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Porbably the weidest thing you'll read today

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By David Harding, Metro

21 January 2004


A boy of 15 made legal history yesterday by becoming the first teenager to appear in court charged with raping his mother.


The youth, who cannot be named for legal reasons, admitted the attack on his 36-year-old parent.


She sat weeping feet from her son when he was brought into court.



The assault took place when the boy returned home to Swansea for a weekend visit from local authority care in Cornwall.


Judge Jonathan Durham Hall said he could find no record of such a crime in legal history.


'This is without apparent or recent precedent,' he said.


The judge told the jury, which was sworn in for a trial when the youth changed his plea: 'This is a case of a young boy raping his mother.


'She no doubt finds this as stressful and bizarre as anyone else.'


The judge said he wanted every step taken to find an explanation. ' Psychiatrists, social workers and probation officers must resolve how to help.


'I am anxious to get to the root cause of this. Was it an episode with a background confined to the domestic circumstances or does this bode ill for the future?'


James Jenkins, prosecuting, said he wanted to make it clear that the mother did not complain because she wanted to see her son locked up.


'She is not interested in punishment. She is most anxious her son receives the best possible assistance,' he added.


The teenager's barrister, John Hipkin, told Swansea Crown Court it was one of the 'most difficult, sensitive and ultimately saddest cases that could be imagined'.


The boy will remain in care until he is sentenced next month after the judge considers expert reports.





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She wants him to get assistance and not punishment? I would like someone (Tyler) to explain why this kid shouldn't be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

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Ok, NO!


No assistance, he is a rapist and should get the maximum punishment for such a crime. No therapy or anything like that.


If he rapes his OWN MOTHER then he does not need to be part of society ever again. Lock him in a padded room and be done with him.

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Guest JMA

I'm surprised this is the first time this has ever gone to court. I suppose past victims of this crime didn't want to turn their children in.


I find this whole thing very disturbing. Although that is to be expected.

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Guest FrigidSoul

Mom: If that penis comes anywhere near me you're going to be grounded for a month!

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Ok, NO!


No assistance, he is a rapist and should get the maximum punishment for such a crime. No therapy or anything like that.


If he rapes his OWN MOTHER then he does not need to be part of society ever again. Lock him in a padded room and be done with him.

Too bad he didn't just kill her with a powerbomb or something like that, because then some people here would no doubt feel that after a few brief years in prison or a mental ward he'd be ready for a "second chance".

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The assault took place when the boy returned home to Swansea for a weekend visit from local authority care in Cornwall.

Did the minor get released from a mental ward or a jail of some sort?

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Guest BDC

I honestly think that rape ought to carry a NASTY punishment, and probably have the definition rewritten while we're at it. (According to a seminar I attended, I'll get the organization name for you if you want, the current legal definition is that of a male forcing sexual intercourse with a female. Oral, anal, handjob, homosexual, are all not included.)

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Guest BDC
So you can rape someone in the ass and get away scot-free?

Probably would be a sodomy charge provided it wasn't struck down by a recent precedent. Honestly, I'd like to believe that consenual anal and BUTT rape could be differentiated between by a judge, but I could easily be wrong.

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I honestly think that rape ought to carry a NASTY punishment, and probably have the definition rewritten while we're at it. (According to a seminar I attended, I'll get the organization name for you if you want, the current legal definition is that of a male forcing sexual intercourse with a female. Oral, anal, handjob, homosexual, are all not included.)

See, when I took a human sexuality course a couple of years ago, the professor told us that in Ohio, rape was considered "any object being forcibly inserted into any orifice", presumably meaning that forced oral or anal sex would be considered rape.


Of course, being a smartass I had to ask "Does that mean if someone shoves a stapler into my mouth without permission, I can file rape charges?"


I never got a straight answer.

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The laws on the subject vary from state to state. For example, in some states a woman can drug a man and then rape him anally and she wouldn't be guilty of anything because women can't rape men.


On the flip side, some states say forcing a female down to her knees in front of a male...well, you know where the rest of that is going wouldn't be considered illegal either.


It just depends on the state. Right now, the only standing one in every state is forced sexual intercourse by a man. Some states who have the "men cannot be raped" situation also don't have a law against sodomy which means the worse the offender in a male/male rape would get would be the lowest assault charge.


Just depends on the state.

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Most states don't have RAPE laws but alot do have sexual assault charges, which is the same thing but meaning degrees of on wanted sex. So a woman who points a gun to a guys head and fucks his brains out is a "rapist" in the same sense Kobe "is".


BTW: Since I don't believe in Capital Punishment. Give this kid life in a Russian like prision. Sick fuck.

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Guest Cerebus
BTW: Since I don't believe in Capital Punishment. Give this kid life in a Russian like prision. Sick fuck.

That pretty much is a capital punishment isn't it?

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Not really, because he is still living, just with no connection to the outside world. Current prisions give better life to prisioners than to lower class people. In CT they have gyms, HUGE libaries, Cable TV, great heathcare, great dental, ect. While some people in this country can't afford any of these. This giving him a prision without most of these "perks" is what is needed.

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Guest hunger4unger

Wanting him to receive treatment and not to be punished - that's a mothers love for you.


This is one screwed up kid that needs to be locked away.

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Guest Deebo

How could you rape your own MOTHER? Damn.


This kid definitely needs a couple of HARD shots to the nuts with a Louisville Slugger.

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Guest Razor Roman

I'm all for punishment to the fullest extent of the law. I'm a right winger, pro-death penalty, three strikes, crime hater.


BUT when they say this kid shouldn't get help, I think that's wrong.


It's like when some said Jeffrey Dahmer shouldn't have been able to use an insanity defense.


How could someone do this and not need help?


How could Dahmer do what he did and NOT be insane? Would a normal person do these things?


These people obviously need help.


That is really the only part of my political beliefs that I sometimes question. Then I drink some Hannity flavored Kool-Aid and I'm ok again :-) Just kidding! But I'm sure someone else would make the comment :-P

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