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It seems like a big wtf reveal moment and in season 1 it probably woulda been, but after having sat through enough writers' tricks, it takes about two minutes of thought to figure out what's going on.


Ben and The Others had contact with the outside world, they were watching newscasts about the missing plane even (as shown last week). Clearly, the organization who The Others work for (the ones that recruited Juliet) know that the Losties are there, so they staged a crash site that showed no survivors, so people wouldn't come looking for them and stumble on the island.


it's more of a 'fake swerve' because it makes no practical difference in the show. There weren't rescue crews coming on the island before and now we know there won't be in the future (unless it's Penny and her people, who know about it because of the magneto-thingie).

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Yeah... I also think it's a staged fake crash somehow. Because they know that everyone...repeat EVERYONE will revolt if they were dead the entire time.


You know, there are so many layers right now that it hurts my brain.


Juliette doing nice things, then being nefarious, THEN turning off the recorder to say "I hate you" to Ben. Exactly where does she stand right now? We won't know until the end of the season finale and not even then.


And Locke...

I kidnapped Ben from his tent and I want you [sawyer] to kill him." Uh, WTF? There's probably a 50/50 chance that's real. It's just as likely a swerve to see if Sawyer is on their side in the Jack vs. Locke/Ben war.

Again... we won't know until the season finale.


Needless to say, another REALLY good episode and it's looking like straight bad-assness from here until the finale.

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Juliette doing nice things, then being nefarious, THEN turning off the recorder to say "I hate you" to Ben. Exactly where does she stand right now? We won't know until the end of the season finale and not even then.


I think she does hate Ben, as we've seen her true emotions in the past and in flashbacks. She is only doing this for him for the promise of being allowed off the island. Unfortunately, that's probably not going to happen.

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Well, that saves me the trouble of checking because I knew she didn't simply say Thank You. I guess it's really a non-issue though because we'd be finding that out next week anyway once she starts talking to them... unless of course she decides to be all secretive now that she is coherent, which I suppose wouldn't surprise me all that much.

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Yeah, it is defiently a staged thing with the plane. It's going to turn out that the Others work for some huge corporation. They'll probably get some corporation to sponsor it or something.


And I actually liked this episode, which says a lot because this is the first Sun/Jin one I liked.

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Yeah... I also think it's a staged fake crash somehow. Because they know that everyone...repeat EVERYONE will revolt if they were dead the entire time.


You know, there are so many layers right now that it hurts my brain.


Juliette doing nice things, then being nefarious, THEN turning off the recorder to say "I hate you" to Ben. Exactly where does she stand right now? We won't know until the end of the season finale and not even then.


And Locke...

I kidnapped Ben from his tent and I want you [sawyer] to kill him." Uh, WTF? There's probably a 50/50 chance that's real. It's just as likely a swerve to see if Sawyer is on their side in the Jack vs. Locke/Ben war.

Again... we won't know until the season finale.


Needless to say, another REALLY good episode and it's looking like straight bad-assness from here until the finale.


Mik, I was under the impression that, in the sceens from the next episode, Locke was saying that he kidnapped his father from Ben's tent.

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Wow......wow.........WOW - I'm literally buzzing from just getting done watching the episode......


So many questions.....


First - the flashbacks, call me cold, but why the fuck didnt Sun just have her family kill Jin's mother instead of paying her off and having Jin become the henchman of her fathers as she did? I suppose since she would have to explain to her father WHY she needed to get offed and that would expose to him that her husband is a bastard, basically. I dont know why but I somehow somewhere expect his whore mother to show up on the island out of nowhere, ala Locke's "dad" and Jin finds out the truth somehow.


Speaking of that, what a tease for next week - they were suggesting Locke captured Ben and wanted Sawyer to kill him - clearly, the person in question to get killed will NOT be Ben and is you know who......the real Sawyer. Locke is swerving Sawyer (James that is) - he must find out the truth here from Ben about things. Why he needs him particularly to kill him is unknown though, other than that Locke simply just cannot kill anyone apparently, doesnt have it in him. Ben has control of Locke somehow, someway. Locke may very well be going heel here, folks.


