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WWE General Discussion for July 2007

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WWE.com has a poll on a favourite GAB match since the show was revived in 2004.

Um... none of the above? Ever since they brought it back, GAB has sucked harder than ::insert slut here:: every single year.


Despite never happening Khali vs Undertaker is leading.

Ah, good ol' WWE, every time I think they can't possibly get dumber or show more contempt towards their fans, they somehow find a way.

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I don't know whats worse: WWE's website for putting a match that never happened on a poll, or the general WWE audience for actually voting for it.

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it would be a good idea to spread out Rey's and Triple H's return, i see Rey back around Summerslam

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Technically this can be considered general wrestling now, but what the hell, from Gerweck:


Rob Van Dam's contract has officially expired. RVD will be a guest on the Joe McDonnel experience on AM 570 KLAC in Los Angeles at 11PM EDT tonight. You can listen to the interview by clicking here, and then clicking the Listen Now button.

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-She sounds annoying as hell

-Probably knows nothing about wrestling

-Will offer nothing to the product, but willing to offer herself to the boys




-Unlikely to murder her family


Edited for clarification. That'll get her a push.

I've met ms Glover twice, once at Nuts Barry's Big Weekend and once informally on a friend's night out. Said friend used to date Keeley Hazell and is the dude in her sex tape. Got to meet Nikkala T, Nicola Stott and Natalie Denning too. Good night out. However, unsurprisingly she's pretty but ignorant. Plus you can hear where she tries to cover up her accent, it just makes her sound even stranger. If she does get to the WWE, I imagine she'll be the next bimbo in line for Batista. The sad thing is Nikita aka Katerina Waters is stuck down in OVW and probably will stay there until she agrees to a boob job despite the fact she's a good female wrestler and not too bad on the mic either.

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If true, this is obviously worthy enough to start a new thread over, but as of right now nothing is official and I haven't heard anything about it from anywhere else so just to be safe I'm going to stick it in here:




We don't have solid confirmation at this time, but we are receiving word that Vince McMahon will be removing himself from the day-to-day operations with World Wrestling Entertainment, at least in regard to overseeing and approving or shooting down storylines.

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How odd, that happened in my TEW game not so long ago. Stephanie McMahon took over, 2 weeks later WWE fell to Cult Level, lost Raw and Smackdown from the networks and all their stars left to tour Japan with AJPW and NJPW. But then, that is only a game and the data is very weak.

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I hate to say it, but Vince not having creative control anymore with the product might be nothing but bad. Steph would be the heir apparent in that role and seems far far FAR more difficult in her viewpoints and her willingness to suggestion.

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How odd, that happened in my TEW game not so long ago. Stephanie McMahon took over, 2 weeks later WWE fell to Cult Level, lost Raw and Smackdown from the networks and all their stars left to tour Japan with AJPW and NJPW. But then, that is only a game and the data is very weak.

The WWE would have fallen in size anyway. After a few of the early patches, TEW was tweaked to make it harder for a promotion to achieve and maintain growth. I've had a few crazy things happen too; Ricky Morton retired and died on the same day at one point.

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How odd, that happened in my TEW game not so long ago. Stephanie McMahon took over, 2 weeks later WWE fell to Cult Level, lost Raw and Smackdown from the networks and all their stars left to tour Japan with AJPW and NJPW. But then, that is only a game and the data is very weak.

The WWE would have fallen in size anyway. After a few of the early patches, TEW was tweaked to make it harder for a promotion to achieve and maintain growth. I've had a few crazy things happen too; Ricky Morton retired and died on the same day at one point.


is there an EWR type thread on this board anywhere by chance


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How odd, that happened in my TEW game not so long ago. Stephanie McMahon took over, 2 weeks later WWE fell to Cult Level, lost Raw and Smackdown from the networks and all their stars left to tour Japan with AJPW and NJPW. But then, that is only a game and the data is very weak.

The WWE would have fallen in size anyway. After a few of the early patches, TEW was tweaked to make it harder for a promotion to achieve and maintain growth. I've had a few crazy things happen too; Ricky Morton retired and died on the same day at one point.


Well, at least that's a good reason to retire.

