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Guest Dazed

The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

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Guest GreatOne
Have Eddie beat JBL for the title at Survivor Series.....he holds onto it until WM21 where he faces Kurt Angle in a 2 out of 3 falls match, Angle wins title.  Holds onto it until SummerSlam 05.............in a little over one year you have only two title changes, and the last two are by worthy title holders.


Well in--assuming JBL is the champ at No Mercy--a little over a year we've had three, something has to be said for stability.

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Guest Quik
What exactly is wrong with the WWE title? We've had Brock and Eddie as the champs this year, and only recently has Bradshaw won it, and even with that a good bit of people here have started to accept Bradshaw and have even started to like the guy.

So? People supported Hitler at one point too. :D


I'm just looking forward to the Bradshaw column where he calls Toronto fans a bunch of "fairies" and "sissies" who don't support the war on terror.

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What exactly is wrong with the WWE title?


Its carried by somebody who doesn't deserve it.

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My personal "star" "ratings" (if yuh' wheel):


RVD vs. Dupree: **

- Seriously, I enjoyed it. Pretty hot opener, they got a lot of time. RVD was mega-over.

Dudleys vs. London/Mysterio/Kidman: *1/2

- Not much happening. Some cool spots, but they didn't have enough time to do anything more than what would appear on SmackDown.

Matt Hardy vs. Kane: *1/4

- Well, that wasn't so good. ..Top rope finish was cool, though. "Slut" chants around the ending.

Cena vs. Booker T: *1/4

- I didn't really pay attention to this match, it was sluggish and typical Cena. He's over like crazy, so I still suggest they push him, but he's just not very entertaining in the ring.

Edge vs. Batista vs. Chris Jericho: **1/4

- It had its moments. Edge getting booed was hi-larious. SWANK Batista got a pretty decent pop and a few posters as well. Not shabby.

Kurt Angle vs. Eddie Guerrero: ***1/4-***1/2

- Nowhere near WrestleMania, because the time length was way too short.

Eugene vs. Triple H- ***1/2

- I really enjoyed this match myself. Tons of cool spots

Undertaker vs. Bradshaw- **, ****+ for the crowd enthusiasm.

- The Wave was awesome (how many rotations was it?) during the downparts, but I actually did like the finish. The match wasn't "ruined for me", because I enjoyed myself with the chants and eventually did get into the nearfalls at the end. So it kept a good pace. CrazyShirtlessLimoGuy was hilarious yet psychotic, idiotic and probably arrested.

Randy Orton vs. Chris Benoit- ****

- Not enough time, but I loved what there was (crowd should have been more into it) and the finish was hot. I enjoyed Randy's celebration afterwards, he seemed extremely happy to be holding the title and gave everybody photo ops as he strutted around with the Big Gold Belt. Chris Benoit is the man, no question. Carries the match, passes the belt and walks out like a winner. Great finish to the show.

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Guest GreatOne
What exactly is wrong with the WWE title? We've had Brock and Eddie as the champs this year, and only recently has Bradshaw won it, and even with that a good bit of people here have started to accept Bradshaw and have even started to like the guy.

So? People supported Hitler at one point too. :D


I'm just looking forward to the Bradshaw column where he calls Toronto fans a bunch of "fairies" and "sissies" who don't support the war on terror.

JBL=Hitler, ok...........


Hell actually they could have broken that out during the match, that would have meant they were paying SOME sort of semblance of attention to the match.

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What exactly is wrong with the WWE title?


Its carried by somebody who doesn't deserve it.

Even if you think that, or even if it is true, it doesn't mean the title should just be tossed in the trash. The title has done fine this year, and most have warmed up to JBL. Whoever does beat the guy is going to look very good, so I see no problem.

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Guest Bitterness the Star

Do I appreciate the fact that Bradshaw is WWE Champion or think that Bradshaw deserves to be WWE Champion? No I don't.


But you see, I've come to terms now with the fact that he is and there's nothing that I can do about it. So rather than, every single week that I see him, sitting there saying "bradshawkzrap~11", I'm appreciating the fact that he's putting effort into his promos and ring work, all the while hoping that when he does lose the belt, it will be to someone deserving, especially after beating a guy who's received such a push.


It's quite simple, really.

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I just got back from the show, a really fun one at that. I'm glad to hear my signs made it onto tv (big props to LOTC once again for the ideas "Lita is a Dumas" and "MUGAtaker"). When Lita made her entrance she actually glanced at the sign and made a smirk. Good times.


I've never had such close seats to a wrestling event, it was awe inspiring. After the Heat match RVD came over and acknowledged my "RVD > Volleyball" sign (yeah, i know it was actually dodegeball. whatever) with a "Thanks Bro".


Despite the average show , the crowd made it a really fun, great atmosphere. A little irritating hearing such a loud response for Orton. Next to Cena, he may have had the biggest pop of the night. There were dozens of pro-Orton signs throughout the arena.