Did Juliet basically insinuate Kate is pregnant?!! From the hookup w/ Sawyer earlier?! Keep in mind the line about "sperm count being five times stronger" on the island comment, and I highly doubt they are going to throw a "he pulled out" reasoning from Sawyer and Kate's little romp.




Why in the fucking hell did Desmond let Mikail go? Especially after he tried to steal the phone? Possible reasoning that Desmond is, by chance, an "Other?" We have no idea what occured with him shortly after the time he landed, his buddy in the hatch died, from the time he was found in the Hatch by Jack, Locke, etc. Thinking about it, it is rather odd that the Others never even suggested the idea to keep an eye inside and around all of the hatches on the island since they clearly know where all of them are and seemingly use them all for a purpose as well.


Then the gal who arrived on the island. Her numerous languages she was using, what is the deal there? Is SHE an Other as well? The russian translation of the line is suspicious at best - HOW does she know she should speak Russian to Mikail in the first place? And why, of all people, would he tell HIM that?!! I can understand the Portugese connection completely (with the book and the fact Desmonds chick was speaking such, or someone else with her was, at the end of last season when they apparently "spotted" the island) but the Russian shit, caught me way off guard. I do truly think she is there to find Desmond and nothing more (on behaf of Penny or whatever the fuck her name is), but it makes me wonder. Isn't Desmond's girl's dad somehow a part of Dharma in the first place? It's VERY suspicious that Mikail also got there super duper quick after the flare, regardless of the quickness, it was like he was expecting someone else and that makes me wonder if he knows about this new girl or else what exactly? Did the girl bring the flare or was that flare gun in the backpack Desmond got from Jack? Depending on the answer there, that could raise a TON more questions, such as if Jack IS in on all of this with the Others.


If Claire obviously didnt get pregnant on the island, this clearly explains why she was safe, BUT someone needs to call Juliet out on that BS from a few episodes before, as it was told by her that Claire was going through the same thing every other pregnant chick on the island went through, but now Sun knows this should only happen to those who got pregnant BEFORE they landed here. And to take that a step further, Sun should have just asked Juliet for the "shot" to save her in addition. Maybe that will come back to fruition in future episodes, but me thinks Juliet is going to get caught in a major lie here soon.


Beyond that, its so difficult to read what Juliet is all about - one second you think she is roguing, the next you wonder if she is playing Ben, etc, etc.


The ironic thing here is the big swerve at the end ("you're all dead") is the only thing that really didn't stump me. The only thing I can make sense of is that the 815 crash and "no survivors" was a makeshift scene concieved by Dharma to eliminate further suspicion on things relating to the island and those on it.


I'll say it again, WOW.

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My theory - Mikail is going to kill Charlie. I'm calling it. It's just too good - Charlie was the one who wanted to off him, but Desmond let him go, thereby unintentionally causing Charlie's death, even though he's spent the last few weeks preventing it. Wicked.

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Mikail is going to kill Charlie. I'm calling it. It's just too good - Charlie was the one who wanted to off him, but Desmond let him go, thereby unintentionally causing Charlie's death, even though he's spent the last few weeks preventing it. Wicked.


There's some irony for ya......it very well could happen.

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I had given up on Lost, but I've watched the last few episodes and they may have pulled me back in.


Desmond is easily the best character on this show now. Unlike the others, he's intelligent but keeps his secrets to his vest and is guided by his own code, not really caring what anyone else knows, or cares.


Him saving Charlie, and the internal battle he had on if he should save him again was fantastic in the episode before this...then his slow realization that when he saved Charlie, he killed his vision's original meaning. Absolutely fantastic.


Tonight was another example. He gave that guy his word, and no matter what Charlie or anyone else said, Desmond was going to adhere to HIS word. Just absolutely fantastic. Jack's the only other character on the show with convinctions, but Desmond's are his law.


Episode with major Desmond influence = GOOD episode.

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Convictions or not - one has to wonder what is the deal when he still let him go after the motherfucker stole the phone. Plus add the fact they clearly know he's an Other, and not just your ordinary Other, an Other who could have possibly given them a ton of answers in due time, and an Other who somehow staged his death apparently.


