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What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been

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We all gotta' fly away eventually; we can't stay chained down forever. I was going to wait until after I posted the PPV card to put this up, but since Mark's already done his and I decided to collect my thoughts early and work on this tonight, I figured I might as well just post it now. After I make the Ashes 2 Ashes card, I'm officially done with SWF in any capacity.


The SWF has been a hell of an experience for me, and maybe I'm being egotistical, but I think the mark I've left on it has been pretty indellible. Barely anyone remembers my writing career now, but I had one of the more original characters ever that I deply regret not letting see its full potential, I was part of the most amazing stable in the fed's history, I actually led it for about five minutes, I got to be involved in a couple of awesome angles, I was part of one of the most memorable matches in SWF history, I wrote the Rise and Fall of Chrissy Stardust and the Lovin' Spoonful, I beat Tom Flesher twice(!) and I did finally get to finish the one angle I always wanted to do. I think my greatest impact, and greatest contribution, is as a booker, though. I loved getting the chance to book, and then run, the JL, because I really felt I was doing good to influence writers who turned out to be some of my favourite ever, like Judge, Ejiro and Wildchild, and I've always taken a bit of pride in the fact there's only two or three cards I can ever remember booking that people were vocal about disliking. I also find it oddly amusing that I was the first of my generation to retire, but I'm going to be the last of my generation to leave.


I believe the greatest influence I've had was, for better or for worse, the way I helped change the way people write matches and approach writing matches. Though the idea of evolving the way people write matches into legitimate stories instead of just descriptions of moves was something started by guys like Edwin and their ilk, people like Tom, Kibagami and others from that generation really made it the centerpeice of how they do things, and it's something I encouraged people to do even since before I got on CC. It's resulted in truly spectacular written matches, but I suppose the downside is that it's taken away from outside character development and turned focus away from angles. I guess that's evolution, though.


Anyway... I've got a lot of fond memories of this place, but I think it's just time to mosey on through. Mike -- yes, MVS -- is going to be taking over from me as head booker; I'm sure someone can take care of the modding/demodding duties. I honestly don't know how much I'm going to be around after this, but I'm sure I can't cut chat -- and surely not AIM -- out of my diet.

Now that I've said my peice, like any good cockslobbering retirement post, here's the part you've all been waiting for... the list of DEDICATIONS!


Tom - I still remember that first PM you sent me, wishing me luck with my match and hoping that, if you won, I'd take it better than Danny did. I can't help but think our friendship has weakened in the last couple of months, but hey, you're at law school, I don't fault you for that. You were a great buddy, and one of the best people around to bounce ideas off of. For all the tooting of my own horn I did above, you're ten times as indellible to the fed's identity than I'll ever been, and I respect you greatly on a personal and 'professional,' if you can even call it that, level. Thanks for the good times. I don't know why I ever turned down the countless offers to ride your coattails.


Kibagami - I remember a conversation I had with Tom the first time Thoth brought you into chat.


"So what do you think of Silent?"


"What an asshole."


Fortunately, my opinion could only improve from there. You're probably the best friend I've made in the fed, and I think it's funny that only happened because I pasted you in that one match we planned and you couldn't immediately write me off. ;) At least as good of a guy to bounce ideas off of as Tom, you were also totally willing to give criticism and honest apprasials of things whenever I asked, and I'm indebted to you for that. You've also provided undue sources of entertainment with 3am conversations about life, the universe and everything and punting around fools in chat whenever the fancy strikes. I suppose the only downside is that I've been forced to respect poetry and the arts thanks to you, you filthy son of a bitch.


Janus - Another great buddy of mine, and maybe the most unlikely friendship I've made in nearly three years here. But hey, remember the circumstances, huh? I remember when I jobbed you to Mike for the JL world title, and you took the loss really hard, all I wanted to do was slap you because I thought you had all the talent in the world to become a phenom. You never really did, but I never lost that faith in your potential, as evidenced by my willingness to give you every oppertunity I could. I also love that Ebony has become a crossover success here for reasons I can't totally explain; tell her I'm sorry she never got proper payment for that first DNS match. I regret that the Dante Crane angle put you in a tight spot, and I'm still sorry about forcing that Genesis match on you like that. (Note: Yes, I was Dante Crane)


Annie - Okay, I have to admit it: If you were straight, I would've professed my undying love to you and proposed marraige a long time ago. I'm not even kidding. One of the things I regret, as a writer, was that we never did a single goddamned thing together. We never faced, we never tagged, nothing. It's a real shame, because we both unwittingly created this relatively deep Annie/Z relationship and face/heel turns, haituses and other crap stopped either of us from doing anything with it. Argh! Get it together and win the goddamned world title already, and get your Neo Geo roms sorted out again. I want to beat you at KoF again sometime. :D


Drew - I regret that we never really got to work together either, despite a couple of promises I made to you. Your quick wit was awesome and your writing skills were formidable, so it's really a shame you never got to make anything out of the latter, at least. I should speak to you more often, for the rare times you're on AIM. Keep at that wrestling training.


