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Cheex Incarnate

I hate The Rock

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I can't stand the Rock. I cannot stand him. I've bit my tongue every time I heard praise for his recent WWE appearences, but after last night I can bite no more. His talking to his dick routine ("whoa daddy") and calling every girl in the audience "momma" hasn't ever been cool. It's just nerdy. Really nerdy. His skills on the mic have eroded away since his face turn after the Goldberg fued. Now he tricks people into thinking he has charisma by acknowledging EVERY person in the crowd no matter how miniscule their reaction.


The Rock's routine is tired, and it has been tired since the first time he did it. I vote either he just retires once and for all and never comes back (unless its for a big BIG money match). Or he can actually stick around for more than 2 nights.


anyone agree with me.....anyone?



Except for when he's a heel, I always change the channel when he comes on. I'd take HHH's 20 minute promos over his any day. However when Rock is a heel, I would say he's the most entertaining promo guy in the business. So I vote that he turns heel and stays heel forever.

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Guest Staravenger

Is anyone forcing you to read the topic? If so, you must be living in Iraq or something. Start a pro-Rock thread if you want, but this isn't a "I love The Rock" thread, it's a "Who hates The Rock" thread.

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Guest GreatOne
Wasn't Foley pissed because Rock took WAY TOO MANY liberties at the Rumble in 99, by bashing his (Foley's) face in with a chair 15 times while handcuffed?

Yeah the same thing that Shane Douglas did some three years earlier. The same guy who goes on and on about realness of one's character.


Besides the Rumble put Rock over as a heel did it not?


Of course he also wanted to do an angle based on something that didn't happen backstage, why the hell is a guy that just beat the hell out of a guy with a chair 15 times supposed to care about the other guy's well being in storyline terms. Is this ECW?

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The Rock is still a draw in wrestling and should make the occasional apperance. The problem is that WWE does not hype his apperances. They are very strange about this and Meltzer made a good point about it. They don't hype the Rock appearing, even though announcing his apperance in advanced will boost the ratings. Yet, they hype Shawn Michaels return, even though it won't help the ratings anymore than just making a surprise apperance.

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Guest GreatOne
Is anyone forcing you to read the topic? If so, you must be living in Iraq or something. Start a pro-Rock thread if you want, but this isn't a "I love The Rock" thread, it's a "Who hates The Rock" thread.

And was there any reason for it? No. And guess what, it's called rebuttal.


Did he cut into anything important? No. It was a show headlined by The WrestleCrap wedding, so it was already at a loss.


And by the same token, you could have switched over to Rams/Chiefs during the whole segment, nobody FORCED you to watch it.

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Wasn't Foley pissed because Rock took WAY TOO MANY liberties at the Rumble in 99, by bashing his (Foley's) face in with a chair 15 times while handcuffed?

Foley half-heartedly explained that he basically "dared" Rock to keep hitting him with the chair. To make a bit of continuity, Mick mentioned an instance where Al Snow was knocked unconscious by a chair on a RAW show one week, yet stood standing and dared Road Dogg to keep hitting him. At the Rumble, it was of the same instance: Mick had never taken an chair shot without absorbing the blow with his body (he was handcuffed), so he was legitimately knocked out after the second (?) chairshot.


The only part that really irked Foley, was that Rock didn't visit him in the locker room after the match.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

What's the point of even having the Rock put people over during his few appearances anymore. When he does put someone over like the Hurricane HHH just shows up a week later and completely buries them.


So why bother when one of the politicians are just going to undo whatever he could acoomplish a week later?

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Wasn't Foley pissed because Rock took WAY TOO MANY liberties at the Rumble in 99, by bashing his (Foley's) face in with a chair 15 times while handcuffed?

And what the hell does that have to do with ANYTHING? You're babbling on about how he's holding people down or whatever, so what do you use as your example? Rock beating up Mick Foley 5 years ago. Right.

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Is anyone forcing you to read the topic? If so, you must be living in Iraq or something. Start a pro-Rock thread if you want, but this isn't a "I love The Rock" thread, it's a "Who hates The Rock" thread.

....umm, it's a discussion board. Hence, we're discussing whether the original sentiments are unfounded or not.

