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Cena Injured Tonight (Out 6-12 Months)

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How would Kennedy claim he caused Cena's injury? Not say they won't go that route, but it's obvious the injury occured when Cena hip-tossed Kennedy.


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How would Kennedy claim he caused Cena's injury? Not say they won't go that route, but it's obvious the injury occured when Cena hip-tossed Kennedy.


They can say when he threw Cena into the steps, that caused the injury.

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That would work.


When Cena is healthy, how long before he wins back the title? They have the built-in no one ever beat me for the title storyline for when Cena comes back.

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That would work.


When Cena is healthy, how long before he wins back the title? They have the built-in no one ever beat me for the title storyline for when Cena comes back.

If one assumes 7 months or less for his departure, he can do a build-up for Summerslam title match.


If its longer, he might just do a HHH style return at the event.

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That would work.


When Cena is healthy, how long before he wins back the title? They have the built-in no one ever beat me for the title storyline for when Cena comes back.

If one assumes 7 months or less for his departure, he can do a build-up for Summerslam title match.


If its longer, he might just do a HHH style return at the event.


I'm guessing he'll win it at his first PPV back. And keep it until WM26.

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Thinking about it today I believe Edge could return at the PPV facing Orton for the belt and winning. I'm guessing they are calling the Last Man Standing off, and just having a regular match. Therefore if Edge still needs some healing time he can just say 'I don't have to defend the belt for 30 days, until the PPV.'


PS: There is a poll asking who the fans would like to see as WWE Champ at the conclusion of No Mercy, and Val Venis currently has 50% of the votes.

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They aren't going to let Kennedy have the kayfabe credit for putting Cena out. From tonight's video package on ECW, it's pretty clear that they're saying Orton's attack was to blame.

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Looks like they got embarrassed about the poll and took it down. unless you can't see it once you've voted on it. Went back this morning and it's gone.

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Apologies if someone already suggested:


Think they would hotshot Jericho into the title spot right off the bat? (im not saying they should or shouldnt) Seems like an interesting way to really re-establish him on the retrun.

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They can do that leave one pod empty and everybody wondering who he is going to be and when that wrestler is suppose to come out have Jericho's music come on


Uh, and stop the match, lift up the chamber for Jericho to enter, then lower it back down?!?!


If you wanted to do this idea, though i wouldn't, you'd have to have Jericho come out in a mask and fullbody suit/gear while in the pod, then when he wins unmask as Jericho. Little too much, i think.

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This may have been brought up previously, but I would like to see the PPV go down like this:


Orton comes out, cuts a promo about taking out the champ, and he deserves to be handed the title. Then the matrix shit shows up on the titantron, then Chris MOTHERFUCKING Jericho makes his return to some nuclear crowd reaction, issues a challenge & fights Orton in a competitive match. Orton gets the upperhand, and goes for his soccer kick. Jericho counters into the Liontamer, not the Walls of Jericho, (for one night only WWE should allow the Liontamer), for the tapout, thus cementing himself as a main eventer.


Why not give Jericho a little "sign-on" bonus with a World Title win on his first night back, to capitalize on the crowd pop he will surely receive?


Knowing how things are going lately though, Jericho would most likely continue to play the Macho Man to HHH's Hulk Hogan, and drop the title to him the next night on RAW.

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I dont think they should have a title match at the PPV.


Add Orton to the Punjabi Prison match for hillarity purposes only.


Main Event becomes Jerichos return


Procede with plans for Hell in a Cell at CS, but make it a 4 Way between HHH/Kennedy/Jericho/Orton



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How about blame roid-fueled Kennedy?



Eddie's last match on tv was against.......



Kennedy is the anti-McMahon

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For what its worth, i'm betting Cena's return outpops Jericho's.

The only way that happens if there they only allow females and kids under 12 years old to enter the arena


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I am not in favor of an Elimination Chamber match with no build, but they could have a trap door in an empty cell and have Jericho be raised up through the bottom of the cell a la Gangrel when his time to enter comes.

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I love how everyone is thinking of every possible scenario involving Jericho winning the belt, when it will just be Orton pinning Kennedy and kicking him to death. Or, they'll just bring some big man over (Khali).


Remember, this is the WWE.

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I dont think they should have a title match at the PPV.


Add Orton to the Punjabi Prison match for hillarity purposes only.


