend money (and free time) on tapes and DVDs to watch anything else.

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Here's a more interesting question. Of those that came around in the old days, how many still watch wrestling? I know I don't.


It's funny because back then I was clamoring for any puroresu I could find, and at the time I wasn't finding anything on IMESH(!) and Napster(!).


Now I have a harddrive full of it that I haven't hardly watched any of. I think I enjoy collecting it more than watching.


All of the above statement applies to porno as well.


I kind of really miss Rantsylvania/The Smarks. I never really agreed with Skeith or Sean Shannon but after that went down and The Shooters went down there were no sites doing fairly good wrestling commentary anymore. I went to 411 for awhile but it was lame. Then I hung out at Death Valley Driver but they're so uppity with their board and their "esoteric" trends.


I suppose its hard to write about wrestling when it sucks.

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I was here way before the switch. I was Rest on the other board, and I posted some but not really that much. Basically just remember pornfaq and of course...calling Scott Keith ugly.

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Started posting at Rantsylvania (what a terrible name) and went post count crazy when they made the switch to the Smarks board. I still remember Keith's mug pasted on Hitler's body and the creation of that World Domination board.

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Think I ended up getting directed here from Wrestleline, like many others, lurked for a long time before posting.


One of the first things I remember was that writer, Eric something, saying he was glad some journalist died in 9/11, and getting sacked from Ranstsylvania

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I joined Rantsavalaiiaiaia in the Summer of 01, I think. I remember finally getting 1000 posts and then the board switched over and I lost all of them.


And I used to love Wrestleline, it's where I got all of my news. That and 1wrestling. I even had a premium membership to 1wrestling so I wouldn't have to deal with the pop-ups.

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I used to lurk at the old Delphi(?) forum; then registered when they switched to EZBoard (IIRC, it was grey/black before it was blue, then yellow), spending the majority of my time there in the primordial ooze (tremor christs' "FUCK OFF AND DIE" serving as the big bang) that eventually evolved into the Flaming Folder.


That place was fun as hell, then completely imploded overnight as everyone lost their shit at around the same time and forgot that it was just a messageboard. Oh wells and anyways:


Haven't really watched any WWE since Triple H banged Katie Vick in that casket.

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Here's a more interesting question. Of those that came around in the old days, how many still watch wrestling? I know I don't.


I fast forward through a lot of it.

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June 31, 2001!


I was doing a search for Iron Chef Reviews and Rantsylvania popped up and I found the forum.


Then it changed over to "The Smarks"..then the yellow board..then "The Smart Marks" when I registered a bit early Jan 31 2002 (I kick myself for not going ahead and registering earlier for a lower Member #..but 47 is pretty low now.


I actually went away for 3 months from Feb to May of 2002 because of being in Annapolis without internet except at random intervals, but other than that I've been fulltime minus the 2 week hiatus I was just on.




I miss teh Shockmaster.


Thats sort of a requirement for one of these threads.

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I was here then. I still lurk around TSM but rarely post. I talked to The Sh0ckmaster on AIM a few times, and he was horrified to find out how infamous he had become. I still watch wrestling, but only TNA/ROH and NOAH, no WWE. Snausages.

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