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OAO Raw Thread 3-12-07

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Each HBK and Cena are wrestling somebody from the others WM past next week. I have no clue why they are putting JBL back in the ring, is that the best opponent Cena has wrestled at WM that is available? I wonder if it will be changed, though JBL has said he has a few matches left in him and I'm not sure if he ever worked with HBK as a main eventer and probably wants the opportunity.

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If they do this reversal thing for Smackdown, are they going to get Foley or Rock to wrestle Taker and will they get Mark Henry back for Batista?



Each HBK and Cena are wrestling somebody from the others WM past next week. I have no clue why they are putting JBL back in the ring, is that the best opponent Cena has wrestled at WM that is available? I wonder if it will be changed, though JBL has said he has a few matches left in him and I'm not sure if he ever worked with HBK as a main eventer and probably wants the opportunity.


Big Show/JBL/HHH

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Would it be wrong for Mania to end with Cena beating HBK clean, with no one turning, up until the celebration where a pissed of Michaels hits Sweet Chin Music to set up a rematch? Or would that not be a good idea?


Actually, I like this, but I think what would be better is the other way: Michaels wins clean, with Cena turning afterwards and beating the hell out of him with a chair (to set up a rematch). Cena could even beat him with his old chain thingy. Cena needs to change things up character-wise and he doesn't need to be a goiod guy anymore to promote his movie or sell dvds (anymore).


Michaels is best as a tweener heel though, when he's mostly shooting/serious (like against Hogan).

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I'm still calling the fans turning on Trump, and by the same virtue Lashley, at Mania. Vince is the heel, yes, but he's effective at his role and can be entertaining. Trump just doesn't work as the good guy in this scenario, not to mention he's a clear outsider. And the idea of him getting shaved bald doesn't work as the 'worst-case scenario' in the feud.

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Guest Toddiwod

My friends and I are still convinced that since Wrestlemania is on April Fool's Day, that its all a huge build-up for nothing. They'll probably all laugh about it and make fun of the fans for buying into it. Who knows? Just a theory.

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My friends and I are still convinced that since Wrestlemania is on April Fool's Day, that its all a huge build-up for nothing. They'll probably all laugh about it and make fun of the fans for buying into it. Who knows? Just a theory.


While it would be funny for about 3 secs, WWE would lose all credibility from the media that is covering this "big event", and piss off alot of actuall WWE fans. The people who are only casual watchers of WWE will stop watching totally, and a portion of the diehard wrestling fans, like myself, will stop watching because of being tricked/cheated (out of principle). It's one thing to have bad storylines based on Necrophilia, but it's company suicide to a degree to piss off your fanbase by essentially stealing their money by promoting something so heavily and duping them on your biggest PPV of the year.


So, it's no going to happen: Vince WILL get his head shaved. Period. But I do want the fans to trurn on Trump/Lashley (which will mean the crowd will be really hot that night, which always makes for a better PPV watching-wise, in my opinion).

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Right before the hair vs hair match, they should announce that a _second_ special guest referee is coming out, and then have Bret Hart's music play, only to have Jim Neidhart walk out about 30 seconds later.

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Right before the hair vs hair match, they should announce that a _second_ special guest referee is coming out, and then have Bret Hart's music play, only to have Jim Neidhart walk out about 30 seconds later.

That just made me laugh, a lot.


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Right before the hair vs hair match, they should announce that a _second_ special guest referee is coming out, and then have Bret Hart's music play, only to have Jim Neidhart walk out about 30 seconds later.


No need for the _


They can't do the WM Reversal with Taker and Big Dave.

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Right before the hair vs hair match, they should announce that a _second_ special guest referee is coming out, and then have Bret Hart's music play, only to have Jim Neidhart walk out about 30 seconds later.


That would be worth the $50 right there. Mania starts at 7PM, so does that mean its 4 hrs?

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I think Austin's inclusion makes sure Vince remains the heel and thus Trump the de facto face. Besides there is only two weeks to go and wrestling fans pretty unanimously want to see Vince bald. Besides, everybody knows that Trump isn't going to shave his head as part of some wrestling angle. I do think he'd look much better bald, but that's likely never going to happen, barring an illness.

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While the fans aren't necessarily thrilled with Trump I think the most fans at least tolerate or respect him on some basic level. Enough to not want to see him bald. Going against a heelish Vince is an easy way to be the face anyway, since Vince is uniformly evil.


Anyone else think Rey might get involved at WM and help shave Vince?

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They have to bring in Brutus Beefcake to do the head shaving, right?

Not after the Hogan/WWE falling out...

Are Hogan and Beefcake really that close anymore? Is the Hogan backlash that bad that they can't even do a quick Beefcake spot? I thought they were trying to pay homage to WM III.

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They have to bring in Brutus Beefcake to do the head shaving, right?

Not after the Hogan/WWE falling out...

Are Hogan and Beefcake really that close anymore? Is the Hogan backlash that bad that they can't even do a quick Beefcake spot? I thought they were trying to pay homage to WM III.

they can bring in Piper or Adonis instead.

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Raw is in Indianapolis next week. Assuming Edge continues his politically correct ways, what excuse does he use for that show?


If he makes a special appearence on ECW/Smackdown...it'll be in New Jersey. NJ probably writes itself.


We had a KKK governor back in the day.

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They have to bring in Brutus Beefcake to do the head shaving, right?

Not after the Hogan/WWE falling out...

Are Hogan and Beefcake really that close anymore? Is the Hogan backlash that bad that they can't even do a quick Beefcake spot? I thought they were trying to pay homage to WM III.

they can bring in Piper or Adonis instead.


Adonis is dead. Been dead for quite some time. A real tribute to WM3 would be Steamboat getting inducted and perhaps a cameo role. He has his name back, so they can use it now.

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If Beefcake were to show up, which is unlikely, chances are he'd get an Umaga beatdown on RAW before WrestleMania.


As unlikely as it is, it'd be interesting to see what kind of reaction there'd be for Beefcake. He was mega over back in the day and I'm sure he/his music would get a good nostalgia reaction, even if he's considered a bad wrestler.

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You know, JBL really is the ONLY available opponent from a former Wrestlemania for Cena. HHH is out, Big Show's retired, and that's about it.


Don't forget Jay-Z man!

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They have to bring in Brutus Beefcake to do the head shaving, right?

Not after the Hogan/WWE falling out...

Are Hogan and Beefcake really that close anymore? Is the Hogan backlash that bad that they can't even do a quick Beefcake spot? I thought they were trying to pay homage to WM III.

they can bring in Piper or Adonis instead.

That will be difficult to do since Adonis is dead, but ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN IN THE WWE!

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