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One of the best episodes of the season, IMHO, and up there with the first one or two as my favorite episode of the season. It didn't do much in terms of advancing the stories that I care about (e.g. I care more about the Michael/Walt thing in that it'll lead to the others than I care about them reuniting. And I'm pretty apathetic about the heroin/Charlie/Claire love triangle).


Eko's story was insane, though. I loved it from soup to nuts, and I'm ready to say it's in the top three backstories on the show (up there with Locke & Sawyer).


Charlie having the stash of Mary's was a definite Holy Shit! moment, and I thought Eko giving Charlie a statue to replace the one I broke was a cool twist: it showed that he didn't care about Charlie's H-habit, which would have been out of character for Eko.


Lastly, I'm surprised that there's so little Lost-talk this morning. Normally there's 3+ new pages by now.

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Wow, I didn't even notice the pictures inside the black smoke monster when I was watching. Will have to watch again tonight, that's for sure


Great episode, overall. Definitely one of my favorites for this season!

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you know, if this show were real life, both Sawyer and Jack would be getting so much tail. They'd have banged every hot chick on the island by now. and traded a few times too.


Great episode though. Eko's backstory was incredibly badass. Slitting two guys throat with one slash? Insane.


Loved finally getting a look at Lostzilla. from the pictures, kinda looks like it was scanning Eko's mind, no? Interestingly, the only two people to face off against lostzilla without it attacking them are Locke and Eko, both of whom showed no fear.

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I'm still thinking the smoke is only part of the monster. They showed us "2 - 5%" in Exodus, maybe this is say "15%". What with the chains, holes and I still get the impression theres something physical (Not sure if this a spoiler as I think it was a joke by the producers -

that script page that appeared on the lost site, whilst prolly a hoax may give some idea of the makeup


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Great episode last night. Eko continues to edge out Locke as my favorite character.


Last night gave more support to my theory that the monster is some sort of psychic entity by pulling the memories from Eko's mind. Whether the monster was on the island before DHARMA or was a by-product of the incident that has been referred to, we will have to see. Danielle said that it is a security system, so it has obviously found Locke and Eko to not be threats.


Glad to know that the Others are going to be explored more next weekend. I have the suspicion that Charlie will become one of the Others by the end of the season. If that's not planned, then it should happen, because Charlie is much less interesting this season and needs some good story to work with.

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I was soooooo expecting a commercial break when the smoke was approaching eko, followed by some lame tail end view of it when the show came back, but instead just pure awesomeness. Contained, electrically charged smoke that's either AI or controlled by someone on the island. To me, that's cooler than any kind of monster animal. Explains why the pilot seemed burned when they showed him in the tree. Now all we need to know is what the fuck the smoke is, who controls it if anyone, why the noises follow it, and how it can physically harm people.


The preview for next week was insane. It had that "final showdown" vibe to it. It was almost like some badass video game to cool to actually exist, and you just made it to the final level.


What I really want to know is how many season 1 questions are gonna be answered by the end of this one. What happened to Claire, how did the polar bears get there, WHY ARE THERE NO HAIRBRUSHES!!?!?!?!


This show is just 39047293 different kinds of awesome. I still gotta finish watching the last 9 episodes of season 1, and you'd think it'd be boring, but it's almost like watching the movie and then reading the book. The book is always cooler.

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or shaving equipment, you'd think in all those suitcases there'd be some razors and shaving cream....forget the guys, just give it to the women, if we're gonna have any more hot half nekkid scenes we can't have em looking like Chewie

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I'm pretty sure that they showed Jack shaving in season 1. There's nothing to be gained by showing characters shave or brush their hair. Conceivably, one could ask, "don't these people ever go to the bathroom?" since they don't show that, either.


It's a TV show that only shows what's relevant, and shaving or brushing hair isn't that relevant to the story at hand.

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I'm pretty sure that they showed Jack shaving in season 1. There's nothing to be gained by showing characters shave or brush their hair. Conceivably, one could ask, "don't these people ever go to the bathroom?" since they don't show that, either.


It's a TV show that only shows what's relevant, and shaving or brushing hair isn't that relevant to the story at hand.

They did show Jack shaving in season 1.

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Guest Vitamin X
You're being sarcastic, right?


They showed a hair cut on Wednesday.


Yes, that was my point.

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Guest Evolution

I get the impression that the Security System is something that acts alone and isn't controlled by anyone. At first I theorized that it was controlled by the Others and they were getting their first look at Eko, but that can't be true based on The Other 48 Days. Seems more plausible that the Security System has been focused on the Jack-side of the island and when the Ana-Lucia-side came over, the Security System had some new subjects to study. Or perhaps, much like Locke's staredown with the System in Season 1?

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What was it about Locke and Eko that made the SS not view them as threats? Was it told to leave them alone because they'll play a more important role down the line?