Main Event becomes Jerichos return


Procede with plans for Hell in a Cell at CS, but make it a 4 Way between HHH/Kennedy/Jericho/Orton


All of the suggested makes no sense. Orton has no beef with Batista or Khali.


Plus do HIAC with four guys that, again, have not even been feuding with each other?!!

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I dont think they should have a title match at the PPV.


Add Orton to the Punjabi Prison match for hillarity purposes only.


Main Event becomes Jerichos return


Procede with plans for Hell in a Cell at CS, but make it a 4 Way between HHH/Kennedy/Jericho/Orton


All of the suggested makes no sense. Orton has no beef with Batista or Khali.


Plus do HIAC with four guys that, again, have not even been feuding with each other?!!


As for the point about Orton, read the bolded part. The addition of Orton to the Punjabi Prison match would be hillarious. If they didnt have a title match, Orton would go to Vince and say "I didnt get a title shot, I was supposed to have one tonight!" and Vince could confer with Vicki and toss him in the PP match. The PP match was already going to be a bad match and the addition of Orton would probably make it 10x worse.


As for the point about HIAC, if Jericho comes back those will be your top two faces and heels on RAW, at least in my mind. You could sub Umaga with Kennedy, but after HHH sends him back to the midcard at the PPV, Kennedy will be the better option at 2nd heel behind Orton.

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Jericho coming back would be (after HHH returning but before Mysterio) the hottest story of the year in WWE.


Don't kill the momentum by having him lay out Cena (or someone else obviously now).

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You know what I'd wish they would do. Build up a one-night tournament for the title for Survivor Series.


Whether they could find 16 men able to move all of their limbs on the RAW roster is debatable but if there's anything that'd build interest in the title scene, it could be that. Use the time between No Mercy and Survivor Series to give some guys like Hardy and Benjamin some credibility, make it seem like they had a shot. You could keep the Smackdown feuds going with a SS Rules Match, ECW could have a multi-man too. Or, if need be, just have a cross-brand tournament. Been nine years almost, so why not?



EDIT: Val Venis, 45.21%

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The poll is still up by the way, someone said it'd been taken down. It's up on the list of headlines next to the main headline. Val Venis is still in the lead.

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You know what I'd wish they would do. Build up a one-night tournament for the title for Survivor Series.


Whether they could find 16 men able to move all of their limbs on the RAW roster is debatable but if there's anything that'd build interest in the title scene, it could be that. Use the time between No Mercy and Survivor Series to give some guys like Hardy and Benjamin some credibility, make it seem like they had a shot. You could keep the Smackdown feuds going with a SS Rules Match, ECW could have a multi-man too. Or, if need be, just have a cross-brand tournament. Been nine years almost, so why not?



EDIT: Val Venis, 45.21%


Might as well just use Cyber Sunday for that purpose. Sure, the name doesn't fit but this way you might get 2 good-decent buyrates. I'd rather do a 8 man one nighter, with the weeks before used as qualifiers.


Eight men works fine for Raw. Assuming no new injuries/suspensions, you can easily have a 16 man tournament (the first round for Raw).


Have Orton/Kennedy/HHH/Umaga (What I predict to be the No Mercy Main Event) go to a draw or double finish. If you do the double finish, you can use those two guys (likely Orton and HHH) to meet in the second round. You fill the rest of the 6 spots with Umaga, Kennedy, Hardy, Cody Rhodes (as the required underdog), Carlito and Jericho if he is indeed "back". If Jericho isn't back, you can just as easily slide Santino or maybe bring someone like Henry over. The qualifer losers can be easily placed with the low card acts.


You can have McMahon rehash the Montreal finish with HHH in the first around against Orton/Kennedy/Umaga (which is what he will want to do and it's better to do it in the first round and not the finals). Build to a McMahon-HHH match at Series, which is where I think this crap is headed anyways. Let someone else win the title on the show (I'm pushing Hardy) for a short reign before dropping it to whomever wins the WM sweepstakes.

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They have always been fascinated with showing surgery pics i remember my first was seeing Billy Graham's hip operation on Superstars or Wrestling challange


I had more time to read the rest of the thread and saw all the people tlaking about Jericho (again not saying the should but was curious how people were feeling about that possibility)


King C: I LOVE tournaments but I think WWE has seen bad returns ratings and PPV wise when they have tourneys. I believe its a ig reason why KOTR dies off as well. Even when they do a tournament now its very short. I am a HUGE amrk for bigger tournaments but I think we are in the minority on that

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