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The OAO Raw Hot Sell for WM 23 (March 26th)

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I don't think anyone has argued Batista should or would go over. The only question, has been how strong do you keep him? Does it take two tombstones, a last ride, pile of chokeslams to take him out or would a decisive tombstone be enough. How many times does UT kick out of the Batista Bomb? Once, twice or Batista never hits it. It obviously should go beyond 12 minutes (the intros will probably last longer) since Cena-Michaels should and most likely will be the longest match of the night.

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There is a possibility that Trump becomes the heel - and they didn't give him a big enough face in order to protect against that either. I wonder if they have contingency plans - maybe a HHH appearance or something. Then again Austin could have been the contingency plan.

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Guest robrabies
I don't think anyone has argued Batista should or would go over. The only question, has been how strong do you keep him? Does it take two tombstones, a last ride, pile of chokeslams to take him out or would a decisive tombstone be enough. How many times does UT kick out of the Batista Bomb? Once, twice or Batista never hits it. It obviously should go beyond 12 minutes (the intros will probably last longer) since Cena-Michaels should and most likely will be the longest match of the night.


With the shortish number of matches, especially given the fact that the Kane-Khali and Lumberjill match will last a total of 10 minutes, combined, you would think that they would give UT-Batista at least 18 minutes. They need to keep the BOB in ring action to around 10-12, otherwise they risk exposing Lashley for the stiff that he is.

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I think there is going to be two more matches added to the card on SD! You can't have eight matches on a four hour card, especially with Kane/Khali and Ashley/Melina. I think we'll see a CW match and a Tag Team Invitational of some sorts which would pretty much get everybody on the card.

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I think there is going to be two more matches added to the card on SD! You can't have eight matches on a four hour card, especially with Kane/Khali and Ashley/Melina. I think we'll see a CW match and a Tag Team Invitational of some sorts which would pretty much get everybody on the card.


WM 21 had eight matches- two of them being Trish/Hemme and Big Show/Akebono.

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I went back through the thread and no one seem to catch this. If you recorded Raw last night, go back to where they came back from commercial and all 8 guys are in the ring for the "Cutting Edge." Watch CM Punk back hand Kennedy in his dick.


Like you would do to your friend to make him flinch. Watch Kennedy jump.

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Also worth noting that post-Mania houseshow cards have World Champion Batista fighting Ken Kennedy. So Batista goes over and Kennedy wins MITB?? Batista goes over and the crowd will shit all over it.


Kennedy doesn't nessesarily have to win MITB to get a title shot in the first place, but....


I also think these are just random 'tentative' cards. I doubt Batista is going over.

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Why not just job Batista out? Can anyone think of a possible reason to not just job him totally out at WM? Clean and right in the middle of the ring. I have yet to hear anyone suggest Batista winning could possibly be a good idea.

Because he's 1 of the biggest draws on Smackdown. Sure, he's fallen way off from where he was pre-injury, but you can't job him out like a bitch when he's still drawing for the company.

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Anyone else saddened by the fact that there is no IC title match on Mania AGAIN. (ever since th etitle was reinstaed in 03, there have been no ic matches,the last ic match being RVD-Regal at wm x8)


Vince beating up his limo driver was so random, it caught me offguard and I laughed for once. and why is eugene so sad, he looks better with the bald head?


anyhow Umaga, The IC Champ, is playing third fiddle to both the lashely and vince, and trump and vince feud. what a way to treat one of your top heels.


and why did raw have another commerical break after the main event, only to come back for 30 secs?


worse news for me, I have to work untill at least 9pm on sunday, thereby missing wm,I guess Ill have to stay up late with the replay.

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There is a possibility that Trump becomes the heel - and they didn't give him a big enough face in order to protect against that either. I wonder if they have contingency plans - maybe a HHH appearance or something. Then again Austin could have been the contingency plan.

It worked at 20.


If Rock is at the show, I would expect him to be thrown in as a surprise. If Trump is the face, likely it will be a ton of heel distractions on Austin allowing him to come in and finisher Lashley. Why? Because it's a SWERVE~! On the other hand, if they turn on Trump they could always get Austin knocked out in a ref bump spot and have Rock run babyface interference instead. If the whole thing is a trainwreck and everyone involved is getting shit on from the start, expect Austin to just clean house on everyone as soon as Vince gives the say-so.

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Well, as far as the IC title...when you have three world titles, the IC isn't going to be worth as much. Let's face it, the days of guys like Bret Hart and Curt Hennig fighting over that belt are long gone. The Intercontinental Title is sort of at the level of the WCW TV Title of the late '90s at this point.

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Thinking back to JR being inducted and the reaction, it actually hits me a little more than last night considering he can't even crack a smile due to his condition yet you can tell he was beaming with pride.

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I went back through the thread and no one seem to catch this. If you recorded Raw last night, go back to where they came back from commercial and all 8 guys are in the ring for the "Cutting Edge." Watch CM Punk back hand Kennedy in his dick.


Like you would do to your friend to make him flinch. Watch Kennedy jump.


