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DrVenkman PhD

WWE General Discussion - December 2008

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The initial plan for the character was to put him into an angle with The Undertaker. Once his initial promo aired, Vince McMahon put a stop to the direction, deciding he didn't want a new talent from developmental put into a major angle before he was tested and could be trusted to carry the ball. The character was a Michael Hayes idea to create a new foe for the Undertaker to work with.


Surely they could have just tested him anyway, kept the references to Undertaker minimal until he was 'ready'? I can understand his hesitation at putting some new guy straight in an angle with The Undertaker (Fake Undertaker, Giant Gonzalez, Mordecai, Khali), but even so.

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Yeah, this doesn't sound anything like Brian Christopher getting busted at the border with drugs. It sounds like a technicality.


It likely is-I used to work for CBSA (Combined Customs and Immigration); we would always get a list of the wrestlers coming in to do tours or TV. Quite a few needed a TRP (Temporary Residence Permit) to get in. I assume that, having done this before, someone forgot Killing's TRP paperwork, and the officers had to send him home.


FWIW, "Detained" in this case, usually means waiting around in the office before your return flight home.

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What a load of crap. Kevin Fertig can't catch a break. I know Vince is a very busy man, but he seriously needs to wake the fuck up and start paying a little more attention to some of these guys they're going to call up, before airing a single promo video about them, and dropping them entirely.


What would be the problem with yet another new guy coming in to feud with the Undertaker? It would go down like it always does. New guy appears in a series of vignettes, eventually mentioning that he is coming after the Undertaker. New guy would eventually show up after an Undertaker match or something and, "BEAT DOWN THE UNDERTAKER LIKE HE'S NEVER BEEN BEATEN BEFORE!!!!!" New guy would run roughshot over the Smackdown roster for a couple months, then some Undertaker videos will start up with him being dug-up from a desert, then he will return at the next PPV and promptly destroy new guy. They do the same crap every year, so why change now?

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Hade Vansen is a cruiserweight is the likely reason why this gimmick and angle was dropped. McMahon isn't going to build up a cruiserweight as a legit challenge to Taker. Truth be told I didn't like the promo - it was too theatrical in delivery, and wasn't hot on Thorn and Black Pain in the angle either so I'm okay with Vince nixing the angle. Of course the promo should have never aired and it has to suck for the three developmentals who were told of the plans and their call-ups.


Undertaker is set to feud with the returning Umaga - but that might be held off until after WM25 assuming HBK gets his way so Vansen and crew didn't have to jump right into a feud with Undertaker.


I still think it comes down to Vansen being >225lbs and > 6ft tall.

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Haha... I'm reading The Spy Who Came For Christmas by David Morrell, and a few pages in, one of the main characters mentions his parents' names. He gave his father's name as Vladimir Kozlov.

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David Morrell is an excellent author, if its the same guy I'm thinking of(Author of First Blood, Creepers, Scavenger)

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David Morrell is an excellent author, if its the same guy I'm thinking of(Author of First Blood, Creepers, Scavenger)


Same guy. The book I mentioned is quite good as well. Just came out in late October.

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TMZ is reporting that former WWE Intercontinental Champion, Joanie "Chyna" Laurer, was rushed to a hospital early Saturday morning in what appears to be a suicide attempt. She had been celebrating her 36th birthday with some friends at her home in southern California, who found her unresponsive with cuts on her arm. It appears she mixed an entire bottle of prescription pills with vodka. She was taken for a psychiatric evaluation, but her blood-alcohol level was too high.


Chyna's manager, Mike Esterman, has told the media that Chyna will enter a rehabilitation clinic once she is released from the hospital.

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TMZ caught up with Laurer at the hospital and she said, "All I really want right now is a hamburger and fries right now."



sounds like she finally went completely off the deep end

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TMZ caught up with Laurer at the hospital and she said, "All I really want right now is a hamburger and fries right now."



sounds like she finally went completely off the deep end


Chyna at the hospital:



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DH Smith and TJ Wilson are apparently on the back burner again regarding a call-up to the main roster. Officials originally had plans to call them up to the SmackDown roster a few weeks ago to feud with WWE Tag Team Champions Carlito and Primo, but instead they went with The Brian Kendrick & Ezekiel Jackson for the spot. Now it's pretty much back to the drawing board for them. Also, this is a good example of Vince McMahon's tendency to suddenly get high on something (he went on a tirade several weeks ago about Smith not being on the main roster), and then quickly forgetting about it.


The main problem with Smith and Wilson is that they're not really that good at talking. WWE has been grooming Natalya as their mouthpiece, and while she's good at ringside, she's not a good enough talker to get them the needed mic time on the show.


In other news regarding Smith & Wilson, the trainers in Florida Championship Wrestling have been raving about them, feeling they are the most advanced wrestlers in the developmental league right now. Smith is also said to be quite the "shooter," not that it really matters today.




Source: Somewhere on the internet

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According to several fans in attendance at tonight's SmackDown brand house show in Raleigh, North Carolina, reigning WWE Divas Champion Maryse suffered a traumatic injury during her match.


Maryse and Natalya were wrestling The Bella Twins in the third match on the show. As Maryse worked one of the twins over in the corner, she suddenly collapsed to the mat. She appeared to have blown out her knee as she was clutching it.


What followed was an awkward scene in which Natalya stood on the apron not knowing what to do while The Bella Twins went around the ring playing up to the crowd. Special guest referee Kung Fu Naki stood over Maryse talking to her. The road agent for the match threw up the "X signal" and a number EMTs, referees and road agents hit the ringside area. Meanwhile, Natalya entered the ring and made one of the twins submit to the sharpshooter to put an end to the match. Maryse was then carted off on a stretcher.


