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WWE General Discussion for July 2007

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A follow up to something I posted earlier..


- Jamie Noble is now a road agent in WWE. They want to put him charge of helping the cruiserweights put together their matches. He was put in the position because the majority of the current road agents are guys from the 70s and 80s, now in their late 40s & 50s, and they still have the mentality of how to work and what the fans want from that era. They needed someone more in touch with what's going on today.


This could be a very good thing. The downside is that we see even less of Noble in the ring.

Well, they're not exactly stocked w/ cruisers, so I'd imagine we should still see him in the ring. Chavo will be working w/ Rey, so that leaves Yang, Moore, & Funaki as the Cruiser Division.

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I did find it a bit odd that outside of those initial SummerSlam teasers with a plane flying around with the Jackass logo (which I think aired during the Draft), it was never brought up again.

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Even ignoring the obvious roid possibilities with Masters, how exactly can he get a push on SD anyway? The World title is held by a huge heel in Khali, so it's not like Masters can believably contend there. The US title is held by a heel as well, MVP. Even if Matt Hardy beats MVP are they really so hell bent on pushing Masters that they would depush MVP?


So unless he's just going to trot out the Masterlock Challenge bullshit again I fail to see what Masters can do on SD that doesn't involve being a jobber.

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Well, he could simply have convincing wins over people that don't hold a belt.


Who? SD is incredibly face-poor, in the you've got Batista, Kane, and Hardy, and that's about it for the upper half of the card. Masters has already been jobbing out every cruiserweight who gets in the same ring with him for the past three years. What's going to improve now?


And if Vince thinks he can get people to actually cheer Masters as a goddamn babyface, he's even more delusional than the IWC thinks.

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World Wrestling Entertainment has signed Ted DiBiase Jr. to a developmental deal and will be sending him to Florida Championship Wrestling in Tampa, Florida. DiBiase Jr., who just completed a tour with Pro Wrestling NOAH in Japan, was trained by Harley Race's school and is the son of "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase and the grandson of "Iron" Mike DiBiase and Helen Hild.


Source - Pwinsider.com

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Johnny Nitro's name was changed because many within WWE didn't feel like it was a serious enough name for a World champion. Vince McMahon felt people wouldn't take him seriously with such a gimmicky name like Johnny Nitro. Many people, including ECW writers Dave Lagana and Dusty Rhodes as well as WWE.com staffer Jen Hunt, came up with suggestions for a new name. In the end, Vince chose the John Morrison name obviously because of the similarities between John and deceased rock legend Jim Morrison.

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See the thing is this isn't exactly like the old days when a brute heel like Masters could dominate people and be perceived as a big deal for squashing jobbers. If he's not a serious world title threat, not even a US contender, then no one will care. He can beat up some cruisers and undercard guys, but would anyone remember it the next day?

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Guest huss

DiBiase Jr. was quite enjoyable on his NOAH tour, seemed to grasp a better understanding on how to work the crowd as his tour progressed. He was also working with Kenta quite a bit, so I'm sure that helped things.

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So if WWE picks up Dallas Hart when he's done training, Mike Dibaise, and Curt Hennig's son I believe they'll have the whole collection of second and third generation wrestlers. Atleast of the current crop....

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Guest Shylock
So if WWE picks up Dallas Hart when he's done training, Mike Dibaise, and Curt Hennig's son I believe they'll have the whole collection of second and third generation wrestlers. Atleast of the current crop....

I coulda swore I heard somewhere a few months back that Dallas Hart quit training.

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You always have Blade Hart to fall back on.


No way, that kid has a cocaine problem.


Maybe he'll just hook up with Lohan and then they'll both get into wrestling....



I've heard from one source that a 7ft. 3in., 500lb. wrestler to go by the name The Mighty Biggs will be debuting for the WWE RAW brand this Fall. The source says the character will have a rapper sidekick with him, Mike White, who is an up and coming rapper and future reality TV star. Apparently White even wrote the Biggs theme song, has already been paid by WWE for it and will perform it on RAW sometime this Fall. No word on who will be behind the Biggs gimmick, but the source says that it is an indy wrestler from the New England area who has had success in the past.


Another Bit Of News Posted A Few Threads Above;


As noted earlier, a 7ft. 3in., 500lb. wrestler by the name Mighty Biggs will be debuting for the WWE RAW brand this Fall. The character will have a rapper sidekick with him, Mike White, who is an up and coming rapper and future reality TV star based out of Albany, NY. White even the Biggs theme song and has already been paid by WWE for it.