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How odd, that happened in my TEW game not so long ago. Stephanie McMahon took over, 2 weeks later WWE fell to Cult Level, lost Raw and Smackdown from the networks and all their stars left to tour Japan with AJPW and NJPW. But then, that is only a game and the data is very weak.

The WWE would have fallen in size anyway. After a few of the early patches, TEW was tweaked to make it harder for a promotion to achieve and maintain growth. I've had a few crazy things happen too; Ricky Morton retired and died on the same day at one point.


is there an EWR type thread on this board anywhere by chance


There is in the Video Games section. Just do a search and it should pop up.

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More on the above Vince news bit:




July 3, 2007


Follow Up on Earlier Story Regarding McMahon


We reported earlier that we had received information that Vince McMahon may be stepping out of the day-to-day operations at WWE, but had not received solid confirmation.


What we are hearing now is that the issue has been discussed, but no decision had been made at this time. Our source also told us that there are other options or contingency plans being discussed, but no elaboration was given.


We are hearing that the top brass are following the investigations of both Chris Benoit and Dr. Phil Astin very closely. Based on our information, they are said to be considering how best to handle the public relations nightmare as the stories unfold.

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So if Vince steps down.... it's supposed to change the past? Does Vince think if he steps down (lays low) WWE won't be investigated?

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It wont matter other than on paper, because we all know that no matter if he steps down or not, he'll still have the main say over everything.


I don't think it looks all that great with having Vince as the head of WWE right now with everything that's going on, considering how he looks himself.

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How odd, that happened in my TEW game not so long ago. Stephanie McMahon took over, 2 weeks later WWE fell to Cult Level, lost Raw and Smackdown from the networks and all their stars left to tour Japan with AJPW and NJPW. But then, that is only a game and the data is very weak.

The WWE would have fallen in size anyway. After a few of the early patches, TEW was tweaked to make it harder for a promotion to achieve and maintain growth. I've had a few crazy things happen too; Ricky Morton retired and died on the same day at one point.


is there an EWR type thread on this board anywhere by chance


There is in the Video Games section. Just do a search and it should pop up.


i could not find one, if there is an active one could i have a link otherwise i might start one up

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How odd, that happened in my TEW game not so long ago. Stephanie McMahon took over, 2 weeks later WWE fell to Cult Level, lost Raw and Smackdown from the networks and all their stars left to tour Japan with AJPW and NJPW. But then, that is only a game and the data is very weak.

The WWE would have fallen in size anyway. After a few of the early patches, TEW was tweaked to make it harder for a promotion to achieve and maintain growth. I've had a few crazy things happen too; Ricky Morton retired and died on the same day at one point.


is there an EWR type thread on this board anywhere by chance


There is in the Video Games section. Just do a search and it should pop up.


i could not find one, if there is an active one could i have a link otherwise i might start one up


Try www.ewbattleground.com


They make frequent updates there but you'll have to sign up for the board to get them.

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It wont matter other than on paper, because we all know that no matter if he steps down or not, he'll still have the main say over everything.


I don't think it looks all that great with having Vince as the head of WWE right now with everything that's going on, considering how he looks himself.


It's nothing but a PR move if he "steps down." Are the Feds going to say "Well, McMahon isn't running the company any longer so lets forget everything!"


Also, if I was dumb enough to have stocks in that company I'd be selling now.


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Rob Van Dam was interviewed Tuesday night on AM 570 KLAC in Los Angeles. Here are the highlights:


- Host Joe McDonnell said RVD is on a hiatus from wrestling.


- RVD said it’s nice to take a break and heal up. RVD said he is looking forward to the time when he says that its been awhile since he has been on an airplane.


- RVD said no one seen this coming in the Benoit case, and said he looked up to Benoit in the WWE locker room. “He really was a role model’s role model,” said RVD.


- RVD said Benoit had a lot of love for his family, and still can’t believe it. “We still don’t know what happened,” RVD said.


- McDonnell said he hopes they find a brain tumor in Benoit’s brain to help ease people’s hatred for Benoit.


- RVD said he had Benoit in his comic book store.


- RVD said he is still in shock that someone he knows committed these horrific acts.


