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Guest Tzar Lysergic

Week 3 NFL and Indanap'iss Cotes

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Pennington and Kitna are not better than McNabb. Bulger and Brees you could argue for (I wouldn't), but not the other two.


Don't forget about Hasselbeck, who was right up there before his injury last year.

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Kitna is highly underrated and is the heart and soul of that shitty Lions organization.


If Pennington were ever fucking healthy he'd be a sure fire top 5 QB.


Oh yes, I forgot Hasselback... I'd put him above Bulger.

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The undeniable top 2 are Brady and Manning. Palmer seems to be the consensus #3, and while he's put up some great numbers in the last three years, I'd put McNabb ahead of him on the strength of his playoff runs earlier this decade (injury ridden seasons after the SB year not withstanding). Brees would round out the top 5.

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Brees and McNabb are equal. TD/Int ratio is where McNabb has him beat. Completion percentage and QB rating is in favor of Brees, as is Yards Per Game (which is saying a lot considering how much the Chargers ran the ball). Brees will throw for more yards than McNabb has thrown for at this point in their careers when Brees hits the point McNabb is in. Brees also hasn't been sacked as often as McNabb. The same McNabb with the supposed great offensive line that Philadelphia had earlier in the decade.


In fact, I take back what I said. Brees is better than McNabb. But McNabb is better than Bulger.


I rate based on now, and last season. That's what the NFL is about. Nobody gets any credit in rankings for what they did before that, or Trent Green would be a top 5 QB. And that wouldn't be right, would it.


It's time to get real guys. Donovan McNabb is overrated as hell. A large part of that is because he plays in Philadelphia. They trotted Jeff Garcia out at the end of the season last year and made the playoffs. What does that tell you? If Garcia can put together great performances and lead the team, why can't McNabb? Anyone can get good throwing to Terrell Owens. What has he done since Owens left?


McNabb went from regular 57-58.5 completion percentages to a 64% completion percentage in 2004 when Terrell Owens was with the team and played every game. Since then, it's regressed to the point in which it is lower than his normal completion percentage. He completed 57% of his passes last year. Of qualified leaders last year, he's below average. The average among those players, of which there are 32, is 60%. Damon Huard was the average, btw. It's time to face the facts. The sooner everyone stops riding Donovan's jock, the better.

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I'm really getting irritated by the "until they get knocked off, they're the defending champs and therefore still #1 and/or the favorite" logic. I'm not even much of a Pats fan, but they're clearly the best team right now, are they not?


Most people do have the Pats over the Colts right now, but I'm just tired of this thinking in general. If you think the Colts are the best team, say they are because they're the best, not because they're merely "the defending champs."

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Why not? What have the Colts done to lose their #1 ranking that they acquired from winning the Super Bowl? Aren't they still undefeated this season? Just because the Patriots put up more points in two games doesn't mean they are inherently better. It just means they put up more points than the Colts.

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Guest Vitamin X

If Green Bay beats up San Diego at home this week, I wonder what that might really say about New England and Chicago as well. I doubt it'll happen or that the Packers will even win (you figure LT and company will get their shit together sooner rather than later, and with the luck I've had with my favorite pro teams lately, it's bound to happen) but it's true, we're only two games into the season. I remember a few years ago the Panthers jumped to a 2-0 start (this was before their SB run) and beating too highly thought-of teams in the process as well. They ended up losing the rest of their games, going 2-14. I'm not saying this will happen to New England, obv., since they've been a very good team for a very long time, but they'll come down eventually. I hope.


Even I'm a Hatriot now.

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Well thus far the Patriots have been the most impressive but let's see what the Chargers end up doing this year before pronouncing it a major win. Thing is, right now the AFC East looks like one of the worst divisions in football. It's already over after 2 games, since the Jets, Dolphins, and Bills are all 0-2. The Colts are actually in a serious division, with a much improved Texans team that is 2-0, the Titans with Vince Young, and physically tough Jags. In fact the only losses the AFC South has had are within the division (Colts over Titans, Titans over Jags).

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The Chargers' problem is that their offense hasn't gotten on track yet and it is completely reliant on two guys (Tomlinson and Gates); they have no threats in the receiving corps. Their defense is also reliant on just one component (the front seven) as their secondary is average at best.

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Well to me, the Pats look like the best team at this moment. As far as waiting to see if the Pats beating the Chargers was really a big deal goes, you can say the exact same thing regarding the Colts win over the Saints (especially considering the Saints went on to get blown out by the Bucs the following week). I mean, it's not a huge deal because I'm not much of a fan of either team (I do like Brady and Moss though), but I would like to hear a more compelling argument to why the Colts should still be considered #1 (at least by the writers and T.V. analysts).

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Well to me, the Pats look like the best team at this moment. As far as waiting to see if the Pats beating the Chargers was really a big deal goes, you can say the exact same thing regarding the Colts win over the Saints (especially considering the Saints went on to get blown out by the Bucs the following week). I mean, it's not a huge deal because I'm not much of a fan of either team (I do like Brady and Moss though), but I would like to hear a more compelling argument to why the Colts should still be considered #1 (at least by the writers and T.V. analysts).


So? That doesn't really matter to me. The Colts last year won a lot of games by a close margin, while San Diego was leading the league in points scored. What happened? The Colts went to the Super Bowl and beat the #2 scoring team. It doesn't really matter how impressive you look in wins, all that counts are the wins themselves. Look at San Francisco, they had ugly wins so far this season but they're just as good a shot to go to the Super Bowl as Dallas at this time. The Colts are the defending champions. Until they lose a game, they have no reason to move down the rankings (which is meaningless at this point).

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At least link to the right one:



EDIT: Looks like the NFL has received -- and destroyed -- all the material they ordered New England to turn over, so this story is officially put to rest. I'm getting a Farenheit 451 vision with Goodell throwing a bunch of tapes and documents into a giant pyre.

Edited by KingPK

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EDIT: Looks like the NFL has received -- and destroyed -- all the material they ordered New England to turn over, so this story is officially put to rest.

You should know by now that no story is ever officially put to rest as long as ESPN's around.

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