TBS - Same story as Annie and Drew: We never did anything together in a writing capacity, and that's a bit of a pity, because I think it might've had that bizarrely good quality to it. You're an outstanding pal, and I'll always love the fact we can kill chat dead in a second with sports talk, but keep going without noticing for up to an hour. Fuck the Yankees, baby!


Thoth - Another person I really, really, really wanted to get a competitive match against, but never had a good oppertunity. You showed me the light, the SNK, the glory of battle and the humble way of the warrior, and how can I possibly have anything but respect for you for that? You're a good fellow and I honestly really enjoy talking to you when you don't idle for 10 minutes between a response and keep your head on right. Stay on the straight and narrow.


TNT - Unlike TBS, Thoth, Annie and Drew, I regret ever having anything to do with you in a writing capacity. Sorry, I still hold that final JL match debacle against you. Few people match or exceed my general pop culture l337-ness and knowledge, but you're one of them. There's nothing like wasting a few hours discussing music, movies and whatever the hell else strikes the fancy. Remember those all-nighter IMs?


Judge - Outside of TBS, I've never had another guy to really talk sports with besides you. I always wished you'd promoed more once you got bumped to the WF, although who am I to argue with the end result in J&R? There's never been anyone as hyperactive and off-the-wall as you were in your first week in the fed, and it is almost TERRIFYING to compare that guy to the stoic, stately and intelligent fellow I know now. Pity college got you down; I always wanted to see you return.


WC - My favourite writer in the history of everything. I guess we started to develop a bit of strained booker/writer relationship after you made it into the WF, for a variety of reasons, but hey, this is a clean slate, I'm just going to forget all of that. When I read that Five Wounds match you wrote two years ago, I immediately thought, "Holy shit, this guy is going to become one of the greatest writers of all time." However, you never did shoot for the moon, and you were undyingly dedicated to your tag partner, your character angles and development, and the Cruserweight division. In many ways, I wish there were more guys like you.


Mike - The fed is yours now, Van Siclen. It might take people a little while to adjust to that, but I'll let them know now: You pay way more attention than anyone will ever realize, and you know much more than you'll ever let on. You'll do this fed some good, I'm sure of it. Be thankful no-one can remember Snow Demon or Jeremy Miller these days, though. S! L! I! D! E!


Edwin - My fondest memory: Keeing you home from work to finish War Games. Mr. Inspirational, Mr. Fearless Leader, Mr. Goodcomment, Mr. Comes-Through-In-The-Clutch, Mr. Overachiever, Mr. Booker, Mr. Promo, Mr. Champion, Mr. Greatest Ever, Mr. SWF.


Raynor - We never talked all that often, and I kinda' feel bad about that. You're a good guy. Unbelievably, we did NOTHING together, despite being in the Carnival at the same time for several months. Geez.


King - The man I inherited it all from. Although I sometimes think you put too much value on the fed and the importance of it when you were head booker, I cannot fault your unbelieveable dedication to everything. Without you, the fed has been dead since January 2003.


Mark - Classiest fellow I've ever met. Great guy, although I think you fell out of the loop sometimes. Sorry to see you leaving at the same time I am.


Muzz - I envy your talent and I wish you didn't have the self-confidence issues you do, although you seem to have reeled them in very well in the last couple of months. I think Sacred, and almost all of the characters you've done afterward, are a story of missed oppertunities. A pity, but oh well. You're a good guy, and I enjoy talking with you when I get the chance.


Crowe - Stupid fucking Bird! Another one of my favourite writers, and probably the best example of someone who took my suggestions and advice to heart when I was in charge of the JL. As I say, you didn't write wrestling drama, you wrote wrestling opera, goddamn. I think it absolutely sucks that you had to quit, because you would be tearing it up with Toxxic if you'd stuck around. Good luck with the business.


Crusen - Next to Janus, another especially odd friendship I've found. It took a while to warm up to each other, but you're fun to chat with about almost anything. Remember when I used to whip your ass at Yahoo pool? Good times. I still can't believe I got you hooked on the NHL.


