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Credit to the "LimeWuzz" at the ABC.com message board for posting this: http://forums.go.com/abc/primetime/lost/th...26&forumStart=0



Thats right, I have the password, this is NOT fake! I signed up for the forums to do this.


First go to www.thehansofoundation.org


Go to the newsletter


Type in your name


Then yes


Then it'll ask for the password.


If you get it wrong, it'll say "Go to the TV section".


The REAL password is "Breaking Strain". When you enter it, it'll say Gotta go. Repeat these steps 3 times, and black bars with green text will appear, with chat messages from 'persephone'.


I DISCOVERED THIS W00T. (From recordings of the phone service... There is one that at the end, the lady says the password)


Don't steal my work guys n__________n


Also, if you go to the website, you'll notice the girl who greets you is the one from a leaked Darma video a few pages back I think.

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Oh yeah. The flashback was dumb because it was more stupid "they're all interconnected!" stuff and it introduced the totally gratuitous and uninteresting prospect of Jack having a half-sister. What's with all this soap opera shit, seriously.

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I don't think I ever even bothered to ask/wonder/care about what Jack's dad was doing in Sydney, but when he brought it up and said he'd be needing a bodyguard, I started to hope that somehow, he was involved with The Others. That he was going to Sydney to meet with The Others, to lure Jack there, and that the whole thing was a giant setup to guarentee he would be on 815.


Silly, I know.


But still cooler than a random half-sister.


That aside, good episode tonight, and a huge "Holy Shit~!" to Libby's unfortunate timing. I really hope this ends up as something interesting for Hurley.

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Was that Sawyer whom Jack's dad opened the door into?


But, yeah, lot's of big stuff going down tonight and next week.


Yep, it was.


And GOD DAMN IT, I didn't realize quoting the post would display the spoilers in the window I'm typing in right now, even though I should have.


Remind me never to do that again EVER.

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She took two shots. What stopped it? The blanket? And if she isn't dead, then she can tell them Michael did it.




And is the only main character to actually die due to the writing and not from a falling out with the show Boone?

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Bah. Libby still had more story to tell. It probably would've been painfully uninteresting, but still. Oh well.


Completely unenthused with the prospect of a half-sister for Jack. I mean, what's the point. It'll probably, somehow end up being Kate, just to fuck shit up even more.


The end saved it all, but the more I think about things like Jack's half-sister, the more I think they're pulling this stuff out of their ass.

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It seems a bit off that Jack and co. would buy Michaels story after knowing what they know about the other hatches because of Kate's journey.


It fucks me up thinking who Michael ran into along the beach. We're being lead to believe it's the phonies who wear prosthetics but I get a feeling it's yet another twist that may/probably will not be answered.


Jack's new half-sister.....hmmm. Let's make her a Dharma employee. Yeah, she works on the island. That'll do.


Fun episode, Locke's convo with Henry was awesome. The Goodwin stuff was cool too and gives a bit more meaning towards how things are viewed by the Others.

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And is the only main character to actually die due to the writing and not from a falling out with the show Boone?

Umm, what did Shannon do?

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Count me in as thinking to that Libby may not be dead yet. She may be in a coma just long enough for Michael to fly when everybody finds out the truth. I didn't think Libby being shot was too contrived, Michael already felt guilty about having to shoot Ana-Lucia. I was just intrigued as far as who was going to show up.


LOTC, I agree Jack should have been a little leery of Michael's story, he was talking like a wildman when he left the hatch, yet he didn't go after the two armed guards?


As far as future happenings, I wonder what will become of Locke and Jack's "ineffective communication". Locke is privy to more information about the other side than Jack is, yet when Jack talked about going after them to get Walt he seemed to agree.


I also hope that the preview for next week was a vision Locke has of Ecko, much like Boone, not the real thing!

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So can anyone tell me what happened right after Michael shot Ana Lucia? I gather he shot Libby and himself, but is that pretty much it? My DVR stopped recording right as he shot her.


BTW, it was a little obvious Michael was gonna turn. It just seemed like it was going to happen.

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pretty much, Libby came in and Michael shot her, he then went into the room with Henry, they exchanged a little look, Michael took up the gun, turned it on himself and shot.

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Count me in as thinking to that Libby may not be dead yet. She may be in a coma just long enough for Michael to fly when everybody finds out the truth. I didn't think Libby being shot was too contrived, Michael already felt guilty about having to shoot Ana-Lucia. I was just intrigued as far as who was going to show up.


