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Best movie of 2007 so far?

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I don't think the point of the Academy is to have its finger "on the pulse of the people". It's supposed to, y'know, reward GOOD movies.


Although it doesn't do that very much, either.

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I think The Oscars primary function these days, sad as it may seem to film goers, is as the "Gay Super Bowl".



I can't even remember what won this year? The Departed I think


Last year's was Crash and nobody likes that movie anymore!

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I haven't seen 300 all the way, so it's DQ'd for the moment.


5. Ocean's 13

4. Hot Fuzz

3. Zodiac

2. Grindhouse

1. Knocked Up


Why is there any talk about none of these movies being "oscar" movies? Aside from the rare example, how often do we see the Best Picture selections and favorites released before June? "The pulse of the people" indicates stuff like Wild Hogs would be among those.

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And aside from bob's exhaustive list of movies, I'd be surprised if ANY of the movies mentioned here got nominated for a Best Picture oscer. Yep, that Academy sure has its finger on the pulse of the people.




Most movies that come out before September never get nominated for Best Picture, so I don't get what you're talking about.

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Kickin it Old School


And I'll see you in hell


Not that it was a classic, but Kickin it Old School had a lot more genuinely funny moments then I expected.


Another movie that surprised me at how much I enjoyed, which I don't recall seeing mentioned yet was Shooter.

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Oh, I forgot about 300. 300 is the best I've seen, then Hot Fuzz. Seeing Knocked Up in a couple weeks.

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Crash is the exception.


No one will get any nods for The Lookout. It got generally mixed reviews, and bombed.


I liked the movie, but couldn't buy that he could drive a car.

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28 Weeks Later.


The movie blew me away. I'm a huge Romero fan and that was a better zombie flick then any of his movies (yes, I know they're not really zombies) and I've seen Dawn of the Dead at least 30 times.


Vacancy surprised me by being very, very good.


hot Fuzz was very funny, but MOTY? No.


Grindhouse was good, but seeing it outside of a crowded theatre I don't think it would hold up.


300 was amazing and I saw it quite a few times but the dialogue left something to be desired.


Haven't seen Knocked Up yet, going of Wed.


Everything else i've seen has been disappointing.

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Anybody here seen Bug? I've been wanting to see it, but I prefer seeing movies in the middle of the day and the only showing around here is after 8. Is it worth the bother or should I wait for DVD?

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Most movies that come out before September never get nominated for Best Picture, so I don't get what you're talking about.

...holy shit, you're right. I just checked, and in the past decade, Crash and Gladiator were the only ones released before October prior to the awards. In fact, at least half of 'em were released in January, barely weeks ahead of the ceremony itself.


Why do you think that is? Distributors trying to release "Oscar bait" closer to the awards, or Academy voters just being too lazy and/or senile to remember any movies from more than a couple months ago?


But it seems to be a recent phenomenon. Go back another decade, and watch the pre-September award winners rise to almost half.

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I'd probably put Knocked Up at #1, but that might be because I just saw it this weekend.


Bridge to Terabithia would be #2.


Third? Eh.......probably either 300 or Grindhouse. I'll go with Grindhouse, because I didn't sleep through the first 45 minutes of that.

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Anybody here seen Bug? I've been wanting to see it, but I prefer seeing movies in the middle of the day and the only showing around here is after 8. Is it worth the bother or should I wait for DVD?



I saw it last week. I enjoyed it overall, but I honestly can't recommend it. I was the only one in the theater that liked it. And again, even that was barely. Everyone else was very vocally letting it be known that they hated it. The previews are very misleading. It is in no way a horror movie. It's actually a character study. A good performance from Ashley Judd is what keeps this from going completely overboard. If I were you, I'd wait for DVD.

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Most movies that come out before September never get nominated for Best Picture, so I don't get what you're talking about.

...holy shit, you're right. I just checked, and in the past decade, Crash and Gladiator were the only ones released before October prior to the awards. In fact, at least half of 'em were released in January, barely weeks ahead of the ceremony itself.


Why do you think that is? Distributors trying to release "Oscar bait" closer to the awards, or Academy voters just being too lazy and/or senile to remember any movies from more than a couple months ago?


But it seems to be a recent phenomenon. Go back another decade, and watch the pre-September award winners rise to almost half.

Well you didn't do a very good job at looking stuff up because Seabiscuit was released in July and it was nominated for Best Picture.

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Who, Chris? I don't see why not.


Also, wasn't it at one point the highest rated movie of the year in terms of critics?


He has trouble doing simple tasks and has memory problems...yet he can drive a car.


It's metacritic rating was a 73 which means generally favourable reviews. So it got good reviews, but not best of the year type.


Anybody here seen Bug?


I saw Bug. It was one fucked up movie, and I still don't know what to make of it, or whether I liked it or hated it. It was really poorly marketed with a misleading ad campaign that really threw the entire audience off. I imagine it works a lot better as a play.


Why do you think that is? Distributors trying to release "Oscar bait" closer to the awards, or Academy voters just being too lazy and/or senile to remember any movies from more than a couple months ago?


It's partly the short memory thing. A movie will have a greater impact on people's minds if released in November then say February. That's not always the case of course, but that's just how the movie calendar is laid out. Janaury-April are where more modestly budgeted pictures go, May-August is popcorn fare, and the rest of the year is family movies and Oscar bait.


Well you didn't do a very good job at looking stuff up because Seabiscuit was released in July and it was nominated for Best Picture.


His point was that Crash and Gladiator were the only movies to win Best Picture. He made no mention of nominations.

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Since 1996, the following movies were released before September and were nominated for Best Picture



The Sixth Sense

Erin Brockovich




Little Miss Sunshine


No recent year has ever seen two movies released before Sept in the North America get a Best Picture nod

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Anybody here seen Bug? I've been wanting to see it, but I prefer seeing movies in the middle of the day and the only showing around here is after 8. Is it worth the bother or should I wait for DVD?

Bug is awesome. Then again, I have a thing for fucked up movies. Just don't go into it expecting a horror movie, though ther are a few moments that are like a horror movie

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Erin Brockovich



No recent year has ever seen two movies released before Sept in the North America get a Best Picture nod


Weren't they both 2000?

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Just to echo a few thoughts:


1. Black Snake Moan

2. Knocked Up

3. 300

4. Grind House


Not exactly the type of movies the oscar hands out awards to. Shrek and Pirates were pretty disappointing. I didn't like Hot Fuzz too much, odd since I loved Shaun of the Dead and Dalton will forever rule.

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Anyways, here's my favorites so far.


5.) Bug

4.) 28 Weeks Later

3.) Hot Fuzz

2.) Knocked Up

1.) Grindhouse

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Just to echo a few thoughts:


1. Black Snake Moan

2. Knocked Up

3. 300

4. Grind House


Not exactly the type of movies the oscar hands out awards to.


Perhaps, but as has been stated pretty clearly in the thread, most of the oscar-type movies don't come out till the end of the year anyway.


I have only seen Knocked Up, so I guess that's the default pick. Why would I spend all my time watching stuff from 2007 when there are so many better older movies? There's nothing this year that stands out to me this year, all the hype is from the threequels.

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so far I've only seen Spider-Man 3...I'll probably catch both FF2 and Die Hard 4 these next two weeks with TF on the 4th.


I doubt I'll see anything else the rest of the year...I just don't go to theaters very often. If it's something I know I'll like or if it gets enough positive reviews, I'll just scoop it up on DVD.

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