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HHH tore his quad tonight

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Why not add Lashley and make it a 3 way to unify the belts? They can have a posedown, pushups, arm wrestling. It could last an hour.


But seriously since they havent done anything in terms of upward mobility with the undercard, since last WM, it'd be too much of a waste to have Edge and Orton in one tagmatch. I'm sure they can find one underachiver from Raw who Flair can lose to.

If it's a serious injury they could do an injury angle having Edge take Hunter out setting up him and HBK. That leaves Orton and Cena. Orton and HBK would work just as well but I dont think theres anyone alive who wants to see another Edge/Cena match and there's no one who'd believe Edge can win. Umaga is the same feeling as a strictly 80s heel feud.

Smackdown's on their own as usual. Since they can set up the Raw main easily through tv, I'd let Smackdown have the Rumble winner.

Other than than they either need to have really long matches or 3 different battle royals to fill up WM.

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Guest Princess Leena



Although, I wouldn't mind HHH retiring from in-ring action and becoming a manager type.

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Good to see that Michaels was back there to comfort his friend. I wish I could hear what McMahon says to him.

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Remember, this is just speculation, and let us not forget it's professional wrestling. I feel bad for the man if it's real, but you never know. He could have just hyperextended it, or twisted it, or torn some thing minor.

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Well I think this Wrestlemania was to be the year HHH tied Bret Hart for most consecutive appearences.







The ghost of Owen Hart still haunts Kemper Arena.


And it has a sense of humor!

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Well I think this Wrestlemania was to be the year HHH tied Bret Hart for most consecutive appearences.







The ghost of Owen Hart still haunts Kemper Arena.


And it has a sense of humor!




Enough was Enough and It was Time for a change

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Well I think this Wrestlemania was to be the year HHH tied Bret Hart for most consecutive appearences.







The ghost of Owen Hart still haunts Kemper Arena.


And it has a sense of humor!




Enough was Enough and It was Time for a change


You guys are jokes!!!! 2 much! It's kind of true though. Enough was enough with the same man in the main event. Although as said, this is wrestling and truth be told HHH is a tough guy and will just fight it out and probably do the Mania match. You know to prove some silly tough guy thing to himself and perhaps try to one up Kurt Angle's Mania 19 appearance. U know how the inside back and forth going on there.

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uh, how the hell do you wrestle with a tron quad? It took Trips 8 months to heal up last time and now he's a little older it's only going to take longer. If it is infact a tear no way he'll be ready to go in 2 months.

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He'd likely still be recovering from the surgery then........they have to cut through your muscle to put that back together....

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Oh, lord. Looks like Cena/Orton for WM now. OUCH.


Might want to push Cena/Batista as the main event now because Cena/Orton sure as hell won't work. Stick Orton/HBK for the title, push Edge over to SD to work Undertaker and you might salvage WM.


I want to hear your logic to why Orton/Cena can't be WM material... It's certainly more interesting then HHH/Cena 2.


Atleast with Orton/Cena, you have a fresh fued with two wrestlers established main eventers who are suppose to be the future of the WWE.


Orton/Cena can certainly work IMO.

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uh, how the hell do you wrestle with a tron quad? It took Trips 8 months to heal up last time and now he's a little older it's only going to take longer. If it is infact a tear no way he'll be ready to go in 2 months.


And he clearly wasn't ready to go when he came back.

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Enough tape, vicodin, tranqulizers, etc, he'll be ready for WrestleMania. If Billington can wrestle with a broken back, if Angle can go with a broken neck, and if Pillman could go on a plastic ankle, HHH will man up and fight through the pain.

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Didnt Vince tear BOTH his quads in the goofup when he entered the ring at Royal Rumble 2005 and he was walking around in less than 2 weeks, or was that a different injury?

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Excuse me?


Kurt Angle tears his quad getting out of bed in the morning, and he's just fine!


That's what I'm saying :lol:


Orton/Cena could work, but I actually think they shouldn't do it for the sake of Orton. He will just JOB again and they are trying to make him an established main eventer for years ahead, plus the build up will suck unless they play it off that he "legend killed" DX. Last year he "choked" ending the streak, while Batista will maybe end it this year. Then seeing him JOB in the title match will only make things worse. Better to give Orton the big push when they REALLY have trust in the guy or have it as a solid plan. Look at that crap last year with Rey Mysterio and Angle with the pathetic attempt to try to get him heat with the Eddie insults. It will be just the same again this year if they just plop him into the main event with Cena.

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Didnt Vince tear BOTH his quads in the goofup when he entered the ring at Royal Rumble 2005 and he was walking around in less than 2 weeks, or was that a different injury?


Different. Vince, I think, tore the tendons to the quads rather than the quads themselves.

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How many bowls is RVD smoking tonight in celebration?

I'm sure none since they're not even on the same show now.

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How many bowls is RVD smoking tonight in celebration?

I'm sure none since they're not even on the same show now.


He's at least smiling about it. Regardless if they're on the same show, I bet RVD has hard feelings about what HHH pulled on him in late '02.

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As the original HHHater...


this kinda sucks...


I was so hating the DX HHH stuff that a return to heel HHH would have been kind of fun.




That said...


It's Edge's time now.


Top heel in the world.


main event of Mania...


Put him over...pull that trigger...make a new TOP star

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Guest Anubis

I agree with both of you about Edge, but whom would you make him feud against? Against Cena to see them having their 3590. matchup at the biggest stage of em all? Thus, if Edge is to headline WrestleMania, either Cena has to drop the belt before or a third man like Orton has to be in that match, too.

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Umaga/Cena just isn't a WM program.

No, but with the other top names taken care of, what else is there that doesn't involve bringing someone over from Smackdown? At least it has a good storyline to build it on, with Cena not being able to FU Umaga.


Never mind that he was able to FU Big Show...

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