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Well, you guys aren't the only ones with beef with the show. Lost got dissed by Emmy voters.


From the Lost Blog-

Lost Gets Dissed by Emmy Voters


Henry Ian Cusick So let me get this straight ... "Lost" wins last year's Outstanding Drama Series Emmy, but this year it doesn't even get nominated in the same category? Isn't there a law against this kind of thing?


Alas, it's true. "Lost" got the cold shoulder from Emmy voters in all the major categories. The only notable "Lostie" was Henry Ian Cusick (Desmond), who scored a nod for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series. Now, Des did a lovely job, but what about Michael Emerson (Henry Gale)? He was creepy incarnate and yet, nothing ... not even a pat on the head. Do the Emmy voters even watch the shows?


"Lost" did manage to rack up a few of the less-sexy nominations, most notably Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series, Outstanding Writing For a Drama Series, and Outstanding Casting for a Drama Series.


You can view the full list of nominees at the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences site. -- Mac


I think I have to watch Season 2 in its entirety again just to make sure it really was THAT much worse than Season 1.


No... I don't think it was that bad... you could make some cases for a few actors that should have been nominated, but when you have well more than half of your fanbase and critics bitching about how slow this season is, and how weak it is compared to last season... you're not going to get much love come Emmy time.

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Guest Evolution

Grey's Anatomy over LOST? Seriously? First episode of that show bored the shit out of me.

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Season 2 was not a bad season by any means, the writing was not poor or anything like that... it was a good season. It was simply worse than Season 1 because Season 1 was so excellent... there were no expectations and it simply blew the lid off anything on TV up to that point. Season 2 was still one of the best things on.


And I still don't understand how "slow moving plot" is being used as a criticism. It's one of my favorite parts of the show. So little time has passed, so much has happened, and the evolution of the characters has been superb.

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Season 2 was not a bad season by any means, the writing was not poor or anything like that... it was a good season. It was simply worse than Season 1 because Season 1 was so excellent... there were no expectations and it simply blew the lid off anything on TV up to that point. Season 2 was still one of the best things on.



When you devote an entire subplot of an episode to Hurley and Sawyer walking through the jungle looking for a frog so Sawyer can kill it to prove he's still a mean guy...the writing is filler and poor.


And this is coming from a guy who fucking is obsessive about LOST. Overall, Season 2 was decent (even comparing it to Season 1), but there were times watching that I just thought "What the fuck?" in a dissapointed way.

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Depends on the importance you place on character development. One of my favorite parts about Lost is that it is a character driven show... and I'm including the island in my list of characters. In my opinion, that Sawyer subplot was pretty big, if you remember back to Season 1 when he spared the boar. To me, killing the frog signified his complete regression from the end of Season 1 when he had started on a path to redemption... and it was a great foreshadower of Sawyer taking the guns. He bottomed out at that point and began redeeming himself once again, and obviously he was helped by the two deaths near the end.

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by the way, the episode that LOST submitted for Emmy consideration was "Man of Science, Man of Faith."


On its own, it was a pretty good episode. Probably not the best episode to show if your'e trying to get emmy noms.

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On last night's episode when Locke & Michael were shooting, Michael asked Locke where he learned how to fire a gun so well, Locke told him his father taught him. Lie?

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him and his dad did go hunting together more than once. Given the way Locke and the security guard interacted, I'd say it was quite a few times before the kidney incident. Maybe not a lie.

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Speaking as an Alias fan who saw the show's quality dip in later years when Abrams' attention went to other projects, this is potentially damaging. But Lost has something Alias did not: Damon Lindelof. With as prominent as his role is in shaping the show, I believe he'll be more than capable of leading the show to its grand conclusion... especially with Abrams giving 100% to Season Three, the show should be set in a good direction.

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I'd love to see Desmond and Eko come back during the first episode of next season and not know where Locke is, then either later in the show or days later Locke shows up and converts back to Old School Locke who doesn't talk to anyone and just sits on the beach and hunts and is all fucking mysterious and shit. That would be great if he didn't talk to anyone for like the first half of the season...and the scene before the last scene (which will probably be a huge cliffhanger) during the big break in like December or whenever the hell it is for him to finally speak up and talk. SLOW BUILD!!!

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Like the countdown really affected him.




And after he's done with his silent ways for the first part of the 3rd season, then first episode of the 2nd part should be a Locke episode and it reveals why he's in the wheelchair.

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I think the Emmy thing sounds pretty fair. The first season of Lost was the best season of television I ever saw in my life. The second season was so bad, it actually started to tarnish my memory of the first. Not that it was actually bad as a stand-alone effort, but it was sooo far below the quality of the first that it was really off-putting.


