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OAO ECW Thread for 2/20/07

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Where did Brooke Adams come from? Was she one of the 20 models hired before they canned everyone?


I approve of Adams.


She was the one on the diva search special they did that got cut just outside of making the top 8 to get on TV and they showed her saying she never gets any breaks and she was homeless at one time and all that.

Hey, good for her. And she's VERY easy on the eyes. I've gotta admit that this was one meaningless Diva hire that I don't mind. Poor Kelly still looks out of place.

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Where did Brooke Adams come from? Was she one of the 20 models hired before they canned everyone?


I approve of Adams.


She was the one on the diva search special they did that got cut just outside of making the top 8 to get on TV and they showed her saying she never gets any breaks and she was homeless at one time and all that.

Hey, good for her. And she's VERY easy on the eyes. I've gotta admit that this was one meaningless Diva hire that I don't mind. Poor Kelly still looks out of place.


Kelly really looks too sweet and young to be dancing around half naked on national TV. Which I suppose is the point. Brooke and Leyla just reek of sexiness, Kelly doesn't (at least in the same manner). She also can't dance either. She was a fine valet once she got the hang of things.

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humongous2002, your sig is great just for the fact that since then almost none of those people work in WWE anymore. Man, how much can change in less than a year.

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Remember when people thought Vince would never push a black guy as a maineventer........now we're getting an overpushed one.

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I was thinking tonight about the New Breed v. Originals storyline. I think a Bill Alfonso type character would work really well for the New Breed. A crooked Ref who steps in when Sabu tries to use a chair, Sandman his cane, Dreamer his weapons etc. Play it just like Fonzie did and DQ people for closed fists. It obviously would not be as effective as it would have been before but I think the Originals still have enough reputation with the fans as being proficient with weapons for it to work.

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Remember when people thought Vince would never push a black guy as a maineventer........




They should've just made it Lashley-Kennedy one on one if Kennedy was going to take the fall. Why does Holly get another title match?


Punk-Nitro sucked, but man...CM Punk is going to Wrestlemania!

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Remember when people thought Vince would never push a black guy as a maineventer........now we're getting an overpushed one.


Well, Booker was there first although it always seemed as if they felt forced to use him as the main event act while they have an obvious crush on Lashley.


If anything, WWE has been better about pushing minorities lately.

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I'll ignore the La Resistance match tonight and say this has to be one of ECW's better offerings to date. Or maybe I'm just so used to RVD and Punk getting buried that I was overjoyed to see them WIN tonight. How sad is it that Van Dam was beating Edge and Cena in the summer, and now I'm thrilled that he can beat fucking Mordecai? They did put Punk over Nitro strongly tonight. I still wish RVD was in the MITB match at WM, rather than this goofy Originals/New Breed nonsense. They could sub Balls Mahoney into that easily enough and let RVD into the MITB.

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I'll ignore the La Resistance match tonight and say this has to be one of ECW's better offerings to date. Or maybe I'm just so used to RVD and Punk getting buried that I was overjoyed to see them WIN tonight. How sad is it that Van Dam was beating Edge and Cena in the summer, and now I'm thrilled that he can beat fucking Mordecai? They did put Punk over Nitro strongly tonight. I still wish RVD was in the MITB match at WM, rather than this goofy Originals/New Breed nonsense. They could sub Balls Mahoney into that easily enough and let RVD into the MITB.


RVD has to be involved in order to carry the match. Not to make the match any better because that's not the case but to give the fans something. They aren't likely to rally behind Balls and Sabu as much as they will with RVD. This should give RVD the chance to shine more looking like the big shot while if he was in the ladder match with at least 3 other former WWE world champions.


Tonight's show was surprisingly great and the Le Resistance thing lasted 30 seconds so it wasn't a big deal. If they are about to make an effort to build an actual tag division, I'm all for it.

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good show. Glad I saw it.


If this rumor about Vince being serious about making ECW a good and equal brand (so to speak).. we need to a) keep the ECW popular guys there (Punk, RVD, etc) and b) a draft to even out the number of people on each brand. This like, 13 person ECW roster is ridiculous.

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Anyone ID the two jobbers La Resistance killed?


Los Luchas (Phoenix Star and Zokre) from PWG and assorted other West Coast Feds. Pretty good team. It was strange to see them wrestle under their real names and without their masks.

