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I'm not sure if it's both Juilet and Ben playing Jack or Juliet playing Jack and Ben. During her speech to him last night, I got the feeling that while Ben isn't a saint, Juliet is actually going to end up being the worst of them all once Ben is out of the way.

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Regarding the Juliet/Jack/Ben triangle, I think/hope that it'll boil down to Juliet convincing Jack to 'do the right thing' and allow Ben to die on the operating table. But, as Jack is over Ben and prepared to do the surgery, Juliet will tell him that if Ben dies, Sawyer/Kate die, too. 'Save our friend or yours will die', more or less. Basically, showing Jack that video last night was just another way to manipulate him into doing what they want him to do: save Ben.


They covered the fact of why people were accompanying Locke and Sayid. Remember, Hurley commented to Locke that Jack would have gone to the Pearl himself and taken care of things alone, but Locke told him he wasn't Jack. There are many ways to lead.
Yeah, they explained why the two newbies are going with Locke & company to the Pearl ... but they never explained to us - the viewer - who the fuck these new people are. It's understandable that the other survivors would recognize them as people that had been living on the beach with them for 2+ months ... but it's not understandable to those of us watching at home why these new characters are all of a sudden part of the group. It wouldn't have been that hard for a one-minute scene where the baby's crying and the new female brings some water or a blanket or SOMETHING to Claire to help pacify the baby; Claire says, "thanks, we haven't formally met" and the new woman says, "Hi, I'm so-and-so ... ".

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So......what was the point of introducing the Tailies if they were all just killed off less than a full season later?


No, seriously, I want to know, what was the point?


I read in a few interviews that the way the show is being written for the long run, is that no one is expendable, and that they will be bringing in new people, while killing of some of the older characters.


The only ones that don't seem expendable are

Hurley, Kate, Sawyer, Locke, and Jin.


But those interviews I read were like in the middle of the show's first season. Different magazines.

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So, just a few thoughts, comments, questions, etc.


- When the failsafe was used, are we to assume that there are no more electromagnetic charges that build up in the island? The whole point of pushing the button was to release small bursts so that it wouldn't build up too much. Now that there's no hatch, no need to regulate the flow of EMPs, that makes me think that the electromagnetic properties of the island were man-made.


- That said, we're also lead to think that the electromagnetic properties of the island are what cured Locke of his paralysis and Rose of her cancer, at least that's how I saw it. With the electromagnetic properties gone shouldn't they revert back? That is, unless it cured them permanently, and not just in a "you must stay on this island to stay cured" kind of way.


- So, finally, regardless of whether it's the electromagnetic properties, or the Island itself, or something else that can cure ailments of various people... how can Ben have tumors on his spine? Methinks the x-rays are a hoax....

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No Rose or Bernard.



Re: the Ben vs. Juliet, who's good/bad debate, I think that maybe Sawyer's line a couple of episodes ago wasn't a throwaway line. I think he said of Juliet after she had the gun on Kate "She would have killed you, I could tell she's evil", or something along those lines. I think that maybe that was a bit of foreshadowing that she'll be trouble, more than Ben is.

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I think Juliet is playing Lady Macbeth here. Ben's line to Jack about how Juliet looks like his ex is pretty much Ben saying "She's using you because she knows she reminds you somebody you loved." Ben's probably been watching their exchanges and realizes that Juilet is making a play for his spot.

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What's wrong with some of you? I'm shocked that the line by "Yemi" saying that he wasn't Eko's brother, is actually confusing some of you, and not knowing what it meant.


At least we now know how different people have been seeing images of dead people, and having it seem so real. Not to mention that it explains the visions of Walt as well.

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I believe the failsafe causes a complete release of the energy. Because of exposure to that, I think people like Rose and Locke won't need to stay on the island in order to stay healed... in fact, I'm starting to believe even more that Charlie, Eko, Locke, and Desmond will end up endowed with some forms of superpowers (maybe they'll end up with four toes!). Perhaps Charlie's is simply an extreme inner calm, eliminating the need for drugs, and allowing Claire to sense that he is no longer a danger to Aaron, hence the kiss.

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Guest Vitamin X

I waited for a few days regarding this episode. It really left me with mixed feelings, although I'm surprised as to how some of you (particularly Edwin; are you seriously done with this show?!) have reacted. I'm pissed just as many people are in this thread that Eko was killed off, as there was so much they could've done with him and Locke, but being that the two actors didn't get along is definitely a problem. I was completely unaware of any of that.


There was an Entertainment Weekly interview with the actress that plays Juliet, and they did mention something at the beginning about how they caught her shooting a scene where she calmly shoots someone shocking, obviously EW probably wouldn't be able to say who, but maybe Jack? Ben? Sawyer or Kate? I was thinking maybe Sayid, but all of these choices are horrible, save maybe Jack or Ben.


The way I see it is like this.. The new characters seem rather forced onto the show, unless they were part of the Others, I definitely agree about that, and one of the primary things that Lost has that had worked so well in the beginning is the whole reason those flashbacks exist... They give all these characters an interesting backstory, and let us get close to and care about what happens to them, but right now, if they just keep killing off all the characters that are liked by fans, the show is going to really start going downhill. I don't think people gave that much of a shit that Ana died, Libby was surprising, but people could deal with it because, again, we hadn't really gotten too close to her character.


