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Q: Why does Richard give the compass to Locke?


A: If you'll recall from Season 4, there is an episode (Locke's flashback) where Richard visits young Locke and gives him a few different things to identify - one of these things being a compass. Richard tells Locke to show him something that belongs to him. Locke picks the knife and Richard says "I'm sorry, you're not ready." This is an example of Richard "testing the timelines." In other words, when Richard came to young-Locke, he was checking to see if he was in the new Timeline where he had spoken to Locke. Now that Richard has delivered the message, he should be able to go to young-Locke and Locke would now give Richard the compass, signaling that Richard now exists in a timeline where Locke has been "trained." Why does Richard want to train Locke? Probably becuase Locke is some type of prodigy, where the rules of fate don't apply to him.

What? That doesn't make sense. Because Old Locke knows the compass is Richard's, then Young Locke will, too? Young Locke doesn't have a past where he would've learned that.


It makes sense if you go with the idea of Richard testing the timelines as the motivation. It's pretty much a given that Richard was testing something given that Locke invited him to come meet him after giving him his birthday. Why else would he go there and show him the compass?


Q: Why doesn't Charlotte remember her mother's maiden name?


A: With the island moving to different times, someone in a new timeline created a past where Charlotte's mom died when Charlotte was very young. The fact that a new past had been re-written for Charlotte is causing a "merging" of memories, which is why she has a bloody nose. Also, because Charlotte's mother died earlier in the new timeline, Charlotte never got a chance to learn her maiden name. Personally, I didn't learn my mom's maiden name until I was like 15-years-old. So in "timeline 1" for charlotte, her mom may have died when she was 25. But in this new "timeline 2" that was created, her mom died when she was 5, so she still has the memory of her mom, but not the "full" memory.

This doesn't make sense, either. "What happened, happened" according to Daniel. New pasts don't get written.


True, he said this, but he also re-wrote Desmond's past when he knocked on the hatch door and told him that he needed Desmond to save them. If Desmond is a special case, maybe Charlotte is too?

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Thinking about it, Widmore being responsible for the purge would kill Ben's character, because that power grab established Ben as the certified badass and set the next thirty years on the island into motion.


Anybody else think they buried the bomb inside/beneath the Swan? In season two Sayid tells Jack that there was massive amounts of concrete poured over a certain area of the hatch and followed it up with saying the only time he'd seen something get walled up this thick was Chernobyl.

That makes a lot of sense.


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Anybody else think they buried the bomb inside/beneath the Swan? In season two Sayid tells Jack that there was massive amounts of concrete poured over a certain area of the hatch and followed it up with saying the only time he'd seen something get walled up this thick was Chernobyl.


Exactly what I was thinking too.

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True, he said this, but he also re-wrote Desmond's past when he knocked on the hatch door and told him that he needed Desmond to save them. If Desmond is a special case, maybe Charlotte is too?

With just a conversation? If that was true, then every conversation the freighter people, Sawyer and Juliette have had with Widmore/Richard/the Others has re-written their past. If anything, Daniel re-wrote Desmond's future, sending him off to Oxford and eventually LA.


EDIT: I hope they stop the island from skipping soon. It's stuff like this confusion that makes me weary of time-travel as a device in television shows. It's hard to pull off for an extended period of time. (see also: Heroes)

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Yeah, it is getting convoluted, I know. Rewriting the future does sound more feasible. But technically it is re-writing the past. Desmond didn't have that memory before. Then he suddenly did. That sounds a lot like re-writing the past to me. ;) I love the speculation of it all, though. This whole twist has really reinvigorated my interest in the show. :)


Anyway, I don't assume that Faraday knows 100% of everything about this time travel thing.

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EDIT: I hope they stop the island from skipping soon. It's stuff like this confusion that makes me weary of time-travel as a device in television shows. It's hard to pull off for an extended period of time. (see also: Heroes)


I agree in a way. I mean, I like it, and it is a cool device to explain some stuff.. but it is getting a little crazy. I think it'll be fine if they keep it more like this past episode.. ie: one jump per episode.. or jumps every couple of episodes.


I hope in the end the island takes one last jump and it has turned into a desert.. suddenly Mel Gibson rides by chasing after Toecutter. :P

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It makes sense if you go with the idea of Richard testing the timelines as the motivation. It's pretty much a given that Richard was testing something given that Locke invited him to come meet him after giving him his birthday. Why else would he go there and show him the compass?

