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Last Comic Standing 2!

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Out of the best four, I think Gary gets knocked out, just because he doesn't have material that appeals to everyone. Alonzo, John and Kathleen all do, but Gary doesn't. I think he gets most of his votes from girls thinking he's hot or something.


Meaning, my pick for the final three is:






Whoever wins that, I have no problem with. I think Alonzo may be the dark horse to take it, but you really can't bet against those other two.

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I'm happy with either one, and am glad that someone who's actually funny took it.


Still think the Final 3 are Heffron, Kathleen, and Alonzo.

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I must admit, I was surprised. I didn't think Jay had the best set on Tuesday, not even second best. This pretty much cements him as "America's Comic."


He has virtually no chance of making the final 3, however. To say he sucks, though, is wrong. His act is so incredibly far from sucking, it can't even see sucking in the distance. He's one of the sharpest wits I've seen on stage.

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He has virtually no chance of making the final 3, however. To say he sucks, though, is wrong. His act is so incredibly far from sucking, it can't even see sucking in the distance. He's one of the sharpest wits I've seen on stage.

But what kills it for me is his self-depreciation. His apologies, his "I'm bothering you" and "I'm almost done", and the repeating of jokes is just so goddamn annoying.

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I must admit, I was surprised. I didn't think Jay had the best set on Tuesday, not even second best. This pretty much cements him as "America's Comic."


He has virtually no chance of making the final 3, however. To say he sucks, though, is wrong. His act is so incredibly far from sucking, it can't even see sucking in the distance. He's one of the sharpest wits I've seen on stage.

Didn't watch the results show (playing ESPN NFL 2K5), but that's a pretty surprising result. Well, not THAT surprising since Jay can be a pretty good comic and has the Clay fans behind him, but his act really didn't kill like his semi-final set.


But what kills it for me is his self-depreciation. His apologies, his "I'm bothering you" and "I'm almost done", and the repeating of jokes is just so goddamn annoying.

Well, that's a part of his act, but when the audience is practically BEGGING to love you, it just doesn't work when that happens.


This doesn't change anything - I'm still voting for Heffron, Alonzo and probably Kathleen. Sorry Jay, but here's to hoping you don't John Stevens your way into the final 3...

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What, did he get sympathy votes, or something? His act SUCKS!

Wow...he sucks? Why? because you don't understand his act? And no his whole act isn't based around self-depricating humor, his act is incredibly cerebral in it's simplicity. He is living his schtick. He doesn't need to tell stories on stage, his talent lies in 3 different Areas


1. Obviously his look- He's a funny looking dude, and works with it.

2. His one liners are absolutely hillarious

3. He is an incredibly emotional vulnerablr guy, and america can relate to that, and possibly jump behind him.


I liked Todd Glass ALOT more, but I honestly see Jay, Kathleen, and John in the Top 3



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I really like Jay. But Todd's set killed his, and so did Ant's actually. But I think people like Jay better than they like Jay's set, so I think he got a ton of votes cause he's so likeable.


I was shocked really. I thought he was gone for sure.


And Todd's cookie monster deal was funny as hell.

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I really like Jay. But Todd's set killed his, and so did Ant's actually. But I think people like Jay better than they like Jay's set, so I think he got a ton of votes cause he's so likeable.

Hence, Jay = John Stevens. Except that Jay is better at his profession, and John looks more freakish.

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Everybody brought had a good set but Bonnie on the Wildcard show. Corey did well with the marriage and the other guy jokes. Bonnie was well just lame......yes everybody hates you. Ant is the hyper stereotypical gay guy and made it work. Jay "Thank You" London came out of leftfield with his unorthodox style of self defication humor and finished strong with the Masterbate joke. Todd Glass brought his best jokes but the "those internet geeks did not like my jokes" material was not enough to win the wildcard.


If I was going to pick a winner for the final I think it would either Alonzo or Tammy. I think they have enough material to go a full hour while the rest of the group in the finals barely have 15 minutes of material. The darkhorse will be Jay London, the man looks like a worst case scenario for Behind the Music 80's Metal.

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So far, I've got:


Jay 7.5

Gary 8


I'm not comparing Jay to last week btw. He did MUCH better this time. The self-depreciation stuff didn't sound as bitter, as I think Jay now realizes that people do, in fact, like him.

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Heffron I had at about an 8. He's been much funnier, but he had to youngen up his material. His wife is hot too.


Madigan was good, I have her at about a 7.5

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Tammy I have at a 6. I still don't think she's funny, and the Janet Jackson stuff? FFS, it's August.


Alonzo I have at an 8. He was good.


My top three make it.


John, Kathleen, Alonzo.

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1 - Alonzo

1a - John

2 - pick one

6 - Tammy


Alonzo was tonight's MVP. A lot of jokes, sharp, topical, and FUNNY.


Heffron was definitely up there. I'd be happy with any of the other 3 sans Tammy, althought I thought Jay's set was much better this week for some reason. Gary was also very good.

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Alonzo has everything to become the winner. He has the stage pressence, good pacing of the jokes, proper use of tone in his voice, great material.

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