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Cheech Tremendous

TSM Profile: Carlito

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Yes, this another one of those thread ideas that we are throwing out there in an effort to improve discussion in the folder. The idea behind this thread is to analyze and a discuss an active member of the WWE roster.


Now, for this week's victim.





Name: Carlito

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 220

Age: 29

WWE Debut: 2004

Accomplishments : WWE I-C champ, WWE U.S. Champ


Background: This former star of Puerto Rico debuted in 2004, winning the US title from John Cena in his first televised bout. He has bounced around the fed since then, with stints on both Raw and Smackdown. He was pushed to near main event status in early 2006, but was on the chopping block by late 2007.


Carlito's position in the company appears to be safe at the moment due to his crossover appeal. However, his work ethic and attitude will probably prevent him from ever fulfilling his once promising future.


Discuss the contributions of Carlito to the WWE roster during his four year stint. How do view him as a worker? As a potential draw? What is your favorite Carlito match? What is Carlito's future upside and what will he contribute to the company in the next year?

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So I guess no one has *anything* to say about Carlito? I guess this disproves KKC's theory that things that suck are more fun and interesting to discuss than things that are good.

Carlito is good? Never understood the hype about him. All those comments about his amazing ring work and his ability on the mic. I've never seen it, his matches are boring. His feud with Flair was horrible. The only time I've ever been excited by Carlito was when he shouted at Torrie in Spanish, that was pretty intense and added a different edge to the show I was watching.


I would have liked to have seen that continued where he shouted at everyone in Spanish, saying stuff. People wouldn't have known what he was saying, for the most part. Could have worked him over with the Hispanic fans, and just got naturally xenophobia heat from the English speaking fans. #

The idea sucks, but its better then 99% of what Carlito has done in WWE so far.

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When Carlito was in the three way feud over the IC Title and he looked motivated, he was impressing me. After that, he got lazy and by the numbers. To me, he is the kind of guy that they shouldn't keep around. He has potential, but probably wouldn't be here if it wasn't for his father's name. His act is stale to me, and they should have just kept trying to make him the new Razor Ramon. At least that was better than what he is doing now, which is just being bland and having an accent. If anyone desperately needed moved to Smackdown/ECW, it's Carlito.

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I like this idea. Carlito is one of the guys who came around right when my interest in the product was starting to wane, so I'm probably useless in a discussion about him. I do remember a while back, a few people had him pegged to be the next Rock (which I never got from what I saw of him). Do people still feel he has that potential?


Also, does anybody have a problem taking him seriously because of his look? He's toned it down a lot since I last saw him, but he still comes off a little clownish to me, and I'm wondering what's the general thought on that.

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I've always been a fan of Carlito's work. Regardless of whether or not he was lazy in the ring, I don't know. I'm not in the position to judge someone's ringwork. However, if he was doing anything at a slow pace, I figured it was to cater to his laid back gimmick.


I personally find Carlito entertaining. He hasn't been booked right I dont think. He was really great when he came on the scene because he was played off as the cocky, egotisical heel that eventually won him over with the fans. I think if anything, the WWE should at least give him some of his character back. The only thing similar about his original gimmick now is the apple, music, and half of the fro.


I think Carlito can really shine as a heel or as a face, if given the opportunity. The WWE has turned him into another generic character. I mean, no one has gimmicks anymore, at least not on Raw. Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade were originally western cowboys, now they're just generic wrestlers with country music. I still think gimmicks need to be a part of every wrestler, so they can stand out from the rest of the wrestlers.

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I think Carlito is a good mid-card guy, but like so many others there is nothing for him to do because WWE doesn't put any focus on mid-card titles. Carlito gets put in these useless 3 minute a week programs and as a fan you can't get emotionally connected to the character.


I know the Observer Notes often call Carlito lazy so everybody else does now. I just think he's unmotivated and I really can't blame him.