Ced - Sometimes I think and wonder how both of our careers would've changed if I had turned down Edwin's invitation to the Carnival and kept tagging with you. A big, big part of the fed landscape would've been different, honestly.



(ps. are you high?)

(pps. because I'm so high)


SS - I feel partially responsible for your evolving love of film, and that fills me with pride. You've got a ways to go until you're as l337 and knowledgeable as I, but you are well on your way. Good luck with the swim scholarship, and I hope that you can return sometime soon. You had all the tools.


Mak - Flyers suck, bitch. Just joshin'. I miss ya', Mak.


Frost - I think it's time to set the record straight on this: I've never disliked someone so intensely as you. You were like a Yankees fan; the fact you'd beaten me 481 times isn't what bothered me, but the fact you couldn't shut up about it made you intolerable.


Johnny - You were second after Frost. I respect the fact you always tried really hard, but you're such a pain in the ass it's not even funny. Get the fucking site up already!


Thugg - You ranked thrid after Johnny and Frost. Surprising, huh? I want to set the record straight on this, too: I never honestly hated you, Thugg, but we were just too much alike with too different ideals. In many ways, you could've been a benefit to the fed, and I think you could still be if you wanted to, with me now gone.


Spike - I don't hate you either, and I'm glad to see you putting in some extracurricular effort with the rankings. Those things are a kiss of death, though -- absolutely no-one has been able to keep them up. If you'd stopped going through this faux-Punk Rawk stage and ceased your inexplicable desire to pick a fight with me, I honestly might not have ever had much of a problem with you.


Wilson - I dunno, I just feel I should put you on here for some reason. Sorry about the Dolphins.


Merc - You're an odd one, but I always enjoyed your writing style and I think it's a HUGE missed oppertunity you had with Tryst. My favourite memory of you, although I don't think you even recall it, was the night that Kai owned you hardcore. It just came right out of left field. Kai? KAI!? Ahhhahahahahaha. I'm sorry Johnny never got your site design up and online.


Cutthroat & the Dark Reaper - I got my first win over you guys. Thanks for that, wherever you are now. Please no-one ever go looking for that match.


Toxxic - You're the future of the fed now, and I think it's in capable hands; you've learned very well from that loss to Johnny. I'd like to apologize for meddling in your storyline planning and being especially pushy with your direction early in your career; it backfired, as it usually does. I never learn. You too have all the tools, so give it everything you've got, ya' limey bastard.


Card - Speaking of limey bastards... you were a hell of a fun guy to have around, excluding when you got on that "Fronting Badass" kick. I think it's another tragedy and wasted oppertunity that you bailed on Va'aiga early as you did, because you could still be a cornerstone of the fed right now if you hadn't.


Duran - Same deal with you, man. I loved that you always tried pretty hard and came through when you knew something was at steak. It just never completely worked out, I guess. Keep up the SFBL; I don't know if I've mentioned it anywhere else, but I appreciate the huge amount of effort you put into that to make it awesome as it is.


Danny - You were as much of an achilies heel to me as Frost was. I was 0-8 against him, 0-6 against you. However, I don't really hold anything against you; you did always make me look good in your matches. I always got a kick out of "I'am."


Tod - I regret not telling you off about that terrible story you were writing. Seriously, dude, it had no promise; it sucked and I didn't want to read another word of it.


Matt Myers - I've never actually met someone who's such a prototypical example of a lame-ass emo kiddy as you. I honestly wish you were still around, because I'd enjoy studying you not unlike a person performing an autopsy.


GOdrea - You are the single most strange and bizarre person I've ever met, online, in the fed, or anywhere, and that speaks volumes. I had to make sure you were included here somewhere.



It's been real. All of you... adieu.



Edited by Danny Dubya v 2.0

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Feel the love. :wub:


I'm looking at you in chat right now yet I'm posting this here. Too lazy to switch windows, be I. For a friendship that started as bizarrely as ours, it's been fun. From the humble beginnings of anime and hentai like Magical Kanan, to doujins of skullfucking, to the monstrosities of Nemesis and Suma ("Oh, he's sucked her intestines out. Lovely."), we're somehow still friends. Shocking, really.


As for the Dante Crane angle, well, you paid me off for it ;) so there's no real need to apologise there. The Gladiators match was a hoot to write with the fucking bird anyway. And Ebony... well... she'll keep stalking her prize. I might even do that random piece of fiction involving Ebony and a furry Annie one day.


I'll still see you in chat and on AIM, of course, considering I'm a retired bastard as well.




