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Unforgiven this Sunday

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Guest Loss
Hopefully, the decline in Randy's popularity will teach Vince that he needs to push established stars over homegrown stars. ;)

People who argue this make me laugh. Yes, we want new stars pushed over established stars. That's what they're doing. But an unspoken prerequisite is that they be *good* new stars who the crowd actually wants to see in those spots. Why is that so hard to understand?


Besides, it's not the Orton/Cena/Batista group that should be getting the focus at this point, it's the Benoit/Jericho/Eddy group. It's been that way forever now, and it still hasn't happened. *They* are the "new" stars that should be pushed.

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Guest Loss
"I was terribly wrong and misinterpreted what you said, I am very sorry for that and promise to get better and aspire to your greatness of posting excellence"


Well, you admitted it..............


Seriously, this from the person that has nothing better to do in life than whining about HHH, ok. Like HHH being the star of RAW is of wordly importance or anything.


As I said. Pot, kettle, you're both off-color. That better?

Stop trolling.

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You know what's even funnier than the "great transitional champs" picture post? That Randall walked in at Unforgiven(didn't see it) as champion, BUT TRIPLE H's name was on the nameplate. I saw the pic somewhere else that had Triple H draping the strap over his shoulder with "Triple H" on the belt. At least Benoit had his name on the belt :lol:

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Thoughts on the PPV:


I don't know what to make of Orton right now. I am assuming the grand plan is to have him chase HHH for ages, going through all the guys in Evolution (which means just Flair and Batista unless someone turns heel).


There are a few problems with Orton's act right now. 1. He still isn't a very good wrestler unless someone carries him. 2. His alleged face turn has been a fiasco. Right now there is really no reason to cheer this man...he is still basically a heel who got kicked out of a group. It'd be like cheering for Farooq when he got kicked out of the Nation.


Orton needed a more proactive face turn. There's a world of difference between cheering a cocky heel who constantly wins and a face who we aren't sure is even a face. WWE needs to ask themselves: What IS Orton right now? They seem to assume people will love the guy because HHH and Co. turned on him, but honestly he now comes off like a little bitch. Every face since time began takes a major heel beatdown, yet Orton seems to just run for his life at the first sign of trouble. Fans as a whole do not like this in a face. Fans WANT the face to get wronged and beat down by the heels, then seek revenge. Running away like a coward and not taking the beatdown like a man? Bah. Sure, it's smart and realistic to run from 4 guys but that's not what wrestling is based on.

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Not sure why, but Kane wrestling with his wedding ring on made me laugh. Storyline is terrible, but at least they pay attention to details.

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my problem with him is that he runs away too much and when he does attack he resorts to heelish tactics (using weapons, attacking from behind, etc.)...he seems too Honky Tonk Man-ish for me to take him seriously as a contender...Benoit always went into shit straight up and fought his hardest, whether he took an ass whoopin or not, that's why he's so bad assed...


Edit: oops cabbageboy beat me to this point....but it is still a good point! kudos cabbageboy...

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I wonder if they are trying something similar to the Rock's act in late 98...when he did a de facto face turn, but never formally turned face (we assumed it), then later he just does a reaffirmation of heel beliefs and joins the Corporation. Problem is that the Rock was never thrown out of his heel group, he just sorta grew apart from them.


But Orton? He acts like a pussy. Benoit would come out and face Evolution like a man, like "Maybe you'll kick my ass, maybe you won't...bring it, mofo." Orton just runs for his life, and fans don't respect that. It taps into a guilty feeling you get when you run from guys instead of fighting it out. As in "Yeah, I did the smart thing and didn't get my ass kicked. But damn, I wish I had just stood my ground, regardless of the ass kicking."

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Guest Coffey
Not sure why, but Kane wrestling with his wedding ring on made me laugh. Storyline is terrible, but at least they pay attention to details.




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Guest Coffey

You didn't have to have watched the show to see the picture that I posted. Unless, of course, you have images turned off. That picture if from Triple H's title win last night at Unforgiven. Unless they pulled out his nameplate and screwed that son-of-a-bitch on during the live PPV, on camera, then Randy wore it like that to the ring.

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You didn't have to have watched the show to see the picture that I posted. Unless, of course, you have images turned off. That picture if from Triple H's title win last night at Unforgiven. Unless they pulled out his nameplate and screwed that son-of-a-bitch on during the live PPV, on camera, then Randy wore it like that to the ring.

Damn, that image isn't showing up on my computer for whatever reason. :(

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Besides, it's not the Orton/Cena/Batista group that should be getting the focus at this point, it's the Benoit/Jericho/Eddy group. It's been that way forever now, and it still hasn't happened. *They* are the "new" stars that should be pushed. 



Loss, why are you berating me for? I have the same opinion as you do. :bonk:

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You'd think the fact that the letters are a uniform darkness when the rest of the belt has different degrees of shadow might clue in on the fact that it could have been photoshopped.