I got a crazy idea the other night based on the ABC preview of Locke, Sawyer and Jack standing around the fire. A few of The Others show up, tell them that Walt is fine but they want a trade: Walt in exchange for Locke.


And of course Locke goes with them and we get the next Locke-POV episode from wherever he's being held.

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Guest Vitamin X

I'm getting a real weird vibe about Locke ever since after his encounter with the system in Season One, and I still haven't gotten over it. I'm not saying he might be working with the others or anything, but I think most of us can see that Locke always seems to know or have a feeling about something on the island that noone else does. It'll be interesting to see what happens when he does eventually encounter the Others.

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Moreover, why did it view Locke as a threat later in season 1? Was it because he knew of the hatch?


I'm assuming you're thinking of when Locke almost got taken by...whatever it was that almost took him.


I don't know if we should think that the Security System saw Locke as a threat; Locke didn't seem overly worried about being taken (he even told Kate to let him go, didn't he?). Perhaps it's possible that whoever controls that system merely wanted to talk to Locke, or something. I don't think we should assume it was out to kill him.


It'll be really interesting to see what Eko does in the next little while. If he starts acting like Locke does (like he knows more then anyone, always calm) then there'll be some weird stuff going on in that smoke.

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I loaned out my Season 1 set, so I cannot confirm this on my own. When Locke was getting taken underground, did he not tell Jack to let him go and that he would be fine?

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Amazing episode... definitely one of my favorites... and I, too, have Eko just above Locke on my list of favorite characters.


I was fortunate enough to be able to watch all 9 preceding episodes on Monday, and it brought out a few thoughts:


-- There is a song that plays at the beginning of the orientation film, one or two times during it, and at the end. Anybody remember it? I haven't looked around online, but I'm wondering if there is some sort of subliminal message, if it could be played backwards, etc.


-- Does anyone else think time stops when Michael communicates with Walt? Jack interrupting is something you could point to in order to say no. But, the first time the counter stopped at 57, I think. This time, they didn't show the counter... but the keyboard was disabled until after Walt wrote to Michael. Also, we don't know if Michael just turned off the monitor when Jack came in, or if the text somehow disappeared. Right now, I'm thinking either time stops or Michael is hallucinating.


-- Mr. Eko is now my favorite character, without a doubt. The big observation I think I've made is that he is kind of like the midpoint between Jack and Locke. Eko is a born leader, like Jack, but he also has a better bedside manner as evidenced by how he handled Ana Lucia. He is spiritual and has a lot of faith... he told Bernard he would pray for Rose, but he also told Locke not to mistake coincidence for fate. It's very interesting to be able to place Jack, Eko, and Locke on a continuum. I also wonder where Sawyer will fit in, because I believe he will play a big role.


As for the info coming out of the new ep... I loved Eko's back story as well. The way his character is set up will make for other great flashbacks, because we have one part of him that is a complete and total badass and another part that is a sort of redeemed leader figure. I'm wondering if, after his brother's death, Eko reformed and actually went through the process of becoming a priest and getting ordained in spirit. Then he could carry on his brother's work. I'm also guessing that the Other he killed was probably the first person he had killed since his turnaround (just as Sawyer was the first person Sayid had tortured). That's probably the reason for his 40 days of silence.


With regard to Charlie... I agree with Mik that it is definitely unclear whether Charlie simply has a stash for later or if he already has been using. There may be no physical signs of use because Charlie has enough to avoid withdrawals. He told Claire he wasn't using, but obviously he lied to Eko about not knowing where the plane was. The stash actually tells us a lot more about Charlie than simply his relationship with drugs. He is a much, much better tracker than we've seen, or than he's let on. Remember, earlier this season Charlie followed around Locke because he wanted to find out about the hatch. Locke stops in the jungle, tells Charlie to come out, and comments that he can't believe Charlie didn't notice they were going in a circle. So now we know that Charlie has decent tracking abilities, but he's also sly enough to play dumb. Whoever connected him to the others might be on the right track.


The monster... interesting that Eko could hear it, no? Do you guys agree he knew something was coming and that's why he sent Charlie up the tree? You could clearly hear some sort of sound preceding its arrival. And, when it first went up to Eko, I thought I could hear some animal roaring sounds. I remember early in the first season, Rose said something about the monster sound she heard being very familiar. Perhaps the monster reads everyone's minds to find out what scares them, and the sounds it makes as well as the tree shit is all just for show.


Maybe the first line of defense is simply to scare people and make them run in the opposite direction. The ones that don't run... maybe the monster scans them and decides if they are threats. But what is the criteria? Is it fear versus no fear, being good versus being bad, etc.? I agree that it's curious how the monster physically does things... perhaps it's made up of nanobots that simply have the power to lift things.


