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Cheech Tremendous

WWE Folder sucks dick

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For an honest reply: I'd like it to be any non-WWE / ex-WWE worker that will be open/honest with us. Not someone who's going to tow the company line

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I hardly post anymore, but checked the board after a few months and find this "cheech" guy has A) a Scott Keith dick-sucking fascination and B) A thread about shitty "Carlito" so all I can summarize is that Cheech both sucks dick and likes bad wrestling.


I hope his next "changes" to the WWE forum are of equal relevance, such as "A look at Triple H's 2003 Title reign" or "How much did Russo do for the WWF?"

At least he's taking the initiative and starting threads and you know, discussion. Before, "CWDWAT" was the first post in any thread in the folder.

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Thanks for the support hyperchord. As far as UTSU is concerned, I am more than willing to take criticism for my work, but just popping in to say I suck dick hardly classifies as feedback.


There is an "Ask Your Moderator" thread in the WWE folder. There is this thread. I have a PM box. I am here to respond to any poster's concerns and take suggestions for improvement. If you want to call me names feel free, but I'm not sure what that does to improve the board.

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UTSU figured out that Cheech talked me into posting that Scott Keith thread. I didn't want to do it, but he was very persistent! He kept telling me it would make me a star some day.


Nice dig on the Win/Loss thread, by the way.

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It was your fucking idea, nimrod! "Oh, I don't care for Scott Keith, let me sell the other idiot on a big idea that we can sticky where we'll discuss SK's history and have him answer questions because's he's a mark who has written books."


Liking Scott Keith and thinking he'd be an interesting guest are two very different things. Scott was the first person we could get on short notice, and he has a long history with the board. We actually have a former WWE wrestler who's willing to come on for the next one. Is that up to your standards?

UTSU only associates with high class tits and ass.


Scott Keith is neither of the above.

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Honestly does anyone care what UTSH has to say? I mean he was one of the things wrong with the WWE folder in the first place.

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On Benoit... was closed before I could send my last post on this shit, so you fags get to read it here. Cool? Cool.


MVP said some really gay shit, I dunno...


QUOTE (MVP @ Apr 4 2008, 04:?? AM)

Some gay shit, blah, blah, blah...


Right. And Dynamite Kid put a shotgun to his ex-wife's head for no reason and in a recent interview said that he didn't think it was violent.


Steve Austin is an alcoholic that beats bitches.


Hulk Hogan is a scumbag that fucks everybody over to get his way. He's also responsible for giving his 16 year old son alcohol that he drank, then wrecked his car and almost killed his passenger, is in the middle of a divorce with his wife, and is fucking his daughter's friend.


Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, HHH, Davey Boy Smith, Jim Niedhart, New Jack, Paul Heyman, Jim Cornette, Kurt Angle, Jake Roberts, the list goes on and on.


All of them are drug addicts, alcoholics, wife beaters, child abusers, scam artists, junkies, freaks, fiends, rapists, perverts...


Just like Milky said about this place, all that shit applies to the users of this site and wrestling is what brought us all here.

That's not a coincidence, I don't think.


Everybody involved in Pro Wrasslin’ is a fucked up individual in some way. Same as Gangsta Rap, Rock N' Roll, all those lifestyles are similar. Drugs, booze, women, violence, touring, performing live, living fast. You know, “Party like a rock star”, and all that. Anybody involved in any form of entertainment did it because first, they love the art form. Then, they love the money and power and everything that comes with it, until they go broke, get locked up, o.d., die, kill somebody, beat their wife, wreck their car, kill themselves, whatever. Then, if they’re alive, it's time to get back to the art, and hope the money comes again. And it does.


It's the American Dream, homey. Our heroes have to have faults, they have to fuck up and go through hell for redemption before they get respect. That's the way it's been for a long time now. And if you die, you're automatically elevated to legend status. James Dean all the way up to Ike fuckin' Turner became legends when they died. That's the nature of a society obsessed with death.


NaS - "And these are our heroes..."






FroGG NeaL


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Well, back to not posting in the WWE folder for a while.

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We're going to make sure things go as they did when Cheech and Dandy were folder mods, just so you know.

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