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Guest Tzar Lysergic

Week 3 NFL and Indanap'iss Cotes

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Off topic but after seeing the Dennis Green commercial I pose this question.


Which was the better post game tirade: Dennis Green's "Crown em" or Jim Mora's "Playoffs" ?

It's "Playoffs?!?", and it's not close.

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And Barber just wins the game for my NFL.com opponent (who also had McNabb) this week.


Damn you Julius Jones.

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You know, Pittsburgh wore some hideous yellow throwback uniforms last week, too. I can only conclude that the NFL is preparing us for the inevitable Tampa Bay throwback Sunday.

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So...is Lovie FINALLY gonna pull the plug on Rex?


As a Lions fan, I don't know whether to hope for Rex or Griese to play next week.

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You know, Pittsburgh wore some hideous yellow throwback uniforms last week, too. I can only conclude that the NFL is preparing us for the inevitable Tampa Bay throwback Sunday.

The orange creamsicle Bucs seem far more preferable to what the NFL's been dolling out the last few weeks

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Thing is, while Griese may not be the answer necessarily he's at least a semi competent journeyman who won't weigh the team down. But really I don't know if the Bears D is so good that Griese can just be plugged in as the "don't fuck up" caretaker QB. As long as Griese isn't out there putting up a 52.0 passer rating every week he'd be better than Grossman though.

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If Lovie doesn't make the switch within the next few weeks, he deserves the 8-8 record and firing that will result. How in the everloving hell is this guy still an NFL starter?


The Pats going down to Dallas in three weeks is shaping up to be quite the matchup.

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I like the old Eagles jerseys! Actually I was disgusted with them, but they grew on me.


If anyone's wondering, Philly was colonized by the Swedish and the football team started with those colors 75 years ago. Hence, the bright-ass Swedish colors.


Reid said he's not superstitious (SHOCK), so expect them to be retired.

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You know, Pittsburgh wore some hideous yellow throwback uniforms last week, too. I can only conclude that the NFL is preparing us for the inevitable Tampa Bay throwback Sunday.


I actually miss the orange and white uniforms Tampa used to have. When I play them in Madden I always put them in those uniforms. I've never been a fan of the red, black, and silver look. Those Eagles uniforms looked AWFUL today, though.


So...is Lovie FINALLY gonna pull the plug on Rex?


Probably not. After all, Rex is his quarterback. I'm not saying Griese is the best guy they could get but they just need a quarterback who isn't going to throw into double coverage or make duck-type throws to keep the defense out on the field all game long. It pissed me off so much after the Super Bowl that everyone wanted to blame the Bears defense for costing them the game yet ignoring that the defense held the Colts several times to field goals in poor field position situations due to Rex's mistakes. Hell, maybe the Bears should contact Trent Dilfer or something because that's the kind of QB they need: someone who isn't the greatest QB in the world but doesn't make too many mistakes.


Maybe the Bears should look at acquiring Kurt Warner from the Cardinals. He looked like he still had something in the tank today after that game with the Ravens.

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Woooo. Great 2nd half for us. All we need to do now is figure out how to not start off so fucking cold. TO played great, Witten was great with and without the ball, JJ had some good runs, and Barber was a beast like normal.


The refs were fucking TERRIBLE. The block in the back on Witten, the offensive pass interference on TO, the 2 seconds at the end of the half, the no calls on the horse collars on chicago, the no calls on pass interference on chicago, etc, etc. If i didnt know better, i could have SWORN the mob was in on it.


But, we have the rams, the bills then the pats, which should be a fun game.

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If Lovie doesn't make the switch within the next few weeks, he deserves the 8-8 record and firing that will result. How in the everloving hell is this guy still an NFL starter?


The Pats going down to Dallas in three weeks is shaping up to be quite the matchup.


Didn't Lovie just get an extension, and aren't the Bears known to be cheap?




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The good thing for the Chargers is that Denver doesn't look all that great, and we already know about K.C. and Oakland, so I still think they'll make the playoffs. They may not win a game in the playoffs, but hey, that wouldn't be any different than when Marty was there.

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Guest Vitamin X

Thanksgiving Day might be a potentially awesome game with Green Bay playing at Texas Stadium.


So much for that "Oh, Chicago is DEFINITELY winning the North, and MAYBE the Packers will sneak in." train of thought.


And "Tampa fucking Bay" DOES look 'hungrier' than the Bears so far. They stomped the shit out of the Rams and Saints thus far and lost a pretty winnable game against Seattle on the road. The Bears did lose to two pretty good teams, but not impressively, and had the Chiefs of all teams hang around till the last second last week. I knew Chicago would drop off pretty bad this year (and that was even before all these injuries started occurring on defense) but not THIS bad.

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Green Bay is in Detroit for Thanksgiving & in Dallas the next Thursday.


That will be a very tough week. I still shudder to think of all those games in Dallas back in the 90s.

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Remember Jake Plummer? Didn't he not 'officially' retire? (like that would be a blocking point, anyways). Would the Chicago fan base take Plummer right now over the triumvirate of shitty clipboard-toting qbs they are stuck with? You're not getting any sort of an upgrade with Griese or Orton, that is for sure. Grossman will never amount to the expectations set in place for him. Instead of sucking part-time, he's taken to sucking permanently. It'd take losing future and potentially important draft picks to pick up whatever salvagable QB is backing someone up right now (Carr/Warner/Wallace/Boeller) and Leftwich was nabbed. Does Chicago ride out the Grossman/Griese express to 8-8 and go for a new QB in the draft? Thus starting all over again? Make a serious play for McNabb, who clearly doesn't want to be in Philly. Whatever the answer is, it isn't Rex Grossman.

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Guest Gym Class Fallout

If Lovie Smith wasn't so obsessed with a white quarterback succeeding, we wouldn't be in this mess!


The answer is drafting a quarterback, by the way.

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Yea, I can see Lovie sticking with Grossman through the season and the fan base and the locker room (especially the defensive side who will be at their wits end after week 17 due to the stress of having every game hang on their shoulders) revolting against him after the team possibly misses the playoffs. This would then bring up the interesting situation of the Bears drafting a QB which would not necessarily be a bad thing. Today in the NFL there aren't that many teams that need a QB so the Bears could land Brohm, Andre Woodson, or another player to guide them. Of course, I could see this also prompting controversy if Lovie STILL wants to stick by Rex and doesn't want to ruin his "confidence" by getting a QB.


I think Chicago should explore a trade for a veteran QB but I don't think that's a realistic possibility and could hurt the team down the road to win in the immediate future.


I also think Plummer's rights belong to Tampa Bay even though he is retired. Therefore, if the Bears wanted him I think they might still have to trade for those rights but I'm not enitrely certain about that.

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Guest Gym Class Fallout

I think Lovie might just be too proud to admit error and make a change.

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