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King Cucaracha

The OAO 13th Hour WordCount Thread

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Can't remember the last time we had one of these.


So come one and all to share your word counts. Weep as your opponents announce they're 5,000 words ahead of you. Cheer at other's misfortunes. Marvel as Janus finishes his match by tommorow morning.



I'm at 1,276 and the bell's about to ring. Time to get my act together methinks.

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Guest Aecas

Only 3.6K thus far, its going very slowly.


Have to see if anything will improve tomorrow as I'm too shattered to keep writing tonight.

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4,976, and we're just starting to get into it properly. Kibs, you know I said I was long-winded on PPV? Well, this is shaping up to continue the trend.

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I do believe you're all going to cry when Janus posts in this.



I'm taking a guess and saying he's got 43956 words completed on his match for 13th Hour.


And he's just about 1/10th completed his match.

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As of yesterday, which was Wednesday, I had 7.5k of roughly finished work. Revisionist time will perhaps extend it to 8k or 8.5k.


Sure, I don't write expansive matches, but I'm good with what I do. ;)

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Just started tonight and currently have 1,265 words after entrances and first heat exchange.


*Sprays WD-40 on his keyboard and hands, realizes the writer's rust is in his brain, and then ponders...*

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Guest Aecas

At 6.2K a little bit into the third segment and my brain is starting to lock up badly.

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15,536. And finished.


Yes, you read that right. I hope you all feel suitably sorry for TNT.


Now will somebody please fucking SHOOT me.

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Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix© vs Alan Clark

Send To: realitycheck


Um... Thoth, why are you mad at Clark for that match? You aren't marking it, so no biggy, right?


It was an absolute fabulous read, btw. Only took me 25 minutes to read it full.

Edited by Lightning Flik

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Guest Aecas

Finally all done.


Final word total is 13,038 appropraite for the 13th Hour.


*PM's match to Z and goes for a well earned bath*

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