- He said people have to realize the difference between using steroids and abusing steroids. RVD said abuse of any drug is bad.


- RVD said ‘roid rage’ takes over your mind for a moment.


- RVD said it’s scary to think about the turn Benoit made in real life.


- “They are of course,” said RVD of WWE getting unfair treatment from the media. RVD said, yes, the road schedule is demanding, but not all of us kill our families.


- RVD said he always speaks him mind, because he has no reason not too.


- RVD said he has seen the wellness policy help to straighten out a few younger wrestlers. He said he has seen guys go to rehab. RVD said the wellness policy is there for those that need help.


- He said his understanding of Eddy Guerrero’s death was caused by a variety of things including his former addiction to alcohol. “I don’t believe it was just steroids that killed Eddy,” said RVD.


- He said wrestlers have a choice to stay in the business and not to become an addict. RVD said CM Punk is an example of someone that doesn’t do drugs or even drinks.


- RVD said he would tell kids that are wrestling fans that wrestling didn’t kill Chris Benoit and his family, it was just the occupation he had.


- RVD said wrestling isn’t doing so bad.


- He said he has been in the business 18 years.


- He said he needed a break from the business, and was getting tired of the routine.


- RVD said he is enjoying spending time with his wife. He said he is lying low, and isn’t excited about leaving Los Angeles right now. He said he’ll post some news on his web site in July about what’s coming up for RVD.


- “I’m extremely happy and doing very, very well,” said RVD for his fans.


- McDonnell said RVD is probably the most honest guy he talks to in the business.


Credit: Gerweck

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Looking at the 3 WWE brands I notice that there does not seem to a lot of "Top Teir" faces. Triple H, Punk, and Cena come to mind as guys who are currently faces, but would be a lot more interesting to see as heels. Can anyone as this company work best as a face? HBK comes to mind for right now. Sure, he was a hell of a lot better as a heel back in the day, but as for right now, face is the only way to go. But who else is there that is a face through and through?

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Upon further review, here is my list of current stars who work best as faces:




Lashley * (he gets an * because I'm not sure what he would be like as a heel)

HBK (reasons mentioned in post above)


Jeff Hardy

Sandman (Edgy face, but a face none the less)

Super Crazy

Cryme Tyme






Jimmy Wang Yang

Matt Hardy


Ric Flair * (Is there really THAT much of a difference between heel and face Flair now? Well, I guess he hits the top rope move as a face, but thats about it)

Rey Mysterio





Balls Mahoney

Tommy Dreamer



Feel free to add/edit this list

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How odd, that happened in my TEW game not so long ago. Stephanie McMahon took over, 2 weeks later WWE fell to Cult Level, lost Raw and Smackdown from the networks and all their stars left to tour Japan with AJPW and NJPW. But then, that is only a game and the data is very weak.

The WWE would have fallen in size anyway. After a few of the early patches, TEW was tweaked to make it harder for a promotion to achieve and maintain growth. I've had a few crazy things happen too; Ricky Morton retired and died on the same day at one point.


is there an EWR type thread on this board anywhere by chance


There is in the Video Games section. Just do a search and it should pop up.


i could not find one, if there is an active one could i have a link otherwise i might start one up



Here is the biggest thread for EWR 4.x:



And a few other smaller threads:





It's one of those quirks of the board where you can't do a search for any string that's under four characters. So EWR turns nothing up, but Extreme Warfare Revenge does.

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Lashley * (he gets an * because I'm not sure what he would be like as a heel)


There is no way in hell Lashley could be a good heel. He's too bulky to ever portray a cowardly heel, and he doesn't have the angry intensity to work as a monster heel. And either way he doesn't have the mic skills, which are much more important for heels.

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I think Lashley would be a better heel than a face, actually. I thought he should have been the one behind the limo explosion, personally. He could have been "putting on a face" for the fans so he would be popular, but really be a hardened person from the military that can't cut off that "at whatever cost" attitude that he developed in the army. He could have a manager, and be a heel that takes out challengers for a price. If a heel won the title, Lashley could be the man that has a job of eliminating the competition.


Of course, this is what he should have been doing over the past year, so it would be harder to have him as this character right now.

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