There's only the 1 timeline - "you can't make a new street". Of course he was testing the Locke/compass connection, but Locke failed the test. Young Locke isn't going to get any more chances to get it right. Besides, Richard would've needed to tell young Locke before that meeting for it to work. Old Locke is the only Locke that knows about it.


True, he said this, but he also re-wrote Desmond's past when he knocked on the hatch door and told him that he needed Desmond to save them. If Desmond is a special case, maybe Charlotte is too?

As Boon said, Desmond's future got re-written, not his past, in the sense that Desmond has no memory of it until his dream (meaning the dream & Daniel telling him happen at the same time, yet years apart).

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Richard could've been testing it because he was unclear with how it works. I'm not saying Young Locke should've gotten it right or even that Richard expected him to.. Just that Old Future Locke is clearly the reason why Richard went to visit Young Locke and brought him the compass, and also the meaning behind why he asked him to pick the item that "belongs" to him.


I still stand firm that it is technically rewriting the past with Desmond. He didn't have the memory before. Then one night he just has this memory. It hadn't happened before.. but then that changed. It's rewriting what happened in the past. You also can't rewrite someones future. The future hasn't happened, therefore it hasn't been written, therefore it cannot be re-written.. only influenced.

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About Richard choosing Locke to be the leader... I don't think he ever chose Locke to be the leader of the Others nor did he choose Ben. Jacob is the one who does that isn't he? Richard only accepts who Jacob chooses to be.


Jacob chose Locke last season to succeed Ben. The current old man Locke, who is now travelling around in time, visits Richard in yesterday's episode telling him he is their leader. This is true since Locke has been chosen by Jacob to be the leader. However, Richard doesn't know that this happens 50 years down the road, so when he goes to test Locke as a child, Locke fails the test. This isn't because Richard did or didn't choose him yet, but because Jacob has not yet chosen Locke yet.

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I can honestly say I haven't the faintest idea about the inevitable Jacob reveal. Are they going to reveal Jacob as an established character, or cast somebody new? Why do Claire and Christian chill out in his cabin and do his bidding?


I'm curious about Abaddon, the guy who visited Hurley and pushed Locke in a wheelchair when he was first injured. Something I was pleased to see in spoilers:

he returns in Episode 6: The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham.

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I'm psyched to see exactly what Richard meant by Locke having to die to leave the island. Is there some kind of weird reincarnation thing that's going to happen with Locke being born again in the past but under the name Jeremy Bentham?

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You would think that Jacob would have to be an established character for the reveal to have any sort of impact, but who knows? I've seen it speculated that Jacob is actually a time-skipping Jack, which would (I guess) explain the presence of Christian and Claire in the cabin.


I do like that we're starting to get some questions answered already this season. We now know that Widmore was on the island as a young man, and can surmise that Ellie is Faraday's mother/Desmond's jewelry store woman/the old lady in the church with Ben. So, y'know, we're getting somewhere now.

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unless i missed it Locke didn't show Richard the compass, all he said was that Jacob sent him and that was enough. I'm thinking that due to that meeting it leads to Richard seeing Locke as a baby and then later testing him, which Locke fails making Richard think someone was trying to trick him into choosing a flase leader or being tested by Jacob or something. This then leads to him and Locke meeting up again when the Island jumps to a time somewhere after the testing of young Locke, and this is when he shows Richard the compass to convince him.

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unless i missed it Locke didn't show Richard the compass, all he said was that Jacob sent him and that was enough. I'm thinking that due to that meeting it leads to Richard seeing Locke as a baby and then later testing him, which Locke fails making Richard think someone was trying to trick him into choosing a flase leader or being tested by Jacob or something. This then leads to him and Locke meeting up again when the Island jumps to a time somewhere after the testing of young Locke, and this is when he shows Richard the compass to convince him.


You missed it, then, because Locke handed the compass to Richard - he's holding it during their conversation in the tent.


I should also note that during this convo, Richard states that their leaders are chosen at a much younger age. Ben was chosen as a child, as well. I think that'd pretty much DQ Widmore from ever becoming their leader down the line.

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Widmore seems a little too hot-headed to have ever been the leader of the Others. So far, we've seen Ben & Richard as the only leaders of the Others, and both of them were/are pretty level-headed as leaders. Island Widmore hasn't shown that trait, so I doubt he would have ever been an Other leader.


