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Guest Dazed

The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

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Guest CronoT
uncaring, undeserving, and bad for business.

1) They cared in a different way. They told Vince McMahon that they're not feeling the product.


2) What?


3) You do realise Air Canada Centre was sold out right? So how are they bad for business if they SELL OUT THE ARENA

From what I'm reading, it seems like the only way the crowd could have been more hostile would be if they were throwing beer cups, beer bottles, soda cups, and other assorted stuff into the ring, ala WCW: nWo Era.

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Guest Staravenger

I enjoy a crazy crowd shitting on something like at WM XX for Brock/Goldberg. But when it's for the last 2 hours of the show, it gets annoying.

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quick results someone? Please?

The Canadian crowd beat WWE

Since I've been out for most of the day and too lazy to read thorugh 19 pages, why exactly did the crowd turn on the matches?

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Taker worked the triangle perfectly!  He was reaching for his foot and putting it under his knee!  Something most wrestlers tend to forget when duplicating it.  I loved that lil touch.  I marked out for it BIG TIME.

Yes. I'd love to see him apply it to Nog or even a washed up Royce fucking Gracie for that matter. Taker would get his ass handed to him in about .8 seconds.

You're missing the point.


This is NOT an MMA event. It's not about putting Triangle on Nog or Royce Gracie. It's a wrestling match with some submission mixed in.


Wake up man, you're lookin pretty foolish right now

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I can't believe people are upset about the crowd reactions, it is what made the show. Now the 'Bizarro World' was overdoing it. I was also upset with the HHH/Eugene match because he said he was going to end his career, but not even a sledgehammer was brought out. And then after beating down Regal for two weeks, Triple H runs right out of the ring, like he was afraid of him. The only explanation I have is, Teddy Long threatened Bischoff with signing Eugene to Smackdown.

Or it's another case of the E's short term booking.


Jesus Christ, this isn't the Monday Night Wars, so stop booking on paper napkins.

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I can't believe people are upset about the crowd reactions, it is what made the show. Now the 'Bizarro World' was overdoing it. I was also upset with the HHH/Eugene match because he said he was going to end his career, but not even a sledgehammer was brought out. And then after beating down Regal for two weeks, Triple H runs right out of the ring, like he was afraid of him. The only explanation I have is, Teddy Long threatened Bischoff with signing Eugene to Smackdown.

Triple H was planning to end his career, but then realized that he was getting his ass kicked by a fucking mentally handicapped and probably decide that he instead will end his own life later tonight.

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They SOOOO need to bring in an MMA guy for Taker to beat (what's Paul Varlens doing nowadays ;) ) so he can build up his Undershooter stylings. Have the "UFC" (Undertaker Fighting Challenge) where he "shoots" with wrestlers and fighters alike.

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Bad for business TORONTO *Is*.


Those casual fans/marks watching SummerSlam are now not wanting to order future shows, since the matches came off as silent, boring, and the people they thought were the "faces" (Eugene, Kidman, London, Rey, Taker, Eddie, etc.) were treated with no response or were boo'd.)


The smart watching are now even more apathetic towards the product, given tonight was a pretty good show that was reduced to a weird feeling "eh" due to the fucking crowd wrecking it.

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quick results someone? Please?

Dudleys def. London, Kidman, and Rey

Kane def. Matt Hardy

Edge def. Jericho and DAVE

Angle def. Eddie

HHH def. Eugene

Diva Conest def. RAW divas in Dodgeball

Bradshaw def. Taker by DQ

Orton def. Benoit

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They SOOOO need to bring in an MMA guy for Taker to beat (what's Paul Varlens doing nowadays ;) ) so he can build up his Undershooter stylings. Have the "UFC" (Undertaker Fighting Challenge) where he "shoots" with wrestlers and fighters alike.

You mean, like the Brawl For All, but with Submissions and ground fighting mixed in.


Sounds good, What's Bart Gunn doing nowadays

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uncaring, undeserving, and bad for business.

1) They cared in a different way. They told Vince McMahon that they're not feeling the product.


2) What?


3) You do realise Air Canada Centre was sold out right? So how are they bad for business if they SELL OUT THE ARENA

From what I'm reading, it seems like the only way the crowd could have been more hostile would be if they were throwing beer cups, beer bottles, soda cups, and other assorted stuff into the ring, ala WCW: nWo Era.

It made the show fun to watch. I admitted it got annoying in the Evolution matches but it was fun watching them shit on a show.

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Taker worked the triangle perfectly!  He was reaching for his foot and putting it under his knee!  Something most wrestlers tend to forget when duplicating it.  I loved that lil touch.  I marked out for it BIG TIME.

Yes. I'd love to see him apply it to Nog or even a washed up Royce fucking Gracie for that matter. Taker would get his ass handed to him in about .8 seconds.

You're missing the point.


This is NOT an MMA event. It's not about putting Triangle on Nog or Royce Gracie. It's a wrestling match with some submission mixed in.


Wake up man, you're lookin pretty foolish right now

That's what I mean though. It's not an MMA event so I don't want to see 2 hosses applying poor looking MMA submission moves to each other. Especially when one of them is a damn zombie. It's boring as hell because everyone knows the match isn't going to end on one of those moves and it looks like they were just taking a breather the whole time.