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Honestly, I think the reason that he was getting comparisons to The Rock were because I lot of wrestlers were getting that comparison. Remember Rob Conway? He got that comparison on here for a while. One major reason for that could be that WWE was constantly trying to make the next Rock. Orton, Cena, Carlito, and a few others at one point were hopefully "The new Rock" in WWE's minds.


As for what I was saying about him being Lazy, Pong, was not his slow demeanor in the ring. It just seemed like he didn't put any effort into any of his moves and did not do much to sell his opponents' offense. He was just collecting a check and not trying to advance his career. Right after Flair lit into him on Raw that one time, he came out and was motivated for the first time in several months.

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A) Carlito needs a finisher. That backstabber/backcracker/whateverthefuckit'scalled - just doesn't cut it. Give the guy something technical, but that also has impact.. like a Fisherman's Buster (or even a Fisherman's DDT). I also always liked the Catatonic (not sure if anyone else is using that right now).


B) New gimmick. I agree about gimmicks being a part of every wrestler. There's only so many guys who can have the "no gimmicks needed" gimmick before it starts to get stale. Which it is, btw. Anyway, get rid of this watered down Scarface rip off that they originally brought him in as and give him something that suits him. Just because he's from the Caribbean doesn't mean he has to be a stereotype. I'd like to see him as a ruthless, cut-throat heel, who is also a major coward. So much that he has a big guy around him all the time to do his dirty work. I had this idea for Edge when he was injured and had to give up the title. I thought it would've been the tits to have Edge still on TV but with Mark Henry acting as his enforcer and defending the title for him.

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Carlito came in with potential with that feud with Cena over the US title and has just been average or just plain garbage ever since for the most part. He comes off like a wannabe early 80's Don Muraco with the beach bum type character, but that's just me. He's inconsistent with his "accent".

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I still think Carlito has potential... I thought they were going down the right path by teaming him up with Santino, but they ended that too quick. I personally think Carlito should pair back up with Santino, and feud with Cryme Tyme over the Tag Belts, it could be a very entertaining feud, and hopefully make the tag divison more interesting again.


He's still pretty young... I enjoyed his feuds with John Cena, Ric Flair, and when he was paired up with Chris Master. He also had good matches with Jeff Hardy.

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For whatever reason, I always thought him and Chavo could make a good Latino tag-team... possibly with Armando as the mouthpiece.

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Carlito doesn't really have anything to be discussed - he's not wonderful, he's not HIDEOUSLY bad, he just sort of does stuff in the ring and sometimes you don't fall asleep.

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I like the idea of a Carlito/Chavo/Estrada mini-stable of sorts. Throw Santino in there just for the hell of it and you've got the makings of a pretty effective international group, IMO.

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The Carlito/Benjamin match from last weeks ECW was the glimpse of how good he can be but more often than not he doesn't even come close to that level. I think its some sort of motivation problem with him, which was the whole point of last years thing with Flair getting pissed off at him.





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That Carlito vs Benjamin match from ECW pretty much sucked. Carlito's problem is that he has really heavy feet (worse than Jericho) and it makes him move slowly/lumbering in the ring and makes all of his flippy shit moves look slow motion and rather brutal.


First thing I would change about Carlito would be his entrance music. It bugs the hell out of me, though mostly because it's so damn short they have to loop it. Carly's younger brother Eddie is in the wwe developmental system - if you wanted a tag partner for Carlito, that's where I'd look. Also The Puerto Rican Nightmare Eric Perez has been ready for a call-up for awhile now (I believe he and Eddy Colon are teaming up in FCW).


Actually my first choice would be to cut him, however that isn't a realistic option given the target demographics he helps reach.

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I didn't like Carlito when he first came in, especially with the strong push he was getting by winning titles off the bat and going bigger stars, but he's won me over during the years and he can be a good when he's motivated.


I really enjoyed with match with Randy Orton at Unforgiven 2006.

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I wouldn't be surprised to see some sort of Latino stable with Carlito in it. I can see TNA pissing Vince off to the point that he tries to mock LAX by putting Carlito, Chavo and Santino together to make fun of LAX (I know Santino isn't Latino).

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