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All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

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I think I wanted Terry Funk more than anyone else that's been picked. I'm basing that on not having had the opportunity to obviously pick any of the people before I got a chance to select. I really wish Funk had been there when I picked second.

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One of my greatest wrestling shames is that I don't believe I've seen more than 5 Bret Hart matches, ever.

With the advent of YouTube/DailyMotion I don't have a lot of excuses. On the plus side this thread has prompted me to track down stuff from wrestlers that have been selected that I'm not au fait with.

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I think Jericho has stung most for me. Simply as he's my favourite wrestler it would have been nice to have him on board. I had my fingers he last through to my second pick, we went quicker than I expected.

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The British Bulldogs being taken is the only thing that has hurt my plans so far. I still wasn't sure if I wanted to draft them as a tag team, or if I wanted Dynamite as a singles wrestler so that I could build my Junior Heavyweight/Intercontinental division around him, and hope for Davey Boy to be available down the road.


As an aside, I really like how this is moving along today. Looks as though everybody is doing a good job of sending those private messages along to the next person in line. Keep up the good work.

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Steamboat. I wasn't really counting on him being taken that quickly.



Blame Hawk for taking Funk!


I had to come up with a whole new plan at #2. And it was between Steamboat, The Bulldogs and someone who hasn't been taken yet. I went with Steamboat because he's probably my favorite in ring guy of all time...even if he lacks the outside the ring charisma of others.

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I'm shocked he's made it back to me, and he wasn't the guy I had slotted here, but I think he'll make it back to me.


Best heel still on the board.






Jake "The Snake" Roberts


The angle writes itself. Jake DDT's whomever, puts a snake on them. INSTANT FEUD!

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For my third-round selection, I am going to go with another tag team.



This international duo permanently endeared themselves to American hardcore fans with a short but memorable run in the WWF during the second half of the eighties, making history, as they were the only team ever to capture the WWWA World Tag Team and WWF Women's Tag Team Championships. Ladies and gentlemen, the 46th draft selection:


Noriyo Tateno & Itsuki Yamazaki-


The Jumping Bomb Angels!



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Matzo took a shotgun blast to my entire design by stealing Jake Roberts. I had visions of Roberts against Funk! However, with the exception of Dibiase, whom I figured would be gone by the time my turn came, no one else in my top 5 draft board was taken but I get a good feeling that HTQ will take one of them.


Mellow, you could have waited to the 30th round and I'm sure JBA would have still been around but kudos for a risky move.

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Heh, and I bet my 3rd choice will still be on the board when I draft again. My strategy is awesome. AWESOME!


Also Steiners vs the Jumping Bomb Angels would kick ass.

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I have to say that I'm shocked that we haven't had a female wrestler taken sooner. And Matzo had somebody who was in my top 5 picks (but again, wasn't sure who to pair up with)

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It's not a surprise. People are selecting those they are more familar with since the idea is to build an entire promotion in our vision. Naturally, people from the late 70's to modern day will be those within that comfort zone as opposed to those in older days.

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I hope i'm not giving people ideas but i'm really shocked that more oldschool guys haven't been taken.


Don't let the cat out of the bag

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With the way the flow has been going I figured the couple of old schoolers I had my eye on could wait a couple of rounds.

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I have about six or seven picks until me.. I have just thought of a great man in a great tag team, and i'm not sure whether or not to put him in alone or in his (legitimate) team.


That's if he/they survive six more picks anyway.


Well, i've got a little time to ponder this.

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Count me in as another guy cursing on missing this.


Obviously no name-dropping, but I'm interested in one big drawing name in particular who nobody's picked up on yet. And without knowing everybody's tastes perfectly, looking at who's everyone's gone for so far, he might not show up for at least another round.

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Dammit, I can't believe I missed out on this...I'll keep my eyes peeled for the next time around. Although, I must admit, it's been a fascinating read thus far.

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Since there's a run on tag teams, I figured I'd take a recent team that while they aren't high in the pantheon of tag teams, they're a good addition to what I plan to build on.


So, without further adieu, I take: Paul London and Brian Kendrick (I couldn't find their tag name ... )

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After losing out on basically every guy I had targetted for this pick, I'm going to take a guy who is worthy of a first rounder if you take away that last 24-48 hours of his life. Since we're not really concerning ourselves with character I'm gonna be the one who ends the suspense and takes Chris Benoit. Era wise I'll go with the period from his program with Angle until the end of his WHC run.



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