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I don't think anyone has argued Batista should or would go over. The only question, has been how strong do you keep him? Does it take two tombstones, a last ride, pile of chokeslams to take him out or would a decisive tombstone be enough. How many times does UT kick out of the Batista Bomb? Once, twice or Batista never hits it. It obviously should go beyond 12 minutes (the intros will probably last longer) since Cena-Michaels should and most likely will be the longest match of the night.


I watched Survivor Series 95 a few weeks ago and think that some sort of 'renactment' of the Diesel/Bret ending is the way to go. Have Batista do something that would rightfully beat Taker on the floor. Batista Bomb through the announce table, something along those lines. Batista deadweights Taker back into the ring and takes too long about following up, Taker cradles him or maybe catches him in the Triangle Choke for the win. Then post-match, Batista loses it and Batista Bombs Taker enough times to leave him laying (at least long enough to leave, then give Taker time to do a worn-down celebration). It'd turn Batista full heel and I doubt that's what they want, but it'd keep both relatively strong.


Also, I've been calling the crowd turning on Lashley at Mania for weeks now and I'm still betting on it, but Lashley got a decent reaction this week.


Pity they botched the ending to Vince/Lashley so blatantly. He was CLEARLY supposed to kick out after the Samoan Drop and get pinned after Umaga ran through all his signature moves. I'm surprised only TWO people in the entire thread seemed to notice it, I thought it was one of the most blatant botched finishes they've ever had. Although, at least it didn't alter the outcome.

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Lashley didn't take that Drop very pretty either, whether that is because of something Umaga did or because Lashley didn't get enough height on his jump (which is what I thought), it just didn't look good. He did take everything else like a champ though.

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I think it was a mistake to put the IC title on Umaga. I've only seen it being carried by Estrada and he's constantly being blocked from the camera by Vince. They also have no Raw tagteam title match and it's unlikely London and Kendrick would defend as there arent any challengers either. They could have a battle royal for all undercard titles.


They also scrapped the Flair Carlito match last I heard. I guess they were afraid it wouldnt live up to the great Christian/DDP feud of many years ago.


So nothing for all mentioned above, in addition to Shelton, who stole the show last MITB, or Nitro, but they make room for a singles match with MV freakin P?


Sorry Shelton no match for you this time, but we do have room for one with the Vampire and the Teacher


Thank god it's with Benoit so they didnt bother to push it hard, but the US title is something I'd expect to not have a mention. I'm thinking that's a good curtain jerker, match time no more than 5 minutes.


They'll probably put the 8 man after MITB to rub it in RVD's face and guarantee it will be even more heatless than it was going to be.


The womens match, Khali and hair match should be all put together like a long intermission. I could skip the whole batch, right up to the haircutting.


I wonder if they'll split up the world title matches or just have them back to back, and which one would go last since either winner will be a babyface?


I'd hate to think a Batista match would be last since it will most likely be slow and boring.

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What is with people thinking match times are going to run 5 minutes, 8 minutes, two matches running a total of 10?


I would say between Benoit/MVP, The Lumberjill Disaster, and Kane/Khali.... that's a good 45 minutes right there. You also have to add in that they'll probably spend 15 minutes on the Hall of Fame. ECW can go 20, MITB can go 35. Then between the entire BOTB and both title matches, that's EASILY another 75 minutes. ...that's 3 hours and 15 minutes not counting the no doubt numerous backstage skits involving the Billionaires, the Divas, Edge/Orton, ECW, and both title matches.

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Kane/Khali, while being no classic, will be much better than most people think (and sufficiently short). Khali needs to go over if he makes even one appearance on tv post-mania. If not, then I guess we'll see Kane-Taker for the title at Summer Slam.

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I'm going to go ahead and predict a wild crowd this year at WM. They've been booking the face/heel lines so clearly that it's almost guaranteed the crowd is going to rebel against the booking. Especially since PPV crowds seem either more intelligent or more desperate to do something wonky that'll get them remembered a year later.


I'm fully expecting Batista to get buried by the crowd. I'm also expecting Lashley to be turned on due to his association with Trump, who will probably be getting "Fuck you Donald" chants and the like. The fact is while most wrestling fans don't like McMahon's in-ring character, just about everyone hates Trump's out-of-ring character. Anyone who believes himself to be such a serious important person as Trump does is going to get the shit booed out of him at a major wrestling show.


Oh man, I hope this is true, but I won't expect it. With 70,000 people present (ie, a much bigger than normal Mania crowd), I would think it would be tougher to have a crowd turn against a storyline (ie, cheer for the heel), only because the percentage of # of people attending likely goes up in the categories of children + women, who usually cheer the babyface/heels and are less likely to "try and make a statement". Chicago (last year) and NYC (WM XX) were easier venues to have something like this happen b/c of the rabid/vocal fanbase in these cities and that they are smaller venues than Detroit's, in my opinion.

The Skydome destroyed what should have been an epic NWO run and gave us "tonight, we're gonna see Stone Cold and Bradshaw take on the NWO!" for what felt just short of a full eon.


Then again, we also got Kevin Nash's "I'm going, bye."

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