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NFL Week 5

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I hope the Cowboys, Giants, and Skins continue to keep winning to facilitate the Eagles to somehow play with the will to win.



That'll just make the Eagles fall into a bigger hole of self pity.


And APO is right, what is up with the playcalling? It was just perfect against the Rams and until the 4th quarter against Dallas. It's just sputtered since Westbrook went down and McNabb took the shot against Pitt. It's like he retreated into a shell where he was like "Well damn, I gotta keep them healthy! So we'll throw it 50 times and if Brian runs it he'll just do it straight up the middle!"

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

By the way, which is more surprising to you lot:


Miami being 2-2 or Atlanta being 3-2?

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By the way, which is more surprising to you lot:


Miami being 2-2 or Atlanta being 3-2?


I'd go with Atlanta, just because THERE WAS NO HOPE went Ron Mexico got busted. Miami is a surprise, but they showed some glimpses of being okay last year, they just didn't know how to win.

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And within one point the Bengals execute a successful onside kick. This game has no right even being close but all of a sudden Cincinnati's in a position to win.

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Games like this are why no one (most Bills fans included) can ever really get behind this team. Yes, they are still 4-1 and leading the division going into their bye but the way they played today makes me very nervous for the rest of the schedule.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

2 point conversion's no good. Why the hell they opted to throw a fade to Ben friggin' Utecht is beyond me, but hey.

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For those people who still think/thought the Cowboys are the best team in the league because the Giants haven't beaten anyone I hope today's close call with the Bengals evens things out a bit. Yes, the Rams are bad and the Seahawks look anemic as well but Cleveland isn't anything special and the Packers and Eagles are also under. 500 now as well. At the end of the day the one difference I can definitively see is that the Giants beat Washington and Dallas did not.

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Games like this are why no one (most Bills fans included) can ever really get behind this team. Yes, they are still 4-1 and leading the division going into their bye but the way they played today makes me very nervous for the rest of the schedule.



I know you are a Bills fan, and so am I. So I can't fathom that you don't understand what happened here. Losman threw an 87 yard TD. And that was great. And it was pure Losman. The other side of Losman is fumbles, INTs and 3 and outs. Things that Edwards just plain old doesn't do. The Bills got RAPED in Time of Possession. And they got blown out. No shit. Losman can not. Will not. Has not. Is not. Able to lead a team of short yard gains to first downs and driving the ball.


Keep the ball out of the opponents hands...and funny thing...they can't score.


Losman puts the ball in their hands as quick as possible. Whether the Bills scored or not.


What's worse is that he did the thing he always did. He made himself unblameable by leading TWO...TWO... let me repeat this TWO TD drives when we let the Cards have the ball all day.


I hate Losman. I hate that he cant throw an 8 yard pass to save his life...let alone a 6, 5, 4...pretty much anything under 60... to keep the defense off the field.


God forbid the team that thinks this man can play football on this level when his contract comes up.


And God bless the fans of that team.

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They were doing it both ways and it probably evened out in the end, but the referees in the Pittsburgh-Jacksonville game were ridiculous with the 15 yarders they were handing out. It was almost like they didn't realize how significant those calls can be. Talking to another player was 15 yards, celebrating a catch 15 yards, hitting the QB as he releases 15 yards. There were multiple times where big drives were kept alive on calls that don't get made 90% of the time.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

^That, That, That, a thousand times That.


Taunting calls are absolute bullshit in the first place. These guys get paid millions to kill each other and they're not allowed to point a ball at someone or talk some trash?


"But there's kids watching these games and they look up to these guys and what kind of example do they set when Hines Ward calls the defensive back a cocksucker or the DB stands over the guy after he hits him and stuff?"


Fine! Penalize kids that taunt their opponents in Pop Warner-NCAA. Tell them that if they get good enough to play this shit on Sunday, they earn the right to run their mouth.

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The taunting call on Nate Washington was one of the stranger ones I've seen. The first angle they showed the play from showed a Jacksonville coach signaling incomplete on the sideline right in front of Washington (even though he pretty clearly caught it) and Washington got up and showed him the ball. If you call him I think you have to call the coach who's signaling no catch right at him.

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I would just like to say that... I hate Gregg Williams more than I can hate any human being alive right now. Yes, yes... I know it wasn't all his fault and shit, but fuck that shit. That sorry ass, no-good motherfucker keeps doing the same shit over and over again on defense as if he *loves* watching his defenses get nickel-and-dimed to death because he's always rushing at least 5 or 6 and dropping everyone else back deep. Hey, shithead, learn how to adjust the goddamn defense DURING THE FUCKING GAME FOR ONCE, YOU FUCKING PRICK!


Fuck him, fuck him, FUCK HIM! Fucking cocksucking asshole!



I feel somewhat better now after getting that out of my system...

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Tennesee 13 Baltimore 10 - I didn't really have an opinion going into this game. I know both teams are good and Tennesee is looking to be the real deal. I'm not sold on them completely, but they're definitely on the right track.


Carolina 34 Kansas City 0 - I didn't expect this much of an ass kicking. I thought the Chiefs would be playing with some sort of motivation and life after last week's win at Denver. I thought the Chiefs would lose a close game, but nothing like this.


Chicago 34 Detroit 7 - Same situation as the game above. I know Detroit isn't good, but neither is Chicago. I think that with Green Bay being okay at best right now, I think the NFC North just may be the weakest division in football. I don't think this game showed that Chicago was good, I think it just showed just how bad the Lions are.