This is a horrible break for Maryse as she beat Michelle McCool just last week to become the new WWE Divas Champion. It goes without saying that she'll be forced to relinquish her newly won title and take several months off due to the injury as well.


damn, today is full of BAD news :(


Maryse JUST got the strap, and deservingly so...and now this just days later




sort of unrelated, but wtf was kung fu naki doing as the guest ref at a house show? rofl


Source: Some drunks at a house show

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Hmm....with Maryse's injury, what will WWE do with the belt?


1)Say that Michelle won it back at a house show?

2)Say that Maria won it at a house show?

3)Say that another Diva besides those two won it at a house show?

4)Hold it up for a special match on Smackdown or a PPV?


EDIT: or 5)Do like they did with Trish in mid 2005 and just have Maryse hold the belt while injured until she comes back?

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bret and bulldog both fucked sunny


true story...heard it from a very reliable source

Good for you. Want a cookie?

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theone: Stop being awful and cite your sources (not so much the Sunny/Bulldog thing which is just you being a tard, but the above DH Smith / Maryse injury stories).


Whenever someone lists their interest in wrestling as "knowing a higher up in WCW in 2001", it's time to consider whether this is a person TSM needs.

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theone: Stop being awful and cite your sources (not so much the Sunny/Bulldog thing which is just you being a tard, but the above DH Smith / Maryse injury stories).


Whenever someone lists their interest in wrestling as "knowing a higher up in WCW in 2001", it's time to consider whether this is a person TSM needs.

The Sunny and Bulldog/Bret thing is very true.... and the New Hart Foundation / Maryse stories came from LoP, WO and just about every other major wrestling news outlet.



And I've never claimed to "know a higher up in wcw in 2001"...I simply claimed to be related to someone who once booked for WCW...which is very true. I can confirm that however you wish, feel free to PM me to do so, but I'd rather not be airing out my real life identity all over the internet simply because said relative is still involved in the business and I'd rather not tarnish his name with my stupid shit :D

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I checked the Sunday WO/F4W update and saw nothing about Maryse. However, you win some points by thinking someone with the real name Noah Fentz existed. And there was at least one very prominent Noah working for WCW.

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I checked the Sunday WO/F4W update and saw nothing about Maryse. However, you win some points by thinking someone with the real name Noah Fentz existed. And there was at least one very prominent Noah working for WCW.


The Maryse injury is on WO/F4W's Raleigh house show post. I'm guessing it wasn't reported as a news item because Meltzer or Alvarez thought it could have been a work.





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I'm betting they have a small title tourny that will re-debut Gail Kim. Do they have eight diva's on SD!? - Natalya, Michelle, Bri and Nicole, Maria, Victoria - that's six, add Gail Kim and you just need to find one more for an eight woman tournament. That would probably be too many diva matches though, maybe have house show matches count or something. otherwise they'll probably do a four woman set-up - Michelle, Natalya, Maria and Gail.

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I'm betting they have a small title tourny that will re-debut Gail Kim. Do they have eight diva's on SD!? - Natalya, Michelle, Bri and Nicole, Maria, Victoria - that's six, add Gail Kim and you just need to find one more for an eight woman tournament. That would probably be too many diva matches though, maybe have house show matches count or something. otherwise they'll probably do a four woman set-up - Michelle, Natalya, Maria and Gail.

Or they could just do a battle royal with the women.


If they redebut Gail to get the belt, it'd be perfect. That's how she won the Women's Championship, after all.

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Or they could just do a battle royal with the women.


If they redebut Gail to get the belt, it'd be perfect. That's how she won the Women's Championship, after all.


And it worked wonders for her the last time it happened.

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Or they could just do a battle royal with the women.


If they redebut Gail to get the belt, it'd be perfect. That's how she won the Women's Championship, after all.


And it worked wonders for her the last time it happened.


To be fair, one can only wrestle Victoria, Ivory, Jazz and Jacqueline so many times before it gets old, especially considering only two of them were anything close to competent workers.

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Assuming they even have some kind of tournament or battle royal to determine a new Divas Champion. Trish was The WWE Women's Champ when she got injured several years ago and had to miss 3-4 months. She was never stripped of the title during that time. I guess their line of thinking was "It's just The Women's Title, so who cares." It wouldn't surprise me if they did the same thing here.

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Or they could just do a battle royal with the women.


If they redebut Gail to get the belt, it'd be perfect. That's how she won the Women's Championship, after all.


And it worked wonders for her the last time it happened.


To be fair, one can only wrestle Victoria, Ivory, Jazz and Jacqueline so many times before it gets old, especially considering only two of them were anything close to competent workers.


Gail Kim wasn't a known commodity at the time, plus she proved prone to mistakes/snafus in her early WWE matches. Both problems have since been corrected.

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“There’s really no reason why these guys are not in SAG,” Aronofsky told Newsday. “They’re in front of a camera performing and doing stunts, and they should have that protection. They should have health insurance and they should be protected."


Curiously, McMahon has long maintained that his “independently contracted” performers aren’t athletes but “entertainers,” partially to get around having his events regulated by state athletic commissions. However, in order to keep the Screen Actors Guild out of his business, his shows are strangely identified as “sports programming.”


"I’m really curious to see what some of these old-timers make of it,” said Aronofsky in an interview with Reelz Channel. “When I won the Golden Lion, I dedicated the film to all the wrestlers, I kind of shared their stories. They’re a unique lot. They’re not organized, they have no pension, no health care, so many of them are tragically dying at a young age. I was talking to Mickey, ‘Why aren’t wrestlers in SAG?’ If you really think about it, the Screen Actors Guild should organize them…They’re performing in front of a camera, and stuntmen are SAG."



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