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Guest Tzar Lysergic

Week 3 NFL and Indanap'iss Cotes

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On Flutie not being started in the playoffs: Phillips has gone on record saying that he would never have dreamed of making that decision, and that the owner basically strongarmed that move because he wanted Johnson to be the face of the franchise. This is why Wade Phillips left soon after. When Ralph Wilson wanted to draft a punter in the first round and Tom Donahoe told him he wouldn't, Wilson stormed out of the room. Mike Mularkey left early because of the stress and pressure that comes with working under Wilson.


Basically this means that Wilson is to blame for the Rob Johnson mess, not Phillips. It also means that the Bills won't be a competitive team until Ralph Wilson dies.

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The guy has been injured TWICE. TO the same ankle. And he has only played under 8 games once, so I am not so sure how that is a fact.


Injury prone to me is when you are like, say Kevin Johnson(of the NBA). He had sprained ankles, pulled muscles in his ribs, chicken pox, pull hamstrings, pulled triceps, all of which caused him to miss alot of games. Byron has had one injury.


The guy got his fucking ankle broken on a hit. Its not like he was just standing there and got hurt. It was a legitimate injury. Like if someone hits Carson Palmer in his knee Sunday, that wouldn't exactly make him injury prone in my eyes. He played 15 games as a rookie, 14 games after that, 11 the next year (until he got his ankle broken) and 6 last year (when he reinjured the same ankle).


Its not like you can say injury prone on him yet. If he gets hurt everytime you hit him, then fine, but getting ones ankle broken isn't exactly something that you can count on happening and earning a injury prone tag. Es[ecially when the guy was still actively lobbying to play after the second injury. He only played 6 games last year because Del Rio said so.



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Since Leftwich became the starter of the Jags, he's missed 17 games. He's been a detriment to his team in many others in which he played through his injuries. I'm not lying when I say that he's maybe played 20 games at 100%. Even that could be too many. I'm not going to sit here and say that I didn't like Leftwich. I did. I also think he has the tools to be a top 5-7 QB in the league. But not the durability.


He played 6 games last season because he got put on IR after surgery. Not because Del Rio didn't want to play him. He wasn't physically capable of giving the effort that a starting QB should be able to give. The Jags went through too many "is Byron healthy or not" problems, and there has to be a time when you walk away from him.


To note, chronologically, he's injured his shin in college, (2003) sprained left ankle, (2004) two messed up fingers on his right hand, sprained left shoulder, sprained right ankle, torn ligament in the left knee, bruised left wrist, (2005) groin strain, broken left ankle, (2006) sprained left ankle turned into broken left ankle, out for rest of season.


Sorry. Here's the link if you don't believe me, just click on the years and scroll down.




There is no way he will ever play a 14 game season, if even that many games. That is injury prone.

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Last time I checked, this guy named Steve McNair and this other guy named Vince Young are doing pretty well for themselves, and the criticisms of both players have been at a minimum since they proved they were both starters in the NFL.


I don't think Donovan gets criticism because he's black. He's catching heat and has been catching heat because ever since TO's been gone, the only thing he's been doing consistently is playing like shit. And another part of the problem is that McNabb really hasn't been doing this


"I pass for 300 yards, our team wins by seven, [mimicking] 'Ah, he could've made this throw, they would have scored if he did this,' " McNabb tells HBO.

which really isn't his fault, because the entirety of his team's been playing like shit. After all, you should save that quote for when you actually win a game or throw for 300 yards. Really, you haven't done that all season. I wonder what kind of heat Rex Grossman would get if he wasn't white. Goodness. Donovan thinks he has it bad, a Super Bowl QB and all. Be Tony Banks or Kordell Stewart and then start bitching.


I really should have saved that post for my blog. I think I will make more such entries when people say stupid shit such as this. Continue.

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I don't think Donovan gets criticism because he's black. He's catching heat and has been catching heat because ever since TO's been gone, the only thing he's been doing consistently is playing like shit. And another part of the problem is that McNabb really hasn't been doing this


Except for the fact that up until the injury last year he was playing better than anyone else in the league.

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The issue here is not that McNabb is a black quarterback, but rather that he's a successful quarterback who absolutely folds under the pressure of the big game. McNabb needs to get over this shit. He's a quarterback, which is the most scrutinized position in American sports. He plays in Philadelphia, which has the most ruthless and unforgiving fans in the country. His team has consistently been on the verge of winning championships, but has come up short every time. I'm hard-pressed to think of one decisive game in any of those seasons where McNabb has played especially well and the rest of the team hasn't.

