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GTA: San Andreas

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You're too close to the train, you want to be driving on the ends of the wood slats the track is on. I had them all killed the last time before we even got to that jump point that way.

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Progress Made? 53.48% (Yea, I'm playing my ass off :P)

Playing Time? 24:54 (Not counting all the times I failed and reloaded)

Days Passed in Game? 102

Mission Attempts? 101 (See playing time)

Missions Passed? 77

What's the Last Mission You Beat? Puncture Wounds

How much money on you right now? $24,945,500 >_>

Last Dance Score? 7490 (Don't see what people complain about...?)

What do you Bench? I don't. (I've only been to the gym 9 times in the course of the game, I don't want my guy superbuff, his muscles already about 3/4 of the way up, so I just stopped going. edit- looking at stats it says 160 though..)

Total Legit Kills? 574

What Haircut? Detail Cut

Where do you shop most of the time? Zip

Use Cheats? Yes. (Only Health and wanted level occasionally, Sucks this year health and money are the same cheat, because I actually always earned the money :()

Use Instruction Guide? No

Anything else you want to brag about? Ummm..Las Venturas looks awesome at night.

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That train mission can be a pain because they are standing in the middle of the car, so you need to position the bike so Sweet can shoot them. Like was said earlier, keep the bike just at the edge of the rail ties. That should give Sweet enough of an angle to blast them. Also, I've heard that when you are riding on the trails alongside the tracks you can actually jump ONTO the train. Then it's a simple matter of riding up to the front and drive-bying to the front until they're all dead. Haven't tried it myself, but there are some people who swear they've done it.


Well, I've finished OG and Big Sweet, have one mission left on Ryder (Robbing Uncle Sam is a pain in the ass), still have Ceasar's race, and haven't even started on Tenpenny's missions yet. Gotta get back to work.

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Guest fanofcoils

Its not Sweet, its Big Smoke that is on the bike with you on the train mission. The dancing thing is funny because if you get 20 in a row right and then 1 one wrong they call you a loser. Robbing Uncle Sam is easy, every time Ryder is shooting at the National Guard, shoot at them, there will only be 1 at a time shooting at Ryder if you help him out right away. Ryder is incompetent and can't blast them away himself so you have to do the job.

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Robbing Uncle Sam was extra difficult for me because I accidentally destroyed one of the crates and had to travel to the other side of the base to get another. Anytime you're out near the truck and hear gunfire, get out and shoot the guard with your machinegun. Ryder buys time but has difficulty killing these guys.


Someone mentioned a few pages ago the appearance of the nameless dude from GTA3. The crazy bitch with him is actually the end boss of GTA3, in the beginning of that game she talks to you and says she doesn't love you anymore and shoots you in the face.


At the end, you either already know or can probably guess what he does to her. And not a moment too soon, either.

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Yeah got past it, Ryder was a dumbass and got blown away, but eventually I got him to toss a crate the exploded one of the Hummers. The other one got caught in the blast, caught on fire, and went up. From there it was easy.


Now I'm stuck between the race (tried it, didn't like it, no sir) and Tenpenny's missions. I've read about his first one and don't like the sounds of it but oh well.

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I'm at 17.65% right now at 14:22. I'm really not digging the Badlands because I don't like the time it takes to get from place to place. Also, where am I supposed to save in Red County?


Played my ass off today. That's it, though.

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I just did the race.


Is there more than one, or is what I did the thing that everyone is having trouble with? I don't know if it was the car I was driving, luck, or what, but I not only beat it on my first try, but also the other drivers didn't have a chance. It was almost as if they just didn't even try or press on the gas.


Could it have been a glitch?

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I just did the race.


Is there more than one, or is what I did the thing that everyone is having trouble with? I don't know if it was the car I was driving, luck, or what, but I not only beat it on my first try, but also the other drivers didn't have a chance. It was almost as if they just didn't even try or press on the gas.


Could it have been a glitch?

Nah, it wasn't a glitch. It just could have been, one, you're a good driver, or two, that time they didn't perform well. The computer does that, sometimes theyll do great...sometimes they wont. And is the race you did the one where Cesar directs you where to go?


