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Two Towers DVD

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Basically, the better half said that if I didn't bring home the Two Towers DVD via a "midnight madness" sale at the local video store tonight that one of us was going to get a beating, and it wasn't going to be her.


Did anyone else go buy Frodo and friends at the stroke of midnight, or am I the only loser?...

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Basically, the better half said that if I didn't bring home the Two Towers DVD via a "midnight madness" sale at the local video store tonight that one of us was going to get a beating, and it wasn't going to be her.


Did anyone else go buy Frodo and friends at the stroke of midnight, or am I the only loser?...

You are more pussy whipped than I thought. Tell her you'll give her the sequel to your right fist if she doesn't shut the hell up. Unless you are the bitch?

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None of my local stores did a "Midnight premiere" thing, which ticked me off as a couple actually advertised it in the Sunday ad, then decided not to participate.

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I'm getting them both. I got both the 2-disc and 4-disc Fellowship discs, and haven't regretted it for a second. I love trailers, and the 2-disc sets are the only ones that have them.

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Basically, the better half said that if I didn't bring home the Two Towers DVD via a "midnight madness" sale at the local video store tonight that one of us was going to get a beating, and it wasn't going to be her.


Did anyone else go buy Frodo and friends at the stroke of midnight, or am I the only loser?...

You are more pussy whipped than I thought. Tell her you'll give her the sequel to your right fist if she doesn't shut the hell up. Unless you are the bitch?

Pussywhipped? I take so much abuse that if I were a chick I'd have my own Lifetime movie of the week...

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I'm getting them both. I got both the 2-disc and 4-disc Fellowship discs, and haven't regretted it for a second. I love trailers, and the 2-disc sets are the only ones that have them.

Yeah, I tottally agree with you, I boght both additions of FOTR, I dunno bout TT though, I am strapped on money this weekend and if im getting one DVD it wont be TT most likely...ill get it eventually, or just rent it this weekend....nah..im not renting it, the nti takes all the fun out of buying both versions.....ill get it next weekend though......

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my mom bought it today for her, I myself am waiting for all the movies to come out so I can get the Super Ultra Mega Deluxe Secret Special Five Star Platinum 150 disc trilogy boxed set edition. If I start saving now I might be able to afford it.

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Guest MissMattitude
I'm waiting for the Extended Edition 4-disc set.

Yeah so am I.


I'm not going to waste my money on the 2-disk version.

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For myself, I'm buying the jewelbox set of all three movies after all three come out. I don't care what the rest of the family buys.


Oh come on, they'll bring out this thing with all the extended sets built into one. It's so fucking obvious. They'll milk this till it goes dry.


Then bring out The Hobbit to make even some more money, then bring out the obscenely done up jewelbox set of all four movies.

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I'm waiting for the Extended Edition 4-disc set.

Ditto. I double-dipped on the first one, but not this time. I've had a pirated DVD (Academy Awards version) of The Two Towers since it was in theatres, so I don't mind waiting a couple more months to buy the megadeluxesuperduper edition.

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Guest El Satanico
For myself, I'm buying the jewelbox set of all three movies

jewelbox? Are you buying a bootlegged set?



My biggest decision will be between buying the Extended Edition alone or the Collectors set with Extended Edition and Gollum figurine. I didn't get the Collectors Set for Fellowship because I didn't want a bookend, but I wouldn't mind a Gollum figurine.

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Guest Crucifixio Jones
Basically, the better half said that if I didn't bring home the Two Towers DVD via a "midnight madness" sale at the local video store tonight that one of us was going to get a beating, and it wasn't going to be her.


Did anyone else go buy Frodo and friends at the stroke of midnight, or am I the only loser?...

I used to think that the losers were the guys who would go out at midnight and buy a movie they knew they were going to have to buy again 3 months later. I thought losers waited in obscenely long movie lines or camped out to see movies they probably wouldn't even have to wait to see the following afternoon.


But now I see that there are loser COUPLES. For the WOMAN in the relationship to be that way...it boggles the mind. I bet she's HAWT as fish grease, too.

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I saw an ad that said Future Shop would be holding a free screening fomr 9pm - 12am Monday night, then selling copies when the movie ended. If this happened at more than one store, I don't know. I don't even remember if it was a Toronto Only thing or if I read about it in an ad in the local paper here in Windsor.


I'm kinda going back and forth on the matter... I refuse to buy more than one DVD for a movie unless things are changed drastically (ie No bonus features upgraded to several), and even then it's iffy. On one side of the coin, I liked the movie as is and really don't need to see a longer version of it, so I can buy the current DVD. On the other side, everyone is saying "I'd wait", so who knows.


My DVD money is pretty wrapped up in various WWE releases (can't complete the mural without the shitty PPVs!), Simpsons Season 3, eventually KOTH Season 1, and the upcoming Family Guy Volume 2 (Season 3). So, I'm good to wait.

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But now I see that there are loser COUPLES. For the WOMAN in the relationship to be that way...it boggles the mind. I bet she's HAWT as fish grease, too.

Actually, if the truth be known, she had a really bad day at work on Monday and I decided I'd surprise her with a copy when she woke up Tuesday morning...

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I got my copy (along with Simpsons Season 3) from Amazon yesterday, once again their free shipping is slow my ass.