Not to say Benoit didn't get a good response though, there were some "Let's Go Benoit" chants that probably didn't come off on the PPV. I can't understand why anyone other than the teenage girls in the audience would give Orton such a reaction *shrugs*


I don't see what all the big fuss is about regarding the crowd cheering the heels. Toronto fans basically cheer whatever's pleasing rather than being force fed what the WWE execs. *want* us to react. It may be partly rebellious, but history has shown that Toronto fans have minds of their own when it comes to the wrestling product. The wave during the title match was justifiable, given the match and the particpants (although it wasn't all that bad of a match, there just wasn't enough reason to care). The bottom line is, the fans were vocal and had fun, be at from the product in the ring, our entertaining ourselves.


Also, not sure if anyone caught this on the PPV, but after the WWE title match a guy from the crowd ran onto JBL's limo and did a little dance before jumping off and being tackled by security. When he was on there he busted the roof open a little and i was wondering if it exposed the chokeslam spot later on.


I managed to take some pictures, although my camera isn't the greatest, there are some decent shots of entrances and in-ring action:






Benoit, post-match


Third Rolling German


Guerrero Low-rider


Jericho entrance


Taker entrance


Kane close-up


London dive


Team Mysterio


Five Star


RVD close up


Taker chokeslam

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Guest DeathBecomesYou
Meltzer says the dodgeball stuff was actually a shoot? HA HA! The wwe divas losing to non-athletic bimbos. Great for the image Vince.

Can't say i'm suprised, the WWE girls looked to be just having a laugh and goofing off, most of them looked like they couldn't give a stuff about it at all. The only ones who I thought were even remotely competitive were Molly and Gail.

Just on a side note, where was that Carmella chick? Isn't she supposed to be WWE's "chosen one" for this contest?

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That blonde girl for the new diva team was a fucking ringer at dodgeball. That girl pretty much wiped out the whole team.


Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed SS. I was expecting Orton to win, but I thought he and Benoit put on a great match. I would have had Hardy win and get dismantled after the match to set up his surgery, but other than that, I agreed with the endings.

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Guest JoeyStyles
Well, at least RVD got to win in the Summerslam arena.


Unfortunately for him, it was on the Heat match, and not on the PPV itself.

When RVD signed his new contract he committed career suicide, WWE has 3 years out of his life to bury him while he collects his paycheck.

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Guest Bitterness the Star
Well, at least RVD got to win in the Summerslam arena.


Unfortunately for him, it was on the Heat match, and not on the PPV itself.

When RVD signed his new contract he committed career suicide, WWE has 3 years out of his life to bury him while he collects his paycheck.

Nothing more could've happened for him on Raw either. The end of his tenure on that show was just being strung-out before he could jump brands anyway.

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I'm pretty tired by now, and I still need to get some decent sleep before Raw, so I'll say a few quick things.


I think I saw C-Bacon and part of his Vollyball sign, which may have had "Lita is a Dumas" on the camera side. I wasn't sure what it said or meant at the time. I just saw the RVD part.


Sitting at the back of your section on the floor, right at the retaining wall, with a clear view of the entrance and stage is very cool. Being 10 feet away from the pyro is very loud, and very hot, and yet, again, very cool. I wish I had a better digital camera, and some batteries to go with the one I brought.


My brother and I were outside to see Heat start up a little ways behind us. We also ran into a girl puking and almost passing out near the doors. My brother gave her a bottle of water and got yakked on a little.


Did they show Triple H dragging Flair down to the entrance after the match? That was damn funny.


Edge came right by us, and smacked my brother's hand. Then the whole place dumped all over him. ^_^


How much did they show of the drunken doofus who jumped on the limo? Dude came in, and was "escorted" out right near us too.


A guy in front of us had a "The Diva Search Ruined My Life" sign.


Loud, weird crowd, but not nearly as bad as some people have made it out to be. The Wave may not have been classy, but it was funny. I took it as a reaction to giving the title to someone who wrestled to crickets in the same building in May '02. Once that was out there, there was a good reaction to some of the more interesting spots of the match.


Benoit damn near died 2 or 3 times. :o


I don't know how good the matches were, or how it came across on TV, but I had a lot of fun. Again, I hope they don't do anything crazy due to the crowd.

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Guest Bitterness the Star

Just watching the replay, I noticed J.R. mention Benoit having won seven consecutive PPV matches in 2004 when it's been 5.

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Guest Bitterness the Star

Meh. Even if they have nothing to do with Raw or the title picture, I guess No Mercy did start his PPV streak.

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Well, I personally thought it was a decent show...made worse by the crowd, but that's dealt with in another thread.


JBL/Taker was much better than I expected, until the 'wave' and then the ending. Oh...and Bradshaw getting chokeslammed through a paper-thin roof. WTF was that!?! Why would JBL, the WWE Champion, be riding around in a limo that can't withstand anything above light drizzle?


Angle/Eddie was much better than I'd hoped for. I guess I'd given hope up on a heated match, which helped. But Angle might as well throw away the ankle lock because it's credibility is gone. EVERYONE knows how to counter it. He had to apply it 6 or 7 times in the match. Hell, when Shamrock used it nobody would stay in for more than 5 seconds. Eddie was in the Ankle Lock for 3 or 4 minutes in total. And nobody reacts to the Ankle Lock anymore because you know the recipient just has to roll forward and he's out.