I can see Widmore trying to stage a coup to become leader, and subsequently being defeated & banished from the island.

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I'm definitely expecting that with the revelation that Widmore was financing Faraday's research and the theory that Faraday's mom (Elie) and Widmore were on the island together.


I'll even go one step further and speculate that next week's episode ends with Desmond and Penny meeting Faraday's mom only for Penny to end the episode saying "Mother?!"


EDIT: That is to say that if we think Elie is the old woman and Faraday's mom... and we think Widmore might be Faraday's dad... they were on the island together and both ended up off the island but seeking it in some way. If Widmore is Daniel's father that makes him and Penny siblings and since I don't remember ever hearing anything about Penny's mom/Widmore's wife I could see them finishing off the family for the high strings shocker.

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Anybody else think they buried the bomb inside/beneath the Swan? In season two Sayid tells Jack that there was massive amounts of concrete poured over a certain area of the hatch and followed it up with saying the only time he'd seen something get walled up this thick was Chernobyl.


Exactly what I was thinking too.

Could that and the lead cause all that magnetism though or was that something else?


So, bomb leaks, Faraday tells the camp to patch it up and bury it. The camp patches up the bomb and buries it only to have an issue while burying said bomb, where maybe the bomb leaks some more, and the camp builds the Swan around the bomb so the people who are locked inside the swan can keep the bomb from exploding by typing the code every 108 seconds and activating some type of do-dad that keeps the bomb in check. However the key is a fail safe if something goes wrong that will blow up the bomb and the swan along with the people inside the swan as well.







Ah fuck it, it's a paradox!


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If the Jughead bomb is revealed to be buried under the Swan hatch, which I don't see how it wouldn't at this point, I'm just glad that we're getting some explanation behind pushing the button and the magnetic energy or whatever. I was worried that they were going to completely ignore the details about the Swan at this point.


Now if we can just find out who's been behind the food drops...

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I think that the magnetic energy is something else altogether that was already there, but that perhaps the location of where the bomb was buried acted as some sort catalyst for the energy to become stronger and cause the effects that it causes.. I mean we all know the crazy shit that nuclear energy can do. ;)


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If the Jughead bomb is revealed to be buried under the Swan hatch, which I don't see how it wouldn't at this point, I'm just glad that we're getting some explanation behind pushing the button and the magnetic energy or whatever. I was worried that they were going to completely ignore the details about the Swan at this point.


Now if we can just find out who's been behind the food drops...


Mickey Rourke

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Finished the first three episodes today, freakin great. The time travel stuff is fun, but seriously folks, when you start using "Old Future Locke", you gotta take a step back and just let it unfold. I'll echo the sentiment that the new losties (Miles, Faraday, Richard) are better than the old losties (Jack, Kate). So much less whiney and teary eyed. I thought the scene in the church with Ben was kinda lame. The Widmore reveal on the island was rad, though.

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Something nobody else mentioned, but I noticed: with the flaming arrows and land mines, every one of the anonymous extras are finally all dead. From everyone who survived the plane crash, we're down to just our main characters now.


Is it me or does Richard wear eye liner?

I'm pretty sure everyone thinks this. I know I did, too. Apparently he just has very thick eyelashes. I read an interview somewhere recently with Cuse & Lindelof where they mentioned that shortly after hiring the actor to play Richard, they told him something along the lines of, "The eyeliner isn't going to work" but were surprised to find out it wasn't eyeliner.

Yeah, that actor always looks like that. Check him out as the mayor in The Dark Knight, or Batmanuel in the tragically short-lived The Tick, it always looks like he's just been viciously attacked by a crazed makeup artist.


So, bomb leaks, Faraday tells the camp to patch it up and bury it. The camp patches up the bomb and buries it only to have an issue while burying said bomb, where maybe the bomb leaks some more, and the camp builds the Swan around the bomb

Except the Others didn't build the hatch station, Dharma did.

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So, bomb leaks, Faraday tells the camp to patch it up and bury it. The camp patches up the bomb and buries it only to have an issue while burying said bomb, where maybe the bomb leaks some more, and the camp builds the Swan around the bomb

Except the Others didn't build the hatch station, Dharma did.

Well fuck!


By the way, Best Buy has Lost season 4 on sale for 34.99.

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