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Just John

Your Favorite Fan Run-ins

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I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I didn't find anything with my search results. So, just what are your favorite fan attacks.


Dean Malenko vs. Psychosis (Nitro, 97): This decent match was interrupted by one of my favorite fans ever. The guy jumps the barrier and crawls on the apron, but as he sticks his head through the ropes, Ref Mark Curtis boots the guy right in the face before slapping the lethal front facelock on him. Dean and Psychosis each take their shots while the guy is held and security drags him away.


Hogan vs. Piper in a cage (Halloween Havoc, 97): After a Piper victory, he was fending off Hogan, Savage, and a fake sting. A fan, sensing Piper was in trouble, decided to take matters into his own hands and climb the cage. As he was about 3/4 of the way up he lost his footing and had to regain his balance, giving plenty of time for the NWO to organize the ass-kicking they were about to inflict upon him. As the poor fan finally scaled the cage, he was immediately tackled against the steel by the fake sting who had been "incapacitated" by Piper. Hogan and Savage came over and rolled him in the ring. They each took turns holding him while the other punched him in the stomach and face. Security tried to drag him out, but the Mega Powers kept stomping him. This was so brutal to do a fan, so I'm undecided on whether or not it was a work.


RVD vs. Eddie Guerrero in a ladder match (Raw, 02): As Eddie was climbing the ladder, an ignorant fan rushed the ring and pushed it over. Luckily, Eddie landed on his feet. He then proceeded to turn around and pop the fan right in the mouth. As securtiy rolled him out of the ring, Eddie kicked him in the gut for good measure.


So, what are yours?

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Favorite NON threatening fan is from WM III when a guy climbed into the ring to congratulate Piper.


Security pounced his ass afterwards though.


The retarded due from HBK/Austin KOTR 97 was gold.

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My personal favorite was during one of Vince's speeches a fan actually gets the gall to stand on the apron and cuss the chairman of the WWE from behind the ropes.


Of course, I say gall, because he's drunk. Not because he's a smark. I figure drunk idiots doing that have gall.


At least don't let Vince get a good cheap heel heat from it dammit.

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Clash of the Champions VII. Some guy runs into the ring to hug the Midnight Express before their match with the Samoan Swat Team. The MX look at this guy like "what the fuck" until security comes to take him out. And there's Jim Cornette, in typical Corny fashion, telling the guy "We're fixin' to save your life. We're gonna let you sleep it off."


Not really a run-in, but there was always that old lady who sat front row at every Knoxville, Tennessee show and would try to bitchslap the heels.

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Guest Stunt Granny

Was that the same old lady that was jawing with Hogan back in WCW? That reminded me of two old people arguing at the check-out line at the grocery store.

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

The best was at the Smackdown tapings i attended I believe in December. Some ass jumped up on the apron during a dark match (Rodney Mack vs Spanky actually) and some security guard grabbed bot his feet and just jerked as hard as he could, his head fuckin bounced off the side of the apron, which was just tremendous.

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I seem to remember Chris Jericho popping a fan in 2000. I don't recall what the match was or anything, but I'm sure it was on a Raw.

Well, there WAS an incident involving Jericho on the 02/04/02 RAW when he teamed up with Taker against Austin/Rock - maybe that's the one you're thinking of.


Surprisingly, no one's mentioned this: March of 2000 - HHH tackling the fan walking towards Linda McMahon, who was standing at the top of the ramp. Of course, they DID cut away a few seconds after HHH took the guy down, so they cut to a shot of Linda's face until security could drag the fan away.


Linda's non-reaction to the whole incident was priceless.

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I seem to remember Chris Jericho popping a fan in 2000. I don't recall what the match was or anything, but I'm sure it was on a Raw.

Well, there WAS an incident involving Jericho on the 02/04/02 RAW when he teamed up with Taker against Austin/Rock - maybe that's the one you're thinking of.