Atlanta 27 Green Bay 24 - I don't know what happened here. I thought the Falcons were only good against shitty teams, but beating an okay Green Bay team is impressive.


Indianapolis 31 Houston 27 - The Colts won, but this game didn't suprise me. I was expecting the Texans to play a great game. Regardless of their record, I think that the Texans are a much better team than St. Louis, KC, Minnesota, Cincinatti, Detroit, Cleveland, and the other bottom teams.


Miami 17 San Diego 10 - I hope some of the hype of the San Diego Chargers can go away. I'm not jumping on the Miami bandwagon by any means, but San Diego isn't a top notch team.


NY Giants 44 Seattle 6 - Wow, this was an impressive victory. I hate the Giants, but this was a game that will definitely turn a lot of heads. Being the defending Super Bowl champs means you're good, but I didn't think the Giants would manhandle the Seahawks like this.


Washington 23 Philly 17 - Being a Cowboys fan, I wanted to see the Redskins lose to separate them a little bit from the Cowboys, but they took it to Dallas last week and Philly this week. The Redskins are for real. The NFC East might have the top three teams in the NFC and possibly the NFL.


Denver 16 Tampa Bay 13 - Both teams came in with a 3-1 record, but I don't think either team as their record implies. Denver edged out the Bucs in a game that was pretty much a toss up.


Arizona 41 Buffalo 17 - Just like Kimbo Slice, I think the Bills have been exposed as being overrated. The Bills aren't bad by any means, but the only impressive win that they have had is over the Jags. I still think the Bills make the playoffs, but today a good Cardinals team had their number.


Dallas 31 Cincinatti 22 - Pretty much what I expected. Everyone was certain that Dallas would win, but a lot of people thought it would be a romp. Remember that Cincinatti took the Giants into OT last week so it's known that they play hard. The Cowboys looked impressive in that win over a pretty tough Cincinatti team, although their record wouldn't say that.


New England 30 San Francisco 21 - I know that the Pats are still a good team without Tom Brady. The Niners are a good team too, but the Pats got the best of them today. I think if both teams at their current state, played each other 10 times, I think both teams win 5. Pretty even match up here. O'Sullivan looked good despite those 3 INTs.


Pittsburgh 26 Jacksonville 21 - This was a game that I though Jacksonville would take, but I guess I was wrong. I think the Steelers will run away with their division. Baltimore will fall apart and the other two teams are pretty much done.


Minnesota vs New Orleans - This game could go either way. I'm going to take the Saints just because of how much yardage Drew Brees puts up each week.

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"Arizona 41 Buffalo 17 - Just like Kimbo Slice, I think the Bills have been exposed as being overrated. The Bills aren't bad by any means, but the only impressive win that they have had is over the Jags. I still think the Bills make the playoffs, but today a good Cardinals team had their number."


I feel compelled as a Bills fan to explain the difference between Trent Edwards and JP Losman. The Bills lost the Time of Possession battle by as large a margain as they did the score. That happens every time Losman plays (both). If Edwards didn't get concussed on the third play of the game...they wouldn't have turned the ball over 3 times and had the offense on the field so little.

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I'll tell ya, that was great win for the Steelers tonight with everything they had going against them (Ben's condition, RB situation, the early pick 6, no less than 3 personal foul calls). The defense looks tremendous, and they came up with just enough big plays in the passing game to get the W. With as tough a schedule as the Steelers have, getting two wins with Willie Parker out will be a major help in looking towards a good playoff seed.

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"Arizona 41 Buffalo 17 - Just like Kimbo Slice, I think the Bills have been exposed as being overrated. The Bills aren't bad by any means, but the only impressive win that they have had is over the Jags. I still think the Bills make the playoffs, but today a good Cardinals team had their number."


I feel compelled as a Bills fan to explain the difference between Trent Edwards and JP Losman. The Bills lost the Time of Possession battle by as large a margain as they did the score. That happens every time Losman plays (both). If Edwards didn't get concussed on the third play of the game...they wouldn't have turned the ball over 3 times and had the offense on the field so little.


I'd love the blame the whole thing on Losman, and he did play his typically crappy game with a few plays to show off his athleticism. What really concernced me was Warner's ability to pick apart the defense and a total reversal of fourtains for the D on third downs. It didn't help that they were on the field all day as the offense couldn't substain any drives, but I still think the Bills would have been outgunned today if Edwards didn't go down.


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Just getting home from work and watching video of the games I missed, the first thing that jumps out at me is how Houston's management of the end of their game was some of the most retarded shit I can remember seeing. I can accept running a bootleg in that situatin, but why is Sage Rosenfels trying to hurdle someone? You have the lead. Slide, motherfucker, slide. And to then lose the ball again! Why are they even passing? Unfuckingbelievable. Everyone should be fired for that shit. And I didn't even have a rooting interest in the game!


The Bucs losing is a bit of a bummer, but I'm not that torn up about it. The one thing that concerns me, as was the case the last time we lost, is that Gruden seems unwilling to stick with the run even when it's working. Earnest Graham only having ten carries is not a recipe for winning Buccaneer football. Given that we held the Broncos to 16 points and totally shut down Brandon Marshall and Eddie Royal, we probably should have won the game. But whatever, the big one is next week against Carolina.

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