Credit - WrestleZone


That should be taken with an obvious grain of salt considering the source but I thought it was pretty funny personally and everyone would get at least a laugh out of reading it.

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Here's stuff from the F4W....some of it's been posted before but I'm just going to post it all, it's easier that way...


The Jackass deal is off before it ever began. The original plan was to debut the guys several weeks ago in preparation for a major match at SummerSlam. The debut date kept being pushed back, and the latest was scheduled for Great American Bash. At one point it nearly fell through as Steve-O, when backstage a month or so back shooting a commercial for SummerSlam, went around and was asking all sort of guys to choke him out as part of one of his upcoming videos. Vince was irate and nearly axed the entire deal, but Shane McMahon, who was the guy pushing hardest for the deal in the first place, talked him out of it and cooler heads prevailed.


The angle was in some ways also pushed on them by USA Network and Bonnie Hammer, who has felt that ratings are slipping because there aren't enough celebrities on the show, plus Steve-O is starring in a new show that debuts in October called DR. STEVE-O. The working idea was to use Steve-O, Johnny Knoxville and a number of other characters in a handicap match at SummerSlam, all facing Umaga.


One of the SummerSlam posters included a shot of Umaga on the beach with all the Jackass guys buried up to their heads in the sand. I believe in the match Umaga was going to destroy all of them in spectacular fashion (which it would have to be given their reputation), but then something would happen at the finish and the babyfaces (yes, the Jackass crew were supposed to be the babyfaces) were going to go over. So anyway, once the Benoit thing occurred, Knoxville got cold feet. He had agreed to a couple of dates and the PPV, but then started cutting out more and more dates, and then finally this weekend he announced that he didn't want to be involved. The other guys were still available, but WWE decided without Knoxville they didn't want to go through with it. According to one source, the plan was for them to cost Umaga his match with Hardy at the PPV, but once it fell through Umaga retained and now they'll set up the rematch for SummerSlam


WWE signed Ted DiBiase Jr. Coincidentally, it came a week after Ted Sr. did the column debating Dave Meltzer and putting over the WWE as being nothing like the WWE of ten or twenty years ago. DiBiase Sr. is currently an agent backstage. The interesting part of the story is that people told DiBiase Jr. not to go to WWE developmental, but rather to go train with Harley Race instead. He'd done a few NOAH tours recently and will now be heading to Florida Championship Wrestling.


Smackdown did a 2.6 the past two weeks, which is good. ECW, however, did a low 1.3 rating this past Tuesday night, and Raw the last three weeks has done a low 3.4. The first week was blamed on Larry King and the Home Run Derby (I never bought the Larry King excuse, because King was below average for the night, so it wasn't like a ton of WWE viewers switched over to watch it unless you go by the assumption that without the WWE viewers Larry King would have done a 0.0 or something), the second week was the one where Vince blew his stack and blamed Brian Gewirtz for the first time ever, and this past week's show came immediately after the Great American Bash. T


here is now a pattern emerging and I stand even more firmly behind my Larry King statement. It's interesting that ECW and Raw are down and Smackdown has stayed steady. The TNA TV ratings are OK, though the Victory Road PPV appears to have tanked, probably doing in the range of what they did years back when they were doing weekly PPVs (meaning 10,000-15,000 range).


Variety actually had an article about the ratings decline over the past few weeks. Now, granted, I think a pattern is emerging, but at the time of the article's publication it had only been two weeks and I'm stunned Variety found those two weeks to be so newsworthy. It noted that ratings for Raw were down 10 percent, with men 18-34 down 28% and men 18-49 down 19%. WWE, of course, said there was nothing to this, and that the number might be down because WWE had scrapped the "popular" Vince McMahon is Dead storyline.


Long-time creative team member Court Bauer is through with the company after a big blow-up with Michaels Hayes on Wednesday. The two worked together on the Smackdown brand along with Dusty Rhodes,


but then Dusty left for ECW and Hayes and Bauer had constant arguments. As noted last week, Hayes has been Vince's whipping boy the last month or so, so Hayes may also have been taking his frustrations out on Bauer. Regardless of what happened, pretty much everyone said it was inevitable and had been building up likely since around WrestleMania. Of late he's had some discussions with UFC, but was telling people he didn't look forward to the possibility of having to move to Las Vegas, so likely nothing will come of it.


He also told people that he was planning on going back to working in TV/film, which he did prior to coming to WWE and after his run as head of Major League Wrestling. MLW was your classic pro-wrestling money pit, with tons and tons of money being spent flying people in from all over the world, and it went under in spectacular fashion.