Surprisingly, no one's mentioned this: March of 2000 - HHH tackling the fan walking towards Linda McMahon, who was standing at the top of the ramp. Of course, they DID cut away a few seconds after HHH took the guy down, so they cut to a shot of Linda's face until security could drag the fan away.


Linda's non-reaction to the whole incident was priceless.

She no sold it, she's been around HHH too much.

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Once on Nitro in late 98 or early 99, a fan jumped out of the crowd and grabbed Raven by the hair as he was sitting in the corner talking.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo
Once on Nitro in late 98 or early 99, a fan jumped out of the crowd and grabbed Raven by the hair as he was sitting in the corner talking.

It was Thunder. I have that on tape. Fucking hilarious, as Raven just looked so confused/pissed after it happen. He climbed back into the ring, sat down in the corner, and spoke into his microphone (which didn't work) for about twenty-five seconds before the audio cut back in.


At an ECW event a girl ran into the ring and made out with Stevie Richards, and was soon tackled by security.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu
Bash at the Beach 96. Just as Hogan turned a fan tried to get in the ring but was immediately stomped on by Nash. The strange thing is that they didn't edit it out on the nWo DVD.

Was it during Hogans speech? If so, who would edit that?


And if not, its still the most important angle in WCW at the time, so butchering it so a fan isn't shown being stomped on is not what we want.

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Once on Nitro in late 98 or early 99, a fan jumped out of the crowd and grabbed Raven by the hair as he was sitting in the corner talking.

I remember that! I also remember that Raven's leather jacket got torn, and he didn't bother replacing it for months.


There was also an incident from Nitro in early 1997 where some kid ran in during an Outsiders promo or beatdown (I forget exactly which). He later came to an AOL message board about wrestling, and explained why he did it, making sure that the first sentence contained the phrase "massively drunk".


A lot of board regulars, myself included, did spend quite a bit of time chewing him out for being completely stupid.



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This one was a lot funnier watching it than it is explaining it, but during Havoc 95, during the Randy Savage/Zodiak (?) match, some drunk dude hops out of the crowd and starts going after Savage. He tries to get into the ring, but is immediately tackled by security. Savage knocks Zodiak to the floor, and when he follows him out, the man breaks free, darts into the ring and just lunges at him but misses and gets tackled again. And he was still going after him while he was out on the floor...and what made it so funny was that it went on for about half a minute before the commentators even acknowledged him...they were just calling the match like nothing happened and I found it pretty funny.


International Incident 96 was probably my all time favorite run-in. First, before the match, a bunch of fans fall over the guardrail trying to get at HBK while he's making his entrance (the actual guardrail fell over, causing them all to spill over into the aisle). Then, during the match between Camp Cornette (Vader, Owen and Bulldog) and HBK, Ahmed and Sid, Vader had Shawn in a reverse chinlock, when suddenly some guy starts climbing the top rope. Suddenly, Bulldog, Owen and Ahmed just rush the dude, and he hops down and gets carried away by security. That had me dying.


On an episode of Raw in late 99, Jericho and Rock were out for one of those "insult trading" promos, when suddenly, some guy dressed like Jericho rushes the ring. When he's carried out, Rock grabs the mic and tells Jericho "Keep your jerkoff dad out of the ring!" :lol:

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At an AWA event quite a few years back a fan jumped into the ring during a match between Buck "Rock and Roll" Zumoff and some other guy I can't recall. The guy whose name I don't remember just swung at this guy and his nose just exploded. My cousin and I were in the second row and we got blood all over us. :angry:

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Guest Jesse
Hogan vs. Piper in a cage (Halloween Havoc, 97): After a Piper victory, he was fending off Hogan, Savage, and a fake sting. A fan, sensing Piper was in trouble, decided to take matters into his own hands and climb the cage. As he was about 3/4 of the way up he lost his footing and had to regain his balance, giving plenty of time for the NWO to organize the ass-kicking they were about to inflict upon him. As the poor fan finally scaled the cage, he was immediately tackled against the steel by the fake sting who had been "incapacitated" by Piper. Hogan and Savage came over and rolled him in the ring. They each took turns holding him while the other punched him in the stomach and face. Security tried to drag him out, but the Mega Powers kept stomping him. This was so brutal to do a fan, so I'm undecided on whether or not it was a work.