Fuck, they could have at least tried to interrogate the guy before they let his ass free.

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Guest Vitamin X

I also like the fact that they insinuated that the characters are sharing information off-screen- how else would Desmond, Charlie, and Hurley know about Mikhail and what happened to him? I thought that was a nice touch by the writers since that seemed to be something people had been complaining about.


I can't complain about anything that's gone on thus far. Great episode tonight, and I'm really looking forward to the next few weeks. Thank god for this season. If only we could have eliminated the second one altogether, maybe just condense what's happened to the original survivors in the second season and their interaction with the Others into a few episodes, this show would still be running strong.


EVERYTHING having to do with the tail end losties killed the show's popularity, and the corner the writer put themselves into when they needed to connect everyone and come up with new things- and then kill them off right afterwards.

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This isn't really a spoiler so I'll just say it... there are no Sawyer flashbacks scheduled for the rest of the season.


Do you really think they are going to do the big reveal that the real Sawyer is Locke's dad without a flashback to go along with it?


But you're right. It makes more sense that Locke is talking about him then Ben himself.

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Christ guys, try and talk a bit more about next weeks episode, will ya? Unless it's generally known info, SPOILER TAG THAT SHIT.


Believe it or not, we don't always watch the previews for upcoming episodes because they (like 24) sometimes give away too much.

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Did Juliet basically insinuate Kate is pregnant?!! From the hookup w/ Sawyer earlier?! Keep in mind the line about "sperm count being five times stronger" on the island comment, and I highly doubt they are going to throw a "he pulled out" reasoning from Sawyer and Kate's little romp.


I'll go you one better. I think the whole idea with locking up Sawyer and Kate in the first place was to GET Kate pregnant.


Think about it. The Others had cameras on those cages; they HAD to know that Kate was capable of getting out of her cage. So why didn't they stop her? Because they wanted her and Sawyer to fuck. By locking them up, surrounded by strangers, they forced them closer together, hoping that eventually they'd fuck and Kate would get pregnant.


Now, why would they WANT Kate to get pregnant? Because women who concieve on the island die, and the Others are in short supply. If Kate dies, no big deal. If they find the cure, then they're set.


Also, the entire time that Desmond and Charlie were arguing about Mikhail, I kept waiting for Charlie to say "You gave him YOUR word Dez. We didn't give him shit." It was good that Charlie was freaking about letting him go though, instead of just letting it happen.


Furthermore, "...that's a flare gun."

"In the chest at this distance."

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I know how the writers like to throw little shit into the episode to fuck with us. So when the eye patch man was fixing up the girl, she says something to him in Italian and he says she said "Thanks." Well my gilfriend is Italian and she speaks it fluently, so I knew that didn't mean Thanks. I let her listen and she says the girl didn't say Thanks, but she didn't know what she said. We looked up the word and it wasn't there. It sounded like she said "stosso" or something like that.

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Christ guys, try and talk a bit more about next weeks episode, will ya? Unless it's generally known info, SPOILER TAG THAT SHIT.


Believe it or not, we don't always watch the previews for upcoming episodes because they (like 24) sometimes give away too much.


Stuff that is in the previews=generally known info.

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Finally glad to read positive remarks about the show and last night's episode.


If Mikail is now alive, does that mean Cleo is alive too?


Desmond probably wanted answers from ParaChick, more than he wanted to capture Mikail, I doubt he is an Other.


And how can people avoid the preview for next week's episode? I've tried, but I watch so much television, the previews come up during commercial breaks, so I can't avoid them.

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Finally glad to read positive remarks about the show and last night's episode.


If Mikail is now alive, does that mean Cleo is alive too?


Desmond probably wanted answers from ParaChick, more than he wanted to capture Mikail, I doubt he is an Other.




Sorry but who is Cleo? Please refresh my memory.


And they most certainly have already determined Mikail is an Other - that is common knowledge to the crew.


Good point about the Others setting up Kate and Sawyer to get it on for their own benefit of getting new life.

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