And if so...don't worry, it gets harder. :P

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Guest shis

This game does indeed look awesome but what makes it different from all other GTAs? It just has some new things added but that's all!


Everything else is kinda the same.

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This game does indeed look awesome but what makes it different from all other GTAs? It just has some new things added but that's all!


Everything else is kinda the same.

That's like...an oxymoron or something.


What makes it different? THE NEW THINGS ADDED.


Every Final Fantasy is just, basically running around killing monsters, does that make them the same? GTAIII and GTAVC were two completely different games...this ones no different.

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I'd just like to say that Doberman is pissing me off. My fellow members have the accuracy and intelligence of 2 year olds, while the other side always ends up blowing everyone away in about 5 seconds, leaving me to get picked apart.

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Guest Shutterspeed

Playing it at the moment, I'm doing "Beach Party" for OG. Damn, the dancing is surprisingly hard for that mission type. The partygoers' 180 degree attitude turns make me want to break something though.


Yeah, for "Wrong Side of the Tracks" you have to be over to the right a deal so that when Smoke is shooting, the bullets are hitting the gangmembers rather than the carriage. If you end up going up the off-ramp to the right once you hit the country, you'll eventually get the chance to take the bike onto the train. There should only be about one gangmember left by now, and shooting him is easy. Get it done quickly and you won't have to worry about getting yourself too far out of Los Santos and ensuring a lengthy trip home through the country.

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Guest Big_Jay101

How come when i go to my girlfriends house she is never home, I go to pick her up on dates and it says try again later.

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Yeah I got tired after about 1/2 a dozen takeovers and moved on with the plot. Interesting turn, but now I'm off into the mountains as well. Unfortunately I'll have to wait for a few days since I'll be out of town.

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I just want to express my love of having to drive so far from place to place now. I've been doing so for a little while, and I'm loving that aspect of this game.

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So when does more of the map become available to you? I've just about completed all the missons in Los Santos (forgive me if that is not the default city you start in, but that is the one I'm referring to), so it has to be sometime soon.


I'm currently stuck on the Big Smoke bike ride mission. I toast all the gangsters in the building with no worries, but I'll be damned if I can make it out with the bike still intact.

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Guest Shutterspeed

UYI, you're talking about "Just Business"? That's not it for Los Santos - you'll have done the starting missions, worked for Sweet, Ryder and Big Smoke once you've finished that mission but you've still go to do shit for OG Lock (Jefferey), the cops and Cesar Vialpando at least. The mission you're currently on is the last for Smoke though.


The key to it is to make sure to aim at the back at all times - don't aim forward. If there's something ahead of you that you need to wipe out, you'll come to it. After a few tries, you'll know when the bikers are coming so be ready to ice them and take them off their bikes before they can get close enough to really fuck you up. After you fly over the ramp and the big blockade now behind you blows up for some reason, there'll be a few guys on bikes to take out and then it's through the sewerage pipe. Once you've taken out another few in there you'll come out into the city and lose them. From there, you and Smoke split up, you've got your respect, mission's over and I recommend driving back to the Grove and saving your game.

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I just finally got to open up San Fierro. I thought once you got to the Badlands that was part of San Fierro, but it's actually a completely different section. Things in the story are starting to pick up a bit more, it's getting very good.

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Just got to SF myself. It feels like a completely different game now that you're outta gangland. Bang on.


Also, the mission where you drive to SF with The Truth for the first time is my favourite so far. Killing the crop = roxor.

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Guest Big_Jay101

Just hang out by Cesars house and a lowrider will come by sometime soon.


I've done beat all the missiopns in Los Santos and am now in the country part and I have opened up San Fierro, but I can't beat the Cesar race where your in the country, any suggestions? Im done past the catalina missions and the truth's combine mission.

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Guest fanofcoils

The lowrider parked near Cesar's house is terrible and I lost a bunch of races in a row with it, but when I used a different lowrider (called Broadway I believe) I won easily. The first one had much faster speed but much worse controls. Fast speed is great but with all the turns the car is pretty useless. With the car I won with, it seemed like a slow car but the CPUs drove slower.

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