It's interesting that you guys all thought of mind reading first. Obviously, it fits in with my theory of finding out what scares the Lostaways. But I was also thinking of my theory that these people were watched throughout their lives and engineered to end up on the island. Perhaps, those images were loaded into the monster and it was checking some sort of database.


All in all, great stuff.

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A few more theories from the genius that is Dwight Schrute:


January 13, 2:26 pm





Many, many people have written replies to my blogs. Literally TENS

of people from all over the country. Some girls have even included

their email addresses and expressed an interest in getting to know

"Dwight" better in a romantic sense.


[note: I was directed to let all the ladies know that "Dwight" is

off the market. L (sad face)]


But no one, NO ONE!, has ever thought to ask "Dwight" what his

theories were on the mysteries of the show "Lost."


Watch and learn:


First off, Sawyer is way cooler than Dr. Jack and could kick his

doctor ass if they had a throw down. And this new enormous African

fellow, Eko could kick both their asses in a pinch.


Kate could kick the little blonde mom’s ass. And she could also kick

the fat guy’s ass. And the old bald guy too.


The Korean guy could probably kick the black guy’s ass, as well as

his son who is missing.


But Eko could probably kick Kate and the Korean guy’s ass together at

the same time.


Therefore, I think Kate and Eko should hook up. (plus it would be

kind of funny, because he’s so much taller than she is.)


1) I think the "others" are actually the employees of Oceanic

Airlines. Who has ever heard of Oceanic Airlines! I think it was a

fake airline that purposefully crashes and does experiments on it’s



2) I think that the Dharma Initiative would make a cool band name.


3) I think the polar bears are actually hippies from the Dharma

Institute in polar bear outfits.


4) I think the asian guy from the Dharma film is the Korean guy’s

dad. Think about it. They’re BOTH asian.



Those are but some of my many theories. Remember, they are theories

and not fact.


That is All,


Dwight k Schrute.

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4) I think the asian guy from the Dharma film is the Korean guy’s

dad. Think about it. They’re BOTH asian.


I liked this one.

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This is my 815th post, so I figured it should be in this thread.


2.11 - The Hunting Part (Jack V)

airdate: 1- 18-2006

Jack, Locke and Sawyer pursue a determined Michael after he heads into the jungle toward the dreaded "Others" in search of Walt. Meanwhile, Sun has a surprising reaction to Jin's desire to join the search party, and Hurley and Charlie commiserate over the age-old conundrum of "what women want."

guest stars: John Terry as Dr. Shephard, Julie Bowen as Sarah, Monica Dean as Gabriela, Ronald Guttman as Angelo and M.C. Gainey as Mr. Friendly


M.C. Gainey is the guy who said "were gonna take the boy". I think it's also his voice in the promo saying "this is our island."


2.12 - Fire + Water (Charlie III)

airdate: 1-25-2006

When Charlie's vividly surreal dreams lead him to believe Claire's baby, Aaron, is in danger, Locke suspects Charlie may be using again. Meanwhile, Sawyer encourages Hurley to act on his attraction to Libby.


The order of the next two isn't certain, there may be a Sawyer episode thrown in there.


2.13 - Before the End (Locke IV)

2.14 -

One of Them

(Sayid III)

Flashback will be Sayid in Iraq interacting with a CIA agent (someone like George Clooney in Syrianna).

Tagging the title since I just know people are gonna get bent out of shape over how those three words are clearly the biggest spoiler ever, when they could actually mean anything.


Producers are saying there will be 24 hours in the season. So that could mean 24 episodes or 23 with the finale (presumebly) being 2 hours.

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People should read the Fire + Water one even if they are averse to these. It doesn't mention anything remotely major but it does mention something that we've all been hoping for.


H + L = looooooooove.

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I thought the smoke was just a product of whatever the monster was, so I don't think it entirely being the monster is disappointing, just suprising.

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"My beloved, let's get down to business."

- Chuck D, Public Enemy


"The Hunting Party"

Jack, Locke and Sawyer pursue a determined Michael after he heads into the jungle toward the dreaded "Others" in search of Walt. Meanwhile, Sun has a surprising reaction to Jin's desire to join the search party, and Hurley and Charlie commiserate over the age-old conundrum of "what women want."


credit: ABC.com


So because a "Please don't go" reaction from Sun is obvious I'm gonna say she tells him that he should go or that he should bring her with him.

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crackpot theory:


The monster ("security system") is to counteract the others, which is why they're on the opposite end of the island to the one the monster is active on. It's only on the one side because the button keeps it contained, which is why Walt said "the button is bad." When the monster went up to Locke and Eko, it scanned them (didn't see it scan Locke, but it's a fair assumption that it did), saw that they weren't Others, so it left them alone. Goodwin said they were looking for "good people", because the more non-Others they had, the less likely the monster would be to come after them, were the button not to be pressed.

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