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The problem with Dupree is that he's so bland. He's just another "young, cocky, & arrogant guy" who's just OK in the ring and forgettable on the mic. WWE already has plenty of those.

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The problem with Dupree is that he's so bland. He's just another "young, cocky, & arrogant guy" who's just OK in the ring and forgettable on the mic. WWE already has plenty of those.

The whole OVW call up from 2002!

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The problem with Dupree is that he's so bland. He's just another "young, cocky, & arrogant guy" who's just OK in the ring and forgettable on the mic. WWE already has plenty of those.

The whole OVW call up from 2002!


Exactly...you'd think this vaunted "creative staff" of Hollywood writers that WWE has would be able to think up more than "Well, he's this young handsome guy with an attitude."


Also, how come pretty much every new guy other than CM Punk is a heel now? Aren't there any rookie babyfaces anymore?

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I still think deep down the WWE believes Rene Dupree is some sort of future star.


Eh, he could be if he had a decent push on Smackdown.

I don't see it the youngster still need to pay his dues and under WWE by-laws #47893 Rene needs a gimmick to get over so I can see him being promoted as a lumberjack from Quebec who carries a chainsaw to the ring. And where are the flags? La Resistence needs to carry the Quebec flag to tell the fans that they are not American! How else are the fans going to chant USA! USA! USA! USA!


Also, how come pretty much every new guy other than CM Punk is a heel now? Aren't there any rookie babyfaces anymore?

Bobby Lashley literally has a babyface. Besides no fan with a brain is going to cheer for a wrestler who does nothing but smile alot.

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I don't mind La Resistance being used as a tag team again, I just hope they have a slightly different angle than being "French nationalists" again. Maybe have them proclaim that "The French are the most extreme nation on the planet!" and have them try to fight a hardcore style, but be inept at it. Like, they try to set up a table and it collapses before they can put someone through it, so they resort to winning with a boston crab on top of the table.

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The problem with La Resistance is that the anti French crap is incredibly passe, roughly 2003 era passe. Also, are these guys actually from France or are they French Canadians? Cause there's quite a bit of difference there. Quebecers might pimp Quebec and want to secede from Canada, but that isn't like being from France itself.

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I've never understood why they tried to play the Quebec Nationalist angle in the wwe in the first place - it's a go-nowhere gimmick even in most of Canada let alone expecting the American fans to give a shit about it. I think Grenier and Dupree are decent enough wrestlers, and La Rez is a decent enough team but the gimmick is DOA. I mean why not make them Parisians - America hates Parisians, and you could even use the francophone vs anglophone gimmick when in Canada/Quebec for cheap heat.

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Punk is using Go 2 Sleep now? :lol: That's the best thing I've read on the board all day! He's like a character I'd make on No Mercy. Look out for the renamed CAW Punk.


RE: Dupree

He's not bad in the ring, does the old school heel schtick well enough. Bad man has he ever been saddled with some bad gimmicks -- the "tap into the mulletheads' demographcy Frenchy gimmick," "Foreigner A teaming with Foreigner B gimmick," and "underwear model jobber." He'd be better as a pretty boy with a hot, bitchy valet heel. He's old school in the ring, might as well give him an old school gimmick -- and not one meant to incite those annoying YOO-ESS-EH! chants.

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I've never understood why they tried to play the Quebec Nationalist angle in the wwe in the first place - it's a go-nowhere gimmick even in most of Canada let alone expecting the American fans to give a shit about it. I think Grenier and Dupree are decent enough wrestlers, and La Rez is a decent enough team but the gimmick is DOA. I mean why not make them Parisians - America hates Parisians, and you could even use the francophone vs anglophone gimmick when in Canada/Quebec for cheap heat.


You're forgetting, La Resistance was originally billed as hailing from France, but then "moved to Quebec" and started carrying the Quebec national flag.

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I don't mind La Resistance being used as a tag team again, I just hope they have a slightly different angle than being "French nationalists" again. Maybe have them proclaim that "The French are the most extreme nation on the planet!" and have them try to fight a hardcore style, but be inept at it. Like, they try to set up a table and it collapses before they can put someone through it, so they resort to winning with a boston crab on top of the table.


Now THIS I like.

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