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All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

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I have no problem with selecting these guys as a tag team as long as they are used a tag team in the supercard that we're all supposed to present. Unlike Kane/Taker, these guys were pretty regular tag partners for many years and different promotions.


The funny thing is, I spoke with someone about The Outsiders and I said "They'll be the first contested selection" but I can't see any reason anyone would object unless someone is clamoring for DIESEL.

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I have no problem with The Outsiders being selected as a tag-team, especially considering Hall and Nash were no where near the tops of my draft list... so I have no reason to argue one way or the other.

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Okay, this is up to the main guy to decide, so i'll pm with an alternative pick if he doesnt like the Outsiders choice.

But I can't debate this any longer, I should have been in bed half an hour ago and my curiosity about this pick has gotten the better of me.

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I vote yes too. It's not at all like Taker/Kane or Rock/Foley to me. They were the Outsiders and they teamed alot and won a bunch of titles. They had a team name!


Actually...the others had names too now that I think about it.




London and Kendrick don't!!!

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I'll say this in regards to The Outsiders pick. When I was making my last pick, I was looking towards Money INC as my tag team. I wasn't sure if they fell under the rules of 2 singles paired up, or an actual tag team. mellow stated that it would be allowed (of course I went with a better tag team). So if Money Inc can be allowed, then so can The Outsiders.

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Everybody seems to be okay with Hall & Nash as a tag team, so I am going to allow it. Also, I would like to remind everybody that "they can also be used as singles" will not help your case, though. You already get 30 singles selections. Steviekick, you're up next.

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I've been paying passive attention to this draft, and was chomping at the bit for the selections of both Brody and the MVC.


I thought that the latter would have gone much sooner (I think they're comparable to the Road Warriors, Midnites, Bulldogs & Steiners in terms of worth to a federation) and Brody would have been one of my first few picks. I was shocked to see how long both lasted ... and then both went in about 35 minutes yesterday afternoon.


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I was wondering who I would pick, especially since I was looking for MVC to be my super tough, dominant heel tag team.





Chono and Tenzan will fill the evil ass kicking tag team role in my promotion just fine.

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DAMNIT STEVIE! First Muta, now ChoTen?



DAMNIT. :angry:


Hahahahahha...sorry dude. I made my decision last night, and when looking over the posts this morning I had a hunch that you might have been thinking about them. Either way, I had to put the team on lockdown.


PS...It was nearly impossible to find a picture of the two of them together online.

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Yeah, there's not a lot of ChoTen pics floating around. :angry:


This is the glory and the pain of the draft though. B-)

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First...let me explain what happened to my draft (since people seem to enjoy reading about the picks and such)


I took the Undertaker in the first round with every hope and intention of taking Terry Funk in the second round. That was my top match plan and I was pretty happy with the idea of Funk/Taker. Then Hawk took Funk and I was left to scramble. I started thinking of what in the hell to do now and I figured I would nab a Stan Hansen or Bruiser Brody and pair them with Taker instead. ButI also figured that I could get one of them in round 3 (which I did).


Now with a clear shot at "the best wrestler on the board" so to speak in nflish draft terms, I took the guy rated highest on my board as an inring worker. Ricky Steamboat.


Problem now was I get to round 4 and I need a heel to pair with Steamboat, since I took care of Taker. I had one guy in mind earlier that I would have selected and the matches would have been good...but they didn't really fit in my head as well as I'd like.


Had I known that Funk was going to be taken before it got back to me in round 2 I would have take Eddy Guerrero in round 1 and Steamboat in round 2. But all those options didn't mean squat now.


Then I had someone pop into my head that I couldn't believe I had forgotten. Someone who'd I'd use as a smartass heel and marry to Steamboat to set up matches that I think would just be fantastic:




He may never have had a title run, but if he hasn't died I think he would have definitely nabbed one in the era of Angle, Benoit and Eddy. Imagine those matches.


I pick Owen Hart.

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He wouldn't have, since that was who I was hoping to take 2 picks later. I'm sure HTQ would have gone in a different direction so this was the only person I had to worry about which really sucks.

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Actually that'd be a funny pick just to see how mad everybody would get seeing how both of the guys in that team are probably going in the next round or so and that team represented one of the low points of both of their careers.

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Funny you should mention that team, they were actually one of my first thoughts for the tam-team wrestlers who could be single guys too, but went with the Outsiders instead (not realising you couldn't take them as single wrestlers) - shame about the British Bulldogs pick earlier, they'd have been great to double as singles.

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For my next pick, I'm going with something different. So far, I've picked wrestlers who would part of my core group of in-ring workers, the ones who could carry the load inside the ring. But a promotion needs more than just great workers; it also needs a showman. It needs someone with personality and charisma, who can make people turn their heads, who can command attention from everyone in everything he does outside of the ring. My next pick is that person. He's the guy who symbolizes sports entertainment for me. He's the guy who I can send to promotional appearances because he gets that attention, because he has tons of personality, and, most importantly, because he has charisma coming out the wazoo. Ladies and gentleman, my next pick...




'The Beast' Bob Sapp.


And yes, he qualifies.

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A lot of the guys I was looking at for this pick have been chosen already and since he was name dropped in spoiler tags I think I may as well pick Barry Windham here. He's one of those rare guys who at his best was equally great in both singles and tag action and he gives me some much needed flexibility in that regard. I would probably have gone in a different direction if I didn't think he'd be snapped up in the next handful of picks, but he'll be my primary heel/Sting foil.




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A lot of the guys I was looking at for this pick have been chosen already and since he was name dropped in spoiler tags I think I may as well pick Barry Windham here. He's one of those rare guys who at his best was equally great in both singles and tag action and he gives me some much needed flexibility in that regard. I would probably have gone in a different direction if I didn't think he'd be snapped up in the next handful of picks, but he'll be my primary heel/Sting foil.




Damn you to the bloody bowels of hell!


You do not even know how high I had Windham rated.

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Just a heads up to everybody. I am going to be out of town until tomorrow evening. I am not entirely sure if I am going to be anywhere near a computer, so, for the time being, 909 is going to be in charge of things. So, instead of sending me a PM if I am next in line, send it to him, please.

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That's funny because I would have definitely taken Owen if you'd taken Windham and HTQ had still gone with Sapp.

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