I nearly forgot how boring the first hour was though, but I was quickly reminded when I fell asleep about 40 minutes in. Oh, and the preview for Return of the King has me ready to go see it. Damn the fact that I have to wait 3 months to see it. But damn, 200,000 orcs storming Pelennor field , compared to 10,000 orcs in TT..thats gonna be something. And that battle definitely needs more time devoted to it compared to the one at Helms Deep.

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As I've said before, this rfeally isn;t a double-dip. First off, they told everyone about it far in advance. Add in the fact that the discs are meant to complement each other (different versions of the movie, different special featues) and I don't see a reason that there is all this hostility towards buying the first release.


I find it especially ironic considering the amount of crap that we, as the DVd community, have given Lucasfilm for even thinking about releasing the original Star Wars trilogy as the special editions only. Everyone gripes and complains and gnashes their teeth and boycotts DVDs. But when the producers of LotR do it right by releasing both the theatrical and extended editions, everyone looks down on the theatrical version.


I'm not sure I understand that logic.

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Guest Crucifixio Jones

Comparing Jackson's LOTR movies and Lucas' Star Wars trilogy isn't even fair, perhaps that's why you don't understand.


Jackson is releasing two DVDS, one theatrical, one extended. The extended is adding in scenes he would've included if not for theater time constraints, thus giving you his original, unwatered down vision. This should be considered the TRUE movie, as far as I'm concerned, the theatrical version is, again, trimmed down for mass consumption. Why would a die-hard fan even want that? It's like paying to be cheated.


Now with Lucas, people are partial to the theatrical run because these are the TRUE versions of the movie to most fans. His special editions don't add many scenes that he filmed BACK THEN and meant to include. He CLAIMS he wanted to but the technology wasn't available. I can't really argue with that, but the truth is, he just wants to toy with the tech he has today and he refuses to stop tinkering.


The most damaging thing about his SE's is that he went in and changed things that already existed. That's why the hate exists towards them. Jackson doesn't go in and add CGI to an already established scene.


See: apples and oranges. The SW triogy is a 30 year old franchise that Lucas suddenly wants to change because he can. Jackson's already made it clear to everyone that his extended versions are the definitive cuts of the movie, so why waste your time with the theatrical crap? A few featurettes as special features? Bah. They're not worth $15-20 bucks.

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Here's the thing I don't get: why the time constraints? I mean, once you get talked into seeing a movie that is insanely long, it doesn't matter if it is 3 hours or 3 1/2 hours. Especially considering the unedited version of FOTR was a lot better in terms of clearing up things I was confused about in the theatrical version.


If ROTK is something like 4 hours long, they need an intermission for a piss break.

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Guest El Satanico

I believe studios don't want movies going over three hours because it screws up theater showings. Over three hours cuts down the amount of times a movie can be shown per day.


That may not be the reason, but I remember reading that somewhere.

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No, I do understand the difference. And there are two things I want to say here, one of them is probably pretty realistic and the other is, admittedly, very cynical, snarky and somewhat mean.


The first point is pretty simple really. I remember an interview with Peter Jackson where he says the reason they call them "Extended Editions" and not "Director's Cut" or "Special Editions" is that there is nothing wrong with the theatrical editions of the movie. They are, in fact, the movies he wanted to make. He knew in advance about the three hour running time and edited the movie accordingly. When the chance came to release all of the stuff they really wanted in a new edition of the movie, he did so. This doesn't invalidate the theatrical cut, make them any less significant or make the "Extended Edition" the difinitive edition.


I guess I am just tired of having other DVD fans say I am "stupid" for buying this DVD. As I said, I have no regrets from buying the first Fellowship DVD. Oh well...


The other comment I thought of, the meaner of the two, comes from being a little defensive about not only my DVD buying habits, but my favorite movies, the Star Wars series. In the last few years, particuarly on the Internet but seeping into other forms of media, a real hatred of Star Wars has appeared and I'm not sure I understand it. And not just of the prequels, but of the original trilogy itself. The response to my earlier comparison struck me instantly as a way to forgive LotR for changing the movie we all fell in love with, but crucify (no pun intended) Star Wars for the same thing.


But I'm pretty sure that isn't true in this case. And to be honest, were I only to buy one of the DVD sets I would wait for the EE. No big shock there. But I have the luxury of having the cash right now for Two Towers. And to be honest, between the trailers (love 'em, God help me) and the RotK preview (wow...) I feel like my $15 was well spent. I for one am looking forward to having all 21 discs (3 2-disc sets, 3 4-disc sets, 3 discs of extras from the collector's edition) of Lord of the Rings on DVD lined up on a shelf of my DVD collection.


Oh... and your reason for keeping them at 3 hours os dead on. Theater owners would hate it because it cuts down on the number of showings per day.

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Oh... and your reason for keeping them at 3 hours os dead on. Theater owners would hate it because it cuts down on the number of showings per day.

Back when I worked at a theater, if a movie was 90-100 minutes long it usually got shown during the hours of 1/3/5/7/9/11. If a movie was around the 2 1/2 hour+ mark it usually got shown around 1/5/8/maybe 11...

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One of the reasons people were so suprised FotR made so much bank was that it had significantly less showings than the 2nd place movie. Every theater was packed.

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