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Guest Vitamin X

McNabb's 9-12 as a starter since Super Bowl XXXIX. He's had essentially the same pieces around him before then, the only huge change being T.O. and Todd Pinkston. The defense is still playing great, as it has been. He's still a very good quarterback (although I'm iffy on calling him elite these days), definitely in the top half of the league and I wouldn't mind having him on my team, but he hasn't been the same player since the `04 season.


But again, we're only two games into this season so I think he should be okay. Why does it seem that every time race at the quarterback position is brought up, it involves Donovan McNabb?

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Guest Vitamin X

I think to call him a top 5 QB right now is a bit of a stretch. Top 10, sure. Top 15, definitely. But you can't be that inconsistent- whether it be from injury problems, or because the competition you face in your own division has improved (which it has, substantially)- and still be considered among the league's best.

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My problem with his line of thought is two fold: a.) does he think this is going to help his case at all and b.) Philly boos their QBs with a quick trigger when they don't perform. That's it, that's the fact. Philly loves Jaworski now, but when he played he got booed almost out of town.


Gritty, undertalented, white guy: booed

Smoother, ultratalented (thanks Mike Goldberg), black guy: booed


And right now he barely passes as a top 15 quarterback. He is indecisive, inaccurate, and not mobile enough to really make plays to cover for it. Yes, he is coming back from injury. But he constantly is coming back from injury and this is not the way to convice the FO to keep him around past this season.

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Re: Leftwich, he actually said that this past preseason was the first time he entered the season at 100% strength. He has had a lingering injury ever since he was drafted by Jacksonville, and supposedly never actually healed from that famous injury that we see in clips of his Marshall teammates carrying him down the field to take snaps. That injury was to the ankle btw, so it's no wonder that when someone hit his ankle he'd be injured.

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Before the Pittsburgh game, I would have given the Bills a small chance of pulling the upset. Last year they led most of that first Pats game before collapsing. That won't happen this time. The defence on third down is atrocious (which is why Pittsburgh's first punt was in the fourth quarter), and the offence is pretty bad too. Losman is blaming Steve Fairchild for that and if it's true, I'm willing to give JP some more time to see if he can spark something, since Lynch is the only bright spot right now. No matter what though, it'll be a blowout.


no way man, the LOLsman experiment is pretty much the same as the Rob Johnson experiment. Time to move on.

The problem is there is no one to move on to. Edwards is not even close to ready and it's way too soon to give up on the season and throw him in. I want to see if it's Fairchild and his supposed shitty playcalling that is limiting what JP can do. If it's not, then you can yank him.

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And yet he gets cut before the regular season in favor of David Garrard. I understand that there's some sort of rift between him and Del Rio, but wouldn't a coach hanging onto his job for dear life want to hold onto a legit first-round talent who's as healthy as he's been in his pro career? So we must conclude that either: a) Del Rio made a terrible decision based on personal preference, rather than actual ability, or; b) Leftwich wasn't worth keeping around.

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My vote is for A, as Del Rio never liked Leftwich and it was actually the GM's decision to draft him, not Del Rio's. So it's a case of the coach wanting to get rid of a guy just because he doesn't fit in his scheme and he doesn't like that Leftwich "lied" to him on a few occasions about his health, and so on.

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What an idiot. Joey Harrington was practically considered Satan around here for his years of bad quarterbacking. He got far more criticism than Charlie Batch or Andre Ware. McNabb is just setting himself up to cry racism WHEN Kolb replaces him in Philly. I also didnt hear Donovan give any examples to this supposed theory.

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McNabb is a top 5 QB when he's healthy. If you want to drop him lower than that because of the injury problems, that's your call, but you can't deny the man's talent when he is on the field.


Its irrelevant what "percentage" he is playing at. He was throwing Chad Henne like passes last night. No excuses for that.

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Before the Pittsburgh game, I would have given the Bills a small chance of pulling the upset. Last year they led most of that first Pats game before collapsing. That won't happen this time. The defence on third down is atrocious (which is why Pittsburgh's first punt was in the fourth quarter), and the offence is pretty bad too. Losman is blaming Steve Fairchild for that and if it's true, I'm willing to give JP some more time to see if he can spark something, since Lynch is the only bright spot right now. No matter what though, it'll be a blowout.


no way man, the LOLsman experiment is pretty much the same as the Rob Johnson experiment. Time to move on.

The problem is there is no one to move on to. Edwards is not even close to ready and it's way too soon to give up on the season and throw him in. I want to see if it's Fairchild and his supposed shitty playcalling that is limiting what JP can do. If it's not, then you can yank him.


the previous two seasons haven't been enough for you?

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The O-Line has been garbage for the past 2 years.