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Guest GreatOne

Which Rock apologized for but I can't blame Rock if he's not in the mood for Colette to start bitching him out

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Guest Staravenger
Wasn't Foley pissed because Rock took WAY TOO MANY liberties at the Rumble in 99, by bashing his (Foley's) face in with a chair 15 times while handcuffed?

And what the hell does that have to do with ANYTHING? You're babbling on about how he's holding people down or whatever, so what do you use as your example? Rock beating up Mick Foley 5 years ago. Right.

If you BOTHERED Reading something earlier, Greatone mentioned Foley thought Rock was to mean during the RnS Days. I simply stated wasn't he upset at the Rock before that with the RR 99 incident?


If you don't bother reading the whole thread, then don't respond to something. It's not too hard to go "Oh, I'll just replay because I have nothing better to do than to make stupid posts trying to start shit".

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What's the point of even having the Rock put people over during his few appearances anymore. When he does put someone over, he just shows up a week later and completely buries them.


So why bother when the Rock will just undo whatever he did last week?


Edited to be suitable for use in this thread.

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Guest Dazed
Is anyone forcing you to read the topic? If so, you must be living in Iraq or something. Start a pro-Rock thread if you want, but this isn't a "I love The Rock" thread, it's a "Who hates The Rock" thread.


This isn't a "post your opinion and nobody can disagree" messageboard, and it certainly isn't an "only post here if you hate the Rock" thread. As long as nobody is a dickhead, they are entitled to say what they think of the Rock. Okay?

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Wasn't Foley pissed because Rock took WAY TOO MANY liberties at the Rumble in 99, by bashing his (Foley's) face in with a chair 15 times while handcuffed?

And what the hell does that have to do with ANYTHING? You're babbling on about how he's holding people down or whatever, so what do you use as your example? Rock beating up Mick Foley 5 years ago. Right.

If you BOTHERED Reading something earlier, Greatone mentioned Foley thought Rock was to mean during the RnS Days. I simply stated wasn't he upset at the Rock before that with the RR 99 incident?


If you don't bother reading the whole thread, then don't respond to something. It's not too hard to go "Oh, I'll just replay because I have nothing better to do than to make stupid posts trying to start shit".

I've just read GreatOne's original post, so I apologize for missing that. And I did read the whole topic. Your argument against me would make more sense if the posts (your post and GO's) were on different pages. They were not, meaning I made an honest mistake. I am not just 'replaying' because I have nothing better to do, as you state. I've seen you make this argument a few times now. And don't say I have nothing better to do when you make as many posts as you do.

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Nevermind the Rock for a minute. What I don't understand is this Diva search crap in general. What is this thing trying to accomplish? It takes up nearly 1/4 of Raw every week and I'm still at a loss as to what it even MEANS. None of these chicks has shown any real personality, or any semblance of talent in or out of the ring. When they get down to the winner, what is she actually going to DO in the company? None seem to have any wrestling training, so what is the winner going to do, just take Terri's place as backstage announcer?


Think of that....wasting 30 mins a show for a chick to be the backstage announcer.

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I havent seen his spot from last night yet (we get Raw on Friday nights at the moment) but i've enjoyed the Rock almost every other time he has appeared. And he's certainly a lot more entertaining than the boring/stale shit that John Cena subjects us to each week on SD. As long as he continues to entertain he can keep participating.

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This thread and the reactions in general to Rock absolutely blow my mind. All I could think about last night was how the Rock has better mic skills, presence and more charisma than the rest of the WWE combined. This guy is so head and shoulders above this stuff that he makes wrestling in general look better just by showing up.


Here's a guy who makes tens of millions of dollars a year and doesn't need wrestling at all. Yet he shows up any time he can to help entertain the fans and put someone over for the good of the business. How anyone could call his act tired or say that he's burying talent is totally out of their minds.


I'm not saying everyone has to like him or agree with me. However I really think your hate is misplaced by attacking this guy for showing up and trying to make this diva crap not suck and then give a little rub to Tajiri and La Res. And if you don't think that's a rub, just remember: being on screen for 20 minutes with a major Hollywood star during the highest rating segment of the program is a rub.

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This thread and the reactions in general to Rock absolutely blow my mind.  All I could think about last night was how the Rock has better mic skills, presence and more charisma than the rest of the WWE combined.  This guy is so head and shoulders above this stuff that he makes wrestling in general look better just by showing up.