And w00t~! for Orton/Benoit. Great match with Orton doing more than enough to get my approval and Benoit smoothing out Orton's rough-edges. That suicide dive into the barricade from Benoit was sick. Surprising how many Orton signs there were in camera shot, but pleasantly surprising and the handshake at the end put both Orton and Benoit over. Pity about the corwd...but then again, that's for another thread.

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Did they show Triple H dragging Flair down to the entrance after the match? That was damn funny.

Yes, and it was one of the highlights of the show for me. 'Course, I live deep in Flair Country, where the moment he comes out during a match the crowd at the sports bar is eating it up every time the man just takes a breath. "Fuck you, motherfucker!" Indeed.


I felt the show was way better than what we've gotten recently, even if my attention did wander for most of the matches. The other TVs in the bar were showing baseball, preseason NFL, and Olympic gymnastics all in my field of vision, so it's sorta understandable that I'm distracted from an Undertaker chokehold by a scintillating floor exercise in Athens.


I don't know how they expect me to believe that the roof of a limousine is made of the same material as the ring's surface.


The Eugene/HHH match could have been way better, but the ending sequence from Flair coming out onward was good, reminded me a lot of Attitude-era stuff.


Match of the Night for me was Orton/Benoit. Randy's ready for this.


Undertaker/JBL was surprisingly watchable.


Angle/Guererro was like their Wrestlemania encounter for me, it was just odd to watch for some reason. The boot was too distracting for that part of the match.


Why aren't more of us celebrating Kane winning?

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Don't know if anyone mentioned this, but I'm sure the rest of Evolution not showing up at ringside after Orton won the belt is very telling. It should make things interesting tonight on RAW.

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Guest Tjhe CyNick

Man what a good laugh this thread is.


So many stupid things said:


"People will not order future PPVs because heels were cheered" ....okay


"Toronto fans bought tickets so they could crap on the show" ......f'n hilarious


"The fans should accept Bradshaw and respect him as champ just because he is the champ" .....interesting, if we had a WWE Title match between David Arquette and Vince Russo should we respect that as well?


"Toronto fans are sheep" ....which is followed up by complaints that heels were cheered and people should only cheer for the faces because thats who the WWE tells us to cheer. Yeah, the T-dot fans are sheep.


"Toronto is undeserving" ...okay then if thats true, why is Toronto the only city to do crowds over 30K for a TV taping, multiple PPVs and a house show? Sorry, aside from NYC and maybe Chicago, Toronto is the WWE's most loyal city.


"Crowd was a bunch of bastards" ..... yeah I hate when people express themselves, you know freedom of expression, oh BTW when is the Nazi supporters march? Cuz I'm sure a lot of you would know, because you must believe in their teachings.


----But anyway, thanks for the laughs guys!!

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I have to say that I agree with those saying that the crowd detracted significantly from the show. It just seemed to me that a section of the fans had gone in with the intention of shitting on the show, and the rest of the arena followed their lead. It wouldn't have bothered me at all if it had just been a match or two, but it was almost the entire PPV - which I thought was extremely solid from an in-ring standpoint. Apart from the dodgeball and Cena/Booker, every match was **+ and everyone seemed to work hard IMO. Benoit/Orton was a great main event and it still got a really poor reaction. I still thought it was an OK PPV, but a better crowd would have made it a good PPV.

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Benoit/Orton was a great main event and it still got a really poor reaction.

People didn't know who to cheer. At the end, though, when Randy Orton did win, the pop was incredible even long after the finish. His celebration got massive pops.

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Orton's winning celebration was the only part of the entire PPV where I can recall the crowd having a decent reaction. I don't accept 'not knowing who to cheer' as a valid reason for being so dead during the match itself - barring a few isolated spots that is. I can't imagine that the whole crowd were thinkin 'well I like Benoit, but I kinda want Orton to win too...so I'll just sit on my hands and see who wins, then I'll cheer.' If the crowd had been split yet enthusiastic, the atmosphere would have been great.

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I would read through the first 20+ pages of this thread but I dont have time so I'll just put briefly what I thought of the PPV:


Firstly, the crowd were horrible! But then again its nothing new from a Toronto crowd, as I have seen them do the Mexican Wave during matches before. Most of the show was pretty decent I thought except Angle vs. Eddie which was way too short and also that the Sky TV signal cut off, so I will have to watch the repeat of this match.


Orton vs. Benoit was excellent I thought and a nice touch for the ending with Benoit and Orton shaking hands


I defintiely agree with Jerry Lawler that this certianly was Bizarre-o world and hopefully Canada wont get another PPV in a long while. I hate to think what Raw and Smackdown this week will be like, which are both from Canada! Thankfully they can dub the crowd noise into Smackdown

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Don't group Toronto with the rest of Canada, asshole.


Calgary, Edmonton and Montreal both have great heat, and werent pricks like Toronto was last night.


Toronto isn't that bad, but tonight it seemed fucked. When I went to WMX8, it was great.

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