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Hunter's Torn Quad

UFC 81: Breaking Point

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Brock looked really good for the short time it lasted. He avoided a jujigatame, he floated in and out of position with ease, AND he dropped Mir with a shot.


You just can't train for every aspect and be fantastic immediately. Brock lost nothing by this loss.

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He's exciting to watch. That was just an insane bullrush/takedown/gnp. It's been said, but no shame in what happened there.


I'm wondering what the logic was to stop the fight with no warning. That was odd to say the least. I've never seen that before without a warning. But damn... the potential is scary.

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I'm pretty sure I heard Mazzagatti yelling about knees to the head after the stoppage and then when the replays came, Brock landed one punch to the back of Mir's head while Mir was turning and that was it. No warning, just a point deduction and a standup. Then Mazzagatti just watches as Lesnar taps like 6 times before stopping it.

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It's a shame Brock lost quickly because a lot of people on certain other boards are going to use it as an excuse to rip into him and bury him, all the while ignoring the fact that Lesnar was doing very well for himself before the knee bar and showed tremendous potential. I think Brock is going to learn a great deal from this, and I think this is going to work in his favor by forcing him to train even harder. Brock might have lost the fight, but I truly think he's going to win the war.

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I'd go as far as to say that there is little doubt in my mind that he's a future world champ.


Bigger celebs than usual tonight. Jay-Z, Griffey Jr., Barry Bonds.

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After what happened with Herring I figured Sylvia would at least be trying some head kicks.


Needless to say this is the best I can remember him looking in a looooong time.

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You gotta have Sopcast installed for it to work.




They're showin the Heath fight from earlier tonight.


I was watching that one on Sopcast.

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You gotta have Sopcast installed for it to work.




They're showin the Heath fight from earlier tonight.


I was watching that one on Sopcast.



Great stream, huh.

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Sylvia may finally have a chance to bring the fans back to his side if he shows the fire to win the match like he did here. He seemed a little more humbled now that he's been taken down by two of the greatest heavyweights in MMA history.


And HOLY SHIT ASSWHIPPING by Lytle in the bonus match!

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All in all, a very entertaining evening. I didn't think Brock was going to win tonight due to his inexperience, and when the guy sitting at the table next to me heard me say that, he was like "Man, Brock's going to destroy Mir." I was glad to be on the right side of a call for a change. Still, the way Brock opened the match had me worried. The takedown was fast and furious, and it looked to be over as quickly as it started. Being an 80's metal fan, I got a kick out of Brock's entrance music as well. I wasn't really sold on Brock before hand, but with a little more experience... he'll probably be a wrecking machine in the heavyweight division.


I also thought Minotaur was toast in the opening round of the main event. I can't believe Sylvia couldn't drop him, even though I was pulling for Nogeuria.


My favorite match of the night had to be Heath vs. Boetsch. Everyone in the restaurant I was watching it at couldn't believe how many knee strikes Heath allowed Boetsch to get, and the place erupted for the wicked takedown Boetsch got.


Almeida looked impressive, but you could tell a quick victory was coming a mile away.

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I was pretty surprised with Lesnar. I really didn't think he'd win his first UFC match, however I sure as hell didn't think he'd look that good. I think Mir was caught off guard how quick Lesnar was with his boxing and his take downs. As soon as Brock learns any sort of patience and ground defense, I think he's going to be an extremely dangerous heavyweight. Mir was overpowered and completely outmatched in that fight. All Frank could do was hope to god Brock's inexperience left some sort of submission opening and eventually it did. Mir took a hell of a pounding in the short amount of time that fight went. Huge win for Mir though. I look forward to seeing who Mir and Lesnar face next.


Those knees from Boetsch... devastating.


Sylvia looked pretty good I thought. I had a feeling as long as he didn't screw up on the ground he was easily going to win the fight. He ended up screwing up on the ground and got choked out. Tim looked really focused though and could essentially do anything he wanted in the fight. No way Nogueira could win that fight without a tapout.


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