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Guest Staravenger
They SOOOO need to bring in an MMA guy for Taker to beat  (what's Paul Varlens doing nowadays ;) ) so he can build up his Undershooter stylings.  Have the "UFC" (Undertaker Fighting Challenge) where he "shoots" with wrestlers and fighters alike.

You mean, like the Brawl For All, but with Submissions and ground fighting mixed in.


Sounds good, What's Bart Gunn doing nowadays

Probably still in Japan living on his reputation for knocking out Steve Williams.

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quick results someone? Please?

Dudleys def. London, Kidman, and Rey

Kane def. Matt Hardy

Edge def. Jericho and DAVE

Angle def. Eddie

HHH def. Eugene

Diva Conest def. RAW divas in Dodgeball

Bradshaw def. Taker by DQ

Orton def. Benoit

Thank you. :) Now all I need ot know is why the crowd seemingly turn on the show. :P

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Toronto -and Canada, for that matter- tends to go against the grain and at the same time, we're really impressionable and prone to group-think. So when a part of the crowd decides to turn on something, the other part will say "hey, we should do that too!".

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Guest Staravenger
Toronto -and Canada, for that matter- tends to go against the grain and at the same time, we're really impressionable and prone to group-think. So when a part of the crowd decides to turn on something, the other part will say "hey, we should do that too!".

a.k.a SHEEP

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They SOOOO need to bring in an MMA guy for Taker to beat (what's Paul Varlens doing nowadays ;) ) so he can build up his Undershooter stylings. Have the "UFC" (Undertaker Fighting Challenge) where he "shoots" with wrestlers and fighters alike.

I'd love to see Taker in a handicapped match with Fujita and Sakuraba. The Undertaker UFC punches in the corner along with the last ride would do Sak in, and the Tombstone would, once and for all, knock Fujita out cold.


Ratings. Buy rates. Gold.

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Guest CronoT
quick results someone? Please?

Dudleys def. London, Kidman, and Rey

Kane def. Matt Hardy

Edge def. Jericho and DAVE

Angle def. Eddie

HHH def. Eugene

Diva Conest def. RAW divas in Dodgeball

Bradshaw def. Taker by DQ

Orton def. Benoit

Thank you. :) Now all I need ot know is why the crowd seemingly turn on the show. :P

Because it's Toronto, and because it's WWE. With the crowd chanting "You screwed Bret!" five or six times, I think we can figure out why they were shitting on it.

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Taker worked the triangle perfectly!  He was reaching for his foot and putting it under his knee!  Something most wrestlers tend to forget when duplicating it.  I loved that lil touch.  I marked out for it BIG TIME.

Yes. I'd love to see him apply it to Nog or even a washed up Royce fucking Gracie for that matter. Taker would get his ass handed to him in about .8 seconds.

You're missing the point.


This is NOT an MMA event. It's not about putting Triangle on Nog or Royce Gracie. It's a wrestling match with some submission mixed in.


Wake up man, you're lookin pretty foolish right now

That's what I mean though. It's not an MMA event so I don't want to see 2 hosses applying poor looking MMA submission moves to each other. Especially when one of them is a damn zombie. It's boring as hell because everyone knows the match isn't going to end on one of those moves and it looks like they were just taking a breather the whole time.

I agree that he shouldnt be doing it while he's the dead zombie guy, it doesnt make much sense.


but, why is it that Angle gets no beef with doing that kind of thing? As if he's a submission master with a blackbelt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.


It was just to add something to the match, and he DID defeat Big Show with an armbar once

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Hopefully, Benoit and Orton will still have a rematch on PPV and Benoit will stay in the mix somehow. I don't want Benoit falling back down to IC title level.

I really don't think he will . . . Orton/Benoit will probably M.E. Unforgiven next month, and at that point it actually wouldn't surprise me to see Benoit moved back to SmackDown for some new star-power over there. Not saying I "want" to see that happen, but it's a possibility. Either way, I think he's gained too much respect over the last several months to be pushed back down the card now.

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This was a bizarre, ugly show on a lot of levels. I don't even know what I thought of it. Much like with Justin Credible in ECW, you knew Orton was getting the title and you might as well sit back and not give a shit. I know he'll feud with HHH now....and you can count the number of people who will care on 1 hand.


I think months of making the face sides of both rosters look like bums is coming back to haunt them. The whole face side on Raw has been made into Evolution's bitches for a long while, and the crowd is cheering the heels (much like WCW crowds with the NWO).


The truly bizarre aspect tonight is that the Canadian crowd seemingly turned on the Canadians, which blew my mind. Edge has been acting heelish lately but I didn't think in a million years he'd get booed in his hometown. Jericho avoided this mainly because the crowd booed Edge instead of him. Benoit got no reaction at all tonight, who seemed to cheer Orton more mainly because they knew he was winning.


I think at this point with Bradshaw no one even wants to give the guy a chance. Nobody gives a shit about him. His match with UT wasn't really even that bad (phantom punch aside), but the crowd was determined not to give a shit.