All in all, I think so far this season has been much better written than last season. We're all acknowledging in this thread that basically they're writing off everything that happened last season, which can really piss someone off if they follow it as obsessively as we all do here. If all the tailies are dead, that basically means jack shit for last season, although last season at least gave us the introduction to the Others and all that. Despite all that, I at least do like how every week does feel a lot more important this season than last. A lot of episodes last season were kind of like, "Oh, that's interesting. I didn't know that about (so-and-so)." and didn't leave you with any great suspense or really care about what would happen the following week. This season has been done much better in that regard, since the mysteries are getting more interesting, but there are more disheartening things like others have mentioned in the thread, like what happened with Michael/Walt, or the arctic station from last season? You can't just completely forget about them now.


I continue to watch because I'm hooked and I like getting some kind of closure to the stories, but if they really do start arbitrarily killing off people just for a SHOCKING TWIST again and again just when they feel the need to do it, that's going to really turn me off the show.

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I waited for a few days regarding this episode. It really left me with mixed feelings, although I'm surprised as to how some of you (particularly Edwin; are you seriously done with this show?!) have reacted.

Since it goes on 3 months of hiatus after the upcoming episode, I'll watch that, I guess. Last chance to keep me hooked. From what I've read, though, it's just more love triangle bullshit, so I'm pretty sure I'll be checking out afterward. Maybe I'll keep up with the one-page recaplets they do at Television Without Pity to see if the ship's getting righted anywhere down the line. By the time Lost comes back, both 24 and The Shield will be in full swing and I'll be plenty happy with those.

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It'd be kind of cool if the new plane characters that they are introducing are actually Others that killed off the real ones earlier. It would make sense that they would wait for the right opportunity to help out. Then once they are in positions of more power, they lead everyone into a trap.



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Yeah. He was all "the sub's back, we have a situation." He may have meant a substitute teacher, however, or a magical island sandwich.


*Gasp* Jared's one of the Others! The Island is what cured him of being so fucking fat!

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The Second Season was so obviously important to the overall story that I still can't figure how people can find it pointless.


Here's how: It's almost getting to the point that they could've had the first season end with Jack, Kate, and Saywer being kidnapped instead of Walt, then had Walt and Micheal get eaten by a shark, and then just jumped right into season 3.


I mean, I'm not saying it is pointless, because there was some neat stuff in there, but I think that's a problem with the show.


And no, I'm not being literal, so don't point out all the little holes I missed.


Also, bizare theory: Locke asked Eko what he saw, and we know Eko saw the cloud of smoke. Locke, however, claimed to see a brilliant white light, or something like that. Maybe they didn't see the same thing.


Yes yes, it is possible that it is just one monster making itself look different, but then I thought that doesn't make sense, because as I saw it, Locke was being told to do things (like push the button) also. But he didn't get killed when he stopped. So, maybe Locke was actually getting instruction from this other creature, who eventually decided that the Hatch was no longer needed. Why? Well, perhaps it wants the people to get found, or something. I dunno. But I do know that, as silly as it may sound, it reminds me a hell of a lot of Locke's speech in the first season. "Two players. Two sides. One is light. One is dark."


Further, I think that might explain why the monster killed the pilot - the smoke monster *doesn't* want people getting off the island, and the pilot had the best chance of contacting someone from the outside world, cuz he actually knew how to work all the radios and transponders and such.


But all that could easily be me reading too much into things.

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Here's my crackpot theory, and its under the influence so shred it apart if possible. The Others did research on the fuelsage (sp.) survivors after the crash with Ethan and then did outside research on who the people were (from what I gathered from what Ben was telling Jack in the Game 4 WS episode). Now Goodwin knew who "Eko" was, but did Eko go to London as Yemi, since he told the lady at the village he was going to London to carry on Yemi's duties.


Is it possible the first time the black smoke monster did not know what Eko's true intentions or even identity were (granted I do not remember if the priest in Australia refered to him as "Eko" or not).


One other thing, we know how Eko got to London, but why was he in Australia? Specifically because of the supernatural occurence with the little girl, or will we possibly get that later.


Was Eko in Locke's trippin vision, and what was he doing? And if Desmond can see into the future, why did he not try to convince Eko to come down in the hatch?

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If the tumor isn't Ben's; I will be pissed for the following reason:


They discussed his tumor not in the presence of Jack. He whispered to her, "Why did you show him my X-Ray" with Jack not around. If it's a lie, there was no point to that sequence other then to throw off the audience as it didn't effect any of the characters. That's just lazy and would be terrible.


But I give them more credit then that. So I definitely think it's his tumor. Whether she's playing him or not is another matter.

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I completely agree.


You know, the more I think about it, the more I feel I'm of the opinion that Juliet is the true leader. I'm still undecided as to whether or not she is "Him". But I think, of the people we've seen, she's in charge. There has been a lot of parallelism overall on LOST, so if you think about it... who initially handled Jack, the leader of the Lostaways? Juliet. This may also explain why Ben was content to let her die. Perhaps she is really the evil one.

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You know what I was thinking about today? Nobody on the island really seems to miss anything. Or have memories of happiness they want to get back to. I'm not asking for a constant flow of "man, remember what such and such is like?" or "I wonder how my dog is...," but I think part of the reason I'm getting burnt out is that there are no normal people wondering about, y'know, normal things. Everyone is a murderer/adulterer/criminal with severe daddy issues and heartbreak for miles. Maybe that's why I dislike the flashbacks so much. I guess Desmond's the closest to regular, but he's still so far on the fringe that nothing really resonates.

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I'm not impressed by how underwhelming the presence of Desmond is to everyone on the island. If you were one of the forty or so other people on the island, wouldn't you be dying to ask this guy some questions?

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