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WWE General Discussion for July 2007

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Why don't they just re-instate the TV title?


Where? On ECW? If they get a second hour they should consider it. As for now, it would be too much of a tangle to have another mid-card belt

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Someone probably told Vince how Joe is the X-Division champ so he figured he'd make a new title that Mark Henry could hold.

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Why don't they just re-instate the TV title?


Where? On ECW? If they get a second hour they should consider it. As for now, it would be too much of a tangle to have another mid-card belt

WCW had a TV title, too. They're already using the US title...


I don't think that ECW really needs another belt

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Why don't they just re-instate the TV title?


Where? On ECW? If they get a second hour they should consider it. As for now, it would be too much of a tangle to have another mid-card belt

WCW had a TV title, too. They're already using the US title...


I don't think that ECW really needs another belt


I don't think any brand needs another belt. Hell, there are already 9 titles floating around now. After a while it starts to dilute what being a champion means if there are too many of them in the company


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There are tentative plans to retire the WWE Cruiserweight title (hence Hornswoggle winning it, burying the title) and setting up a more serious, pushed TNA-like 'X-Division' and new title belt, with the division having a new name other than 'cruiserweights' and 'light heavyweights'.


How about giving them a full hour each week and calling it ECW?


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I don't care if it is just shameless promotion for the 300 DVD release, WWE.com has the BEST POLL EVER right now on the main page.


Which SmackDown Superstar has the better signature move?


King Leonidas kicking Persian BUTT


Chris Master’s The Master Lock


MVP’s The Playmaker


Finlay’s Celtic Cross

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yeah...whats your point?


That either they are liars or they like trannys based on their comments, maybe both, not that there's anything wrong with that...

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Or offer to sell copies to the losing bidders. Technically against Ebay policy, but you can make a boatload of money in a case like this one.

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Maybe that's a really bad pic, but if that came knocking on my door I sure as shit wouldn't hit it. My girlfriend doesn't look as manly, and his name's Trevor.

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Guest shrevedude

Out of those currently in WWE's developmental program, who do you think is going to make it big on the main roster?

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I read on NoDQ.com that a member of Marcus Cor Von's family passed away and that he is taking it really hard. He, I believe, is not ready to return to the ring until he is mantally ready and he recuperates from the family tragedy.

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Harry Smith. I hope Colt Cobana too, but even though he has bags of charisma, his size may stop him from making an immediate impact.


Size shouldn't be a big issue. Only match I saw of his Heat run was against Goldust and he didn't look like he'd be out of place on the main roster size wise. The only thing that'd worry me is the character. Unless they let Cabana be Cabana, ie. entertaining european style worker, then it won't be the same. Judging from the mic-time they've given Punk in his ECW career, I'm not holding out much hope.

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Harry Smith. I hope Colt Cobana too, but even though he has bags of charisma, his size may stop him from making an immediate impact.


Size shouldn't be a big issue. Only match I saw of his Heat run was against Goldust and he didn't look like he'd be out of place on the main roster size wise. The only thing that'd worry me is the character. Unless they let Cabana be Cabana, ie. entertaining european style worker, then it won't be the same. Judging from the mic-time they've given Punk in his ECW career, I'm not holding out much hope.


The good thing is a lot of Cobana's fun stuff is done in the ring. The comment I meant about size is that being big definitely helps, the smaller you are the stronger gimmick you need to have.

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I always found it odd they never went for Colt sooner, the guy is awesome. Wonder what they do with him, loved his fleeting moments as Classic Mat Cobana in WSX. He's just a really fun guy to watch in the ring and on the mic.

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I don't care if it is just shameless promotion for the 300 DVD release, WWE.com has the BEST POLL EVER right now on the main page.


Which SmackDown Superstar has the better signature move?


King Leonidas kicking Persian BUTT


Chris Master’s The Master Lock


MVP’s The Playmaker


Finlay’s Celtic Cross

Well it's obvious they wanted Leonidas to win...as those are some pretty shitty finishers. Only one worth noting would be the Celtic Cross.


But lol, here's the new poll up.


Who would win in a Four Way Match?


King Xerxes of Persia


Mark Henry


Frank Miller creator of 300



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