I agree, it seems way too odd that Libby would be holding a cushion when she was shot. Obviously a cushion (or blankets?) isn't going to stop a bullet, but it has to serve some function. And we still need a bit of closure on Hurley/Libby. Of course, that might be what they want us to think.

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Maybe she was stalking Hurley like alot of people think, and she was caught and sent off to the psych ward when he came home and caught her snuggling with his pillow.


Last nights episode was great for the simple fact of Sawyer showing up in yet another flashback but not actually interacting with the fellow lostie. Sawyer has to have the most appearences in otheer characters flashbacks.


Saw a commercial for Bravo's new season of Celebrity Poker, Hurley is one of the players.

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Add me to the "Libby's not dead yet" list. There are still too many unanswered questions about her past & her role on the island. When other people were killed, most/all of their pre-island questions were answered (Boone, Shannon, AL) ... but Libby is still too up-in-the-air.


Also add me to the list of people that thought "noooooo" when they showed that one scene in the previews for next week (not going to say which scene, for the people that don't watch previews ... but to those that saw it, 99% of you probably thought the same thing).


I don't think Michael's "turned" or been brainwashed ... I think that he was captured and then offered a deal: if he could bring the rest of the survivors to the Others, then they would release Walt back to him. What I'm not sure of, though, is if he was explicitly told to kill AL or if killing her was just the easiest way to get the gun, access to "Henry" and get control of the hatch. Methinks it's the latter, but maybe the Others wanted AL dead for what she did to Goodwin.


Oh, and what point does Locke get faced with a "help Henry or help Jack" scenario?

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Count me in as thinking to that Libby may not be dead yet. She may be in a coma just long enough for Michael to fly when everybody finds out the truth. I didn't think Libby being shot was too contrived, Michael already felt guilty about having to shoot Ana-Lucia. I was just intrigued as far as who was going to show up.


I agree, it seems way too odd that Libby would be holding a cushion when she was shot. Obviously a cushion (or blankets?) isn't going to stop a bullet, but it has to serve some function. And we still need a bit of closure on Hurley/Libby. Of course, that might be what they want us to think.

I'm sure it hit some intestines or something, so at the very least it's gonna hurt a lot.


I also hope that the preview for next week was a vision Locke has of Ecko, much like Boone, not the real thing!

Probably. Unless somehow it's gotten into Michael's head that the Tailies are the "Others".


BTW, it was a little obvious Michael was gonna turn. It just seemed like it was going to happen.

Yeah, it's been thrown around here quite a bit, so while it was surprising, it wasn't all that surprising.


Saw a commercial for Bravo's new season of Celebrity Poker, Hurley is one of the players.

Jennifer "I won a WSOP bracelet" Tilly's playing too. Maybe not the same game though. But it should guarantee a random appearance from her boyfriend Phil "Unabomber" Laak...

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While I wasn't sure if Libby was dead officially at first, then I remembered.. did she not just sign a contract to do a sitcom or something? If she's not dead now, she probably will be by the end of this season. :P

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Oh, hey, nobody mentioned the AWESOMENESS of Jin's "thumbs-up" to Hurley on the beach? That was GREAT. In fact, that whole sequence w/ Libby & Hurley was great.


"This is our beach. Look - there's Jin!" ::camera pans to Jin::

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I'm sorry, but the whole thing with Michael just reeks of Deus Ex Machina (the plot device, not the episode). It sucked. Plain and simple.

Lazy writing, because you'd think someone would ask "Dude, where's your gun?"


Or, "The others took more than 2 guns from us!"


I'm really beginning to fall out of love with this show.


FYI: Libby, the woman who plays her is in a new sitcom next fall, so she's really dead.


How the HELL are the Lostaways not THINKING?@!

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I don't think Michael's "turned" or been brainwashed ... I think that he was captured and then offered a deal: if he could bring the rest of the survivors to the Others, then they would release Walt back to him. What I'm not sure of, though, is if he was explicitly told to kill AL or if killing her was just the easiest way to get the gun, access to "Henry" and get control of the hatch. Methinks it's the latter, but maybe the Others wanted AL dead for what she did to Goodwin.


I don' think any of what happened in the hatch was planned. I think he's willing to do anything to get Jack and co. to go after the Others and when he found out they had one of them locked up, and the whole situation with Ana he saw a chance to use it to his advantage by framing Henry for killing Ana and shooting him<when Libby came from behind he was pretty much caught by surprise and just turned and shot>


Now the question is, once the initial shock of what happened passes, how is Michael going to explain how Henry got out to begin with, and got Ana's gun and shot her without her moving from where she was sitting, unless he takes the time to move her to a different position.

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