I always thought that was a work.

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I faintly remember Raven doing a promo (who was standing in the aisle) on DDP (who was in the ring). As Raven tries to get DDP to come at him, a fan runs up and clubs Raven from behind, knocking him and the mic down. It looked planned until they suddenly cut away.


Does anybody else remember this incident?

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Once on Nitro in late 98 or early 99, a fan jumped out of the crowd and grabbed Raven by the hair as he was sitting in  the corner talking.

I remember that! I also remember that Raven's leather jacket got torn, and he didn't bother replacing it for months.

Raven's ripped up ratty jacket only added to his character.

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Bash at the Beach 96. Just as Hogan turned a fan tried to get in the ring but was immediately stomped on by Nash. The strange thing is that they didn't edit it out on the nWo DVD.

Was it during Hogans speech? If so, who would edit that?


And if not, its still the most important angle in WCW at the time, so butchering it so a fan isn't shown being stomped on is not what we want.

It was just before Hogan starting talking so they could have easily taken it out.

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Guest The Old Me
On an episode of Raw in late 99, Jericho and Rock were out for one of those "insult trading" promos, when suddenly, some guy dressed like Jericho rushes the ring. When he's carried out, Rock grabs the mic and tells Jericho "Keep your jerkoff dad out of the ring!" :lol:

I do recall that.


I also like the one where I believe the McMahons were giving a speech and a fan jumped on the apron cursing at Vince.

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Guest Boo_Bradley
Surprisingly, no one's mentioned this: March of 2000 - HHH tackling the fan walking towards Linda McMahon, who was standing at the top of the ramp. Of course, they DID cut away a few seconds after HHH took the guy down, so they cut to a shot of Linda's face until security could drag the fan away.


Linda's non-reaction to the whole incident was priceless.

Wasn't it during the Foley's coming back to ME WM 2000 promo?


Seems right to me...

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Not really a run in, but in ECW there was the Shane Douglas/Francine vs Tommy Dreamer/Beulah mixed tag match.


Douglas and Dreamer started brawling in the crowd, and of course this was at the height of Douglas hatred. So anyway, Douglas and Dreamer are brawling in the crowd, and I think Douglas tries to grab a chair of a fan, who keeps hold of it. Douglas starts shouting at him...and the guy lamps Douglas with the chair! Douglas just snaps and starts punching him until security get rid of him.


And I doubt it was a plant, judging from how pissed off Douglas and Dreamer were when they got back to the ring.



And who can forget Hat Guy. He argued with like every single heel there was. Got spat on, shoved over...Francine even slapped him during that match above. He never ran in sure, but he deserves a mention.

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Guest The Old Me
Surprisingly, no one's mentioned this: March of 2000 - HHH tackling the fan walking towards Linda McMahon, who was standing at the top of the ramp. Of course, they DID cut away a few seconds after HHH took the guy down, so they cut to a shot of Linda's face until security could drag the fan away.


Linda's non-reaction to the whole incident was priceless.

Wasn't it during the Foley's coming back to ME WM 2000 promo?


Seems right to me...

Yes. Yes it was.

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I'm pretty sure they let hat guy in on most of the shit they would do to him.


I remember when Paul Bearer was walking to the ring to tell Undertakers HORRIBLE SECRET~! this goth chick jumped the rail and grabbed his feet to stop him. Paul looked like he was going to stomp on instinct, then saw it was a girl and just waited for security.


Then there was this one Smackdown when Piper and O'haire was jumping Hogan and this kid came in and hit them with a flag. Piper tries to kick his ass and the kids fucking leg came off!!






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