I wasn't shocked to see Eugene trashed, his phony retard gimmick has run its course. He didn't belong that high on a PPV card anyway. Time for the inevitable heel turn, Dinsmore.


Know who got one of the best reactions all night? RVD...on HEAT!

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I really liked Angle/Eddy and I'm suprised to see that many on the net were disappointed with it. It was different from any WWE match in a long long time. It wasn't just about throwing a million suplexes and doing a ton of false finishes. From the get go, both guys went for the kill, they used their finishers AND the other man's finishers and did desperate counters to try and survive, like the raking the face and the knee to the groin to get out of the ankle lock. The match showed that the two were so familar with each other that they had to go for suprises and desperate, yet well calculated moves to win. It played of the WM match with the loose boot and it showed Angle needed to be smarter to win this time, as he couldn't let Eddy Cheat to win (at least that is how a took the loose boot deal). Angle's selling of his ankle was good, for awhile, and then he sort of forgot it near the end of the match. This match told a very unique story, one that hasn't been seen in the WWE in a long, long time, if ever. I think it was better than their WM match.

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Those casual fans/marks watching SummerSlam are now not wanting to order future shows, since the matches came off as silent, boring, and the people they thought were the "faces" (Eugene, Kidman, London, Rey, Taker, Eddie, etc.) were treated with no response or were boo'd.)


You're a fucking retard. Why would someone stop ordering WWE PPVs because the people in Toronto were mean to them? That makes absolutely no sense.


If WWE puts on a good product- they will buy it.


If WWE has the heels go over in the big 4 matches- they probably won't buy it.


Should a WWE PPV crowd be required to go crazy and cheer for everything?


The smart watching are now even more apathetic towards the product, given tonight was a pretty good show that was reduced to a weird feeling "eh" due to the fucking crowd wrecking it.


You said the show was awful, now you say it was good?

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Toronto -and Canada, for that matter- tends to go against the grain and at the same time, we're really impressionable and prone to group-think.  So when a part of the crowd decides to turn on something, the other part will say "hey, we should do that too!".

a.k.a SHEEP

Aren't all wrestling fans sheep if they cheer or boo someone just because they're supposed to?


Toronto decided to cheer for what they wanted and boo what they wanted. I don't see why that's a bad thing

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Guest Bitterness the Star
Undertaker really should've put JBL over.


There's no reason to drag this out for another month.


For the Return of the Deadman, the two top matches for Brisbane are Bradshaw/Eddy and 'Taker/Angle.


Take that for what it's worth.

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Guest GreatOne

As I said earlier, why complain about the heels going over when three of the faces are getting booed?

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Taker worked the triangle perfectly!  He was reaching for his foot and putting it under his knee!  Something most wrestlers tend to forget when duplicating it.  I loved that lil touch.  I marked out for it BIG TIME.

Yes. I'd love to see him apply it to Nog or even a washed up Royce fucking Gracie for that matter. Taker would get his ass handed to him in about .8 seconds.

You're missing the point.


This is NOT an MMA event. It's not about putting Triangle on Nog or Royce Gracie. It's a wrestling match with some submission mixed in.


Wake up man, you're lookin pretty foolish right now

That's what I mean though. It's not an MMA event so I don't want to see 2 hosses applying poor looking MMA submission moves to each other. Especially when one of them is a damn zombie. It's boring as hell because everyone knows the match isn't going to end on one of those moves and it looks like they were just taking a breather the whole time.

I agree that he shouldnt be doing it while he's the dead zombie guy, it doesnt make much sense.


but, why is it that Angle gets no beef with doing that kind of thing? As if he's a submission master with a blackbelt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.


It was just to add something to the match, and he DID defeat Big Show with an armbar once

Taker leaves the moves on for too long while just laying there. In Angle/Eddie, they kept reversing the submissions and Eddie kept trying to roll out of the Ankle Lock to keep the action up.


Although I really can't stand Angle's ankle lock, but that's another subject...

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I'm not listening to LAW over the net. I'm listening to it on sports radio up in Toronto(you can see how Toronto can be jaded with stuff like this?). Anyways, I just heard that both Jericho and Edge complained to the radio personalities that they HATE to do triple threat matches. Some people were saying Eugene was getting booed because he was acting like a poor man's Hulk Hogan, The Rock, and Steve Austin. Maybe the crowd just doesn't like Eugene's short sighted gig. It's also said the crowd was split with Orton/Benoit and that Orton probably would have got a stronger face reaction if he went against someone other than Benoit. Oh yeah no one mentioned that fan running across the top of the limo and splitting the roof. Anyone who taped watch the Taker spot again and see JBL looking at the roof.


You know what's funny. Earlier this week when the lowest rating in MONTHS for raw was reported the wwe alledgedly said that the rating did not make sense. Then when smackdown came in under a 3.0 rating this week(lowest rating ever perhaps for the show) I suppose the fans were shitting on the product too. I think tonight's crowd was really different from the crowd at the smackdown tv taping earlier as that was a buch of sheep(half the arena and nowhere close to capacity for that taping). I think this crowd was perhaps the fans who have been disappointed for the most part with the product. I mean really this thing sold out before any match was billed.

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