It did have minor TV on the Sunshine Network and did give exposure to a few new faces, and I believe Bauer was also the guy that came up with the Stampede Bulldogs gimmick for Harry Smith and TJ Wilson. I don't know this for sure, but I suspect he may also have been responsible for a number of wacky WWE segments, including SUPER PORKY AND THE HAM, so his input will be missed.


John Cena vs. Sean Spears for the WWE Title headlines the OVW Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom show this Friday July 27th. They expect to draw a record crowd of 5,000 due to Cena's appearance. Jerry Lawler vs. Casey James is also on the show. James is managed by Starmaker Kenny Bolin and his new midget sidekick MINI B~! The storyline is that Bolin wanted a full-sized clone and sent his DNA to Japan or wherever, but he didn't send enough and thus his clone came back in miniature. This is why I love pro-wrestling.


WWE's quarterly conference call will take place on August 2nd at 11:00 AM EST. Gonna have to listen to that one. It'll be fascinating because there are already board members talking publicly about how perhaps there should be changes in the Wellness policy including lowering the allowable T/E ratios. It's also interesting because if you read a lot of WWE articles recently, it's pretty clear the reporters are being told that they cannot ask about Chris Benoit (and I've had WWE wrestlers tell me that same thing), and it's going to be hard as a public company to tell stockholders that they're not allowed to ask about a certain thing. I wouldn’t be surprised if they took one call, perhaps from a plant, and then ended calls altogether.


Ticketmaster gave WWE a Platinum Ticket Award for selling more than 500,000 tickets to live events in North America in 2006. In total, they sold over 640,000 and joined 35 others in getting an award. So far, they're the second most requested ticket for 2007.


Condemned is out on Blu-Ray and DVD on September 18th. The movie was a total bomb in theatres, doing $7,503,611 worldwide as of this week. WORLDWIDE. Meanwhile, Spider Man 3 is at $335,310,056 -- domestically. Condemned got mixed reviews, with some critics hating it and many people saying it was the best of all the WWE films.


Cryme Tyme are the new Southern Tag Team Champions, beating the James Boys at the OVW show in Owensboro, KY this past weekend.


Speaking of OVW, Teddy Hart, Nattie Neidhart and Harry Smith are all working here and have debuted new matching gear. The idea of a Hart Foundation 2007 had been discussed for a long time and it looks like this is the beginning of preparation for that. Of course, plans can change, particularly if Teddy screws up. No confirmation on whether TJ Wilson would end up part of the group.


Diva Search casting call takes place August 16th and the contest will start on TV pretty much immediately afterwards. Fan voting again. The biggest change is that they finally figured out what a waste of money these prizes were and how much trouble it caused in the locker room, so this year the winner only gets $100,000 instead of $250,000.


credit:F4W Newsletter



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A little time waster here : http://wwegame.kp9.net/


Scored 894, not worth playing twice though....

Holy CHRIST that game is hard. I wasn't expecting old-school answers like "Doom" or "Goldust & Marlena" to be required. Plus, is there such a move as a "reverse grapevine"? And in keeping with everything the WWE's ever done, they don't actually provide you with a list of WHAT the "Top 10" scores are, so if they want to claim that Aurora McMahon-Helmsley won the damn contest, there's no way to prove 'em wrong.

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I quit. "Hip roll"?! They fucking made that up. Plus, annoying typos like separating "Superbrawl" into two words. 10PoG, how the hell did you score that? I never got much above 200.

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I quit. "Hip roll"?! They fucking made that up. Plus, annoying typos like separating "Superbrawl" into two words. 10PoG, how the hell did you score that? I never got much above 200.


Highest I got was in the 400s, but I got screwed a couple times. I got something like "Back roll" along with "Hip roll" and also, there was "PIPER HITS SNUKA WITH COCONUT" and I submitted it early, told me I was wrong, guessed two more letters, tried Solve again and got it that time. Telling me I was wrong when I was right happened to me at least three times.

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I gave up on the game when it used "Double Underhook Powerbomb" instead of just using "Tigerbomb".


Though we should totally cheat at it and just make a thread using only the right answers.

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PILE_RIVER. Fucking typos.


EDIT: Up to 1001. Fortunately I got Russian Leg Sweep twice in three rounds, so I just submitted it and got the 50+ points.

Out at 1064, not in the top 10. First memorable moment I got and I couldn't solve it, sonofabitch.

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I gave up on the game when it used "Double Underhook Powerbomb" instead of just using "Tigerbomb".


Though we should totally cheat at it and just make a thread using only the right answers.



Cause it's not... it's a Tiger Driver.

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