And no it's not that I just like action and don't appreciate character development either. Locke's character was completely ruined in Season 2 and Sawyer's took a huge leap backward for no ostensible reason. Charlie was also much less compelling. Even worse, the tailie subplot was terrible and served basically to kill time as the only character's remaining are Bernard and Eko. Actually, I would have been pissed off if the second season of Lost was nominated for an Emmy.

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I think the Emmy thing sounds pretty fair. The first season of Lost was the best season of television I ever saw in my life. The second season was so bad, it actually started to tarnish my memory of the first. Not that it was actually bad as a stand-alone effort, but it was sooo far below the quality of the first that it was really off-putting.


And no it's not that I just like action and don't appreciate character development either. Locke's character was completely ruined in Season 2 and Sawyer's took a huge leap backward for no ostensible reason. Charlie was also much less compelling. Even worse, the tailie subplot was terrible and served basically to kill time as the only character's remaining are Bernard and Eko. Actually, I would have been pissed off if the second season of Lost was nominated for an Emmy.


Agreed. Season 2 wasn't what I'd call bad television, but it's noticeably worse than Season 1, and part of that had to do with setting up characters then doing nothing with them. Charlie going crazy (and nearly getting exiled), and Sawyer conning Locke to get all the guns, were two moments that made me go "Holy shit, I can't wait to see where they go with this," and it turned out they never really went anywhere at all. Next we see Sawyer, he's hunting a tree frog, and Charlie's stopped being crazy and started helping Eko build a church.


It was enjoyable TV, but not Emmy-worthy-TV.

Edited by chirs3

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I think the Emmy thing sounds pretty fair. The first season of Lost was the best season of television I ever saw in my life. The second season was so bad, it actually started to tarnish my memory of the first. Not that it was actually bad as a stand-alone effort, but it was sooo far below the quality of the first that it was really off-putting.


And no it's not that I just like action and don't appreciate character development either. Locke's character was completely ruined in Season 2 and Sawyer's took a huge leap backward for no ostensible reason. Charlie was also much less compelling. Even worse, the tailie subplot was terrible and served basically to kill time as the only character's remaining are Bernard and Eko. Actually, I would have been pissed off if the second season of Lost was nominated for an Emmy.


Agreed. Season 2 wasn't what I'd call bad television, but it's noticeably worse than Season 1, and part of that had to do with setting up characters then doing nothing with them. Charlie going crazy (and nearly getting exiled), and Sawyer conning Locke to get all the guns, were two moments that made me go "Holy shit, I can't wait to see where they go with this," and it turned out they never really went anywhere at all. Next we see Sawyer, he's hunting a tree frog, and Charlie's stopped being crazy and started helping Eko build a church.


It was enjoyable TV, but not Emmy-worthy-TV.


Hear that sound? It's the plotlines with Charlie, Sawyer and everybody else flying over your head.


1) This has already been established before but Sawyer hunting the tree frog paralells his hunting of the boar in season one, difference being that he let the boar go and kills the frog. His conning Locke with the guns furthered the Henry storyline because if Sawyer didn't hold all the guns then AL wouldn't have been forced to seduce him for his pistol, leading to Michael capping her, leading to Henry's escape.


2) Charlie going crazy and his subsequent semi-exile from everybody else made complete sense as it furthered the point that Charlie is a good person who makes bad choices. The Eko thing got across the point that Charlie is consistently abandoned by those he puts his trust and faith in (his brother, Locke and now Eko).


The tailie subplot took an unfortunate turn because of Michelle Rodriguez's drunk driving and Cynthia Watros moving on to a new show. You certainly cannot blame the writers or producers for something beyond their control and in the grand scheme of things they did a very salvageable job in wrapping things up.


I'm sure if we go back to season one we'll find iggy bitching about things there too, IIRC.

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Saw this link on fark, and thought I'd share it here:




I was going to post the whole article, or at least some 'highlights', but they're borderline spoilers ... so check the link if you're interested & willing. Rest assured, though, people that didn't like where Locke ended up will be happy, and people that wondered who was returning this year (out of the characters that were in the hatch during the big incident in the finale) will get (some of) their answers.

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The first episode is entitled "A Tale of Two Cities" and airs October 4th.


They've added the "Brazilian Tom Cruise" to the cast but absolutely refuse to say what role he will play.


The Numbers will revealed through that complex internet Lost thing that is going on.


That's all I got. I got that through my Gmail and now whenever I try to cycle back through to find the link on the top it's not showing up. If I see it again I'll post the link.

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Underwater hatch? If that's true then I DEMAND props for the video I posted a long time ago that says there is one. It was the only way that Walt and his backwards-talking mouth full of water made any sense.

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