Here's a guy who makes tens of millions of dollars a year and doesn't need wrestling at all.  Yet he shows up any time he can to help entertain the fans and put someone over for the good of the business.  How anyone could call his act tired or say that he's burying talent is totally out of their minds.


I'm not saying everyone has to like him or agree with me.  However I really think your hate is misplaced by attacking this guy for showing up and trying to make this diva crap not suck and then give a little rub to Tajiri and La Res.  And if you don't think that's a rub, just remember: being on screen for 20 minutes with a major Hollywood star during the highest rating segment of the program is a rub.

Basically that's how I feel, the guy doesn't have to do what he does, he's making millions, but he's still been loyal to the WWE. And his promos are so out of the realm of what anybody in the WWE can do that it's amazing. Take two of the WWE's current main eventers, put them together, and they STILL don't have half as much charisma as the Rock.


He's a huge positive for the wrestling world, always has been, probably always will be, and that's the bottom line to all of this. Rock's popularity will always be consistent, it's not going to dwindle no matter how much time he misses. Austin lost his aura along time ago, the Rock has not lost his aura. The Rock can go out to the ring, and basically just pull an improv promo out of his ass and it will be one of the best promos for Raw for the year.

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I was about to turn it off, but I heard Rock's music and said YES! He saved the segment, because if the Coach continued.....zzzzzzzzzzzz...

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You mean like when Rock came back to put over Randy Orton and Batista?


Or when Rock came back to put over Brock Lesnar?


Don't really get what you're talking about there- Rock has no problem jobbing to people.

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I've been a Rock hater for as long as I can remember. I hated him when he was a face, and hated him (in the "X-Pac heat" kind of way) when he was a heel. He just did nothing for me, but made me want to change the channel. But the last few times he's made an appearance, he's actually been entertaining to me. I don't know if it's because of his charisma & improvisational skills, or if it's because his promos aren't as 'cookie cutter' as everyone else's, or the fact that he's allowed to make jokes that no one else on the roster could, or something else, but I've been more of a fan of his the last few appearances than I ever was before.


Would I want him to do it every week? No, I'd probably get sick of him again pretty quickly. But do his occasional cameo appearances bother me? No, not at all.

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The Rock can't be blamed for the length of the Diva Search. The wwe pulled that crap with Kamala too. That ran pretty long as well. I agree with those who say Rock comes off much more charismatic and improvisational than the whole damn roster. I don't understand the reasoning of using The Rock with the "Divas" when he could have been put to good use with Randy Orton. His history with Triple H and his interaction with Orton this year. Rock could have helped Orton's face turn. However, I'm sure the wwe might have thought Rock would overshadow the champion which says a lot. What I don't like about Rock is his damn over-selling in matches at times.

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I never said he had a problem jobbing to people but with WWE management's backwards mentality they might ask him to do a "farewell match" with Trips @ Mania.

Provided that match wasn't for a title, and wasn't the ME... I'd be quite happy to see that at WM21.


I've never been a particularly big fan of Rock, but I really don't get this hate for him. And "he tricks people into thinking he has charisma"? Oh come on now. Who in the company at the present time has more charisma than Rock? No-one, that's who.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Personally, I'm in the middle of the road. I like him showing up and entertain people, but on the other side he's taking away 15-20 minutes from wrestlers who could use the time to do something like get over.


Did anyone forgot CHRIS BENOIT pulled heat duty because of all the time wasted on the Divas/Rock? Plus only FOUR people wrestled on RAW. Thats gotta be a record low.

In all fairness, the ROCK has effectivly gotten over more people than the creative staff has since Wrestlemania than creative has.


p.s. - Diva segment with Rock > Diva segment with no Rock.

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Guest GreatOne
I never said he had a problem jobbing to people but with WWE management's backwards mentality they might ask him to do a "farewell match" with Trips @ Mania.

Considering that he never got his big one-on-one (I've been told that because of Austin, Backlash 2000 doesn't count although I'll argue Foley all day and night) win over HHH, why not?

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Guest syncer55

The Rock adds amusing entertainment, has charisma and personality. Something not many other wrestlers can do to attract fans.

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