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Guest Mole

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I'm getting a new pair of glasses because mine are so scratched up I can barely see with the damned things on.

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Guest SweetNSexyDiva
Here is a pic of me wearing my newer frames, which I think look much better.

I dunno, they're kind of big. I like the tinting, though.

Hmm, I don't think they are too big. And wire rims rock! I like rimless ones too, but they are too fragile. I know because I broke a pair I bought like the next day once! Luckily those one's were insured.

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Here is a pic of me wearing my newer frames, which I think look much better.

I dunno, they're kind of big. I like the tinting, though.

Hmm, I don't think they are too big. And wire rims rock! I like rimless ones too, but they are too fragile. I know because I broke a pair I bought like the next day once! Luckily those one's were insured.

Twas a joke. Look at the older gentleman on the right. :P

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Guest Crucifixio Jones

I need glasses but I refuse to get them. Well, at least for now. I'd get contacts but I've kinda got this personal qualm about not putting things DIRECTLY ONTO MY EYEBALL.

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Kane wears glasses?  Whoa.

no no..


Im bald, and I sorta look like Kane. So if you can picture kane IF he wore glasses, then you would be able to picture what I would look like with glasses.

I know, I was just being ya know, sarcastic.


I need glasses but I refuse to get them. Well, at least for now. I'd get contacts but I've kinda got this personal qualm about not putting things DIRECTLY ONTO MY EYEBALL.


Then get the laser eye surgery. Contacts aren't all that great (for comfort reasons), but putting it on your eye is no big deal, unless you've dropped it on a floor you haven't cleaned since the mid-90's.

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I need glasses but I refuse to get them. Well, at least for now. I'd get contacts but I've kinda got this personal qualm about not putting things DIRECTLY ONTO MY EYEBALL.

I dealt with contacts for about seven years. To me, it was no big deal, but I can see why people would have an aversion to putting things on their eyes. You really ought to look into eye surgery, then. The price has gone down a lot since I had mine done in '97, and the procedure has gotten even better. In fact, I should probably have mine touched up.

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Guest Flyboy

Just get glasses, d00d. It's a lot cheaper and I'm sure you would able to find some hot frames that you like.



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Lord knows that if you are bothered by the thought of your finger coming towards your eye, the thought of a FUCKING LASER SHOOTING IN YOUR EYE should be conforting.

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Guest Retro Rob
I need glasses but I refuse to get them. Well, at least for now. I'd get contacts but I've kinda got this personal qualm about not putting things DIRECTLY ONTO MY EYEBALL.

Find a couple hot pairs of sunglasses. Give one a light tint and the other a dark one. Change them to whatever prescription you are and you're set.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
You really ought to look into eye surgery, then. The price has gone down a lot since I had mine done in '97, and the procedure has gotten even better. In fact, I should probably have mine touched up.

Dude, I could do that for you on the cheap. I'm talkin'..ten bucks. Sterile, too..I promise.

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Lord knows that if you are bothered by the thought of your finger coming towards your eye, the thought of a FUCKING LASER SHOOTING IN YOUR EYE should be conforting.

It wouldn't be bad and it takes minutes to do. My mom had it done with a scapel and she was semi-awake. She had signed her life away saying she couldn't sue if anything went wrong. Of course one guy did sue because he couldn't have sex in the dark anymore.

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood

There are now plenty of pics of me in the indy and OAOAST folders on TSM, if anybody feels like looking.

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Lord knows that if you are bothered by the thought of your finger coming towards your eye, the thought of a FUCKING LASER SHOOTING IN YOUR EYE should be conforting.

Actually, all you do is look up at a small red dot of light. The doctor tells you which way to move your eye, then zaps the appropriate spot with the laser. The entire surface of your eye is mapped out in advance so they know precisely where they have to correct things. Numbing eyedrops are applied to the eye when the surgery is to be done, and then the cornea is peeled back so the laser can do its job. All of that might sound rather gruesome, but it's really not.


And TSA, the scalpel job is RK (radial keratotomy), while the laser procedure was commonly called PRK, and now has several other names. I had RK done on my right eye because it cost less (laser surgery was a lot more costly then than it is now) and wish I had opted for the laser on both. The lasered eye turned out better.

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Get hosting, and scan a picture onto your computer, get a digital camera, or buy one of those disposable Kodak cameras that are out now, that transfer all of your pictures onto a CD for you.

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Get hosting, and scan a picture onto your computer, get a digital camera, or buy one of those disposable Kodak cameras that are out now, that transfer all of your pictures onto a CD for you.

Will CAMedia work? Also, my dad has a camera that shows what a person looks like without having to wait for a picture store (Eckard's for example) to send them to you, but the pictures look too light every time. So do you think his camera's bad quality or does he just not know how to set the lighting on the camera?

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Guest SweetNSexyDiva

Ok, so here's the latest of me. It was taken at 3 am and tired....so bear with me. I did take one with a beaming smile, but it looked goofy. And the lack of avatar like cleavage is because I didn't have a bra to help at the time.

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