P.S Fuck you for Geki Teikoku Kagekidan, too. :D

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Can't believe it took you over a year to actually start contributing anything. In any case, I won't pretend to have any idea how good/bad you've been to the fed, and skip the bullshit.


I can't believe you got me hooked on the freakin' NHL, either. I live in Adelaide, where it never gets under 5/6 degrees C, even on the coldest winter night. Still, I'm rather glad you did. :D


And Yahoo Pool was just depressing at times... Least now anything resembling Java causes my computer to crash - no more thrashings!


Not sure while I'm typing this since I'm in chat with you, but... Uh... Yes.


Well done.

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I can't believe you lost to Frost 7 times.


Wait, 8, sorry.


But seriously, you're one of a kind, and I'll miss your prescence around the fed while I try to motivate myself to use some of that wasted talent.


Do try and hang around a bit.

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Zed was pushy about my early direction? :huh:


Seriously, I don't remember that. I mean, I remember people discussing in chat about how there were NO heels, and I started a private conversation with you and went "Should i turn heel" and you went "yes". Apart from that...


Anyway, seriously it is a DAMN shame to see you go. You were always really helpful to me with my matches and direction, even if you did tell me that I should still be languishing in the midcard on merit and that the only reason I'm in the main event is that you put me there. But hey, I'm there, I don't really care how. :)


I really hope you do stick around, to talk to and discuss things with even if completely unrelated to the SWF. One of my major regrets is that I don't have AIM and therefore can't talk easily to some of the people I want to most. Ah well, I'll just stick to MSN I guess.


And finally, may i say that of all the Commissioner/GM/Owner figures in any fed i've ever seen, the Alex Zenon one was the most balanced and realistic to my eyes.

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Awwww... *blushes*



I promise I'll get that lemon to you, Zed. And it is too bad I'm straight, because you are a fine upstanding young man. You'll get your girl someday, and Goddess willing, so will I :-D



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it is too bad I'm straight



Either a typo or a guilty secret. Let's have a quick think which is more likely.







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Guest Fire and Knives

And so it ends. All the good ones up and leave sooner or later while I take my three-to-five-month breaks. Shame.


I would attempt something meaningful here, but hey, fuck that - I'll catch you on AIM sometime this weekend and you know that as well as I do. Keep on with the keeping on.






(ppps. dude i'm so much higher than i was last time i got high)

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Well, it's a shame that I wasn't a benefit to the fed, but it's good to know that I COULD have been...ok, whatever.


Ummm...I never really cared whether you hated me or not, so whatever on that.


Your over-estimation of your importance is....in short...overwhelming, but I suppose we all have a skewed view of our own importance.


I will give you props for doing the head booker thing for however long it was...because that's something that not everyone can do, and even those who can, just don't want that responsibility or amount of work.


And I will give you props on your cards because they were generally well done and obviously well thought out.


I had more to say...but, well...yeah...I'm busy doing other things now.

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Aw damn, Z. Shame to see you go, etc. Of course, since a) I'm not currently active and b) I talk to you on AIM and in chat a reasonable amount, I'm not shedding any tears like I thought I'd be.


And Mike as head booker? Fucking sweet.

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Kibs, Janus, and you need to keep the unofficial Elitist Club alive, damn it. There were times when I despised you (actually I've liked you more since the verbal raping) and other times when you were one of my favorites. But whatever man, keep conscending Zed, keep conscending.


(pppps I'm fuckin' higher than I've ever been high. I'm like, whoa, high)

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Guest Suicide King



It occurs to me that I should add more. I was the one who picked Z to succeed me, and I can safely say that he hasn't let me down in the slightest. Of course, I haven't agreed with everything he's done. ;) Running the fed can be a difficult experience, and it takes a lot of insight to know when you can't do it anymore. We should all thank Z, not only for his great service to us in this silly little hobby of ours, but also that he had the insight to adequately prepare us for his absence. If MVS is half the commish Z was, we're in good hands.

Edited by Suicide King

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(pppps I'm fuckin' higher than I've ever been high. I'm like, whoa, high)

It just sounds silly when you do it. Sheesh.

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Damn you Z, for making me consider coming out of my perfectly good sulk and returning to active duty...


I would like to thank you personally for the kind words, and also for the best advice that I've ever received as a writer: to simply say fuck everyone who wanted me to change my writing style when I was in the JL. If I had tried to conform to the hardcore/striker/puro-influenced style everyone else was going with at the time, I never would have amounted to anything in the SWF.


