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Rob E Dangerously

Macaulay Culkin preparing to play Wesley

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He's one ugly ass dude, but two questions..........


1. Why the fuck are they remaking this already? It only came out, what, in 87?


2. Who is playing the Andre The Giant role? Wouldn't that be hilariois if Big Show got it somehow?


EDIT: Don't mind me missing the point, I smashed my head on the ground today playing football, and probably have some sort of concussion.

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Why the fuck are they remaking this already? It only came out, what, in 87?

Hollywood is run by crackhead jews.


"This would be funny with black people" and "This would be funny with new actors" is the norm in their world.


Originality is a thing of the past.


Now it's all about making money at the expense of a weak-minded society.


Ditto for music and television.

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*Slaps Face and Screams*




I'm here all week, try the veal.

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GreatWhiteNope   Posted on Sep 18 2004, 08:58 PM


Color me retarded.


GreatWhiteNope   Posted on Sep 18 2004, 06:09 PM


Hollywood is run by crackhead jews.

I noticed that myself. "crackhead jews", heh, what wit. (Especially since the majority of studio executives aren't Jewish, and the majority of people in Hollywood aren't terribly religious no matter what race they belong to.)

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