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Guest Italian Stallion

Anybody do any sports?

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Guest Italian Stallion

Just curious as of what is the most popular sport people do in here. I just started something new actually. No Holds Barred fighting. I have only been in it for a few months and Im just learning the basics and how to work out properly and all this stuff. There is an actagon cage there but I havent fought in it. I am looking to compete though in time. Just around my area of course.

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Guest Italian Stallion

I wish I was good at hockey. I played for a while when I was 10 I think. It didnt go too good. Hockey is one of my favorite sports to watch on TV though.

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I used to play soccer, basketball, and baseball.


I play golf still and ultimate frisbee whenever I get a chance. I love playing ultimate, it's one of the best sports.

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Guest JacK

Well, I used to play field hockey (not Ice Hockey, not much Ice here!) and cricket; though I suspect few will no what cricket is, but it rocked! Until, that is, I went from best player in my division to total and utter crap in 12 months. And I stopped hockey because I was about to be disfigured ( I was drilled in the back of the head 3 times in the one match with the hard ball, it friggin kills! Not to mention the knee-capings . . . )


So know, I play ~GOLF~!! Oh it's true, and it's safer, although I was a metre away from killing a guy, and I nearly smashed my friends car from 20 metres away . . . yes, safer!


Oh, and does Karate count as a sport? A lame sport, and I was conned into doing it, but it's a sport!


No Holds Barred Fighting? Whats that like? It sounds as if you could be put in some very comprimising and painful holds . . .

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I just started something new actually. No Holds Barred fighting. I have only been in it for a few months and Im just learning the basics and how to work out properly and all this stuff.

I'll cut you some slack cause you're new at it, but you've already broken the first two rules by starting this thread.


If fighting is a sport, I do that, but it's not so organized... more like a 50s style "rumble" where we park our cars in a circle and go at it with chains and switchblades. And I used to play football.

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You are a pussy IDRM unless you use the chains to tie yourself to the other while taking slashes at each other with the knife.


Then if the chain comes undone the person still holding it can beat on the other.


THAT is rumbling.

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I used to play Aussie football, soccer, cricket, indoor cricket and basketball. Dont have any time to do it at the moment.


Was second in the state for Shot put 2 years ago as well. Athletics is my sport of choice, discus and shot put.

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I'm a competetive swimmer and I play volleyball.


Well that wasn't very nice.

They are competitive yes. But I don't consider them a sport. I don't really consider motocross or NASCAR a sport either.

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Badminton, swimming, fencing, various martial arts. Tried out for the cheerleading team in high school and was kicked out after a couple of months because I had a "bad attitude."

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I could make you kiss my natural... er, white ass. I regularly beat the tar out of a former NCAA finalist, one-on-one.

I repeat. ANYONE on this board.

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Guest Choken One

I played Baseball and Football for high school...Played JV for Basketball for frosh but rode the bench so I quit that...


I did a few Non-Scantioned Races...


I played a few rec Volleyball teams...

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Guest wwF1587

i use to play basketball all the time.. i never went out for it in high school cause then i would be showing school spirit and i wanted my high school to burn down so...

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Guest BAR

I used to play soccer for a team. I kinda lost interest but I'm starting to like it again. I'm watching it on TV quite a lot as my Dad's crazy about Rangers.

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I haven't done much sports wise while I'm waiting to see the extent of what's wrong with my right knee and my neck.


However, I used to play Rugby and was very good at it. Every once and awhile I play street hockey as well. No longer goal because of my knee or back, but just playing.


Although, it's been about three months since I've gotten in a good street hockey game.

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Just curious as of what is the most popular sport people do in here. I just started something new actually. No Holds Barred fighting. I have only been in it for a few months and Im just learning the basics and how to work out properly and all this stuff. There is an actagon cage there but I havent fought in it. I am looking to compete though in time. Just around my area of course.

Doesn't this thread belong in NHB? (ducks)

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Guest RugbyDiva
However, I used to play Rugby and was very good at it. Every once and awhile I play street hockey as well. No longer goal because of my knee or back, but just playing.

Finally... somebody who mentioned rugby! I don't think I have to say anymore :) Rugby is awesome. Despite the bruises, pulled mucles, broken bones (including the ones you didn't even know exsisted), concussions, etc.. it is the best!


I play with high school and on the provincial team.

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