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What do you miss in wrestling

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Personally I liked it when a babyface would win the title and all the other good guys in the locker room would storm the ring, but the belt on him, and parade him around the ring.


I also missed in ECW for big title matches when the entire locker room would empty out onto the entrence or around the ring. Seemed to give the match a little more meaning.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

War Games


Refs asking the crowd if the heel was cheating while his back was turned.

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Guest JebusNassedar

people that can work.


In all seriousness, I miss the old, two-ring Wargames more than anything. Well...that, and Doug Williams in America.

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I miss old school promos. The "pre-recorded comments" kind. The "live" ones aren't as nice, backstage or in-ring. I hate the standard RAW set up ones, where wrestler A walks in, talks, is interrupted by wrestler B, threats, Authority Figure interrupts, Match booked for later at night.

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Shows where every match wasn't part of an angle (Superstars, Challenge, etc.). TV should have jobber matches. This "every match leads to a fucking feud" crap has watered down the product so much.




Throwaway PPV matches. Take Mania VII. Mountie vs. Santana, Kerry vs. Bravo. Haaving wrestler A jump wrestler B from behind on TV just to have a reason isn't the way to go. Just have 3 or 4 money matches and leave the rest, I say.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Everything. I miss B-Shows focusing "pre-lim matches" and saving super vs. superstar for PPVs. I miss the occasional midcard battle on Challenge and Superstars. I miss two big promotions. I miss a tag team divsion that had enough teams to do battle royales with. I miss everyone had a gimmick, and weren't thrown on TV for no reason. I miss the Event Center updates. I miss commentary duos like Heenan & Monsoon making shows that much better. I miss it all.

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Elevated ramps. Seriously. They added a level of importance to PPVs, IMO. Plus, spots on the ramp~!


Introductions when both workers are already in the ring. TNA does this for big title matches, but that's it.

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I miss the Event Center updates. I miss commentary duos like Heenan & Monsoon making shows that much better. I miss it all.

Amen, brother. Those event center updates rocked. Reminds you of being a kid again. :)

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i miss the days when the faces used to clap and shake hands with the fans on the way to the ring, they don't really do this anymore except for a few guys (ex. HBK has always done it)

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The way you could easily identify what arena the WWF was at.I also miss those 30 second interviews you'd see in the top left Corner of the screen while a match was going on.

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Moves like the atomic drop, test of strength, abdominal stretch, Indian deathlock, and the regular Boston crab.


Curfew draws.


Hourlong broadways.


When they would have standby matches in case the ME ran short.


Matches that ran for the remainder of the alloted TV time. It's odd how all the RAW MEs never seem to go much past 11:07, isn't it?

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i miss the days when the faces used to clap and shake hands with the fans on the way to the ring, they don't really do this anymore except for a few guys (ex. HBK has always done it)

Hell yeah, man. I remember being a kid and wanting to go to a live event just so I could reach out and shake hands with Sting or Hogan, or slap hands with Warrior or Flyin' Bryan Pillman

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Guest The Notorious CRD

I miss the days when every PPV seemed important because there wasn't one every month.

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Those promos before the Royal Rumble match were good as well, Hogan's interview was longer than all the others put together.

I was going to say that. Those pre-rumble promos were always great fun.


The last time they did those was '97 with the Bulldog's awesome "because I'm bizzare!" promo.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
i miss the days when the faces used to clap and shake hands with the fans on the way to the ring, they don't really do this anymore except for a few guys (ex. HBK has always done it)

Hell yeah, man. I remember being a kid and wanting to go to a live event just so I could reach out and shake hands with Sting or Hogan, or slap hands with Warrior or Flyin' Bryan Pillman

Too bad Warrior's never done it in recorded history. Be thankful though, he probably spreads diseases when he touched people.

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i miss the days when the faces used to clap and shake hands with the fans on the way to the ring, they don't really do this anymore except for a few guys (ex. HBK has always done it)

I've seen Shawn Michaels shake and clap hands when he was a heel also (One time on Superstars in 1994, and at WrestleMania XIV), although it was usually one or two people. Did he do that all the time as a heel?


And Sid Vicious has also done the hand shaking and clapping the hands of the fans schtick as a heel also. Has any other heel done that too?

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Guest Daddy X

Yeah Michaels did shake a few hands as a heel. Diesel did the same thing, giving high fives to those who wore a "black glove". I always used to think this was kind of neat because as a kid i was often a fan of a lot of heels. It was cool because their characters were pricks but if people wanted to support them they would be acknowledge that. It gets kind of dumb when every heel has to tell his fans to "shut up because he doesn't want their support".

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I miss when they used to justify a camera in the back. Now I'm supposed to accept that there are 2-5 people in the back conversating and they don't notice a cameraman, director, boom mike operator, etc. What happened to "our camera's have picked up something in the back" so there is justification for it being there? Since the Russo era started this, wrestling has had this infatuation with having the invisible camera crew picking up on things in the back with no explanation or justification. All I ask for is an explanation.

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I miss the days when every PPV seemed important because there wasn't one every month.

Yes, and what about feuds that lasted longer than a month or two? We've had some lately (Jericho/Christian & Foley/Orton), but not quite enough. Remember Andre/Hogan lasting for a year?

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