EDIT: I am aware that the photo is at WWE.com, which doesn't mean it wasn't edited does it?

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You'd think the fact that the letters are a uniform darkness when the rest of the belt has different degrees of shadow might clue in on the fact that it could have been photoshopped.

Normally I would have said that..(was about to post it) but..that picture is in fact up at WWE.com, even with the darkness of the letters and everything. So I guess it isn't photoshopped.

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You'd think the fact that the letters are a uniform darkness when the rest of the belt has different degrees of shadow might clue in on the fact that it could have been photoshopped.

Normally I would have said that..(was about to post it) but..that picture is in fact up at WWE.com, even with the darkness of the letters and everything. So I guess it isn't photoshopped.

Except I SAW WITH MY 2 EYES the nameplate said "Randy Orton" after the match in the ring when they gave it to HHH.

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There were no major injuries coming out of Portland last night, except Chris Jericho is banged up from a bad fall on the ladder. He made mention of it in a promo, but there is nothing official listed as an injury. He is expected at Raw tonight.


Most WWE officials are pointing to the Tyson Tomko/Stevie Richards "match" as the point the crowd tuned out. After that match, the crowd seemed distant and not nearly as into the matches. This is also a possible excuse for Orton not getting over as a face in the match last night.


credit: wrestlingobserver.com/InsidePulse


Orton was over as a face during the match.

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Guest Loss
Besides, it's not the Orton/Cena/Batista group that should be getting the focus at this point, it's the Benoit/Jericho/Eddy group. It's been that way forever now, and it still hasn't happened. *They* are the "new" stars that should be pushed. 



Loss, why are you berating me for? I have the same opinion as you do. :bonk:

I guess that swoosh sound you just heard was your sarcasm going right over my head.

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Besides, it's not the Orton/Cena/Batista group that should be getting the focus at this point, it's the Benoit/Jericho/Eddy group. It's been that way forever now, and it still hasn't happened. *They* are the "new" stars that should be pushed.

Loss you are 100% right, those 3 guys including Van Dam, Rey and even Book should be the ones next in line for a push, Cena, Orton, Dupree, Reigns and most of the OVW newcomers are still young and maybe 2 years from now they will be able to carry the ball(Batista might be the exception if WWE turns him into a monster heel).

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Guest fanofcoils

Is Reigns really young? If it is just an assumption, then it might not be good because people assumed Batista is young but he is really 35.

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Well...all in all, not a bad show but pretty forgettable. They need to do something interesting to make people sit up and take notice, because to be honest while the show was watchable, it's not got the re-watch appeal.


Orton was over tonight, so I'm not getting some of the comments here except that he's Orton. I guess that the pro-Orton period has gone and it's time to get on his back again. The crowd didn't seem very loud all night IMO, outside of the usual. Not deadly silent, but not a 'hot crowd'. The opening tag didn't help. Passable match, but the amount of dominance Benoit and Regal had (while a nice change from the norm) quitened the crowd as they had no face in peril to route for in the majority. Plus Batista's tights didn't match his pads and boots. And his hair is too short.


The ladder match seemed quite awkward, even before Jericho landed ass first on the ladder...but passable. Kane/HBK was passable. Women's match was passable. Tag Title match was passable. You get the point.

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Guest Loss
Loss you are 100% right, those 3 guys including Van Dam, Rey and even Book should be the ones next in line for a push, Cena, Orton, Dupree, Reigns and most of the OVW newcomers are still young and maybe 2 years from now they will be able to carry the ball(Batista might be the exception if WWE turns him into a monster heel).

Thanks, and yeah, I do think they need to be grooming the Ortons and Cenas and Batistas and Duprees of the company for something special in the future, but there's no need to rush it. By all rights, Austin and Rock didn't really pass the torch. I'm not blaming them for that, but it didn't happen. HHH and Taker hold on to their spots like their lives depend on it, but the four of them should have transitioned to some combination of Benoit/Jericho/Eddy/RVD/Booker/Angle a few years back. The brand extension would have served a greater purpose had they "flipped" the top guys and the upper midcarders. HHH should be the one doing extended programs with Christian who is kept strong in the upper midcard with the occasional main event program or transitional feud. The Undertaker should be the one prepping Angle for a bigger feud down the line and gearing up to feud with Luther Reigns. Neither is being buried in that scenario, but they're being used properly. For all the fuss about the selfishness of guys like Hogan, Savage and Flair, they were at least followed by a generation of Hart, Sting, Michaels and Nash that headlined as they faded out. We haven't seen any indication of HHH or Taker going anywhere.

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Guest Brian

Live, the match came off really flat until the end. Orton got cheered at the beginning, but during his comebacks it was hard to get totally into them. He doesn't have a great deal of offense.


Stevie/Batista came off really bad because it was such a squash.


The opening tag was really good, nice and stiff.


Ladder and HBK/Kane were also good, but didn't come off as well live.


I'll post pictures later, after RAW.

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