This year it's finally looking mildly better, but the problem is that the offense is still running the "Oh fuck, we have 0.0201 seconds to pass before he's sacked, everyone run a 2-yard pattern" scheme (much like Carolina was post-SB when Henning was still the coordinator).


If you rely too much on the YAC and not enough on the "Run down the field and I'll throw it to you", then everybody just puts 8 in the box with 3 deep cover and you can't do anything with the ball. 8 in the box stuffs the run, the box is wide enough to smother a screen pass and the possibility of pressure is enough to make any QB rush the deep ball.

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I don't think Donovan gets criticism because he's black. He's catching heat and has been catching heat because ever since TO's been gone, the only thing he's been doing consistently is playing like shit. And another part of the problem is that McNabb really hasn't been doing this


Except for the fact that up until the injury last year he was playing better than anyone else in the league.



Nothing about a completion percentage ranked 23rd in the league among QB's that played in 10 games is "better than anyone else in the league."


And everyone on that list ahead of him was the starter on their team for the majority of the season. The guys ranked below him are Leinart, Hasselbeck, Favre, Plummer, Grossman, Gradkowski, Walter and Vick in that order. For those that say his QB ranking is good, well, yeah, it had better be. When you don't run the ball you better do something with the pass.


This is coming from someone that likes McNabb and loves the way that he goes out there and gives his all on the field. He really should keep his mouth shut unless he wants to get on the field and win some games.


The Super Bowl finalist McNabb is the one with the right to make such claims about not being treated with respect. Not this McNabb.

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Before the Pittsburgh game, I would have given the Bills a small chance of pulling the upset. Last year they led most of that first Pats game before collapsing. That won't happen this time. The defence on third down is atrocious (which is why Pittsburgh's first punt was in the fourth quarter), and the offence is pretty bad too. Losman is blaming Steve Fairchild for that and if it's true, I'm willing to give JP some more time to see if he can spark something, since Lynch is the only bright spot right now. No matter what though, it'll be a blowout.


no way man, the LOLsman experiment is pretty much the same as the Rob Johnson experiment. Time to move on.

The problem is there is no one to move on to. Edwards is not even close to ready and it's way too soon to give up on the season and throw him in. I want to see if it's Fairchild and his supposed shitty playcalling that is limiting what JP can do. If it's not, then you can yank him.


the previous two seasons haven't been enough for you?

The second half of last year complicated things. He actually played quite well so it extended the leash a bit. With an improved line, he should be given some time to see if he can regain that form. If there's continued regression though, I'm all for a change.

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The issue here is not that McNabb is a black quarterback, but rather that he's a successful quarterback who absolutely folds under the pressure of the big game. McNabb needs to get over this shit. He's a quarterback, which is the most scrutinized position in American sports. He plays in Philadelphia, which has the most ruthless and unforgiving fans in the country. His team has consistently been on the verge of winning championships, but has come up short every time. I'm hard-pressed to think of one decisive game in any of those seasons where McNabb has played especially well and the rest of the team hasn't.


That's the big one. Certain fanbases are brutal. Just ask Eli Manning, Rex Grossman or Chad Pennington. If McNabb is playing in St. Louis or Seattle he doesn't see any of this.


I do question his health though. Last year prior to the injury McNabb was putting up the best numbers in the league aside from Peyton Manning. Like him or not, he was putting up points.

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I think black QBs are under more scrutiny when they don't perform well. And not really from the fans.


People like a QB perform well, and if you are doing well, no one gives a shit if you are black, white, purple, green, whatever.


But if you aren't doing well, the fans will call for your head, unless you are young.


But then you look at the teams, white sucky ass QB's seem to get a unlimited amount of chances while alot of the black QB's get "maybe you should try wide reciever" and you never see them get another chance at the position again.


Like it or not, alot of GM's and Owners are still old time guys and alot of them probably do still have that "black QB's don't work" thing in the back of their mind, and I do think that underperforming black QBs are on a extremely short leash when it comes to their career. I think that alot of traditionalist are in the position to control the look of the team, and while I don't think there is a GM or Owner that would be against bringing in a Black QB, I think that any sign of struggle will validate the traditionalist view in their eyes.


So to review, this whole black qb/white qb thing only applies to those that aren't performing well at all an are going to lose their jobs. Like if Rex Grossman was a young black athletic QB, he would be returning punts right now and Brian Greise would be starting. I don't think and young black QB would get that much time to suck and I don't think he would get a second chance to suck on another team. Rex on the other hand, if Chicago ever does get rid of him, will be picked up by someone else. And maybe someone else after that. Akili Smith on the other hand...not so much. And let week 9 roll around and Travaris Jackson is still not ready. THat could be the last you ever see that kid play in the NFL. Ever.