... what made a person successful in the JL will make them successful in the WF. Period. Too many people try to change everything and fail badly.


:: kneels before Lord Zed ::


- Dub "Thanks a million" Cee


:: Dedicates his 2000th post to realitycheck ::

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I think it's high time we establish a new Kliq.


Down with the Edwin/King/X/Thugg lovefest.


Up with Zed/Thoth/Kibagami/MaybeTNTNotReallySure/OtherPeople!

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I like this new Kliq idea.



UP with Zed/Thoth/Kibagami/TNT/Tom.


...And since we need a sixth semi-reject not-full-member (Justin Credible)... let's get Strangler in on this too.



(ppppps what do you mean this hasn't been actual weed this whole time)

Edited by 5_moves_of_doom

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Back on topic. I'm glad I stopped in and saw this. Honestly, Z, you had the talent to do much in this fed as a writer. It was a shame it never happened for you. I'll always be disappointed that I never got to see Z as a champion. They know you were a good booker, but people won't know that you could beat anyone head-to-head when you showed. Those were my thoughts on the subject anyway. The skill was there, no denying that. We were never close friends, and you seemed to enjoy your internet power over me in chat a little too much, but I hope you've always known that I thought you could've been the best writer the fed ever had. Better than ELM and HVT. Better than Raynor and Edwin. And even better Tom... and I respected Flesher's skills so much that I always jobbed to him, even though I was and still am, clearly better...


To keep up appearances and all that.


A lot of people helped me become a better writer, but honestly who would think that something so insignificant as 'green as grass' would've given me a character direction and motivation to prove the idea wrong. It put me in my place. I have a lot of good and bad qualities, but I know two things for certain about myself. I have a good mind for wrestling. I just get wrestling sequences and counters and talking them out with Tom helped me learn to visualize that. The other thing I know is that, even in this paragraph about being humbled, I'm still cocky. And having somebody tell me, even in jest, that I wasn't good enough to be writing against them, was the driving force behind getting me through the JL. Hell my entire character was based around being held down and not respected, until I started to get that respect from other writers, including yourself. Whether you believed that statement or not, it made me improve, so thank you.


I'm sure you'll think I'm a douche for mentioning this but, well, now that hockey is dead and buried I'd like to say ONE LAST TIME that John Leclair was the best player ever in the NHL.

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You know, I've got to agree with Munich here.


I was so stoked to get Z in the Carnival during that big bad bump of '02. Sure, Frost always kinda owned him, but goddamn if I didn't see him bubbling with creativity. We wanted this guy like nobody else. After getting so involved in Wargames, I was sure he'd be rocking everyone's faces off by the end of the year. Ultimately, he left not too long after I did, and then came back to writing for a brief stint. No titles, not enough glory. How great it was, though, to see him turn into one of the fed's greatest-ever public servants. Looking back, it's not too surprising - of course the guy who lurked for an epoch and watched us even when he wasn't writing would be good at the booking thing. I can't think of anyone in the fed who's had a career like, except maybe for what Galatea did back at IGN - write only for a little while, and basically administer the rest of his time here.


He also gets an honorary "I Survived a Silent Storyline" t-shirt. Them things take balls and gall. Cheers to the guy who gutted out late-nite cards like none other.

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Guest vitriol

What can I say, Z? In all the times I talked to you, I can honestly say that I never had a problem with you. That says a lot, I think, considering how easily I've been known to clash with people and fly off the handle. You did a lot of good for the fed and you're a good guy. Best of luck in all your future endeavors.


I also find it highly amusing that you refer to me as an odd one in comparison to all the other odd fucks that have graced this federation :)

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TNT, damn straight you're including me.


Well, Mr. Zed, I've gotta say that you did a hell of a job here. From me throwing cabbages at you to begging for title shots. It's amazing how that goes, isn't it? You ended up doing a far better job than I could have ever done at the head booker job, and I'm glad you took it and ran with it. I mean, you never booked Hell In An Igloo. That's +10 points right there. I'm glad you enjoyed your time here, and I'm glad that you finally understand what I said when I retired. Sometimes, you just realize that there's nothing left to accomplish, and it's time to just move on with your life. You're obviously at that point now, and I'm sure the fed will miss you greatly. Still, make sure to have a good time in retirement.


I'm still not quite sure how a crazy optimistic bisexual liberal Red Sox fan from Boston ended up being good friends with a crazy cynical anime-loving conservative Oilers fan (who used to cheer for the Yankees) from Edmonton. However, that just seems to be the way that life works out. Just keep rockin' out, because you, my friend, are fuckin' metal.

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