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Guest PowerPB13

Good news!

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Guest PowerPB13



I just got word from Australia that Nathan Jones has “retired” from WWE while on the Asia-Australia junket that the Smackdown brand wrestlers are currently on.


Despite the fact Brock Lesnar, Paul Heyman and The Big Show tried to talk him out of it at today’s show in Perth, Australia, Jones grabbed his bags, said he can't take the business anymore and quit WWE. From what I was told, he didn't even do his match on today’s house show.


According to a number of people in the locker room, the feeling is that the plane ride that started the tour, which had the scary moments over a snowy Russia and a rough landing in South Korea, was the start of it all for Jones. From what I was told, no one in the company seemed to be surprised by him leaving.



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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

Spends 10 years in jail - no problem!


1 dodgy flight - sh*ts himself!

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Don't celebrate too quickly.


#1 is reported on 1Bob, nuf said.


#2 With the hard on that Vince has for the guy, he'll throw enough money his way to bring him back.

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I'm happy if he's gone.......but if he is brought back someway they should stick him in strictly a bodyguard role like Diesel at first. I think he'd be good at that.

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Despite the fact Brock Lesnar, Paul Heyman and The Big Show tried to talk him out of it at today’s show in Perth, Australia,

Brock's one of my favorites right now but if that shit keeps up that relationship is over!

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I thought the WWA was dead and buried????


I meant come back to WWE and not go to NWA.

It pretty much is...they unified their titles with the NWA's in May and haven't held a card since.

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I thought the WWA was dead and buried????


I meant come back to WWE and not go to NWA.

It pretty much is...they unified their titles with the NWA's in May and haven't held a card since.

Well then his only realistic options are Zero One or All Japan.He could work for either because the 2 are working together.

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How can you all be celebrating this!!!


Who do we laugh at on Smackdown now??? Who I ask you ?!?!


This is terrible news, Smackdown without Nathan Jones is like RAW without Jeff Hardy.


Who is going to botch every move? Butcher promos? Make Chuck Palumbo seem talented !?!?

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Guest PowerPB13

If only more wrestlers could take a cue from Jones and take a walk when they're fed up.


Actually no, because then we'd be down to Triple H, Undertaker, and the McMahons for a WWE roster...



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Guest Jimbo
I thought the WWA was dead and buried????


I meant come back to WWE and not go to NWA.

It pretty much is...they unified their titles with the NWA's in May and haven't held a card since.

Well then his only realistic options are Zero One or All Japan.He could work for either because the 2 are working together.

that's probably what he'll do, the fans cheered for him loads after he lhis last match in ZERO-ONE for the WWE.


That match wasn't thaaat bad, mainly him and another big oaf punching each other and doing random power moves in a cage, but then again, they might have been as happy as we are when they heard he was leaving....

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Guest Adrian 3:16
#2 With the hard on that Vince has for the guy, he'll throw enough money his way to bring him back.

It was JR who was the one pushing for him to get hired in the first place, not Vince. Other people in the company were actually trying to talk him out of it. Vince might've let JR go through with it but I hardly think that qualifies as a hard-on.


I actually kind of feel bad for Nathan, because he's one of those guys who sucks at everything he does. If you remember, he was in shootfighting for awhile and he wasn't any good at that either. I thought he was harmless as a henchman who only does one or two actual moves per match, but whatever.

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Don't celebrate too quickly.


#1 is reported on 1Bob, nuf said.


#2 With the hard on that Vince has for the guy, he'll throw enough money his way to bring him back.

Lords of Pain are reporting the very same news, right now.

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