Now I am not saying there is anything wrong with that. If you suck you suck. But the old "he just can't play the QB position" excuse seems to still fly up for black QB's and the "the system wasn't right for him" seems to fly up for the white QB's that suck. IT really doesn't make a difference in the end because no matter where any of them go, they suck, because...well....they suck and eventually they run out of chances. Just the black ones run out of them alot quicker. Even when they don't suck nearly as much.


McNabb, his big ass contract, his pro bowl appearances, wouldn't know a fucking thing about that and is just being a whiney bitch in this whole situation because he is being booed. When he was consistantly playing well, the only people critisizing him was the Philly people, and honestly, they are going to critisize anything. He should just shut the fuck up and play the goddamn game.

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I think black QBs are under more scrutiny when they don't perform well. And not really from the fans.


People like a QB perform well, and if you are doing well, no one gives a shit if you are black, white, purple, green, whatever.


But if you aren't doing well, the fans will call for your head, unless you are young.


But then you look at the teams, white sucky ass QB's seem to get a unlimited amount of chances while alot of the black QB's get "maybe you should try wide reciever" and you never see them get another chance at the position again.


Like it or not, alot of GM's and Owners are still old time guys and alot of them probably do still have that "black QB's don't work" thing in the back of their mind, and I do think that underperforming black QBs are on a extremely short leash when it comes to their career. I think that alot of traditionalist are in the position to control the look of the team, and while I don't think there is a GM or Owner that would be against bringing in a Black QB, I think that any sign of struggle will validate the traditionalist view in their eyes.


So to review, this whole black qb/white qb thing only applies to those that aren't performing well at all an are going to lose their jobs. Like if Rex Grossman was a young black athletic QB, he would be returning punts right now and Brian Greise would be starting. I don't think and young black QB would get that much time to suck and I don't think he would get a second chance to suck on another team. Rex on the other hand, if Chicago ever does get rid of him, will be picked up by someone else. And maybe someone else after that. Akili Smith on the other hand...not so much. And let week 9 roll around and Travaris Jackson is still not ready. THat could be the last you ever see that kid play in the NFL. Ever.


Now I am not saying there is anything wrong with that. If you suck you suck. But the old "he just can't play the QB position" excuse seems to still fly up for black QB's and the "the system wasn't right for him" seems to fly up for the white QB's that suck. IT really doesn't make a difference in the end because no matter where any of them go, they suck, because...well....they suck and eventually they run out of chances. Just the black ones run out of them alot quicker. Even when they don't suck nearly as much.


McNabb, his big ass contract, his pro bowl appearances, wouldn't know a fucking thing about that and is just being a whiney bitch in this whole situation because he is being booed. When he was consistantly playing well, the only people critisizing him was the Philly people, and honestly, they are going to critisize anything. He should just shut the fuck up and play the goddamn game.



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He went 11-5 in his first year at QB, and even though people want to blame him for that lost to Denver, he was awsome in the 4th quarter and they were still in that game.


The next year(98 I think) when Gailey left, Thigpen left, and both tackles, the offense sucked and it had reason to.


Then he was moved back to the bench until 2000 when he led them to a 8-4 record when he took over for Kent Graham. They also happened to rebuild the offensive line.


Kordell then went 13-3 the next year as a starter. He was benched in the 3rd game of the next year.


After sucking for 9 games in Chicago, that pretty much ended his career.


My point is that I don't think that a guy that had a 13-3 season, a 8-4 season and a 11-5 season can be lumped in with the "that guy sucks and can't play the position". Its not his fault the the Pittsburgh line sucked in 98-99 and they had no playmakers at the reciever position.


Kordell wasn't the greatest, but he got plenty of chances because the guy was a little above average at the QB position. Can you really say the same thing for Joey Harrington?

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Guest Gym Class Fallout
So to review, this whole black qb/white qb thing only applies to those that aren't performing well at all an are going to lose their jobs. Like if Rex Grossman was a young black athletic QB, he would be returning punts right now and Brian Greise would be starting.

Flawed hypothetical scenario. If Rex Grossman was "athletic," which I always find to be a redundant designation when discussing athletes, he wouldn't be the Rex Grossman that we're all losing our shit over, as one of the big gripes is that he's short, immobile, and highly injury-prone. If Rex Grossman was a young athletic quarterback, black, white, or otherwise, we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place. Besides, I don't think Lovie Smith is the kind of guy that's gonna say "maybe this black guy shouldn't be a quarterback, seeing as how he's black," y'know?

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