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After the break halfway through the 3rd season, I quit watching as I was just getting frustrated with the direction of show and Eko's corny death via the black smoke was kind of a turning point. I watched last week's episode though just because I was bored and I thought it was pretty good, and then this week's episode (which I just watched tonight) was fantastic. I don't think I'll skip any more episodes the rest of the season.

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If Mikail is now alive, does that mean Cleo is alive too?


I had the same thought; it kinda makes sense, too, when you consider that she told Mikhail to shoot her. I mean, if she knew it wouldn't kill her/she could be ressurected, why not get shot? Beats getting captured, especially when she has to know a LOT of information.

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Good point. And he was shot too, wasn't he?


Though I had been thinking that perhaps these "ressurections" are dependant on something being done to them after death; I dunno, some sort of healing machine that's so good it can heal someone even if they've been dead for a little while? Course, it'd still need to be relatively quick, and maybe they weren't able to get Ethan. But, then again, if they can bring people back from the dead, why does it matter that women who get pregnant die?


Of course, there's also the possibility that the fence doesn't kill people, it just makes foam come out of their mouth and blood shoot out of their ears, then knocks them out cold for a few hours. Why? I dunno, so the Others can just go pick up anyone who tries to cross their fence and lock them up?


This show makes my head hurt sometimes. In a good way.

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Do you mean that you just think that she was lying in general about them not knowing what it is? Cuz when the smoke hit the fence, it sure as hell looked like it flattened out a bit and couldn't go further; but if we presume that the smoke is working with/for the Others, then that's easily explained.

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I agree with the notion that people are saying the fence doesn't kill people. I think its main usage is to keep the smoke monster out. As Mikhail said, wounds heal faster on the island, so I think the fence just knocks you out and the others or the island help heal you. They just couldn't find a fence that could keep the smoke monster out and not harm people.

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The two wounds weren't even similar. Ethan, I can see. But Boone suffered total body trauma and if IIRC, he died within hours. Even if they healed 10x faster...Boone got fucked up.

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So, just for fun I was thinking about making up a list of the big questions that we've yet to get answers to. I'll start us off.


- Why did the Others want to capture Sawyer, Kate and Jack? Them (plus Hurley) were on the list Ms. Klugh gave Michael and we still have no clue why.


- What was the deal with Kate and Sawyer doing the rock-breaking work for the Others? I remember reading in a preview a while back that we find out what the deal was with all of that.

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The reason they took Kate, Sawyer and Jack has been explained. Jack was needed to perform the surgery on Ben. Kate and Sawyer were used as a means to get Jack to do the surgery.

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It's also possible that they knew that Sawyer and Kate were this close to fucking already and they could add some subtle manipulations to get them there. With the island super sperm, they knew they would have another "subject". It's possible, since Juliet said she would have Austin's "sample" soon last week.

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Does the Island choose who it heals, and who it saves?


I think so.


I think the island has some sort of sentience; not to say that the island can conceive of itself in terms of "I Am", but I think it somehow does manipulate events. I think this is why Locke is out of his wheelchair, and Ben is in his. The island, for whatever reason, likes Locke, and doesn't like Ben.


It's also possible that they knew that Sawyer and Kate were this close to fucking already and they could add some subtle manipulations to get them there.


I already mentioned this, but I just had to point out that, in hindsight, I don't think it was very subtle. They locked them up in a place that Kate could escape from, and though they MUST have known she was capable of escaping, they left them there. Surround them with strangers and convince them they're as good as dead, and what did you think was gonna happen?

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Yeah if you do, please state they are spoilers for the finale and use the good ol' spoiler tags. I never understood reading spoilers, they just ruin the show. When I accidently read spoilers for the Angel finale, I was PISSED. Fuckin Wesley.


Is this week the non-flashback episode?

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I'm not that invested in Lost anymore so I don't mind reading spoilers. Heroes or Prison Break, I wouldn't read spoilers for.


Also, re: this weeks episode

apparently there are flashbacks, they're of what happened to Locke during his time with the Others leading up to the kidnapping.

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Spoilers for the finale are out. Reading them, if true, the finale will either make or break the show.







We'll find out that "Ben Linus", along with Richard Alpert and Jacob, were once workers for DHARMA who also doubled as human test subjects for various DHARMA projects on the island.


- We'll see the overthrow of DHARMA scientists by the workers led by Jacob, who was the instigator of the revolution and the saviour of Ben. Unfortunately, Jacob was unable to save Ben's family which we'll see.


- We'll come to understand that the mysterious (this name is a spoiler until it is told to us in an ep) wasn't the only traveler on the expedition flight to the island (hint: a male was with her who'll wash ashore later), but is in fact a spy of the DHARMA Initiative who's come to investigate exactly what happened on the island.


- The triggers for her visit were the meltdown of the Swan Station and the loss of contact with the Flame Station. A series of "secure" codes had to be input from the Flame to give DHARMA the green light that everything was fine, and to continue the food drops the same way the numbers had to be input in the Swan. The Others (hostiles) were successful keeping up appearances with Mikhail's help until Locke destroyed it.


Cerberus, aka "The Smoke Monster" was a DHARMA experiment in both nanotechnology and neural networking which was used to guard the perimeter of various stations intuitively, but was damaged during the purge of DHARMA controllers, It has since gone rogue and become self aware.


- The "Others" as we've come to know and love (or hate) are truly the good guys who gained their own freedom and were actively attempting to reverse the effects of experiments performed on them by DHARMA, and the effects of the island on unprotected humans until Flight 815 interrupted them.


- Ben confides in Locke that they were basically slaves to DHARMA and they must keep up the ruse that DHARMA is still in control or they will all die from a common enemy. Jacob is the head "inmate" who orchestrated the revolution, and who remains hidden in plain sight but is still the one they must answer to.


- We find out that Penelope Widmore has been a member of DHARMA all along, and the station in Antarctica is run by DHARMA. Desmond has a vision of Penelope which is frightening and reveals new, truthful memories about how they really met at the monastery.


- Ben dies in the finale along with a few Others, as does Kate and Sayid. Sawyer and most of the Losties blame Jack and Juliet for Kate and Sayid's deaths due to his plan. Jack is forced to go with the surviving Others, and we see Tom by his side as he protects his new leader. From the sky we see images of the island as if from the viewpoint of a coming aircraft. It seems DHARMA has sent someone (or something) to the island and it's not nice.


Source: The Fuselage


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is Jacob? I've seen the name mentioned in this thread a bunch of times, but I can't remember or place the person for some reason.

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is Jacob? I've seen the name mentioned in this thread a bunch of times, but I can't remember or place the person for some reason.



Jacob is the head other. Or HIM as he's been referred to. He was the one who made the lists. He is apparently "hidden but in plain sight." Meaning we may have already met him.

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is Jacob? I've seen the name mentioned in this thread a bunch of times, but I can't remember or place the person for some reason.



Jacob is the head other. Or HIM as he's been referred to. He was the one who made the lists. He is apparently "hidden but in plain sight." Meaning we may have already met him.



Ohh, when did they start using his name?

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From what I've read tonight isn't "technically" non-flashback.


It's non-flashback in the same way "The Other 48 Days" was non-flashback.


And I believe it focuses on


In fact, I'm 99% sure of that, but just in case what I read was wrong...

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